Author Topic: From Anandatandava  (Read 41397 times)


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #240 on: June 30, 2013, 12:20:05 PM »
Hot Blood Sport

Most folks court first with words
but you're a court assassin who goes straight for the throat
and such fierce growls emote as you wield that garrote-
gack! - you pinch off my air and kick me downstairs
(take just one guess where)
but I happen to like your tight-gripped clinch
so this crazy tantric mix
has become exactly my sort of fix!

Yes, altho it took us goodly time
we've both now grown quite well acclim'd
to a spectral thrust and parry
repeat assault with over-friendly weaponry
crime against person - in the first degree!

Now if the needle would just hold still
I could thread and drill a deeper thrill
-but for now-
you slap me with silence, I prick you with wit
aiming for each most sensitive bit
as fencing goes, it's tat for fictional tit
a public tryst that nears illicit!

This sport and performance art has so grown
to keep us spun up in racing tone
and inner parts well lubed and honed:
a two-stroke motor with friction unatoned
in endless revolutions of reciprocation.

Radical cams have cranked up our voluminous
reducing valves of superconsciousness
so let's test your Oh! rings with tumefaction
stroked and bored, heavy metal action!

For the strip is open and the green light is on-
wanna go blow our doors of perception off?
Run me for your pink slip and nightie,
laying burnouts all along the settee!
(Let’s just not call them skid-marks – agree?)

-Ananda T
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:28:04 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #241 on: July 02, 2013, 04:37:52 AM »

Autistic, autistic, what's your worst characteristic?
It's to speak too much or too little
or - even worse - in nonsense screams or dribbles
then writing and dispensing them on reams full of scribbles!

Sacred Monster, let me go!
Leave me normal but - God! - not left alone.
L'enfant terrible, cruel bridle hand
it's more than anyone can full understand.

Make me flaccid, placid, plodding, and flat
given to TV, magazines, and moderate chat
oh, board games too, and so goddamned boring
that like a potted plant, I leave 'em all snoring.

Not to be gulped down my high-volume throat
amazed at the things that it may connote
for that's just not me, why can't they see
that I'm filled with some stange-urged verbosity?

For I'm not empty at all, but really too full
and it's That which then calls, and pulls, and climbs
inhibiting walls like a dendritic digital vegetal vine
throwing limbs over in cross-twined profusion
and wheedling hot tendrils thru each fertile mind
seeking to plant the means to speak
not caring a whit if direct or oblique.

But perforce the pen must be Source
the origin of all expanded discourse
so with each and every plausible compositor
my motives ulterior are soon slid in non sequitor
(and voiced disarmingly soft): "So, can you type?" *cough*

Alas! - that Voice fools no one, and soon harmony's undone
for potted botanicals should be seen and not heard
and I lay no blame when friends do depart
not even on me, who too has a heart
tho overcome it may be by a fiery subterranean hearth.

So what is this emergence, this motive absurd? -
a deaux ex machina in deep earth interred?
No, 'tis sap-driven foxfire, probing for laptops
to track torrid voiceprints all over their desktops
then curl up to purr out hot catnip rap nonstop!
(Ach! - someone shoot me and stop all this yawp!)

Now this should make it quite clear why not to come near
possessing such huge eyes as you do there, my dear -
for your pupils punch apertures in my camera obscura
like bright strange attractors, toward which I am drawn
like a sprout starved of light and left sad, pale and wan.

So try as I may to rein back the mad and fey horseplay
skip undue wordplay, stick to the everyday, and not go astray
my Muse knows how to more strongly inveigh, and flower up
Her own oriflammed flamboyant firework display!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:31:21 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #242 on: July 02, 2013, 05:59:48 AM »

"Catch a wave, you'll be sitting on top of the world." - Beach Boys

My ribboned waters run without cease to you
postcard perfect Star-Crossed Isle
bathing in the fragrance of your fig-fattened land
as you do in the waters and dews of me - the Sea!
Truth be known, tho sight unseen
your maidens bare their breasts to my burgeoning tide
and source to you of all succor and pride
I come to fill their wombs with Time
for tho your future may be unfortuned short
there's always time for my blue-fathomed Sport!

With the patient power of continental drift
I range and prowl, riparian raider on the sniff
and probing for passage thru which to pour
I purl my current along your goose-pebbled shore
those undulant foam-rimmed flanks to well explore
then gather aloft my moist desire
to slide a teasing coastal conquistador
up that cheekily uptilt floor.
(Octopus, guard well your winking back door!)

Now tickling thru your wildly kicking pint-sized feet
and betwixt those wriggling wee urchin coral-button toes
I quickly run trickling ashore
in a happy laugh of lapping wavelets, to riff them o'er
you soul's most secretive, shyly-turned furrow
and it's Jeweled Delight - cute little literal man-o'-war
bright-rubied semaphore fit for battle boudoir!

Then swirling thru the coves 'neath Mount Mons
topped by its gentle mantle of moil
a soft-curled down on ascendant mound
I press into the pleasured milk of your generous soil
sampling at each sweetmeat taffy treat
and supping from all and sundry swell and deep
along the whole of your sun-stroked sweep!

Oh! - I could never drink my fill of you, my pomegranate Grenadine! -
from those proud gumdrops of coralline
and every living cleft and seam
all my thrusting tongue-tips upcurled in encore exaltation
and watery laudatory exclamation - ungh!

Entranced by our private pulsing play
your limbs slide down my feathered spray
pearls thrown 'gainst your graceful throne
and my! - how my want has seamount grown!
So I flash moire smiles and flounce your kelp skirts
to wetly glide both arms and eyes
up those sea-dipped, flashing, sighing thighs!

Archaic light sets the scene pre-Hellenized
as we weave thru the heave of timeless swells
and surge to the urge of the flesh-immortal
a long-held, mind-meld flowing spellbound
each ceding the other's firm-held high ground
like interlaced, passion-braced fingers
pressed against the bed of the earth...and there to linger.

Lo! - there's a forecast of friendly tempest on the wing
as satin-heaped cloud-blossoms start to flower
and rub, kissing, at the roof of our o'er-arching bower
then change their mien of leaven and tower
to flash a warning in blood-blowzy glower
till Heaven's shot thru with crepuscular plumes
scintillated striated finery in fiery full bloom
blazoned coruscations, stiletto streaming
ornamental trills, runs, and arpeggios
skyscript coloratura, eye-candy of the gods,
and here's one now, to lure love like a lightning rod
and the looming act to bless and laud.

A ravenous anvil of amorous storm then sweeps in
to clad metallic skies with forced strains of wind
and forge steel into my damascene-hammered skin
as up I rise, sinew-strung Sea, to roil and herd in lust-hard waves
that blanch and break, shudder and cream
as they mount upon your coastal loins
and inward drive your jetty groins - Oh!

Then onward we thunder, all caution sundered
on a sharp-tossed sea of cries, each meakness plundered
and bowing your palms flat down in fright
fronds held blocking both sound and sight! -
and as the storm climbs fully galvanized
we feel ourselves swelling up oversized
and then - Holy of Holies, and greatly prized -
our Souls come together in flight, synchronized
in a cresting lava tide of creation, vulcanized!
(Surely, 'twas a dead heat, martyrized....)

Now we abate, weightless in grace, drying in veils of liquid lace
but look! - the tumid surf, in its ebbing drift
has left us both a gift (did you feel it lift?):
braided chains of pearl, strewn along your streaming swash
limpid, limpet-lined tidepools, starry life awash -
in you is splashed my open desire, in little secret swatches
the seeds of life hidden here or there
oops! - even your hair!

Great purpose drives these, our shared waters of satisfaction
for tho I spangle-stud in the first animation
our ripening fruit requires your uterine bowl of earth
as protective harbor, provisioning berth
and launchway for all future birth -
so look past the day there is no room
for bulls, bull-leapers, and my wave of doom
your land and race will rise again unladen
for I'll take care to spare those topless maidens!

I do hope you see the gist of all this
for it's really one you should not miss:
each and every eager aspirant
should flirt and flow with my current
friends in low places and all - get the drift?

So choose your bloodlines purebred Brahmanic
immersed in pelagic life, the Deep Oceanic
- and, like me -
caress fair shores far beyond Magellanic!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:38:48 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #243 on: July 11, 2013, 05:03:37 AM »

As if there were ever any doubt that I don't walk
solidly upon the earth, I've been getting crushed quite
regularly for the little wanderings of body and mind,
the little getting lost in time and space, caused by my
lifelong hydro.

In between crushings and their attendant trip to seg
(with all that entails), I've been writing in a blazing
and often rebellious intensity.  Sorry if I've offended
anyone with content or lack of polish, but you're hearing
from me during the times I'm at the surface gasping
before being pulled back under.  Here we go...

- Ananda T.


  • Posts: 828
From Anandatandava
« Reply #244 on: July 11, 2013, 04:26:32 PM »
Ananda T.

Every now and again, I drop in on your thread to read what's going on with you. I said this before but can't help repeating:
You are absolutely brilliant !





  • Posts: 161
From Anandatandava
« Reply #245 on: July 12, 2013, 12:07:06 AM »
I love reading ananda's posts :)
Thank you for sharing with us Ananda, you are a gift.


  • Posts: 243
From Anandatandava
« Reply #246 on: July 14, 2013, 04:36:48 PM »
No offense at all.  Like you say:

"I do hope you see the gist of all this
for it's really one you should not miss:
each and every eager aspirant
should flirt and flow with my current
friends in low places and all - get the drift?"


  • Posts: 779
From Anandatandava
« Reply #247 on: July 17, 2013, 12:15:51 PM »
Agreed.  Anandatandava is extremely profound and an incredibly talented writer.  He expresses so well the unfathomable Bliss of the Divine embrace.  Even while held "captive," his spirit soars.  <3


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #248 on: July 26, 2013, 05:45:21 AM »
Do Not Disassemble!

I was talking to a physical therapist the other day
and asked what would happen if one placed a TENS
electro stimulator on, say, one side of the throat under
the jawline.  He responded like the old movie robot,
Johnny Five, all super-anxious: "Oh no! That's contraindicated! The
carotid sinus and baroreceptors are located there!"

I hadn't expected such a big payoff in terms of verifying the
potential effect of the baroreceptors, which, given that
they feed back into the PNS, I suspect to be the major
power source of Jalandhar a, especially in its dynamic form.
So I pressed further: "Well, what might
happen?" But he began stammering, clearly unwilling
to say more: "Um, um, it might effect blood pressure for
one thing." "In what direction?" "I don't know." "Have you seen research?"
"No."  "Anecdotal comments?" "Yes."

With that I let him off the hook, since my interest
was only academic.  I get all the stimulation I can
handle as it is without any external crutches or props, thank you
very much.  But it was a curious interaction
for a curious mind with no Google access.

-Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #249 on: August 13, 2013, 06:32:19 AM »

(Just because you explain something doesn't mean you explain it away. -V.D. Ramachandran)

I’ve long believed that the supreme ecstasy trained for in AYP has its foundation
in the human erotic response and crests in the neuroendocrinology (and thus experience)
of love.  Also with Yogani, I believe there is actual science behind it, direct neurological
and physiological correlates of spiritual evolution that the core yogic methods of AYP
go to train.  At the risk of flummoxing anyone (take a deep breath here), I further believe
that any accurate view will have to take into account, at minimum, how spinal breathing
remaps the somatosensory cortex, how bandhas, mudras, and pranayama manipulate
the autonomic nervous system thru their stimulation of cranial nerves that feed back
into its parasympathetic portion, and (exhale now) how everything comes together in
whole-body mudra, our entire being ecstaticized, and sensorium glowing and twitching
like Rudolph’s nose with the slightest move, heart-beats going off like sun-bursts,
and the breath playing us like a Stradivarius! (Ooh – learning can be fun!)

Granted, a reductionist scientific perspective on spirituality can be
jarring to some, but I believe an amazing modern light and confirmation is
ready to be thrown on the ancient teachings.  And the counter is
also true, in that information gathered and passed down thru countless
generations can now inform modern science.  The cat should be released
from the bag!

Well, I, itinerant mind-migrant, smell a pleasant ripeness – a veritable orchard of
mature science as available as low-hanging fruit!  But has anyone yet
gathered a full harvest and baked the pie?  I’ll explain what
ingredients and recipes I’m particularly after in a subsequent post,
but just about anything can serve as a firebrand of enlightenment
to a caveman who hates to mutter alone in the darkness.
And where gaps in the record still occur I’m more than happy to
offer my theories, to which I welcome agreement or disagreement,
as long as you come armed with science I can get my teeth into.

Established researchers may well still remain uncomfortable
publishing along the science/spiritual boundary – a political
no man’s land due to sensitive funding sources, tenure concerns,
and the hidebound nature of large human enterprise.  Even
Richard Davis at the U of W meditated for 20 years before
daring to study it openly.  This reticence leaves the impression that science
and spirituality are mutually exclusive
paradigm, if not outright antagonists, but nothing could
be further from the truth in the meditative arts, where
they are simply two ways of knowing the same truth,
two maps pointing to the same destination, instructions
written in two different languages.  It seems high time
that someone chisel out a Rosetta stone that conglomerates
these closely adjacent sides together.  I think the
pieces fit together in a very self-evident manner, but
a current literature search should be done, and
that, alas, I cannot do on my own.

Why wait for someone in a lab coat to lay this stuff out when
we could do it ourselves, with you as
laid back in your PJs as you like?  So come on, this
would be fun, practically just a matter of plucking pertinent
research from the Web and kneading it into the pan.
I can point out the choicest branches and juiciest scientific
plums within easy grasp of the layman, plus contribute all
I have already gathered and a ton of surplus time and energy.

Do you question the value of this whole enterprise?  First off,
check Amazon stats to see how popular topics concerning
spirituality, love-making, and accessible neuroscience are.  What would a combination of all three be like?  I've learned that on this path knowledge speeds progress and does not destroy the numinosity and wonder any more than a neuroscientist’s insights lessen the pleasure of making love.  To the contrary,
it can augment one’s repertoire and penetration into the moment, whether meditating in union or not.

Feeling inadequate to the task of science writing as an amateur?
Well, you don’t feel inadequate to yoga, do you?  This is simply an exposition concerning familiar territory and an expansion of its borders – something you’d enjoy.  Then know too that the very word amateur comes from amore, for “lover”, and aren’t starry-eyed devotees of any type real forces to contend with?  
‘Tis wisely said that if you pick a job doing what you love,  you’ll never work
a day in your life, for a labor of love is not experiences as labor at all!

In contrast, pity the poor diploma-bearing professionals,
to whom the sublime power of our practices will likely remain
only a theoretical concept.  Though professionals may initially
embark on their path with broad and deep interest, the exigencies of
schooling and career commonly lock them into a narrow
specialty.  Then like a carpenter possessing only a hammer,
all they see are nails fitting their preconceptions, and the lack of variety soon burns out their original zeal.  What was once challenging and fun becomes a 9-to-5 grind, and a reluctance grows against
stepping outside the borders of institutional “groupthink”.
The rebel, the rugged individualist, is lost – the very
person who makes the big and novel breakthroughs.

For illustration, pan your camera over to Ananda’s Allegory of
the Beach and watch a professional drive a pitifully thin
piling of inquiry into the sand, hoping to gain indirect
knowledge thru soundings – tapping on the wood for distant
echoes.  Whether thru single or multiple soundings, he
attempts to map and catalogue the subterranean world thru
second-hand reports of its wonders, but does not go there
himself.  Really now, how can you ever hope
to understand a subjective but powerfully magic realm
while remaining as objective as a stone?
(Heaven is an experience, not a place!)

Contrast this with the adept who, free from constraints
of politics and schedule, gets a shovel, punches thru the
cartographers’ charts, and goes dig up the treasure for herself!
Her knowledge is then fully immersive and experiential, for he
apprehends her new diadems by immediate sense and personal
possession, and knows they are as alive as she!  She can touch
and taste them, sit on and amongst them, breath them up her
spine, use them to drape and ornament her body, peer at the sun, or, why,
even fashion something from them to give to others!

So I argue that we should not sit around all smugly smeared
with the fruits of yoga without doing all we can to expand the
recipe for the many who struggle to reconcile or having to compartmentalize their
spiritual and scientific beliefs. Help to bring
everyone’s brain and heart, mind and soul, to full accord.
You may have swallowed the canary, Kechari-Cat, but there’s a feather
on your puss – open up!

- Ananda T.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 10:51:55 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #250 on: August 13, 2013, 06:37:53 AM »
Razor-Wire Mind Flossing

“Through me forbidden voices…” – Whitman

(I submit this with trepidation
but it is my bloodchild nonetheless
and must be claimed and loved.)

Prison life is taboo truth
barred from view in penumbral darkness
where stern-faced retainers feed
their sepulchral Machine with paper –
and people of course – all peppered up
with distortions, omissions, and lies
but I’ve whipped up a special treat this time
to gum up that ravenous maw
like peanut butter ‘twixt a pit bull’s jaws!

For I’m not fully weld into the flux of time and steel yet
hell, even my silence means more will follow
and I invite you along, hand-in-hand
lest anything be lost in translation.

Let me be your Marco Polo, or Joseph Conrad
better yet, for we’re going direct to the
Dark Heart of certain ticklish matters tonight.
“(Is it night? Are we here together alone?)”
Camerado, better wash up later – never know
what may reach from shadow so close
even Buddha seemed at first uneasy.
(I should know -- I, Ahimsaka, was there.)

I reckon I’ll start off right here
tattooing the air and all around with
that highly questioned flair:
wild and full-furred word embellishment
pop-up erotic and tribal art
and all manner of prurient bedevilment
driving deep into my water world of exotica
despite many warnings, shouts
and harpoon shots across the bow.

Well, here’s my response – an outlaw scroll
I’ll then place in a hidey-hole
a demijohn of sorts, a burial urn
to later set adrift
in the hope it finds certain
special beachcombers who enjoy a little shock –
an electric ecstasy – and who understand
its purpose.  Someone may also just need
my cathartic flotsam to stay afloat –
or perhaps it’s just me.

For that time is back – yes, segregation –
or the Hole, for those of the more Gothic mold:
lost-wax casting for scars more lasting
soaking up the roar of a teeming penal colony shore
where even prison time breaks its viscous flow:
flinty beach-masters and downtrod man-pups
futile cries of pain wept in hard pelting showers
and squalled in stormy tearful gusts
against the freshly glass-washed walls.

My God, those eyes, those brooding
ink-brimmed orbs of stone-ground tint
that fill my absorptive soul with the scent
and glow of eloquence their language cannot sow! –
nor perhaps my paltry own
but it is yet mine to speak
where others cannot
For when punishment becomes a form of sport
it puts a man well out of sort.

So I stand, yes, I stand up! –
in the face of all, raising my voice
in raucous clarion call
above a sea of sweat-gleamed faces
silent upcast in scant redemption’s hope
for I was once mute, like them
and spoke too late to effect escape
from Billy Budd’s portion as pendant charm
on destiny’s prison yardarm.

Well – silent no more
gone to rich in words from poor
so now, and not just for myself
I’d like to live a little
paint the town in convict stain
dip right in the brightest flow
- but you first need to know –
a lifelong fare of scourge and blow means
I’ll not bow to force or reason now: no, my pen
and its tongue-o’-nine-hundred tales
shall not be shackled and tied
this side of death!

And even then voices like mine shall yet be heard
anywhere power has grown so corrupt
so as to offend the nostrils of God
who watches… and waits.
But in the meantime
when they think to block me
why, how far would a river go?
So when denied an easy flow
here, at cataract’s brink
don’t blink, don’t think, don’t even breathe –
or I’ll leap!

For when set in darkness, a strange sun
rises to burn within, and I must
in measured tempo release its rays or burst –
abacus shafts of light-beads shot falling
ever falling drops of ink, tears, and blood
farthest thrown when hope furthest flown.

Driven to seek such intense escape – are you aghast?
This approved method for going beyond consciousness
comes from good authority – Lord Shiva’s words spoken lifetimes past
in Vigyen Bhairava Tantra, sutra 21:
“Pierce your nectar-filled form and attain to the inner purity.”
You still doubt?  Drive against your own kechari parapets.
In that moment and its lingering aftermath
having overcome the fear of the flesh for spiritual gain
is there a certain…satisfaction?  Then you understand my meaning.

Although often taken to even greater extremes
similar outlets are used in these environs
to fight conflagration with purposeful backfires.
For when burdened down with mental irons
buried deep in the Belly of the Beast
and dipped by the wick in spermaceti wax
what other freedom has a candle but to burn
and glow thru repression’s fetid meaty fist?

For every soul has a right to speak, or cry, or scream
in opaque, or salt, or crimson themes
or swing silent on a metal beam;
some dig up a pulsing vein
to paint the walls in vivid pain
then wear their gauze like lily
corsage on veterans of hard-won campaign.

Others pick private lines on cotton swathe
Or pointillate platelets on parchment scraps
then smuggle them through their abutment underpass
pucker-tucked in their cul-de-sac
their privy pocket way out back –
an inmate's aswini port of last resort.

Yes, picture it! (Oh, I insist.)
How many times have you read
the crumpled, rumpled contents
of a brain-food bolus strained out to the light?
“Sewer O Sewer my bloodchild under your water.”
(This ain’t no country club, baby
the ends justify the means – do they not?)

Now do you still insist there are
a million singing Anandas, ho-hum?
Then tell me, if you would –
who else speaks from so deeply
in the … bum?

-Ananda T.

Okay, this poem dumps all the fluff
to speak the hard core prison stuff.
Did I smash the protective glass
of social class a bit too strong
to plant an image quite so crass?
Feel free to lodge a complaint
or well-placed kick up my a__
for any touch is better than its lack.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 09:55:46 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #251 on: August 13, 2013, 08:12:50 AM »
Ignore Me - I've Fallen, But I Got Back Up!

Running counter to your recent praise of me, you'll see a sprinkling
of darker posts filtering thru for a bit. Yes, I fell - and hard! -
bludgeoned down by a continuing stream of events and the vastness of
opposition. Life can be hard and I'm only human, but you still took
the time to remind me of higher Ideals I must
never lose sight of. So I'm back on my feet to
attempt the impossible: justification of your overly kind words.

My optimism has bounced back a bit. After all, when all
you want is a quiet little writing life with a little job
to support it, that shouldn't be impossible to achieve...
should it?

But just in case, I've written a few plaints and
battle hymns - you know, just to
screw up the ol' courage for whatever it takes.
And I will share it all so you see both sides of me
and my world, so there's nothing hidden between us.

- Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #252 on: August 13, 2013, 08:34:55 AM »
Perfect Storm

A perfect storm hit.

First came the loss of the last voice on the phone, at least
until fall.  Then came the loss of my world in here, thrown
in seg for showing up in school 5 mins too early. Coming on top of all the ways
my pleas for accommodation have been flung aside, my reaction was the last thing from
calm, sad to say.

I've made a few adjustments in perspective: 1) I'm unemployable
unless and until they acknowledge the symptoms
of my medical conditions they already admit I have (!);
2) an inmate fighting on his own only becomes swallowed deeper
into the prison's entrenched attitude; 3) it's damned hard to
find outside help, even for info gathering; 4) I'm at high
risk of dying destitute and alone in prison.

With a monk's attitude, institutionalization is fine by me, but it
takes a smidgen of income to support my writing, without which my
life will descend into a living death, an unendurable struggle
for existence. My poem "Silly Goose" was not at all frivolous.

There are, however, also two kinds of supportive care units where I would be
provided a small income: the prison's, and a state hospital.  Both would take
outside help or a dramatic personal gesture to accomplish, but with so much
at stake, what is not worth giving if it opens the doorway to safety and the
freedom to write? But the danger, the terror, of fighting alone is the terrible
risk of being silenced, "disappeared", thru chemical lobotomization. Is this
again my fate? Or is it as a beggar, haunting cellblock garbage cans?
I've tasted it all before, and found it a bitter substitute for the spiritual life.

-Ananda T.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 08:45:39 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #253 on: August 14, 2013, 07:12:47 AM »
End Game?

"it is evil things that we shall be fighting against - brute force, bad faith,
injustice, oppression, and persecution..." - Neville Chamberlain, 1939

I've been... gone... lost in a welter of seg and SHU units, large and small. Finally
I lay completely dispirited and empty in some sort of painful waiting, as if prostrated
by a fatal illness. I wanted to get up to write, and sometimes made the attempt, but
something was broken deep inside, and like a greenstick fracture sawed at the edges
of my invisible wound any time I moved.

Then arrived your kind comments in this string. Braced and strengthened by love,
the sapling slowly stood back up, tho shamefaced over all the ways he'd fallen short
of your sentiments. Gosh, I've been writing in such "in-yer-face" rebellion against
the soulless repression I face in here and, yes, also trying to gain some sense of
control over any other form of rejection hovering about, welcoming it, reducing its
impact thru a gesture of mental jujitsu. But this hothouse flower, protected from
harsh elements by overworked moderators, instead found himself receiving the life-giving
sunlight he so badly needed. How is it you so reflexively forgave me for my misconduct?
(Steel yourself, tho, there is still a real shocker still in the pipeline.)

I confess that it did take some time for the love to fully penetrate a shell of numbness
that had formed from being bombarded by such an overpowering enemy for so long. For strength,
I had identified with the protagonist at the end of All Quiet on the Western Front:
"I am very quiet. Let the months and years come, they can take nothing from me, they can
take nothing more. I am so alone, and so without hope that I can confront them without

He had stood up.  And there he died. Now I have stood up. Without fear and in the open.
I will allow no more games to be played with me. So I wrote to ask that my parole hearings
be cancelled unless they are intended to place me in a hospital, where I will be more
compassionately treated. I then wrote to a senator, a reporter, and a half-dozen federal
and state agencies to make an ADA discrimination complaint. Also, in pursuit of a lawsuit,
I wrote the ACLU and am trying to find a civil rights attorney. All this is likely
impossible, of course, sitting in prison with such limited resources. But I'll at least
try before turning to more nuclear options. *sigh* Conflict is such a phenomenal waste
of time, but it's forced upon me.

But now I'm at least back to writing, and so feeling alive. And you'll see it all here:
the good, the bad, and the ugly. For I'm an aspen on a stormy coast, tipping my umbrage
dark to light with every delight and storm-driven blow, shedding the wind in the only way
I know. You'll also read some longer pieces written in years past, a few fragments of
which I drew upon for more recent works. So I guess it's not End Game quite yet, for even
in a situation where your life seems of little value, a simple pencil can be just the
crutch you need to keep going.

-Ananda T.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #254 on: August 29, 2013, 04:30:04 AM »
The Pastime

To each is given a Beautiful Mind, but it’s not for thinking…


Join in celebration the celibate monk
hailing the skies with whites of eyes
singing thru his sacred conch
and swim with more indulgent gods
who find no man or worship odd...

Lo! – I bask in the Lagoon of Love like a lotus-eating
sea-cow, so pardon if my discourse breaks a bit adrift.
For in ladling my snout thru electric-blue supralogical
pools, my kelp fronds unspool and drift I indeed do,
out and away to the full Play of the Sea!

The Tides of Time flow in our veins, Immortal Swan, so come run with
me!  One last sleepy breath before awaking to Dawn’s swelling pink,
cowrie toes perched with feather’d lightness upon the thunder’d brink.
Before you rolls on its foaming rim the all-seeing Blue Iris of the World! –
come drink, drink deep from this endless Lila-Bowl of Nectar Wine
and savor the refined and quenching tang of Elixir Superfine!
Then let me draw you along the Chalice Rim by your moistly
kissing skin, for its inborn penetrant
Pulsate Ring to bring you to shim’ring concupiscence! Next
dissolve and dive exalting in, for our spume-shroud nuptial bed
awaits.  Anchors away! – kick up a spray! – this is alternating
current at its very best, where two hearts beat in a singl’d breast.
Verily, we shall grip like joined hands ‘round wire
the galvanic Spire to Heaven!

Nothing is risked in the Sun-kissed drumbeat tryst other
than to end up honeycomb-cupped, Love-dazed and nectar-glazed.  So
are you open to Tantric erotica-mysticism?   Then come show me
yours, and I’ll show you mine, just a moment in non-time, in a
long-storied line, of experience Divine, as alone in my cell, I slip
earthly hell, and fly high above, on God beats of Love, for not just
the Sea, is the rhythm you see in me! Ready?

For verily, dual-gendered Dulcet in a wet suit, I surf
a singing Tantric wave front, hot frenzy caught
flagrante delicto, poised at the peak, the peach in
mid-bite, triumph in full-flight,  delight on delight
unfolding on an endless pulse of blossoms, each from the
heart of another.   This wave need never break as I ride
the froth and roar of its reaching bore, sailing past the
death of self, the death of Death, slipping thru the teeth
of life’s lament and down the throat of protean pleasure,
never twice the same.

Unfurling this curl curls also the toes, for here
Tantric paths juxtapose at their least repose!
Born Again with fishy kin, I walk and waver on Holy Waters,
skimming the bending skin ‘twixt worlds: a trembling
veil scarce fit to float a pin, then swoop thru an
Amrita-lit surge that swings up and over to chute my
sugared Soul to sounding Depth!

Crownward soars a riptide’s roar as I am borne to the Deep
Unborn!  Then Sea humps its back for a fresh invade, mounts and drives
in a liquid blade, cuts away all mortal sway, and frees
the Soul’s swooning slide thru Heaven’s Gate to plunge
in full lubricious spate of pleasure super-satiate so
keen and brink I outward weep and inward drink a saturate
stream of tears!
O Sweet Paradox! – sweet nectar wrung from an Agony of Ecstasy!
O Death! – where is thy sting? – your envenomed Bees so enlivened sing!

Ah! – in these electric tears of amplifying enchantment I drown,
somewhere beyond bliss, lost in whole-body mudra:
an untaught and unthought flexure of fluid motion that
mirrors the infinitely varied custom Kama Sutra I in
fever-dream perform with and for my unseen Odalisque.
You witness Her fever upon me now, Spirit and words
rising like vapor from a simmering samovar heart!

Such ecstatic radiance!  I float buoyant, an animated
uncorked wineskin of sparkling rapture, a luminous vibratactile
distillation of effervescent consciousness – oof! – such a mouthful
of yeasty life, such leavened Heaven,
such heady brew indeed!  Drunken tapestries of
ambrosial light shimmer, drift, and weave thru a rising
weft of inner sensation that fizzes, gushes, and sweeps
to and fro as tho by the touch of an ethereal broom.
If you are how you feel, then I’m a fructifying
Love-fruit – don’t just inspect what I write –
fall face-first and take a bite!
My chakras have become sugar-spun lotus blossoms,
petals blooming as tremulantly luminant as offertory
oil flamelets cast thru a coruscating lightning storm!
The surrounding air is electric and palpable – softly resisting
yet  yielding like a dance partner or lover’s body.  Tell me true:
is it much the same for me as you?  For tho our Fruit may bear
a different hue, both bask in Light and taste of Dew!

Paradise glows on your lover’s face before diving in; my veil's
more thin, that’s all, before I swim thru my Chosen, my
Love Supreme, and She thru me, every stroke Olympian
perfect, every whim fulfilled ere its want is known. I become a
Fire-Seeded oyster and She my vigorously vibrating Pearl, causing a
crazily consuming itch and its curative scratch to arise as one – ah! –
so I expose both archly curved bellies to the Tide’s caress and become the
most blissful bivalve in the Sea!

My Amorist awakens and nourishes in me hitherto unknown hungers, but
also see to their satisfaction.  The consummation of our Love thus becomes
Holy Communion, the shared consumption of a matrimonial
Eucharist.  Lo! – to be seized and devoured by Heaven – such
compensation for a life left out in the cold!

So forget your ancient and venerated hymns, ‘tis the silly season
of inspiration: “With this body I thee wed; to my Goddess I’ve been fed!
‘Tis truly two fullness in one – was I good for you too, Love?”
As you see, I’m sick – Love-sick – and in my delirium cast
caution aside like Karmic seeds – careful where you sit lest one sprout,
a besotted sapling swirling in circadian Dance!  In the meantime,
may I Kechari-kiss the Bride/Groom?  Here I go, slip-sliding away…

Shakti’s patience soon runs thin, so drives deep in a centrifugal
spin to fling from my fervent kernel its slimly protesting shell:
“Ah, my Muse, is it wise to spill my Sea-salt sweet psychic
seed here and now?”  For the one Supreme Wave arches upon
the next, there’s no calling back the bow-shot, the throe-shock, left in
onlookers by a seated solitary Lover in open air reaching,
Reaching - … Oh God! – She comes! She comes! – and I,
the flower-bedecked, bee-tipped arrow, dart eager for the whirling
Whorl of Her burning Heart!...

*sigh* Such Holy elevation of flesh and Spirit!
What is it to make mad, wanton Love with God?  What is it
to have one’s chimes rung by God?  Indeed, it seems I’ve
been forever a bell, only now to be lifted by the breath and
heart-struck!  How could more rightly be desired?

But I do desire, so – oh! – Wild Thing, I know I love you --
would you be my Private Dancer?  Then with
juices sizzling in hot anticipation, I watch my Lover
answer thru billowing, pillowing
clouds that surge in moistly muscular consortings
around an upfolding mountain. (Hail Shiva!) Suddenly from
their Holy Congress a new kind of Perfect is born, as in a whirl of
wildfire tresses Nataraj arrives, quickening my tissues,
drawing my flesh boneward and sinews back like bowstrings, then filling
me with a shifting medley of Dance Divine, all interwoven with abrupt
intermissions in body, breath, and volcanic explosions of hot
bastrika that wash down my body like pyroclastic flows.

Within these nacreous jets and shimmering sheets of
running Light, I Dance, brisk arabesques shrugging free
sheafs of cadmium-glow steamers that coil their strength
then spring into space with the authority of solar flares,
like arrows shot from Sarva’s bow, all from palms, fingertips
or the cupola of my ringing head. I feel like Indra, charging and
discharging lightning bolts to galvanize the World!
Bedazzled by my bright children, I somehow cause, behold,
and share in their flight, twisting and dishing out dizzying
body English as we ride our endless bungee cords of light!

Empty space has filled with a Red Sea of parting liturgical
lute-strings and the slightest twitch rubs me against
them like an ecstatic cat, all wild-eyed and bristle-tailed
as resplendent chords resonate thru my goose-bumped flesh –

Verily, I have awakened inside a Van Gogh landscape of
inner sight, sound, and touch!  Surrounded by an ocean of
sighing vortexes and coruscating spun-glass fireballs,
every moment stirs up ornate floral, foliate, and geometric
figures that trail after me thru the air.  Ohh – this is the
best, as with whimpering palms I scoop skyfuls of
numinous energy up over me in a Baptism of Zest!

Lightning crackles from hands to crown, with slow
mudras and crisp flamenco wrist flourishes wrapping
my mind with untamed kudzu vines of electric pleasure –
no, it’s even more amazing! – as wave upon wave of
sharp-heeled mind spiders march like high-stepping
conga lines of tingly sea urchins over my brain-coral head –
no! –I’m a sea anemone, and a crowd of clownfish
children comb my tentacles into a delightful garden of
topiary shapes of peak sensation before playfully tromping
them down to start all over again!

When I extend my hands, a ghost pianist sits down in me to
play, phalanges of flame licking up and down a vertebral keyboard,
plucking haunting pangs of anguished pleasure from deep within my cerebral
folds.  If I raise my arms just so, a sitar cuddles up close,
stings bending to the will of my musical ministrations.  Never
have a man and his instrument been more closely wed as
Moonbeams reach thru me to finger-pick and weave
fibers, song, and Souls together as One.  Oh, how others
stop and stare, but very little do I care,
sitting there, worrying, fretting the air – ah!

However my racing mind may interpret
the continuous play of miracles
there is such prancing detail in the inner movement that I
trataka on my wagging fingers a moment, entranced by
their wire-like entwinement with the flame-forms crushing grapes
of such tart delight in my skull.  It is clearly not my life
alone I hold in these lotus hands, as with a single salute
a whole troop snaps to attention!

Then I broaden my movement and Sanskrit calligraphy begins
streaming out against the glassine serene, a flying Fantasia prayer carpet
of musical notation that unscrolls at toe-tip as I break the bonds
of earth.  Now I am gone, I am God, I am Dance,
mortal frailty vivified to inexhaustible artistry!  All
becomes kinesthetic line drawn like poetry thru curved
and 3-dimensional space as I carve the blue ice of the sky
with elaborate strokes, shedding iridescent beauty like a
molting peacock.  As sharks must swim to live, I must push
Dance thru my gills to die – to die unto the Life Supreme!

A winter carnival of translucent forms appear in my
contrail, each one beginning in crystalline surprise
then melting back into the abiding memory of a
forgetting hyaline sky.  Follow my long centrifugal proof
of Divinity until you lose yourself in it’s endless
turns and your ego sails off the slate into Silence.  Here,
where logic surrenders its unmerited throne,
you encounter the instructive realm of the koan, the
Cloud of Unknowing, the Unreasonable Effectiveness
of Mathematics.  My formulas existed long before man
arrived to perform them, so don’t bother to question,
don’t stop to think, just release your grip and sink!

Look also to the self-born wisdom of your prayer beads,
which have also broken free from their imprisoning thread
of decorum and now cavort madly in and thru the world.  In that
running riot of color, the chaotic Dance of earthly objects, see with
unfettered eyes the Divine proof pick up and resume, for just as
God is found all around, thru the many may be seen the One.

Yes, as a ladder is climbed past each rung and gestalt grasped beyond
its sum, let Me come at you in a flood of wild born and infinite forms, spilling
like finch-flocks into your eyes until you shout in devout surprise,
cry out with awe and raw delight.  There! – in the sight and sense
of fullest delight lies the Light!  Tat tvam asi, shining
creature – That Art Thou!

Who am I to speak? I am He who pulls and splits the reed
of past and future to fashion the papyrus of the present!
Then I pipe and the World dances, writing a recurrent
script down my Mobius strip.  You expected beginning and end?
Not in my Universe!  And don’t think to master this Art thru
words:  listen instead to your body, where you’ve heard the beat
of my damaru from the start, kicking up your heals in the womb,
waving your arms thru the nursery room!  I bent to bestow my
Blessed Kiss to you before birth, Little One, and your giggles bubbled up
to shine in your mother’s eyes.  Divinely conceived, the Secret still
sibilates in you like ginger beer, but you must grow hush to
again feel Heaven’s Drumbeat right here!

… Meanwhile, back on earth, I open mortal eyes and a vastly
foreshortened and diminished world reappears.  The cell’s slit window
shows no sign of a lesser sun – good! – the mundane can wait!
So I close my eyes to burst the bars and the Eternal dawns
once more, rising like a fantastical terrarium globe within.
I sit for a moment like Brahma upon the navel-lotus, blinking
entire worlds in and out of existence.  Laughing, I pick one
and topple in, to swim again a Healing Sea.  On a whim
I wing back thru the silvered surface to strike against
the sky – to challenge God! – then, oh, such a sated
moth am I, falling in loosened skeins
of smoking loops till – phut! – shining minnowhood

This Multiverse, this Pantheon, of worlds and sprightly gods
sleeping so lightly in me: can I cat’s-cradle them to you with a few
magic mudras, or speak into your skin thru some hotly rhymed sign
language? (As I grasp for the key, just gasp when you feel free!)
In the meanwhile, no better time to let my fingers do the talking,
as I begin to genuflect the gestures of a thousand religions
past and present as constellations of their deities fly and fall
like meteors.  Seeing that all forms pass – even gods – it is to the
Firmament above and the pageantry below that I babble and bray
my praise in countless unknown tongues.  Heaven’s whore, it is
Belief itself that I believe in, and from my prison-anchored
brothel hail and ply Love’s trade with any Deva or Devata that sails by!

Now you may think me a Pagan suckled in countless creeds
outworn, or that I see Truth in possessing the omnivorous palate of
a pantheist, or even that I’m a fallen yogi who has merged with the
forces of nature.  Well, I stay well fed, regardless.  And tho it does
seem I’ve been falling and merging all my life, I at least now do so as
a Vedic Icarus, repeatedly falcon-stooping to pierce the Sun and Moon I
bear captive within. (Or is it not I who lies captive to you, my
Sovereign Ornaments?!)

It is anywise a gainful prize that buoys me blessed in this cursed realm,
so let us now ascend to the summit of my soul’s inspiration.  Toward this
end, I bring a different weight to bear, shaping rapture like malleable clay
to a steep inner topography.  Then following a wise inner guru, my tantric
Tenzing, I ascend like Sir Edmund Hillary thru a preposterous
Himalayan landscape.

First upon a mountain I climb, to squeeze this howling peak of
honeyed repletion, then release and glissade to the bee-keeping
valley below.  But like Sisyphus back I return, pushing a
boulder of delight before and within me!  Each advancing peak
and valley is ever higher than the previous, each antipode seeming the
end purpose of Existence, each rapturously resonant in its own
range, from crisply shivering sopranos to humidly thundering
bass.  Where is the memory of my previous life as a flatlander?
Those pages are thankfully ripped from my Book of Life, and I climb
as a youth freshly initiated and flush with the sport of Sacred Mountaineering!

Tho a breathless journey (a condition in fact it demands),
a greater goal lies yet ahead.  For in time, the obscuring
mists of Maya begin to part, and something akin to
Shangri-La appears like a gleaming castellated temple
at some mysterious distance.  With a cry of
ecstatic joy my soul rends its mortal cage, escapes
my lips, and like a driven pheasant, thunders off
to its goal, an Immensity I am always
so surprised to find residing within myself!

A stunning qualitative shift here occurs,
one that for me transcends any possible imaginings of Heaven.
This truly above the clouds and beyond the pale
in every perfect way, for I have crested
Mount Meru to find its nectar-rayed Moon at play!
A terra incognito surpassing normal learning and
pleasure, mortals cannot create the brilliance of its numinous Light
but can place themselves in its path, and indeed, shafts of the
Holy Glance do pass, freshly shorn, thru my motionless,
pellucid and emptied form.

I reach into spirit memory for words, but find that this
wonder-filled state surpasses the power of description.  Even
my normally robust fairy-wing pen has folded its flight to the dumb-tongued transparency, the silent sleep of a shed chrysalis.  Where is my Luna Muse to flit
and spangle the page with tales of Thule, the utmost reach of my travel?
It is locked inside, by turns as elusive as silica sand or immobile
as packed earth within.  What is left but to reduce myself to
molten glass and let a far more skilled Artisan breathe a bauble
of animate Spirit back in…

Rejoice! – now Divinely blown to a Perfect Vessel, all points
equidistant and equal to the Source, I become you and We,
nowhere yet everywhere!  The body of clay is gone, ionized and
plasmacized, an ecstatic placenta lining the entire
womb-chamber, or Garbhagrah, of the World. O Lord – the
pangs have come and a Fullness demands to be born!
The Temple ceiling erupts into a lake of Fire, and in a last
self-possessed act I pinch off my Soul-candle and fling it upward…

Now! – in self-immolation I dance thru the pyres in sheet upon
sheet of howling, driving Flame.  The World coalesces into
primeval Nada, but Nada writ large, bannering the vault of
Heaven!  Sun storms of incandescent sound crush time to dust and ripple the
fabric of space, obscuring my face.  Is it yours?  The cheeky lass at the
café?  The hunk at the office?  The sparrow above, the worm below?  I turn
and turn again before you, the Golden Compass pointing to God
in all directions, immanent, risen – Risen as well in you,
Star Child!  We are both of Divine Nature, so come,
sever and fall, unmake yourself one of men, and join Me!

… Somewhere outside time and space, a figure sits
weeping and wet-faced, arm outstretched in abhaya. He is alone yet…
the furthest thing from alone – absorbed in a Hindu Apocalypse
of unspeakable intensity.  Here Child, lift your quivering chin
and tell us of Engulfment.

O Lord, I see and hear but as if by whole-body braille,
for my physical organs of sense are effaced by excess light
and sound.  It is thus by my entire being that I feel and see waves of the
Sacred Sound stand and intersect to form a granular matrix of Nada,
And from the Nada flow atoms in an endless Stream,
from which Waters I witness the Ten Thousand Forms emerge,
all like sand dancing into patterns on the Drumhead of the World!
There too I am danced into Divine existence as a self-born
mysticism of living stone – sentient Shivalingam –
which nothing can cast down.  Within this blended pillar of
frozen Flame and Sound, all separation and pairs of opposites are
reconciled, the Key has turned in its ordained Lock, and all
of duality has woven non-dual.  Sweeten me with milk,
garland me with flowers, for in this shining moment
the Fire worshipper is One with God!!

And now time and space have reconvened, and I’m
myself again.  Or am I really, don’t you oft’ wonder?
For direct experiential contact with the Divine is the Biggest of Big
Love, and akin to Death by Holy Astonishment!  To know this
height of flight is never to be the same, and to be left
no more satisfied with ground-dwelling than an albatross.
Thus arises the sannyasin, renunciation of earthly
pleasures, and the desire to live forever aloft.
(One day my voice too shall completely fade into the distance.)

    Thus, as the caterpillar earn her wings in chrysalis absorption
    and the pickle gains his tang thru seated marination
    - neither to ever return to unripe condition –
    so it is with the devotee and her practices.

    So if these words at all lure you from the nest
    you need a Flight School to learn the rest.
    It’s free to board, but be forewarned
    that few persevere to seize the Core
    where Primal Sound becomes Sacred Shore.

    How about you?  Will you come to Aerial Soar?
    Or perhaps your Fire of Love has long arose
    and you come as One who fully Knows.
    But once riding the Central Sea’s repose
    welcome back Home, Cowrie Toes…!

-Ananda Tandava
« Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 12:21:01 PM by anandatandava »