Author Topic: Coping with Excessive Energy  (Read 2055 times)


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« on: May 27, 2009, 05:52:27 AM »
Namaste Friends.....

Lately I have been having an increasingly difficult time with overstimulation.  After some careful observation I am coming to the realization that it usually happens after eating.  Not directly after as my metabolism isn't as fast as it was in the past, but instead about an hour after eating I am getting the feeling of excessive energy, especially in the stomach area and am having a difficult time finding ways of coping.  The energy is so strong sometimes that I get to the verge of panic and really don't know what to do.  At these times the only thing I know that will decrease the vibration is marijuana.  And I hate resorting to that now that I have finally dropped my addiction to it.  I have been prudently self-pacing for about a week (after about two days of going back to normal practices thinking my last round of self-pacing was over) and have been doing as little some days as 4 minutes of DM (2 mins twice daily) and that's it.  I have also been quite irritable with my wife for no reason as of late, and I can't figure out if it's because I need to cut out more DM, or if I need to add more and I am lacking in silence right now.  The excessive energy after eating makes me lean towards the "pace more" side, but I am conflicted.  I have had to smoke pot a few times to deal with this, as I think I would have jumped off the roof had I not, but I would like to find other ways of dealing with this as smoking now often puts me into spontaneous meditation and that isn't helping me pace.  So basically, anyone have any advice on how to deal with manic energy bursts caused by eating food (dense food as well, not just fruit and stuff) other then by smoking pot?  Running, walking, pushups, jumping jacks, parcour, you name it, I'm doing it, but often this happens at work and I am limited as to what I can do here for grounding.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


P.S> I have also had an increased need for food in general which makes this worse.  I am used to eating one meal a day, usually at about 5pm, sometimes I will eat an apple or something at noon, but not usually.  This past two or three weeks I have probably eaten triple my normal amount because that is what my body has been asking for....I haven't been gaining weight though but have been getting more muscular (isn't intentional as I don't do much fitness stuff other then asanas and running/walking/golf).
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 05:59:06 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 831
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 07:31:40 AM »
Namaste Carson and good day,

Sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time..

I don't really have advice on this, but I have a small idea..

Have you tried doing slow deep breathing for a couple of minutes when you feel panic is coming? I have a biofeedback software called "Healing Rhythms", and in one of the lessons they teach to breath a breath of 5 seconds inhale-5 exhale to make the heart rate "coherent", and that brings relaxation.

I just think that maybe if you do that or something else that relaxes you after you eat for some time (and feel relaxed) it would be easier to cope with the energy when it comes

Just a thought.

I'm sure others would have tons of good advice.

Love and wishing you an easy passing though in this,

« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 07:36:47 AM by Yonatan »


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2009, 07:34:40 AM »
Hi Yonatan and thanks for the thoughts [:)]

I've tried Spinal Breathing during these times in an effort to have the energy "spread out" more along the spine and not stay so much in the "gut" but it makes things worse.  More manic.  Thansk for the wishes....this too shall pass[^]


brother neil

  • Posts: 752
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2009, 07:52:51 AM »
have you released your seed lately?


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 07:56:07 AM »
Hi Niel...

No I haven't.  I am still practicing staying pre-orgasmic and at the very least blocking.  I haven't blocked or had an orgasm in least a month or two.



  • Posts: 969
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 08:27:55 AM »
My opinion...

Walking is excellent, and it seems you're already doing that.  Also, laying on the ground for like 20 minutes can be helpful.

Kidney-1 breathing is great.  Just breathe normally, and imagine your nostrils are the bubbling well points on your feet, and that your lungs are in your lower dantien (2 fingers below the navel, and 2 fingers within but it doesn't have to be exact).  So on the inhale, you are gathering from the feet into the belly, and on the exhale you are expelling from the belly, out of the feet.

When you start to get panicked, be fearless and smile in your heart.  Don't try to stop what's happening...laugh at it.  I know it seems weird, but it will help the process a lot.


  • Posts: 2055
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2009, 05:17:50 PM »
I had problems with energy getting stuck in certain areas of the body, and my qi gong teacher solved that for me, and since then it's working almost 100%. According to what I've understood the pressure from the energies comes from an imagination that your body has boundaries and that you capture the energies inside those boundaries. When energies build up, then the body may become a pressure boiler. What if you imagine that energy spread out from the stomach in all directions and can spread out in infinity, like an exploding bomb. The energy goes where your awareness is... expand the consciousness and the energy will follow in my experience. At first I didn't find the right sense of this, so she helped me by dragging the energies outwards with her hands. When I sensed how to expand "body awareness" outside the physical body into infinity, the problem was gone.

There's also a meditation technique that would help you find that sensation of widening and expanding I learned from my ki-aikido teacher. You imagine your dan tien (5 cm below your navel, 5 cm into the body)getting smaller and smaller, a point splitting in half constantly, half, half, half... and then you switch and let that tiny point grow bigger and bigger and expand in all directions, into your whole body, like an egg around your body, and then that egg encompasses the room, the house, the block, the city, the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the whole cosmos into infinity... and then it draws back and when in the dan tien again it splits in half, half, half... To pump your awareness in and out like this will get easier and easier and you will probably feel the energies going smoothly with your awareness... [:)]

PS: And go get some ejaculations! If you self-pace - do it in all areas (diminish practices, increase exercise, heavier food, drink water, walk, have sex - ejaculations etc etc - engage in low frequent activities)! No point withdrawing energies in one way if you keep boosting it in others. The result will be less or even nil.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 05:28:26 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 443
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2009, 08:00:34 PM »
Hug a tree !

And release your seed.

Love and Light


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2009, 06:15:46 AM »
Hi Scott....

Originally posted by Scott

Kidney-1 breathing is great.  Just breathe normally, and imagine your nostrils are the bubbling well points on your feet, and that your lungs are in your lower dantien (2 fingers below the navel, and 2 fingers within but it doesn't have to be exact).  So on the inhale, you are gathering from the feet into the belly, and on the exhale you are expelling from the belly, out of the feet.

I tried this just now and I have one question....should I be sitting or standing?  Doing it sitting caused me to get an energy headache for whatever reason.  I'm probably doing it wrong.  At least I know how to get rid of the headache quick thanks to I think it's Jim and his Karma's "ear popping/neck opening technique" every time for me.[:D]

Originally posted by Scott

When you start to get panicked, be fearless and smile in your heart.  Don't try to stop what's happening...laugh at it.  I know it seems weird, but it will help the process a lot.

Thanks man.



  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2009, 06:24:59 AM »
Hi emc.....

Originally posted by emc

I had problems with energy getting stuck in certain areas of the body, and my qi gong teacher solved that for me, and since then it's working almost 100%. According to what I've understood the pressure from the energies comes from an imagination that your body has boundaries and that you capture the energies inside those boundaries. When energies build up, then the body may become a pressure boiler. What if you imagine that energy spread out from the stomach in all directions and can spread out in infinity, like an exploding bomb. The energy goes where your awareness is... expand the consciousness and the energy will follow in my experience. At first I didn't find the right sense of this, so she helped me by dragging the energies outwards with her hands. When I sensed how to expand "body awareness" outside the physical body into infinity, the problem was gone.

There's also a meditation technique that would help you find that sensation of widening and expanding I learned from my ki-aikido teacher. You imagine your dan tien (5 cm below your navel, 5 cm into the body)getting smaller and smaller, a point splitting in half constantly, half, half, half... and then you switch and let that tiny point grow bigger and bigger and expand in all directions, into your whole body, like an egg around your body, and then that egg encompasses the room, the house, the block, the city, the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the whole cosmos into infinity... and then it draws back and when in the dan tien again it splits in half, half, half... To pump your awareness in and out like this will get easier and easier and you will probably feel the energies going smoothly with your awareness... [:)]

Thanks for this....I gotta get ME a qigong teacher[;)]....I tried Scott's technique after lunch today, but I'll try this after dinner if it happens tonight.  But I'm a little worried that if I spread this much energy outside my body I might start blowing up my computer and stuff again.  Is that a possibility you think?

Originally posted by emc

PS: And go get some ejaculations! If you self-pace - do it in all areas (diminish practices, increase exercise, heavier food, drink water, walk, have sex - ejaculations etc etc - engage in low frequent activities)! No point withdrawing energies in one way if you keep boosting it in others. The result will be less or even nil.

Yeah yeah......[;)] [:p] ......  I stopped masturbating a while ago in an effort to more fully engage with my wife more often and have consequently not been engaging in as much sexual activity overall as I usually would.  And to be quite honest sex has been the farthest thing from my mind for the past few months.  It still happens but I haven't been focused on it much.  Strange for me but who I am to question what happens?[;)]  Thanks for the advice.



  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2009, 06:28:25 AM »
Hi Wolfgang....

Originally posted by Wolfgang

Hug a tree !

I only have shrubs in my yard, but my neighbours two doors down have a Poplar tree in their front yard....I might get arrested but whatever[:o)] Haha.... Just kidding.  

Originally posted by Wolfgang

And release your seed.

You guys all seem to be suggesting this, but is it really that big of a deal?  Is that not just a convenient scapegoat?  Just asking....


P.S. Thanks for the advice[:)]


  • Posts: 2055
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2009, 07:11:39 AM »
Well, since blocking ejaculation is seen as one of the main techniques to not waste your energies... then spilling the seed must be rather draining, no? For me, having an orgasm is one of the most effective means to drain energy...


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2009, 07:16:59 AM »
Hi emc....

I rarely block.  Is staying pre-orgasmic the same?  How do celibate people maintain if this is true?  Wouldn't any totally celibate monk be unable to walk down the street without doing flips every second step?[:o)]




  • Posts: 1201
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2009, 07:40:48 AM »
Hi Carson,
ejaculation brings tons of grounding in my opinion.celibate and things like that i think should come to you slowly,due to lot of previous yoga practtices and when you feel,your own self feels its the moment.Then you can use the tantric tools.
Its a powerful force,if it makes you feel uncomfortable i think its better to stop fighting for no comes from that seed.thats the power of the seed.
I dont know if your problem is related to no releasing your seed,but try to release your seed a few days and look what happens...maybe it could be related to cannabis consume the past years.Cannabis has the very much strange an unpredictable side effects over the short and long term.Maybe its related to that.Your body maybe its not still free from cannabis adiction.Talking from my experience with this substance in the past.Maybe now you are healing something related with the cause that made you smoke this plant,healing due to ayp practices[:)].
Good luck[:)]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 07:50:25 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 3178
Coping with Excessive Energy
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2009, 07:53:27 AM »
Hi Miguel....
Originally posted by miguel

ejaculation brings tons of grounding in my opinion.celibate and things like that i think should come to you slowly,due to lot of previous yoga practtices and when you feel,your own self feels its the moment.Then you can use the tantric tools.
Its a powerful force,if it makes you feel uncomfortable i think its better to stop fighting for no comes from that seed.thats the power of the seed.

I'm not fighting to not ejaculate.  I haven't even thought about it for a long time, honestly.  The excessive energy is coming about 1 hour after eating.  Not after not ejaculating.

Originally posted by miguel

maybe it could be related to cannabis consume the past years.Cannabis has the very much strange an unpredictable side effects over the short and long term.Maybe its related to that.Your body maybe its not still free from cannabis adiction.Talking from my experience with this substance in the past.
Good luck[:)]

I still struggle daily with marijuana addiction.  I rarely give in though.  Only when I seem to have no other viable options (or sometimes when out having fun with friends).  When I have this strong energy in my stomach I don't really feel like "rubbin' one out" if you know what I mean....  I think if I did that my body would explode before I ever ejaculated.  That's how it feels anyways.  Thanks for the advice.[:)]
