Author Topic: Pacing with Spontaneous Kriyas  (Read 1844 times)


  • Posts: 3178
Pacing with Spontaneous Kriyas
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2009, 01:40:15 AM »
Hi Krish....

Thanks for sending on Kakaji Maharaj's instructions....Much appreciated.  My only question regarding his advice is: doesn't fighting to keep the kriyas under control in certain circumstances create obstructions?

Hi emc....

I too could feel the "projections" of the other students on me when this was happening in the Kundalini Yoga class on Tuesday.  I think every single thing you said probably went across at least one person's mind during my "flip out".  And I think there was probably at least one person who wondered if I was having an epileptic seizure...I think I remember someone saying "Is he having a seizure, should we call an ambulance?", but I'm not 100% sure that wasn't in my own head.  This was a wierd 5 minutes and I wasn't quite "with it". [:p] Haha.

And thank you for the reminder about "sleeping kundalini".  I definitely have a "weirdly" active kundalini.  It's definitely not on 24/7, and I don't generally get the typical "electric rush" up the spine thing happening very often.  Actually only twice have I had this the way I assume others have when they talk about kundalini rushes.  I think I thought I was a little better at seeing/feeling the overload coming then perhaps I am.  Usually I will get a few immediate symptoms that to me are an indication that I need to back off.  Serious spine sweats are a trigger for me to back off.  A heavily vibrating "strip" up my nose, over my head and down the back is another. (I often have a vibrating forehead/ajna, but it doesn't always go all the way down to my two front teeth and up and over my head.  When this happens I know I am headed for overload soon).  I did realize last night when I went to start my afternoon session (which is my long one and includes about 30 minutes of postures) though, that I am overloaded, totally, and that I need to back off for a while.  I went to start my postures and before I had even done my first crescent moon bend I was getting the "twitches" in my left foot.  I decided to only do 20 minutes of DM last night and I cancelled my AYP meditation group for the week as I couldn't have handled a third session which would have included Spinal Breathing, Meditation and Samyama.  This morning I only did 15 minutes of DM cause I was starting to feel wierd again as well.  Today I feel right out of it.  My body hurts, I feel queasy, I have too much energy in my head and my head feels like it is spinning around on my neck...AND I'm very tired.  I am going to seriously back off for a while and see what happens.  I hate pushing myself over the edge and having to do this.  I don't know why I don't learn from my mistakes the first time around.  Gawd. [:I]

Hi chinna....

Thank you for sharing.  Merging with Durga....what can I say? Haha....  Thanks.



  • Posts: 2055
Pacing with Spontaneous Kriyas
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2009, 04:50:16 AM »
Thanks for nice words, chinna and Carson!

A heavily vibrating "strip" up my nose, over my head and down the back is another.

Yep, a vibrating or rather BURNING "strip up my nose" and over the third eye is one of the "red alert" signals for overload here! [:)]

I wish you a nice period with self-pacing! [:X]


  • Posts: 327
Pacing with Spontaneous Kriyas
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2009, 01:49:28 PM »
Hi CarsonZ,

 kakaji says if you are with sadhaks who either have taken diksha from same Guru, or most of whom have kriyas, then it is OK to let the kriyas play out themselves. If among sadhaks not familiar with kriyas, or in public, suppress them or move away, and if possible sit separately. No need to "deliberately" stop kriyas otherwise. They are, after all, only purifying "samskaras" which they are meant to do.



  • Posts: 3178
Pacing with Spontaneous Kriyas
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2009, 01:40:59 AM »
Thanks Krish.
