Author Topic: Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money  (Read 4488 times)


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« on: November 05, 2010, 12:48:31 AM »

I have a burning problem with repressed anger and my partner. It has to do with money also.

I feel a great amount of anger on the inside that does not find expression due to fear of rejection and/or conflict.

The surface situation to trigger this off is with my partner. She is in poor health and financial trouble. I am in financial hardship too but not to such asn extent as I work full-time whereas she is a student also doing part-ime work (and struggling with it).

She came down ill and the antibiotics the doctor gave her making her symptoms better but overall health deteriorate. We agreed I would order some special medicinals from America that are so-far appearing to help a lot. We agreed to go halves, or around halves, on the expenditure.

The products, shipping, plus unexpected customs charge mean this oder became some £110 or so in total. When asked what it would cost, I initially siad only £30-40. I said this out of fear. My real want was for £50. Later I mentioned perhaps needing more for it but she quickly and defencively mentioned new unexpected bills from the bank. So she did not pay the extra when I meekly asked fabout it.

She got paid from work last night, and she mentioned the bill again. I said "Yes, I remember you mentioning this bill when I was asking about money for the medicine, I originally said just £40 but maybe more would have been wlecome." or something equally ambiguous.

She ignored the comment, thoguh this morning, as I was running late for work, sghe suggested I just order a taxi. I said I did not have the money on me for one and she gave me some £20, saying thats enough for taxi and to bring some food back from work.

So, she either heard what I was saying and gave money towards, or was just generally being generous now she has been paid, tough still under stain.

Either way I feel a little relief that she offered some money, but still feel victimised and full of rage.

I want to call this peety of myself. At the same time I think I have a lifetime of unspoken wants and demands and it seems to be a very powerful trigger for my anger, which I constantly try to hide.

We are having a night in together tonight and I'm frightfully aware of how money discussions quickly lead to arguments between us.

Fear of opoverty, fear of not being 'respected' through the symbolic act of giving money, fear of conflict, etc.,

Any advice here? Is it wrong to be selfish after spending a life of trying to please people?

I should take this to my men's group on monday, but is there anything here to keep sane and keep us out of trouble tonight or over this weekend?

The ph7ysical anger is massive.

Please read this post in silence and let me know what you see.
I am often very generous with paying for meals, gifts, days out etc., But it is things where we agree to pay together, or agreed lends, etc., that really get my goat. Like it goes from 'giving' to 'agreement' and I become very uptight about it.

I am terrified to talking about this with her. We have had nasty fights in the past (mostly her doing the shouting)

Many thanks,



  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 01:55:00 AM »
The feeling itself is like a powerful energy, flavoured of anger and fear but just energy beneath... I can almost feel an opening beneath it but unsure how to proceed.


  • Posts: 1673
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 02:20:29 AM »
I have had a similar discussion with someone quite recently and reading your post gives me the same sense. The sense that you feel betrayed in some way ?

Is that what produces those feelings of anger ?


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2010, 02:23:03 AM »
When one has inward repressed anger and goes through kundalini purification, how the hell do you deal with it! Any little thing will set this volcano off!!

Stopped doing practices over a week ago, though had a 'zero balancing' session a few days ago - bone-deep structural and energetic release.


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2010, 02:27:41 AM »
Originally posted by karl

I have had a similar discussion with someone quite recently and reading your post gives me the same sense. The sense that you feel betrayed in some way ?

Is that what produces those feelings of anger ?

Betrayed or disrespected, yes. Like my needs are dismissed. Hurts the pride.


  • Posts: 4947
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 02:29:48 AM »
I wish I had a bit more time today to reply to this in detail. But I will try and give you a quick response, and if you have more questions please post them here. I am sure you will have replies from other too.

As you have said in your second post, "The feeling itself is like a powerful energy, flavoured of anger and fear but just energy beneath... I can almost feel an opening beneath it but unsure how to proceed."

The external circumstances can be just about anything, it really does not matter... this energy that you sense is what is important. This energy can be used spiritually. Not many are blessed by this... so you can take this energy and transform it into bhakti. Give this energy to you ishta, your stillness.
Here is something I had posted:
Anger is a very powerful emotion and most people try and suppress it. If however, you do have the opportunity to be alone during one of these anger flashes, try and feel the anger to it's fullest.. don't suppress it in any way. Feel it, but very important.. don't make a story of it. So, while you feel the anger, just feel the pure energy of the feeling, but don't let your mind attach stories like I am angry, I am angry because life in unfair, my sister is irresponsible, my friend should not have to suffer like this, my sister should not drink and drive, she should care about herself and others who love her.. etc.. etc.. etc. (OK, maybe you don't have any of these thoughts, they are just suggestions, so you get the idea the kind of stories the mind makes). Feel the energy to its fullest with every cell in your body and along with that take the anger and offer it to your ishta, to the universe, the truth, god, a friend, someone close to you.. whoever/whatever you can feel a connection with. Let the anger die off on it's own. It will. It may come back.. like a wave.. do the same again till it subsides.. and again if it comes back. Don't bring it up with thoughts.. let it come up on its own. After awhile you will feel the intensity going down, till you wont feel it any more. This will help you get over this purification faster and to it's fullest.

See if something in these topics help:

Also, do try "The Work" by Byron Katie. (the book is called "Loving What Is")


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2010, 02:31:54 AM »
Hi Jack,
If it is anger resulting from inner purification, then it will pass as the obstructions are cleared. It can take time though. Asana practice, running, swimming, climbing mountains, shouting (not at your girlfriend), these things can all help to dissipate the energy that can build up, and make the ride much smoother. Cutting back on practices is also a good idea, but I wouldn't stop practices altogether unless it is really necessary. Keeping some meditation happening each day can help, to develop silence.

In the meantime, it would be good to make sure you don't end up dumping stuff on your girlfriend. Maybe explain that your spiritual practices are causing you to be more irritable than usual at the moment, and that you don't want to get into arguments?


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2010, 02:52:40 AM »
The feeling itself is like a powerful energy, flavoured of anger and fear but just energy beneath... I can almost feel an opening beneath it but unsure how to proceed.

If you want to try something really hard, then here it is:

 The energy that you are talking about, and which you can feel, is the result of repeated contraction around the sense of a separate self. I am sure you are aware of this. Every painful experience causes it to build it's power and grow. Eventually it begins to spill over into anger, frustration etc. All the things you are experiencing.

The space that you can feel under it is the ocean of bliss, the witness, the Self. If you can meditate on the feelings (anger, resentment, fear etc) and go beneath the feelings to the experience of the pure energy vibration which is causing them, and then go deeper still, beneath the energy to the silent expanse of peace in which all energy moves, then the energy itself will be transformed.

But this is not easy to do, and requires a high degree of will, because you have to face directly, and move through some quite unpleasant sensations. The energy vibration that causes anger is more unpleasant to be with than the feeling of anger itself.

I mention this practice because it sounds like you want to work with it and transcend it. I have used this practice at times when I thought that nothing else would work. Miracles can happen. [;)]

Good luck


  • Posts: 971
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2010, 02:56:01 AM »

It sounds more like normal Ego stuff than purification.  You are trying to be a good guy with your partner (helping out financially) and just looking for some appreciation. Sounds logical, but ask yourself why you are uncomfortable with being honest about your financial situation.  AYP practices are great, but it is important to learn to be comfortable with yourself.

Namaste, Jeff


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2010, 03:19:38 AM »
Thank you all for the replies, both deeply transpersonal and more relative.

They're all relevent. But Jeff you seem on the most suitable wavelength to me today for this stuff.

I have explained my financial situation to her.. She gets it. But she is also worse off than me. I just have trouble asking for what I want. I resist being honest about this because I feel I will be rejected, shouted at, and labelled as being wrgongly selfish (a negative quality), petty and manipulative. I struggle with accepting parts of myself. I want to play safe and not rock the boat over £10. I suppose it is respect or appreciation, symbolised by money, I am wanting.

But to take it to the transpersonal depths, Christi and Shanti, excellent posts. I have great fear around going that deep and that is the crux of my spiritual challenge.



  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2010, 04:06:15 AM »
Any last words before I leave work to go home and see her?


  • Posts: 1673
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2010, 04:08:13 AM »
Originally posted by Jack

Originally posted by karl

I have had a similar discussion with someone quite recently and reading your post gives me the same sense. The sense that you feel betrayed in some way ?

Is that what produces those feelings of anger ?

Betrayed or disrespected, yes. Like my needs are dismissed. Hurts the pride.

So, thinking about that. Who is it that is doing the betraying ? Be honest when you dig into that question as the results might suprise you.

Read what Jeff wrote again. Ask why you are uncomfortable. Sometimes you have to let yourself learn to breath before you can begin the race.

There has been mention of letting the anger come and surrender to it without attaching thoughts. This is a great technique but it depends on your level of spiritual growth and can be more than a little scary if you are not ready.


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2010, 10:05:54 AM »
Who is it that is doing the betraying?

Well, when I think of the events happening, I feel a tug in my solar plexus and a feeling of 'attacked', 'betrayed', and 'shocked'

Who is it that is doing the betraying?

She is!

Who is it that is doing the betraying?

Memorising the actions that took place causes the feeling of betrayel, hurt and resulting anger to arise.

Who is it that is doing the betraying?

The hurt and anger occur within this consciousness.
Within this, there is a deep sadness.
Thoughts come up here, wanting to blame 'outside' for causing this sadness.
But this sadness is deep, subtle and pervasive, not exclusive to this situation but more universal somehow.

The thought comes up that I have betrayed myself, pride comes in and says I have betrayed myself by not speaking my truth.
Another voice says I have betrayed my partner by closing from love and honesty into an inauthentic, non-loving, passive-aggressive self-preserving lie. Guilt. Fear of being found out.

So here sits two answers..
"She is doing the betraying" - though now she even told me to keep the change from the taxi, is earning more tonight and saying we should get a few nice things from the city tomorrow.
"I am doing the betraying" - I feel like I have been prideful, and still am, not entirely sure what to do about it. Further down though I sense my own unlovingness and feel some shame around this. Like I have closed from love and am unsure how to open back up. And "Is it safe to open my heart again".

So its an interesting question, really..
Any help dialoguing through this?


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2010, 10:09:25 AM »
Why am I uncomfortable speaking honestly?

Because I am unsure of my correctness.
And because I am unsure, it is possible I will be proved wrong if I am to mention the subject.
And then I will be exposed wrong, idiotic, selfish and unnecessarily angry.
And then I will be shamed, my girlfriend will be angry and discord will arise.
Strain will be on the relationship, I will feel terrible and her also. Breakup. Seperation.

She will say something that makes sense about give and take, the big picture.. stuff I seem to forget in my dullheadedness.

I am uncomfortable with any potential conflict.


  • Posts: 309
Kundalini/Repressed anger, relationships and money
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2010, 10:45:23 AM »
Perhaps I have allowed myself to become depressed in life.

I don't often feel desire for her.
I feel a desire to do the practices.
The practices bring me some peace, but distance me from her and from life. Or perhaps that is my thinking.
I also lose my sex drive a little.. desire declines more.
This bodymind is often sexually dysfunctional anyway so..

Would love to practice and not require pseudo-personality to be content within a relationship where my sex is also energised and working well. Content with her.