Author Topic: Shaktipat  (Read 4343 times)


  • Posts: 5
« on: March 24, 2011, 08:01:36 AM »
Awakening my Kundalini has been a major goal in my life for years now.  I am 100% serious when I say this is my biggest goal in life.  i want to truly awaken Shakti and go through all of the stages and eventually unite her with Shiva in my crown, and be able to give shaktipat to others and assist them to awskening to there divinity as well.
Yes I do know of all of the risks and different situations awakening Shakti can bring.   Ive been reading on Kundalini for 5 years  and I know all about it and accept it. It is what I wish.
 I accept all of this and I accept the Change Shakti Could bring to myself,my life, and my conciousness. I will truly not be happy in this life untill I begin this journey and
light the spark of my own Kundalini And the flame of my own conciousness, my own Divinity. I am willing to change myself and my life for this experience. I am willing to do all that Goddess Shakti requires of me.
I will fully abide by her Rules, and understand that she know me and who I am more than I do myself. I also understand that once she peeks her head up and awakens from her deep slumber, That there is no turning back. I do understand that My life will completely change as she crawls up awaiting to reunite with Lord shiva at the thousand pettled Lotus

I ask,  Is there any one here with an active kundalini who would bestow Shaktipat on me?


  • Posts: 92
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 09:26:49 AM »
Master Chrism can bestow this.

My best wishes.



  • Posts: 383
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 11:29:08 AM »
Hi Reikilove

If you haven't already this lesson may give some more info

Following these lessons here will awaken your kundalini. With sensible self pacing of practices kundalini will not be something that will drastically change your life. It will drastically change your life, but at a comfortable rate; you will be in control.

It sounds like you have a lot of bhakti, you have come to the right place!


  • Posts: 5
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 12:11:41 PM »
namaste! Thank You!


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 09:59:12 PM »
If anyone who lives in Australia requires Shaktipat initiation I would be happy to help. Please visit my site for details...


  • Posts: 6
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 01:55:28 PM »
howmany types of shaktipaat are there


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 10:40:25 PM »
There are said to be seven levels of shaktipat ( but I dispute that. From my practice and experience there is only one Shaktipat Diksha. There are numerous 'levels' of experience depending on the maturity of the initiate but only one initiation. Perhaps you might like to read my website.


  • Posts: 336
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 12:16:37 AM »
I'd ask these questions to yourself, if I were you:

1) Who is it that gives Shaktipat?
2) Who is it that receives Shaktipat?
3) Do you really want to lock yourself into this karmic role?
4) I do not mean to be a downer, but improperly given Shaktipat
   can kill, or cause a great illness in the recipient.

Have you mastered the practice of neti? neti?
Can you look upon a person and see that you and they are one,
and at the same time you are not even yourself?

Giving Shaktipat as an isolated ego would lock you into a chain
of events you might find unpleasant. I speak from personal experience on this matter.

Now, it is not for me to advise anyone as a guru. But I can quite safely relay information about my own past folly, and others can use that as one data point on their own path.

In my experience, the best Shaktipat is the kind which emanates from an enlightenend nervous system, and one in which the vessel does not overt actions. Overt actions, unless an instinctual reponse, are ego-centered actions.

An enlightened person finds themselves acting, without personal volition, when they do actions of significance, and are not just playing. If Shaktipat is given from the perspective of personal volition and not as an automatic outpooring, it is not Shaktipat at all, but just harmful delusion.

This is my input, from my experience of being a fool for a very very long time.

Now as to the great desire to be a vehicle for divine grace; that is
why we are all here, and I wish you the safest and most joyous journey, which focuses upon that, rather than any particular technqiue or outcome. Isolated egos choose paths; the inner guru will always lead you in a surprising direction. If things proceed according to your expectatons, then the inner guru may not be involved. If enlightenment wasn't surprising, it wouldn't be enlightenment.



  • Posts: 27
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2011, 09:42:13 PM »
Hi Kev,
Not sure who you're referring to but if it's me don't worry. I've been initiating for over 30 years now. Haven't lost a single initiate yet, they haven't gone mad either...
As for the other things you mention, there are too many inconsistencies to reply too. Advaitins refer to Non-duality, not 'oneness'. The term Ahamkara should be used, not 'ego' which is a Freudian model of personality. Shaktipat is always 'given properly', whatever that is supposed to mean. etc etc...


  • Posts: 336
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2011, 03:59:13 AM »
Originally posted by kannada

Hi Kev,
Not sure who you're referring to but if it's me don't worry. I've been initiating for over 30 years now. Haven't lost a single initiate yet, they haven't gone mad either...
As for the other things you mention, there are too many inconsistencies to reply too. Advaitins refer to Non-duality, not 'oneness'. The term Ahamkara should be used, not 'ego' which is a Freudian model of personality. Shaktipat is always 'given properly', whatever that is supposed to mean. etc etc...

I am unnecessarily rough at times; some of it is just my
natural exuberance, but some of it is incorrect behavior.
I would ask your pardon if I inappropriately offended your

I will say however, that many people giving shaktipat
have no business doing so. I am in no position to judge
over the internet who is and who isn't; even if I wanted
to judge, which I don't.

From my perspective, the true shaktipat is to show loving
kindness and humor in such abundance, that all around you
are uplifted.

This method creates no karma. Nearly all other shaktipat
creates massive karma, for the person giving and the
person receiving. It is such a basic obvious fact.

Now as Yogani has stated, an enlightened person does
not care how much karma they create. They do not care
if they will spend all eternity in matter, to cleanup
after their actions.

They act as the One; he also does not care that His
actions are the result of perpetual form arising from

So my dear brother/part of me/i'm part of you/ there
is no separation between us--Kannada; if you want to
give shaktipat,then I would not dream of saying you
personally should not do it.

Oh- I must say though, whenever I hear this line from

"As for the other things you mention, there are too many inconsistencies to reply too"

It makes me howl with joy. That's a form of Marvin the robot,
from "Hitchhikers Guide" saying, "Your intellect is so feeble
compared to mine, it gives me a HEADACHE thinking down to your
pitiful level"

On these forums, none of us have the luxury to spend the 50 pages
it might take to properly frame our position for all possible
audiences. So it's really silly to get all in a huff about anything
one reads on this forum.

I'd love to meet you sometime. Your dedication is admirable.
I would dearly love for you to give me Shaktipat; I would
love to see what blessings may ensue. I'm not teasing.
I would love to see you perform Shaktipat on me.
It would be good for my research project.

I am your brother,

Kevin Cann
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 07:11:21 AM by kevincann »


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2011, 11:57:50 PM »
Hi Kev,
I will pardon you if you will pardon me...
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa:
I am always amazed yet never surprised how forum posts are interpreted and misinterpreted and admittedly I do my share of misinterpretation too but please do not over-exaggerate my statements. I was not assuming your intellect to be “feeble” or assuming your “level” to be “pitifull”. Neither was I in a “huff” at your previous post. I was simply pointing out that I understand the Dharma teachings in a certain way whereby using Sanskrit words which brim over with meaning will guide the seeker aright  whereby the English ‘equivalents’ quite often miss the point entirely.

The practice of such conversions from any language to English is called Anglicization. I do hope that all seekers of Dharma take great care in understanding and using the original Sanskrit, rather than the more misleading English equivalents, they will be greatly rewarded. There are many Sanskrit / English dictionaries on the web and aspirants can easily look up the words meanings. There are far too many words to mention but ‘ego’, ‘karma’, ‘samadhi’, ‘nirvana’, ‘mukti’ and yes indeed Shaktipat’ are a few of the many that fail correct interpretation and consequently fail correct understanding.

I do agree with you about the usage of Shaktipat. Firstly there seems to be a gross misunderstanding of what Shaktipat is. On my site I define what Shaktipat isn’t. I said...

“What isn't Shaktipat?
Shaktipat is the transmission of a conscious, living, intelligent force that is self directing and operates wholly independent of both the initiators and initiates mind. It is not a blind energy that is willfully directed here or there. Healing modalities and/or practices that use consciously directed Chi or Prana should not be confused with  Shaktipat.”

Many confuse Shaktipat with prana transmissions that happen in ‘healing’ sessions. Or vibes ‘sent’ from one person to another to boost energy for a certain purpose. Many confuse Reiki for Shaktipat too. They are not the same. Shaktipat can only be given by one who has undergone initiation by a competent initiator who has also undergone his/her own initiation. Even after initiation one must wait until ones own Shakti has built up to a sufficient strength which may take years or lifetimes. Love and kindness are wonderful qualities that everyone should develop but alas, they are not Shaktipat.

The universe arises, sustains and subsides therefore karma is inescapable for the universe and its inhabitants regardless of whether they are competent or incompetent to initiate candidates into Shaktipat Diksha. The Nirvani (Jivanmukti, Dharmin) still undergoes the effects of karma but there is no identification with those processes that undergo such changes his/her karma is therefore ‘nishkamya karma’ or ‘no-doer’ karma. Technically it cannot be said that s/he has no karma for in the minds of the Jivanmuktas there is no held self concept, therefore no-one to accumulate further karma (sanchita karma).

I offer Shaktipat Initiation for those who feel the need to receive it in order to assist them in their spiritual development. Not for any other reason (research projects included hehe!). It profoundly affects the body and the mind of the initiate all of the day and night when it so pleases, so it is a very serious undertaking, not a toy. In those who give time to develop the process it will last a lifetime and beyond. It should never be treated lightly, it is only for serious aspirants. There are many other paths for those who prefer a less intense system, they should leave Shaktipat Diksha well and truly alone.

All the best
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 12:56:21 AM by kannada »


  • Posts: 336
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2011, 04:50:03 AM »

It is interesting that our views are closer than I first realized.
Considering that I have only memory of direct experience to guide me;
I have barely browsed the historical works.

On the whole initiation angle... i will leave that to you. It makes
me grit my teeth however. "Initiations" are a dime a dozen in this
world, and often cost far more than a dime.

I do not put you in that category.. it is very obvious that you are sincere and educated in these matters.

I'm just glad we can get along, that is a high priority for me.

All the best


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2011, 11:36:22 AM »
Of course we can get along Kev...

I agree with you about initiations and much of the nonsense that surrounds them. I call web initiations e-nitiations. This is what I was alluding  to earlier. That if a person investigates the true meaning of "Shaktipat" and "Diksha" they can make a choice based on knowledge not confusion or ignorance. I don't set a fee, I request a donation but only after the initiation, never before, I do my absolute best regardless of outcome. I also make it clear on my website that no-one should ever offer more than they can afford and that people should base their donations on what they feel the process is offering them. All the work that I do is based on trust and mutual respect. As I say on the site - Shaktipat is a sharing of gifts, it is not (and should never be) a charged service.

It is a pity that you only have the "memory of direct experience to guide you". Dharma practice is extremely simple and when realized - obvious. Dissolution into Dharma should not be a problem.  I am creating a new site that will put many of the teachings in correct perspective and modern context. At the moment the site has only just been started but even now there is much that will assist an aspirant of Dharma. I will place the link shortly...

Best wishes


  • Posts: 5
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2011, 02:32:27 PM »
Kannada,   Will you please bestow Shaktipat on me?


  • Posts: 27
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2011, 07:38:54 PM »
Hi Reikilove,
If you ever come visit Aussieland I'd be happy to meet you. I always work person to person, I need to meet the candidate and assess where they're coming from, what they understand shaktipat to be and generally assess their suitability. I also have a policy where you need to be over twenty one. There's a lot of nonsense floating around the web about shaktipat and kundalini. Check out my site and see what you think...

You should be able to find an initiator in the States though. Have you checked around?

All the best

« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 07:45:12 PM by kannada »