Author Topic: Coping with Excessive Energy  (Read 2054 times)


  • Posts: 1201
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2009, 08:12:55 AM »
I'm not fighting to not ejaculate. I haven't even thought about it for a long time, honestly. The excessive energy is coming about 1 hour after eating. Not after not ejaculating.

Then in my opinion its good,its happening in a natural and healthy way.

Related to canabis,is a curious thing that it stopped that experiences after your meals.Thats why i think its related to cannabis,and maybe would be interesting to focus your research in that direction.Maybe could i be wrong,of course,only opinion.[:)]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 08:13:57 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 1201
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2009, 08:17:24 AM »
And this is an idea that came to mind this evening after reading you post.Only a suggestion,maybe risky suggestion....what about adding a little dose of cannabis in you meal everyday,not to get high,only has a medicine?.Maybe a right use could benefit you...
Only an idea....


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2009, 08:17:41 AM »
Hi Miguel.....

Originally posted by miguel

Related to canabis,is a curious thing that it stopped that experiences after your meals.Thats why i think its related to cannabis,and maybe would be interesting to focus your research in that direction.Maybe could i be wrong,of course,only opinion.[:)]

Just to clarify in case I wasn't clear before....  
I eat some food, then an hour later I have a crazy energy fill my stomach area that makes me kinda manic.  The only thing that I have found that works to keep this excessive vibration down is to smoke pot.  Running/walking/pushups etc etc don't help.  It's almost like the feeling you get right before you bunjy-jump or skydive if you've ever tried either.  And I don't smoke pot anymore.  I stopped habitually smoking it on January 10th.  So I am several months out of my addiction now.  The only time I smoke pot now is when it seems like the only realistic alternative or when I just want to let loose with my friends and have a beer and a joint.  I've done this maybe 3 times since I quit.



  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2009, 08:28:43 AM »
Originally posted by miguel

And this is an idea that came to mind this evening after reading you post.Only a suggestion,maybe risky suggestion....what about adding a little dose of cannabis in you meal everyday,not to get high,only has a medicine?.Maybe a right use could benefit you...
Only an idea....

I did that for over a dozen years.  Trying to stay away from that now.  It would make things easier, but better????  Who knows.



  • Posts: 1201
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2009, 09:32:36 AM »
The symphtoms you experience are really courious shymptoms,and i cant give you a solution...
But it could be a phase...dont you think?
I hope it will dissapear as soon as possible carson...or someone here can give you any interesting suggestion...
all the best.[:)]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 09:51:55 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 369
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2009, 10:13:55 AM »
Hey Carson,

Why don't you try this one: ejaculate before eating once and see if you still get the manic feelings after eating (or whether it has any positive effect)? Nothing to lose and its probably a better option than resorting to smoking weed if you're trying to kick the habit.

Retention of the seed builds additional energy in the system over time, and I have found that after around 1-1.5mos of staying pre-orgasmic, my energy levels raise to levels that start to get uncomfortable. A release at this point tends to bring me back into balance.

Its basically about dissapating  the excessive build-up of prana in the system, which ejaculating would clearly help with.

The reason celibates aren't doing back flips down the street is that most probably aren't engaged in all of the advanced energy cultivating activities you've been doing (AYP, kundalini yoga, acupuncture, powerful detox program, etc etc).

As Yogani has indicated in the Lessons these activities all have a cumulative effect that may take months to fully manifest in your physiology, and it may take awhile and multiple grounding activities to bring yourself back into balance...

Seems like losing a bit of seed is a pretty low risk (and possibly enjoyable) way to help mitigate the kundalini build-up in your system

Just my humble opinion...good luck



  • Posts: 969
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2009, 01:45:55 PM »

I tried this just now and I have one question....should I be sitting or standing? Doing it sitting caused me to get an energy headache for whatever reason. I'm probably doing it wrong. At least I know how to get rid of the headache quick thanks to I think it's Jim and his Karma's "ear popping/neck opening technique" every time for me.

It helps to do it not 'looking down' at the area, but rather, 'being in' the area as it happens...if that makes sense.  Shift your self to the lower, so that you aren't aware of the upper or view it as something other than yourself.  Feeling it is right, locating it isn't.

If it still gives you a headache, then I don't recommend it.[;)]


  • Posts: 6025
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Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2009, 01:50:27 PM »
Originally posted by Parallax

The reason celibates aren't doing back flips down the street is that most probably aren't engaged in all of the advanced energy cultivating activities you've been doing (AYP, kundalini yoga, acupuncture, powerful detox program, etc etc).

As Yogani has indicated in the Lessons these activities all have a cumulative effect that may take months to fully manifest in your physiology, and it may take awhile and multiple grounding activities to bring yourself back into balance...

Amen to that... [8D]


  • Posts: 339
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2009, 02:14:01 PM »
Don't just release your seed....make LOVE to your wife.

You have a lot of LOVE to give....Share the wealth!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 03:28:04 PM by machart »


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2009, 01:28:09 AM »
Hi Everyone.....

So.....last night my wife and I "got intimate" since everyone is suggesting this (no other reason of course[;)])and I had full intention of releasing my seed....but when the time came for me to actually release I was unable to.  I did have an orgasm, I did not block (manually), but I was unable to release any ejaculate.  And I WAS trying.  And I woke up this morning with the "energy stomach" thing and I hadn't eaten a thing since dinner last night.  So there is for sure a possibility that the non-release of seed is causing this.  I think I need to retrain my body to want to release though, as I genuinely was trying to ejaculate, but the pelvic contractions that accompany orgasm now did not allow any outward flow.  Guess I'm just gonna have to practice[:o)]....

Thanks everyone for all the kind and loving advice.  I feel honored to have friends like you all.



  • Posts: 73
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2009, 01:30:08 AM »
I think the problems you are having stem mostly from the circumstances of your life, which are causing you severe anxiety and inner conflict.  I've read many of your posts, about dealing with pot smoking, problems with your marriage, etc., and it seems like these are the main problems you have, rather than problems directly caused by your yoga practices.  The strange sensations you have in your gut sound like the rush of fear and adrenaline that a person get when they are feeling anxious.  

Just keep working on these things in your life, and be sure to get help from friends in the form of good company and fun activities.


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2009, 02:12:10 AM »
Good Morning Iced Earth...a pleasure to "meet" you.

The sensations I have been getting in my stomach are very much "anxious" "adrenaline" like feelings.  It is very much like the feeling you get right before jumping out of the plane for a skydive.  But if what you are saying is correct, wouldn't I get these sensations at times when I am stressed about my wife, or stressed because I want to smoke pot or whatever, instead of having these feelings directly after eating?  It has been suggested to me via email that I try a different diet and eating pattern to see if this helps.  For about a week now I have been trying to eat only whole foods and to eat 3-4 times daily instead of eating just once a day like is normal for me.  This hasn't stopped the energy "ball" from accumulating in my stomach yet, but I can notice other differences that suggest that in the future this might help.  I think it is too soon to tell yet though.  Either way, I am doing as you say also....working on my life, trying to have as much fun as possible and keeping good company.  I also have started taking Brazilian Jujitsu and Mixed Martial Arts classes which are VERY grounding as well as taking up a daily running program.  This seems to be helping tremendously.  Never slept better in my life anyways, haha.  3 hours of wrestling huge dudes is tiring! Haha.  Anyways, a pleasure to meet you and thank you for taking the time to help me.  Much Love.



  • Posts: 1201
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2009, 04:00:54 AM »

I related that feelings with my past at university,when i was all the day somoking weed and hashish.
I remember i passed trought a phase when suddenly i had panic atacks,i woke up in the night suddenly and afraid thinking my hearth could stop beating....panic of being in small close spaces like trains,classrooms..etc...
It was not only related to joints,im sure they only brought to the surface an inner probñlem here,cz i dissapeared with time while i continued smoking like a mad
Maybe it helps a little,but your symptoms remind me my past experiences very much...specally when you say that its focused on stomach area...i think i felt that feelings of panic there also,and yes,it was simmilar than before jumping from i plane...that incertainty feeling simmilar than panic maybe, and adrennaline

(Lot of energy activated today while writing to you carson,thanks)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 04:06:53 AM by miguel »