Author Topic: Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka & Crown Activity  (Read 783 times)


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Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka & Crown Activity
« on: November 09, 2009, 03:13:38 PM »
I'm interested in experiences relating to delayed efffects with YMK(after practicing it, i mean), specificaly crown activity?

I have got this impression that there can be delayed & cumulative effects by addiing on additional practices,not least because they are cumulative and the sum of those parts always amplifies greater.So i think havearrived at this stable routine of the 2 core practices, DM & SbP.But when i add on YMK and practice for a few days 2 a day, i get an opening .But then i back off-i.e stop. But it is like when i add on one more practice there is an amplification of the sum.But i suspect because with YMK we create a stronger pull of prana like an upsurge, as a result of breath retention combined with the channeling effect of the mudras and bhandas employed in that routine.I suspect usage therefore could be sparingly. I suspect i have an under-sensitive system but i  because of the delay i immediately back off. And like the past week i did'nt practice at all.I was viewing it as prudent grounding/stabilisation..

But then it feels like with the stable platform i clearing obstructions much slower.I know how you feeel in dailylife is what counts.And i am going to try and ground between the openings.

I have also added on Samayama whichh seemed a subtle but sophisticated global purifier and acting on a deeper level like DM. Is(all) this foolish?.I practiced twice today with DM & SbP today but it just seemed when i add on more to the plate i am gettiing more of a taste of the efficacy and power of AYP. I find YMK gives  cleanses the nadis more strongly and that Samayama helps me to connect inner with outer( as well as transition out of Deep Meditation into daily life.)

From here then it looks like self-pacing is an art. Though i have rarely suffered from overload or imbalance. And i don't think i have tipped over the scales yet.

Alot of obstructions have been cleansed although enrgetically i don't think i'm entirely balanced.I've always been one to err on the side of caution when it comes to yoga.And am not afraid. Should i be?[:o)]

Because we are going third-eye and below  it seems safe-ish.My obstructions are possibly mainly the first 3 chakras- svadisthana and manipura and to some extent muladhara regarding the legs and my ability to feel grounded.And the chin pumps with YMK have helped loosen the neck region somewhat which has on those occassions help free up the flow of prana/K/ecstatic conductivity further up and down the spinal collumn.

I know the line here is to  go easy.

Feel free to comment. I am specifically talking here of experiences relating to delayed crown activity like after a couple of days, like 2 days say, of practicisg YMK.

I am just exploring a fuller plate .But perhaps self-pacing is a bit like a see-saw in this regard or a sensitive pair of scales.. Not just the added power of the extra practices in themselves,the relative newness of them, but the amplification effects, the sum being greater than the respective parts.

Brief background:-I had a lot of opening with the DM for first six weeks here (but then i had a mountain of obstructions) but then i  quickly ran into  problems,a seeiming impasse, stemming (in all likelihood as this applies to all yoga)from forcing that practice- i.e the mantra. I have since learned to practice without expecting too muchin an easy fashion with too much effort.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 03:23:25 PM by Akasha »