Author Topic: DM self pacing  (Read 1171 times)


  • Posts: 98
DM self pacing
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2009, 01:23:45 AM »
I tried the spinal breathing to see if it would help, and I got incredibly anxious and depressed. So for me, it did not smooth things out, it made them far worse. Hopefully this will change as I create more inner silence. The only thing I can do aside from deep meditation is samyama.


  • Posts: 1201
DM self pacing
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2009, 07:13:05 AM » need to find your own pace lacinato,everybody has their own pace,but you must look for it and find it.If you feel bad,you are doing too much work,and you should reduce..
,maybe pranayama works well in my situation,because i need to move the energy awakened in DM...if you feel bad stop SB,or do less time..
remember the central and most important practice is DM..
for samyama you need some inner silence...
Reasearch your shadanna and use this forum if you have are people who can help you a lot...
Remember,with asanas you must self-pace too,and it is a powerfull practice also,specially mixed with other practices like DM,SB...
Hope it helps a little and above all:
       -I wish you all the best- [:)]
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 07:21:03 AM by miguel »