Author Topic: Please help, kundalini is making me lose my mind.  (Read 2568 times)


  • Posts: 1
Please help, kundalini is making me lose my mind.
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2013, 11:08:36 AM »
I don't know that much about kundalini but  back in Nov I began having health complications I was under so much stress at the time that one day i felt a sharp pain i my heart  .I thought it might of been a heart attack which didn't make sence since i'm only 22 , I even went to the E.R because it felt so real . the doc told me that there was nothing wrong with me just anxiety ,he gave me something to calm me down and sent me home . at the time i knew nothing about kundalini or anything related to spirituality ,all I knew was that something wasn't right,( I'd like to point out that i do not meditate or practice any religions that would of sparked this ,it was completely random ). Later i found out that i had a kundalini crisis and everything can be traced back to that day when i got that chest pain .Well it's been a few months now and I still haven't gotten a grip on this i feel like i'm really close but  there's still something missing i don't believe my kundalini has risen completely  and that's where i need help .I have so many questions but i'll make this short .First I'd like to know if kundalini is permanent once it reaches the crown chacra ? because i've tried ayahuasca to help me better understand this and it seems like while i'm under the effects of ayahausca i know everything ,every question i have gets answered and there is no fear just understanding I wanna know if thats what happens once kundalini rises completely is that feeling and understanding permanent? .anyone who can help me contact me either here or by email i would appreciate your input  thank you .


  • Posts: 8
Please help, kundalini is making me lose my mind.
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2013, 10:29:32 PM »
Yes, Billin. It was developed by a dear friend, ho is also my ex husband, but that is not my bias. I have no idea how I would have navigated these past fifteen or more of kundalini without BodyTalk.

It really is the single most effective thing I have found to assist in kundalini emergency. It is now being embraced by leading quantum physicists who are delighted that finally someone has integrated their theories into a therapy.

In more recent years, because of my own struggles with kundalini John has placed particular focus on addressing Kundalini emergencies with BodyTalk. I don't know of another therapy that includes this focus. As far as help with kundalini Emergency is concerned I highly recommend finding an advanced BodyTalk practitioner who is trained in this aspect of the work.


  • Posts: 8
Please help, kundalini is making me lose my mind.
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2013, 04:16:03 PM »

I found a cure for all these symptoms you described, that worked for me. I had all of them for about 10 months! I didnt do anything about it, when finally recently I decided to do something about it.
I even had the edgy thing going where I felt a fear like I would hit someone near me but had no desire to.  I also had tinnitus and depression mind state.

Here's the link to the thread:

There's nothing to worry about, and forget about what mainstreamers label. email me if you like to.The mind has plasticity, and is not the real you.

Please help, kundalini is making me lose my mind.
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2013, 05:17:49 AM »
Hey everyone, thanks for all the great posts.  It has been a couple months now since I stopped all practices.  Most importantly, I do feel much more stable now.  In addition to all of the grounding practices I mentioned earlier, I have also had some other fundamental life changes.  
    I began taking effexor, but found after a few weeks of changing dose that 17mg was the sweet spot, which I believe must be considered a sub-therapeutic dose, or even an irrelevant dose (the average starting does is 75mg and then working up from there). I may discontinue the effexor soon.
   I am now further removed from the end of an anxiety provoking romantic relationship, which I believe helps assuage my feelings of panic.  
    I have also been seeing a Clinical Psychologist who is also a Zen Buddhist, and we have been focusing largely on existential psychotherapy (if you are interested in existential psychotherapy, see "Existential Psychotherapy" by Irvin Yalom, I have found it to be a fantastic help, and a great perspective on the "Witnessing" experience and how it has affected me).  This has probably been the best decision I have made in regaining stability. I am now modestly happy and functional, though the kundalini is still very present, especially physically.
       The interesting difference between how the kundalini was two months ago and how it is now is that the mental symptoms are what have largely subsided.  I still feel burning in my body and have ringing in my ears, but mentally I am much calmer.  I am no longer on edge and have not been emotionally overwhelmed for at least a month.  
     My next experiment will be starting up deep meditation three days out of the week (on days that I go for a run afterwards) in the mornings, starting at 12 minute sits. I am hoping at this point the meditation will help me continue to calm down both mentally and physically.

    Thanks again for all of the great participation in the thread and peace be with you.