Author Topic: Freedom  (Read 632 times)


  • Posts: 147
« on: May 23, 2010, 09:58:11 PM »
Ok this has probably nothing to do with enlightemend, but as it is an experience, i thought i post it here.

Im doing AYP since a few weeks, 2 weeks ago and i had this dream of beeing free... an undescribable feeling of beeing free. I barely could stand this feeling, as i had too cry so much in this dream.

Now, 2 weeks after i have these feelings of bliss and freedom, and the interesting thing about that (for my mind) is, that my mind has nothing to do with it! I couldnt explain myself where this bliss is coming from! Ok, probably it has something to do with the pranayama and the AYP practice, but there is no explanation for my mind, that would satisfy it.

It feels like my mind has nothing to do with anything. Its just there and talking all the time, with no real meaning.

Have you guys had so fast feelings of bliss (im only practicing once a day)? I wonder if it has something to do with the pranayama, as im meditating since 2 years but never had this feelings of bliss.



  • Posts: 831
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 10:29:22 PM »
Hi Panthau,

Beautiful experience [:)]

All the best [:)]



  • Posts: 4947
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 10:39:53 PM »
Hi Pan,
Beautiful experience indeed. [:)]

From what you have written it sounds like the witness state.
In the beginning it will come and go... to give you glimpses into the beauty of what lies ahead. As we meditate, we are tapping into the stillness that is us... and as layers of blocks falls off we get to experience living from this stillness, beyond the clutches of the mind.

Good things are happening. [:)]


  • Posts: 1201
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2010, 11:30:12 PM »
Beatiful experience P.[:)]

Its a very normal consecuence of ayp practices.The increasing inner silence (dm) and ecstatic conductivity (pranayama) melt in one same thing and produces it.In your situation i think its related more with the experience of inner silence.It comes from your eternal true self and not from the mind.Mind is only a little thing-machine compared with your inner self.

Otherwise i encourage you to continue with your practices like "brushing you teeth" cz all of this is considered as "scenary" at ayp.

What you have experienced (and are experiencing) is a glimpse of your true nature. Its normal to experience new wonderful things when we take our first steps with new powerful practices like ayp.With time it will get more stable but the development will be there always.Youll be blessed with more openings and glimpses along the way that will inspire you and keep you on the road to personal freedom.

Someday the glimpse will be permanent,cz all we are that.We are "cleansing the clouds" in the meanwhile[:)]

keep on with your practices,much more is for coming[8D]
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 12:42:30 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 147
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2010, 02:49:58 AM »
Thanks guys, of course ill keep on practicing, and inbetween im translating some ayp stuff to spread the word :)


  • Posts: 1201
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2010, 04:12:50 AM »

Thanks guys, of course ill keep on practicing, and inbetween im translating some ayp stuff to spread the word :)

Will bring you many blessings also.[:)]