Author Topic: How to do nothing?  (Read 916 times)


  • Posts: 23
How to do nothing?
« on: March 04, 2011, 01:17:13 PM »
I have been asked to sit quietly,keep my brain outside my body,do nothing and let 'it' happen.
How am I supposed to do this?? Explain

And please explain me what vibrations are?


  • Posts: 383
How to do nothing?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 10:37:12 PM »
Well I am not sure how to keep your brain outside your body. It sounds kind of messy! And it could be dangerous.[:p]

If you are not using a mantra, or being aware of your breath then I am not sure if your meditation will be as effective.

I say this because in the past I have tried many techniques, but the one I have stayed with is

To let 'it' happen must mean to relax and any thoughts that come into your mind just ignore them, same with body sensations?? Sorry can't elaborate - not sure what you are being asked to do.

Vibrations are sensations you get from prana, or kundalini moving in different parts of your nervous system. It's burning the blockages away. Sometimes the whole body can vibrate which is nice!


  • Posts: 4947
How to do nothing?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2011, 01:20:12 AM »
Originally posted by gamefu

I have been asked to sit quietly,keep my brain outside my body,do nothing and let 'it' happen.
How am I supposed to do this?? Explain

Whoever asked you to do this ask them how to do it.[:D]

Here in AYP, we do not recommend trying such mind games... it becomes a futile exercise in frustration.

We suggest you practice some form of meditation and pranayama, (here in AYP we practice deep meditation and spinal breathing pranayama), cultivate inner silence and purify your nervous system... then we naturally come to a place of stillness, where our mind becomes still and then we do nothing and things unfold (happen) on their own.

Take a look at  this lesson on the stages of the mind:
Lesson 327 – The Evolutionary Stages of Mind
What they are asking you to do becomes clearer in stage 3 and natural around stage 4, but if you are in stage 1 or stage 2 and trying to do this, you are trying to understand and go beyond the mind with your mind. This is a game the mind loves to play, but it  will not help. You can only go beyond the mind in stillness. So better to do practices and allow this to unfold naturally.

Hope this helps.[:)]


  • Posts: 23
How to do nothing?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 04:44:44 AM »
By what are vibratons?,I meant what are the sensations/signals/symptoms of vibration?
Do we feel vibrations all over the body or at some important/specific points?
What does it mean when I feel vibrations? Does it mean that kundalini is rising?


  • Posts: 1264
How to do nothing?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 05:03:32 AM »
Originally posted by gamefu
What does it mean when I feel vibrations?

Are you feeling vibrations?  If so, where?  If so, what do you suppose it means?

At various times I have felt various vibrations in various places in my body.  It has not been unpleasant and sometimes it is pleasurable.  I do not worry about what it means.  I just observe.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 05:06:56 AM by bewell »


  • Posts: 971
How to do nothing?
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2011, 05:38:56 AM »

As Bewell said, many feel vibrations at various places on your body. For me, I first felt it at the back of my head and over time it has spread over the body.  The actual sensation differs depending on the intensity and perspective of the person. It has ranged from a light "tingling" to a heavy localized "shivering" that you may get when you are very cold. It is hard to describe but it is much softer and smoother than the tingle you feel when your arm falls asleep from laying on it. The sensation also has a feeling of "peace" associated with it for me. Some describe it more as "bliss".

Hope that helps a little.  It is not something you can read about and understand. Try following the path and experiencing it.

Peace & Love, Jeff


  • Posts: 674
How to do nothing?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2011, 12:40:03 PM »

if you have a strong subwoofer, then go to youtube and type in: "ultimate thx bass test" and choose one of the files and you will get to know what vibrations are =P

If not, perhaps any girl you know could show you a good vibrator. Ever having seen the movie: good vibrations? ^^


  • Posts: 422
How to do nothing?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2011, 12:44:20 PM »
Any girl you know?

A good vibrator??




  • Posts: 3597
How to do nothing?
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2011, 01:26:46 PM »
I have two vibrators, and I'm a guy! Both are much too strong for anything sexual - if you are trying to stretch tight muscles, heat and vibration helps.
But my cell phone on vibrate mode feels so much like K vibrations, I'm always stopping my work and putting my hand on my phone. Most of the time it's not my phone.


  • Posts: 674
How to do nothing?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2011, 01:54:59 PM »


  • Posts: 9
How to do nothing?
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2011, 08:17:42 PM »
Do nothing and let it happen, well its happening whether you do nothing or not, Id imagine, well actually thats BS, its just seems the way of it here. PLANET EARTH and all. I think what they mean, is to see that one is the thing that is happening, as in sitting, breathing, just being, thoughts etc, its all happening, and letting it happen is more akin to just letting it happen. YOU'VE GOT NO CHOICE, and you can resist, go kicking and screaming or you can see that whatever you do is what is happening. HENCE NO CHOICE. one can surrender to what is happening, but that surely is just a part of what is happening, and once surrendered, it goes on happening. IN OTHER WORDS< your screwed.[:)] STUCK,[:(!] NO ESCAPE BABY,[B)] sort of a thing. It usually hurts, and the more you resist, the harder it is, hence the idea of just let it happen. hahahhahaa. I know though that just letting it happen can be somewhat scary scary, and it aint easy this happening, but what do you do. (wink)