Author Topic: Long Term Relationship & Yoga  (Read 4226 times)


  • Posts: 1673
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2011, 06:26:02 PM »
Originally posted by tonightsthenight

Karl, you totally lost me on that one!

Apologies, I just threw you the advanced swimming book [:I] you can read it when you get to the shore.

Be as you are.


  • Posts: 822
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2011, 05:32:33 AM »
maheswari and Jeff,

I would tend to say that the ecstasy is not always there.

for example, i am ill currently and my body truly feels terrible. or another, in the moments before massive ego death, one only feels death coming, and ecstasy is not a part of that.

the ecstasy of Life going on is always there, but we are individuals as well as universal consciousness.

Karl, i agree with you to an extend. however, we create stories for a reason... we are naturally inclined to do this. you imply that this is not a healthy part of life, whereas i would say that we simply abuse this ability rather than use it in the way that is meant.

i have had glimpses of the stories beyond this lifetime... many people have.

our ultimate story, in fact, is finding our way back home. god, or us, or whatever, created this whole drama!


  • Posts: 971
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2011, 06:18:50 AM »
Originally posted by maheswari

The ecstasy is like the silence, always there. Just sometimes harder to notice. It is more often noticed around the obstructions/issues.

dear Jeff can you explain this further?thx

Sure. The silence and energy go together.  The energy & silence are always there, but most just dont notice it. As you build a "bubble of silence", you become more able to notice things (including the energy) from the silence. Energy is more easily noticed around "energy obstructions". It often feels like vibrations.  The obstructions are the same as attachments (or unconscious issues). So Kundalini energy events are often associated with the release of major obstructions. Hence, lots of pain going through the issue/event.   As obstructions are removed (not fun[:)]), more energy can flow freely, which is the same a greater mind clarity.

Just as with the silence, the energy is always there. It is just about paying attention to the moment.



  • Posts: 971
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2011, 06:35:28 AM »
Originally posted by karl

Originally posted by tonightsthenight

Karl, you totally lost me on that one!

Apologies, I just threw you the advanced swimming book [:I] you can read it when you get to the shore.

Be as you are.

Or, you could work on the book...

Have a good weekend.



  • Posts: 2294
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2011, 06:48:20 AM »
so even when the energy is not being worked out [B)] nor easily circulating with lots of bliss and mental clarity,still the energy is is me that is not aware of it...
it makes sense cause energy like Lavoisier says 'Nothing gets lost, nothing gets created, everything gets transformed"
i do feel inner silence,and ecstasy  but on and off like Tonightisthenight....although i know that silence is always present i never thought the same applies to energy....something to keep in my mind[:)]
as for obstructions being cleared out ...well those are easily felt..sometimes it so strong it feels like ego dying [B)]
thank you Jeff[:)]


  • Posts: 1673
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2011, 08:05:11 AM »
Originally posted by tonightsthenight

Karl, i agree with you to an extend. however, we create stories for a reason... we are naturally inclined to do this. you imply that this is not a healthy part of life, whereas i would say that we simply abuse this ability rather than use it in the way that is meant.

i have had glimpses of the stories beyond this lifetime... many people have.

It's very healthy, it is creation unfolding,  it's the attachment that causes the suffering. When the witness is present it helps to view your reactions with little attachment, at the source there is no suffering because there is no attachment. Alternatively put yourself totally in Gods care.

Using time line therapy I experienced a glimpse of a past, the emotion around the event - anger- became a crutch in the now and took some work to persuade me to let go of it. That's incidental but you mentioned it.


  • Posts: 405
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #51 on: December 08, 2011, 01:52:11 AM »

Love is of 3 types.
1.Satvik Love:Its a love in which one person loves another unconditionaly and doesnt expect anything back.

2.Rastik Love:Its a love in which its like business if you love me then I love you.Otherwise lets go apart.

3.Tamsik Love:Its a sadistic kind of love where one person can kill their loved ones. eg.the terrorists they have love for some ideals which makes them do the destruction and become sucide bombers.

And there is another kind of Love which is Divine Love its the ultimate love.

Love n Light


  • Posts: 26
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #52 on: December 20, 2011, 07:12:05 AM »
When I first got into Zen and yoga I thought that my marriage and my children were going to be a hinderance to my progress. That was because I had the wrong idea about what enlightenment is.

Now I understand that enlightenment is not freedom from attachment and desire. It is possible to be fully awake and still have strong attachments and aversions. The difference is that an awakened person recognizes those attachments and desires for what they are ... expressions of self that are seeking healing and love.

If you feel a strong desire to be in relationship with another person, then you should not try to supress that simply because of an idea that enlightened people should be free from attachments. If your soul is moving you toward something, it is because there is opportunity there for self discovery and healing on some level.

Personally, I always felt that it was important for me to stay in my marriage. The pain in my marriage was the catalyst that led to my awkening, and yet, even in the deepest dark of those painful days, the idea of leaving the marriage did not resonnate with me.

Now I can look back and see that my wife was my greatest (unconscious) teacher in this world. My relationship with her brought me into direct contact with the aspects of myself that needed healing. I was willing to stay with her, and work with those painful emotions and experiences, so the healing was able to occur.

Now my marriage reflects the degree to which I have healed myself. It is so much happier and more joyful. There are still things to work on, but the sun is shining in this marriage again.

I think that many people ignore the left hand path of Karma Yoga becuse it is sometimes chaotic and unpredictable. They would rather work in the controlled and relatively safe world of the right hand path. However, it is my firm belief that when you are willing to enter into relationship with an open heart, and an open mind, you can achieve incredible progress through karma yoga. We all think karma is such a bad thing, but it can be the most incredible teacher. It allows you to meet yourself face to face in the form of other people.


  • Posts: 161
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2012, 07:17:35 PM »
Originally posted by Louie


I think that many people ignore the left hand path of Karma Yoga becuse it is sometimes chaotic and unpredictable. They would rather work in the controlled and relatively safe world of the right hand path. However, it is my firm belief that when you are willing to enter into relationship with an open heart, and an open mind, you can achieve incredible progress through karma yoga. We all think karma is such a bad thing, but it can be the most incredible teacher. It allows you to meet yourself face to face in the form of other people.

Wow that sounds great Louie - awesome! My partner is also my best teacher! He shows me...myself.....

David Schnider

  • Posts: 1
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2012, 07:43:31 AM »
have you tried this hatha yoga stouffville?


  • Posts: 136
Long Term Relationship & Yoga
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2012, 12:11:36 PM »
Please forgive me if this doesnt resonate with your idea of how marriage/partnership works. When in a relationship, one person gets on to yoga and the other doesnt that does create a highly polarized environment. At times the person into yoga could really be sensitive/child like and at these times the one who is not into yoga is able to offer some protection or offer some grounding in the society. Other times, the person who isnt into yoga doesnt "listen" yells and displays all drama that is usual for most people. This is OK too, didnt mean to make it as a complaint.

But there is this one real unfortunate thing that happens, the person that is onto yoga, has moved away from the past and to the most part a transformed being, leaving the other a bit vulnerable as they are still stuck with the past and all the expectations that come with it. At times thus it does appear there is a very high chance for breakup. But one who realized might as well stay in it. If all of it is a scenery and sex has nothing to do with love. One could offer themselves in at most devotional way for the other being regardless of whether they have the same connection or not. I know it is possible, but as we are all human, at times the question keeps coming... but why not be free? (with the understanding that any relationship, marriage or living together is merely a social arrangement)