Author Topic: Shaktipat  (Read 4341 times)


  • Posts: 1
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2011, 05:38:36 PM »
Namaste...kannada.thanks for your explanation to shaktipata.Iam initiated by sidhguru in india and practicing sadhana for last 10 years

some fellows are making joke of this
 i am sure that this path is spreading all over planet through gurus like you. Thanks...



  • Posts: 27
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2011, 08:20:35 PM »
Hi Sur,

People always laugh at what they don't understand. When they understand the laughter soon stops.

Reikilove - I am now doing distance initiations. When you turn 21 I will be happy to help you. My site:

My site is soon to be reborn, the new site will have a forum so candidates can meet some of my initiates to find out directly from them what they are experienceing. Initiates too can share their experiences with each other.

All the best
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 09:23:25 PM by kannada »


  • Posts: 525
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2011, 04:34:37 AM »
Hi Reikilove,

Shaktipat can be of some help but dedicated daily spiritual practices are the ones that lead to a stable realization and kundalini awakening.

There are a good practices laid out in the AYP system for bringing up the kundalini. I would recommend starting with Spinal Breathing Pranayama and then adding the below in this order

- Sambhavi & Mulabandha
- Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka
- Dynamic Jalandhara or Chin pump
- Spinal Bastrika
- Asanas with Navi Kriya & Nauli and Forced Breathing out

All the above practices will bring up the kundalini and in a much more stable way.

The Deep Meditation, Samyama are the ones that address the Shiva or inner silence part of it and help in leading to the merging of shakti & shiva and enlgitenment.

- Near


  • Posts: 264
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 03:52:13 PM »
Originally posted by kannada
I do agree with you about the usage of Shaktipat. Firstly there seems to be a gross misunderstanding of what Shaktipat is. On my site I define what Shaktipat isn’t. I said...

“What isn't Shaktipat?
Shaktipat is the transmission of a conscious, living, intelligent force that is self directing and operates wholly independent of both the initiators and initiates mind. It is not a blind energy that is willfully directed here or there. Healing modalities and/or practices that use consciously directed Chi or Prana should not be confused with  Shaktipat.”

Many confuse Shaktipat with prana transmissions that happen in ‘healing’ sessions. Or vibes ‘sent’ from one person to another to boost energy for a certain purpose. Many confuse Reiki for Shaktipat too. They are not the same.

Do you consider a dzogchen initiation or a sufi initiation to be same experience as shaktipat initiation ?



  • Posts: 27
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2011, 02:40:51 AM »
Hi Albert,

I would not pretend to know about Tibetan Buddhism, I have only read a few books about it (Namkhai Norbu and Sogyal Rinpoche) so I would not attempt to compare the two systems. What I can say is that there is a fundamental difference between Shaktipat Diksha and any teaching method, be it Tibetan Buddhism, any other form of Buddhism, Hinduism in all its many different forms, Christianity, Islam etc etc.

The fundamental difference is that all the above are teachings, the student of any of those paths needs to learn the basic principles of his chosen teaching, the fundamental rationale of why the teaching exists in the first place, the means of attainment, the steps required in order to attain the given goal of the particular teaching and the recognition of the goal when it is attained.

Shaktipat Diksha in it's purest form is solely initiation based, it has no need of any teaching and there is no need to learn any steps of attainment, nor is there even a requirement to learn exactly what goal is to be attained (though, of course most candidates believe they understand the 'goal'). The candidate receives initiation, the kundalini shakti is awakened by the shaktipat diksha, the initiate then undergoes a multitude of manifestations though s/he has no idea what the significance of those manifestations are meant to be. As the normally outflowing currents of prana are diverted up through shushumna the initiate then attains the spontaneous peace of samadhi and so on.

It is a pity however that Shaktipat is not initiated in it's purest form, it is usually 'packaged' with a belief system that makes it appear as if dependent upon that system - Shaktipat Diksha is never dependent on any system, on the contrary belief systems arise in order to attempt to explain it's workings. I do not offer a set of beliefs along with initiation. I feel that the candidate / initiate is already overburdened with a network of beliefs that burden, rather than assist.

All the best


  • Posts: 971
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2011, 03:07:37 AM »

From your perspective, is there any meaningful difference in the way that Kundalini is initiated? Shakipat or spontaneous?

« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 03:14:02 AM by jeff »


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2011, 03:32:55 AM »
Hi Jeff,
I don't know what 'spontaneous' initiation is. Shaktipat Diksha is the 'coming together' (by a variety of means) of initiator and candidate for the purpose of initiation. That is usually arranged beforehand.



  • Posts: 264
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 05:28:08 AM »
From teachings I've received from Tirth lineage on Siddha Maha Yoga, there are three ways to awaken kundalini 1) through penance (own's effort as in yoga) 2) through shaktipat from an authentic guru 3) God's grace or chance (at birth, by dream, gained from previous life activation)

I've not read any Swami Muktananda books but at some point, records indicate that he was helped by Tirth lineage via animated book "yoga vani" written by Swami Shankar Purushottam so I would say case 2 or 3

In Shakti, Albert


  • Posts: 971
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2011, 06:00:16 AM »

Sorry about the confusion, i meant as Selfonlypath stated, do you perceive a difference once the Kundalini is active? Is shakipat somehow different than Selfonlypath's 1 or 3 examples?

Thanks again.


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2011, 11:35:45 AM »
Hi Jeff,
Shaktipat is the wilful initiation of initiator to candidate. This causes a multitude of experiences in the new initiate to happen all under the guidance of the initiators shakti.

Albert correctly differentiates shaktipat from re-incarnate awakening and ones own efforts. One's own efforts have nothing to do with shaktipat whereas re-incarnate awakening may or may not be due to shaktipat from a previous life, unless the symptoms of that re-incarnate awakening are the same as the initiates then it may be assumed that the re-incarnate awakening too was a product of previous efforts in a previous life and nothing to do with diksha.

There are numerous methods that awaken kundalini that are not related to shaktipat, in all of them some form of external guidance is required both for the aspirants safety and the attainment of his/her purpose. Shaktipat is fundamentally different to this whereas a controlling mechanism is implanted into the subtle body of the initiate that perfectly controls the whole process in accordance with its hosts samskaras, vasanas and current karma.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 12:24:25 PM by kannada »


  • Posts: 346
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2011, 01:41:09 PM »
Hi Kannada, I noticed you are from Melbourne. I was curious if you know Swami Shankaranada? I was at the Shiva Ashram two weeks ago doing a week long meditation retreat. I received Shaktipat while I was there. The experience was extremely powerful and uplifting. I've been back home in Japan for two weeks, but I can still feel the effects from the Shaktipat. I also received Diksha from a friend of mine in the States about 4 years ago and experienced an amazing Kundalini Awakening.

For anybody out there thinking about receiving Shaktipat or Diksha, all I can say is if you find someone that can do it I highly recommend it.


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2011, 02:32:49 PM »
Hi Steven,

I know of Swami Shankarananda, I met him briefly in the seventies. It is good that you received some positive experiences from the shaktipat. My suggestion for what its worth is keep working at it, it will reward you well.

All the best


  • Posts: 264
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2011, 05:44:06 PM »
There have been very few threads discussing shaktipat or siddha maha yoga, one of them being

One AYP member RIPITZ whas posted many wisdom info on shaktipat for long time.

The subject is really tricky with many corrupted lineages or misunderstanding on what is authentic shaktipat versus so much new age stuff including reiki.

To my knowledge, if someone claims to shaktipat initiates, (s)he should be able to document the Siddha Maha Yoga swami lineage plus must have received a special transfer from the swami in order to be an autonomous siddha in order to prevent any unresolved karmic issues contaminating all diskha receipients.

Wether shaktipat or other methods to awaken kundalini, I feel the spiritual path can be described as follows

Step 1: a person thinks only space-time exist so they are stuck in Maya or illusion.

Step 2: a person starts to have some mystic & spiritual awakening experiences proving other planes beyond Maya exists (external level). Progressively, the person learns how to connect at will in these other planes & do energy work. At some point, ego tricks the person making her believe she has reached enlightment or self-realisation, mainly due to minor siddhis or psychic powers acquisition. This should be more a phase of purification, detox & learning how to handle more mystic energy. Sometimes one can have a little glimpse of Kundalini (K) but this is not controlled or by intent.

Step 3: a person really awakens partially K (internal level) having sometimes a glimpse of next stage wich is Rigpa. Many again get stuck by their ego observing stronger siddhis making them believe they are fully enlightened not realizing K is just intermediate stage to prepare for Rigpa. Best to meditate & open more sushumna (central channel) to have more K (ascension and descension) for later go after Rigpa.

Step 4: the person experience partial Rigpa (secret level) then will meditate more to finally be able to remain in Rigpa 24h/24 even without meditating. Again, ego debris can make the person think to be fully realized at this stage but she is not.



  • Posts: 3597
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2011, 08:47:21 PM »
There are many, many threads discussing shaktipat. Click on "search" above, and search for "shaktipat".
There are 10 pages of links on this subject just using that spelling of shaktipat.


  • Posts: 264
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2011, 05:51:29 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish

There are many, many threads discussing shaktipat. Click on "search" above, and search for "shaktipat".
There are 10 pages of links on this subject just using that spelling of shaktipat.

Well I've never had any computer science issue in using searches on any forums worldwide [:p]

Most of these threads you mention do not adress the real nature of shaktipat aka siddha maha yoga