Author Topic: From Anandatandava  (Read 41417 times)


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #165 on: January 13, 2012, 02:18:19 AM »
House of Pain

When I express pain during the height of literary flight it is understandable if my path and its chronicler are called into question.  Ah, but just as there are many sorts of men and the lives they are destined to live, there are also many paths to the Mountaintop.

Never is this more apparent than when pain is a relentless pursuer and closes off routes of escape until there seems only straight up or straight down. I’ve tried downward in suicide, but kept getting dunked in Heaven and spit out.  I wonder: did Jonah benefit this spectacularly?!  For I have been held like a dry date in the Cherished One’s mouth ‘till the sweetmeat of my soul slipped its encasing shell and flew!  Oh, I know every trick of the Wind.  I, Shakti’s pet falcon, riding the updrafts, then returning to rest in oblivion on my Master’s arm.  Then, with a mutual chime of our bells, She sends me skating the earth like a dandelion seed; in whose fertile heart will I catch?  Yours?  It’s almost sunrise; do you know where your Ecstasy is?  Right here, knocking gently; let it find you wanting… wanting… for it feeds on your desire.

The falcon has his ways, which you may learn, assuming you are unafraid of heights, kettledrum thunder, or dying of astonishment.  There is a way, Love, to steal the sun from the sky.  Come learn to fly on the inside.  (Thanks, Shine Down.)

Okay, back to task here.  *ahem*

We all know pain, but in order to become better, not bitter, we must use it as a lens for spiritual energy, first finding meaning in it – sacrifice for something of great personal importance, something loved, for instance:  God, country, or people.  For many, the meaning emerges only after pain has settled in like a homeless friend you are called upon to accommodate and then look for uses for him around the house.  For example, if you suffer, give of yourself to other sufferers, whose experience you now know.  Viola!  Instant relief for all!  You found the Gateway!

With this cathartic pen, I openly express my own “useful friends:” physical pain and loneliness only ecstasy can block.  (Now, that’s motivation!)  To justify my loneliness, I point to the contrast between our worlds.  When you can draw the breath of love and acceptance any time you like, it is easy to forget the central importance of air.  Mine is a caste of throttled, forgotten ghosts, save the few allowed a tenuous haunting.  (Thank you!)  When you can enjoy satsang in person or electronically 24/7, it is easy to lose the difference between choosing spiritual silence and having it imposed unbrokenly upon you.  Can the feasted man know the pangs of starvation, or the rested man exhaustion?  But a yogi faces added poignancy in that, though he may reside at length in a cave, if Love ripens within him he craves to share it in the sunlight.  Shadow becomes intolerable!

As of this moment I have never been more isolated from street contact and thereby my driving purpose of spiritual congress and expression.  There is a real risk of being silenced completely, so I fight night and day against it.  But I live in a time when the story of Buddha’s conversion of Angulimala to Ahimsaka can’t get much traction in men’s minds, nor can a man simply ride over the hill and start over no matter how far he has traveled in his soul.

But in saying that, I’ll let you in on a little secret:  my past is not what you think.  You see, someone on death row has everything to gain in protesting innocence, whereas a parole-able lifer has everything to lose.  Modern DNA testing would shatter my case.  So what?  My interests lie in inner freedom, not outer.  I’ve picked my battle, and that’s to feast on spiritual love.  My work’s cut out for me, for when you enter prison young and pretty, you portray yourself as best protects you.  In time your own lies accumulate with all the others to create a separate life-form with unstoppable inertia.  I stand and look at it from the outside as much as anyone.  Skeptical?  Even if it’s “as you think, so you become,” my writing provides considerable provenance.  Which do you think I am:  a danger, or a dancer?  But while you ponder, let me continue in the role assigned me on this world-stage.  For the gallows rope “concentrates the mind wonderfully” and can prove a skyhook into Heaven…  draw me up, Angel!

P.S.  *laugh*  If your head is spinning, don’t fret.  In fact, don’t think at all; instead focus your heart on love, where all confusions coalesce into a single point of certainty.  There I reside, fully certain for the first time in my life.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #166 on: January 24, 2012, 11:36:07 PM »
The Path

It should now be apparent why I am attracted to traditions that reflect and validate the transmutation of suffering into spiritual desire and ecstasy.  Of these, likely owing to both inclination and isolation, I find most magically compelling those paths centered around the yearning of separated lovers, the archetypal Radha and Krishna, Rumi and Shamsi, Majnun and Layla, and through them to our own experience, for who among us has not felt the impalement of love’s loss, be it temporary or permanent through a changing or stilling of the heart?  Though true that longing creates suffering, the longing born of love can reach a special fever pitch – a fever for and in the divine.  For God is the friend of the friendless, and gives voice to the voiceless.  The parted lover becomes the poet of his sorrow, a melodic flute driven by an ill-wind.  In the solitude of prison a man is turned back upon himself, and this is what I find.  Thank God for it!

So it is that for all the countless unsung lovers I live:  all those too soon parted, the motherless children, the childless mothers, and all the other human disasters, on and on, in numberless waves, crashing in endless procession over me.  This is my burden to bear; I welcome it.  For I who was once frozen now melt with hot tears, tears for others, my own suffering serving only to prop open a broad doorway into their hearts.  So please accept that I choose to continue to dwell here, in my house of pain.  Give me yours too, all of it, most particularly your shame – compare it to mine and be healed.  And then let me weep, and burn, and write after my odd fashion.  Which in turn leads me to…

The degree with which this thornbush longs for his Rose, all the more so in being pulled from the garden and cast aside.  Piled high with other societal waste, hot are the flames in which he is consumed.  Gone are his brambled thorns; only heartwood remains, but who will think to look for sublimity in a ditch?  Yet, thornbush blossom, and roses bear thorns, so kindred hope remains.

But for now, into the highlands of pain my rains must fall, and you see unfiltered the stream of consciousness that results.  I am a fallen man living a fallen life, and God sees fit that I crawl over broken glass to reach Her.  But pain and guilt can become transcendent when they crush the ego into silence, allowing the Spirit to implode inward.  Lifelong estrangement from the world of men, uncounted bitter tears both caused and shed, this is an intense path indeed, but while my heart still beats it must be lived.  So I walk my path for others.

If you look for me, though, know that I am not what or where you think.  The fabric is gone, only the stitch, the sutra, remains: viraha, the separation of lovers.  Drop by drop my heartache has created a Ganges of longing in me for both mortal and divine love that circumstance has allowed to flow only into God.  But after so long at the Summit, can a person ever return?  Who will wean me from Olympian mead?  Who can pull me from God’s searing kiss?  Lips swollen from Big, Big Love, can the salve of human kindness ever make me respectable again?  Slap my face hard; do I see you, or are my eyes locked on Infinity?  Ah!  Perhaps I have in truth become Majnun.  There are worse fates.


  • Posts: 2
From Anandatandava
« Reply #167 on: January 26, 2012, 02:36:19 AM »
your presence here is both inspiring and humbling. You have a precious opportunity to find what many out here in the world have not Freedom.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 01:07:00 AM by Baldwin »


  • Posts: 779
From Anandatandava
« Reply #168 on: January 28, 2012, 08:40:10 AM »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #169 on: February 04, 2012, 05:51:17 AM »
It Takes a Village

As the graceful limbs of the gazelle were carved by the sharp tooth of the cheetah, and the statue is revealed by the sculptor, a soul can be shaped to likewise elegance by its influences, if fate or wisdom resolve favorably.

I was a spiritual orphan, wandering what seemed a trackless desert, amorphous as the untamed winds, when I finally fell near enough the earth to see that there indeed were tracks:  footsteps in the dunes, traces in books, voices that echoed from times past. Did such elevated beings still walk the earth?!

Living in an ocean of sand, it is either walk or wallow, so I began to follow a delicious scent that now moved through the air.  Blindly I followed my nose, rhythmically breathing deep the magic that ribboned into me and pulled me back out.  And things began to happen as the outward search became mirrored by an inner journey.

A fateful new page then turned in my book of life.  In fact, it was a book in itself, one that laid out and expanded upon the very yogic practices I’d somehow taken in with desert honey – Mother Earth’s own Eucharist.  Impossible!  And it was contemporary writing and real live people.  Thrill upon thrill!  

An AYP oasis had materialized in the distant haze, and my focus shifted to opening conduits of soul-watering sustenance from it.  Little by little, voices have passed down these lifelines to cheer, chide, guide, and hum the same resonance that now pulses within me.  I’ve listened gratefully to each and every one, and felt their guiding influence, love melting like warm wax to reveal the ornament of my heart.

No longer formless, no longer empty, I feel at One with that ornament.  Beauty – love – has replaced the dry void and emboldens me to draw ever more fervently on whatever straws I can place into the nectared fruit of satsang.  And lo (!) a pomegranate has fallen into my waiting lap, for I now have an AYP’er to call once a week!  Such blessed intoxication!

Thinking I might be seeking romance (the fault of my tangled writing), she all but apologized for being happily married, but that’s even more perfect when one is on a quest for spiritual love.  For me, the beloved of either gender is a symbol of the divine Beloved.  Is it not this way for us all?  And when love rises to the height of religion, would physical proximity not bring peril?  Why tempt the drunkard with the goblet when an even more piquant painstream of delight flows endlessly through its absence?  

For me, God lies in the details of this Love.  Where you may see only dark, I find my Light, for I dance through the pyre-smoke of the time-bound, and pierce the veil of maya.  *ahem*  But I’m also a man and suspect that a yogini could richly rock my world.  For now, though, I make the most of transcendent longing.

Although I remain a bit (?) rambunctious, I am proof that it takes a village to raise a child, for AYP is building a spiritual home around me right where I sit.  Heart by heart, like brick by brick, protective walls are being raised against the desiccating winds, saving me from a common prison fate – the rictus of desert mummification.  So keep juicing me up!

I end by saying that having my new friend is like being buffeted by angel wings, as she directly challenges my screwy perspectives.  But that’s exactly what I want, for we’re all littermates in the same box, puppies who need shared wiggling to become properly groomed.  So nuzzle me or nip me as you see fit, and maybe we’ll get my fur to lay down straight yet.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #170 on: February 16, 2012, 10:01:31 AM »
Posse Puzzle

I feel like a puzzle whose final pieces are falling into place.  Now, no matter what, Friday is always coming, and I can try calling to hear the Voice again.  It doesn’t matter what is said or if I monopolize the conversation or even if on certain Fridays there is no answer, for another Friday is always coming and with it the real hope of a yoga Voice: pure spiritual love and focus.  For that 15-minute period, I am held steady by my ear, and the sensation is felt throughout the week.

You’ve seen my writing; am I not much like a sugar-amped kid at a multiplex, darting like a bedazzled moth against each screen in turn?  The moth flies in ecstasy, but shouldn’t the child really spend more time in his seat?  That takes quality human input, and though I already have never felt so calm, separation anxiety still shimmers right beneath the surface.

Prison drops this tincture in a man through the constant, irretrievable, and always shocking loss of one’s most cherished friend(s) on both sides of the wall.  Only gang members, by virtue of their numbers, feel a sense of constant fellowship and family.  Being “non-sectarian” in all ways, plus on a completely different wavelength from nonaffiliated inmates, I am compelled to continue working to draw together whatever spiritual “posse” I can from the streets.

I read once that if you die with enough really good friends to count on one hand, you’ve lived a successful life.  I figure that’s a reasonable measure in order to not be a burden on anyone and make sure that the benefits flow both ways.  So, wanna join my posse?

Having just learned there’s a Bio spot in this website, I’ll get my address dropped in and work on the rest later.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #171 on: February 21, 2012, 12:50:18 AM »
Tiny Candle (Redux)

“Pain plunges like a sword thru creation, leaving on one side cringing and degraded animals, and on the other heroes and saints.”  Evelyn Underhill

I am neither of these:  just a wee inferno, a tiny candle of Love, who, when standing erect and shining, find itself an object of unjust attention.

So it seeks me out, this sword of fate;
The blows rain down, but do not drown, the Flame.
They cut my wick, but I burn more bright;
My fuel the painstream generous ladled.

But I mean no harm: just a tiny candle suffering and shining thru translucent waxen tears, consuming itself in a grief of solitude.  No candle is meant to stand apart; all cry for candelabra chorus, not to sing their light alone.

Just a tiny candle, crowning a sweetcake of Devotion:
Fingerpaint frosting, but the flavor will suit you.
Come, surely you have room for just one more...?

So reach your heart's warm hand, my Dove,
that we may wax and run with Love;
For I am Majnun, and I seek you in the darkness.
Burning... burning out... do you not see me?
Catch me as I fall.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 11:08:38 AM by anandatandava »


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #172 on: February 21, 2012, 12:54:46 AM »

Shiva, in Thy mercy accepting the most reviled.
The world turns its back toward me
Thus I to it.

I sit in obeisance to Thee
Grant me refuge.

Thy consort Shakti fountains up

Om Namah Shivaya

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
From Anandatandava
« Reply #173 on: February 21, 2012, 02:39:01 AM »
Man, this writing reminds me so much of Walt Whitman's magic. Good stuff indeed. Peace and love to you, brother.


  • Posts: 2294
From Anandatandava
« Reply #174 on: February 21, 2012, 03:40:59 AM » much talent...creation from stillness indeed...onwards[:)]


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #175 on: March 01, 2012, 11:08:00 AM »
Paint-Pot Geyser

One ecstatic last gasp (?!) concerning spiritual symbol.  Perhaps with a running start I can describe my Unitive State unadorned before it purses closed on me like quicksand.  Here goes:

It is always and ever “the Great Heat and all the other wonderful things,” to me meaning:  Melting love, incandescent pleasure, the thrilling immanence of Divinity, the stilling of all sufferings and questionings, the pulsation and vibration of the universe, the erasure of selfhood, boundaries and time, no up or down, inner or outer.

But words are only pale attempts to describe the perfect via imperfect means.  Even the stars know enough to hide their faces when the Sun takes its throne!  So most mystics take to stacking loose and transparent watercolors, one upon the other, in the hope a discernable image of the Real will emerge.  Lacking much in skill, this is my natural style.  So tell me:  in the resulting paint strata do you see only opacity, or do you instead feel the fullness that lies portrayed?  See and hear with your whole being, my friend, for therein lies the Fount you seek.

Oh no!  I spilled the paint-pots and went abstract again, even when determined not to!  That’s a steep and slippery slope indeed, demonstrating that a love of exploration is not often accompanied by good map-making.  I contrast my foolishness with Yogani – the wise cartographer – who rather than getting us lost in travelogue, provides the roadmap and instructions so that we can go see for ourselves.  But hopefully room still remains in your heart for a drunken dervish who writes like an exploding confectionery shop?  Good!

Anyway, there’s no use pointing out to most mystics that they speak figuratively.  Half will deny it even to themselves, and the rest will shrug helplessly.  For them man himself has little control.  Instead something Immense comes, plunging deep into even the atheist, crushing the thickest bedrock of disbelief, then gathering like unforeseen gems the symbols by which to adorn and reveal the Divine to earthly vision.

In each man sleeps a unique yield of Treasure, unknown even to its proprietor, that awaits a spark, an earthquake, but often just steady excavation, to be thrown to the surface.  To each is given a different gift, important to the mosaic of the Whole, so keep digging and find yours.  A set of tools lies before you in yoga; they have worked for countless others who came before.  But keep your prospector pack open, and should you find something of interest, come back and share.

From my cave I can only share what I find within, but it is augmented by what soars in to join me.  For let my pen lift in quiet flight for but a moment before a towering phoenix of Flame rises.  Something in Flight writes, you see, first grinding me against and into the Divine Ground, then with electric talons tirelessly furrows out the ore it seeks from this, my mortal clay.  But from even the poorest tailings a gem must occasionally fall.  And for this I live.  *sigh*

In contrast to even the questionably artful lies pedantic writing, whose very name suggests lowly foot traffic.  It has its place in work and school, but for matters of the soul it shuffles in dust and falls flat.  I suggest we go by air and not set our altimeter too low, for Unity lies above the religious divisions by which man has scarred the earth.  Let’s climb to where the arc of the earth is visible at all compass points, up where the Wholeness is undeniable.  There in the opening scene of my near-death vision, let me show you what happens next!!


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #176 on: March 01, 2012, 11:08:05 PM »
The Gate

I just graduated with honors from a college-accredited computer vo-tech curriculum, and am batting 100% in the next.  If humor may be defined as non-threatening surprise, well, I’m hiddenly laughing.  The system had beaten out of me all memory and belief in my own cognitive ability, and I guess I am still a little nervous to show it.  In this land of the blind, the one-eyed man get’s his lights punched out!

But it’s really inner light that counts anyway, right?  So though it was a trial by fire to be stripped of any traditional use for my mind for so many years, it forced me down the one avenue they were unable to block – religious freedom – where I found a Fire and Light to eclipse anything man could devise.

So though life is unpredictable, for the time being I actually have options!  I can sit before the computer as Robot-Boy, serving the soul in the machine; I can stand at the ready as a GED tutor, even being allowed to write when idle (maybe my skills will improve! [:)]); or I can be a hot yogi, stripping layers off at any hint of the spiritual.  And what good fortune it is that the one option that can’t be taken away is the one I’d prefer to the exclusion of all else anyway (if it weren’t for that pesky need to make money.  [:(])

Still, despite its current survival value, living in three quite compartmentalized worlds is a bit unsettling.  I feel like a repairman for Janus, the Roman god of doors and gateways, swinging this way and that.  I dream of greater unification, but can’t seem to become motivated to try fighting my way out of this gladiator school without hope of a spiritual home to immediately enter.

Have you heard of such a community, one that would take in a parolee on a trial basis?  I’m confident of success from there, for I can feel loving-kindness toward anything from pit-bulls to peach trees.  But a big strength lies also in computers, and it is likely there that I can best earn my keep.  (I already have a related enterprise in mind.)

My fellow inmates watch cars go by on a distant freeway and see the gate in the fence as the freedom they seek.  I myself look to the gate in others’ hearts as freedom, whether or not I do get out.  Will you open yours?  Tell me you wouldn’t enjoy sunshiny appreciation being poured in your ear now and then…  (No, it’s not sticky!  [:D])


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #177 on: March 19, 2012, 11:46:02 PM »
Karmic Seed

Tho sown deep in salted earth
My veins hold God and Love,
A stubborn grain that parts its berth
To drink the Light above.

It starts with virtued friends
To make fertile barren stone,
Satsang bringing to an end
The marooning of a home.

So if you bear a flow of Love
Come spill that generous pail,
And if you will to share abroad
Make green this arid vale.

Then sit and inward breathe my Friend
If you're a rhythm fancier,
For you're drawing up a Heavenly breeze
To awake the Cosmic Dancer.


  • Posts: 201
From Anandatandava
« Reply #178 on: March 20, 2012, 12:06:14 AM »
Hello Kitty

I've experienced an unfortunate confluence of events recently that had me placed in seg quite unwillingly for my own protection - twice in short order!  First time for everything, I guess.  For a while it seemed I might be a goner, but I couldn't viscerally fell a threat to this body of mine, which seems to be only like a kid brother who follows me around, sometimes so close I trip over him.  No, silly me, I had concerns for only two things:  (1) my unfinished postings, which then would remain unborn; and (2) my potential assailants, who would suffer punishment for no valid reason.  (Is violence ever valid?)

I first discovered to my amazement that seg underwear is now bright pink, and the unit was so quiet I thought I was alone for nearly a day.  I wonder if these two things are related.  (Hard to be woof'n when you feel like a kitty!)  Next I checked if Ecstasy was there with me... yup, minty-fresh body hug, so warm and real it's impossible to not anthropomorphize it in a divine sort of way.  Well, with a perfect cellmate, what more did I need?

The problem I faced ironically arose because I am so firmly committed to universal love and acceptance in a world where you're expected to take sides over the most ridiculously trivial matters.  I try not to speak here because if I do, I will be speak for equality, be it regarding gender, race, religion, orientation, past, or whatever.  But something lipped tangentially out of me, and it fell like a spark in an armory!  Really amazing ferocity, duration and variety of acrimony sprang forth, but it stayed just this side of physical violence because I simply didn't respond.  Good old ahimsa saved me again.

There is a technique taught in anger management classes where you're supposed to observe how energy is exhibiting itself inside you, attention being thereby drawn away from external events.  Geez, what do you think I've been obsessively engaged in for the last decade, though for entirely different (and delectable) reasons?!  So when torrents of loudly shouted true and false accusations, twists of the verbal knife, and dire threats washed over me, I found myself watching how it broke up into little curly tendrils, flowing upward and dissipating.  This bought time for their flame to die out due to lack of fuel and the dampening influence of others coming to my support.  Viola, I'm still here to gum up the clockwork universe a bit longer.

I should hope this illustrates why I dream about a spiritual community that would allow for my open love.  As I sit and watch political news while eating (Patanjali would certainly advise against that!), what I see scares me.  So much hatred and division out there, it seems to rival prison!  Is this so?  Please tell me man is an essentially congenial race, the few incidents of exception filling the airwaves to disguise a more amiable truth.  For if I have to remain silent to hide my non-judging nature in open society, I see no point in living there.  

I am not too naive to know that even in the most loeing spiritual environments there are little points of conflict and palace intrigues, but at least then there are countervailing influences: collective purpose, shared values, and greater opportunity to commune with the Depths.  I want and need that kind of world!


  • Posts: 437
From Anandatandava
« Reply #179 on: March 21, 2012, 03:21:49 AM »
I’d like to talk for a moment about my own experience with prison – not as an inmate, but as a visitor.  I’ve found that people who have never been to a prison really have no concept of what it is like.  It’s truly unimaginable until you are there.  At least that was the case with me.

Several years ago I began visiting a cousin I’d played with as a young child, but who was recruited into a gang and has been locked up off and on since his early teens.  The sentence he just finished was 15 years.  I’ll call him John Henry just for fun.  [:D]

I’m going to leave out as much of John’s story as I can because it’s his story to tell, not mine.  I want to tell you about the visits – the experiences and observations.  I visited a high-medium security adult male prison with some X-class housing for people who had committed the very violent crimes.  (In prison, they are not referred to as people at all; they are called offenders.)  I’d drive for 2 ½ to 3 hours to get there, park, leave everything but my keys and my wallet in the car, and walk in the front door.  The guard would buzz me in through the security door to the waiting room.  I’d sign in, give John’s name and ID number, hand them my driver’s license, and wait for them to process me.  While I was waiting, I’d put some money on a little plastic debit-style card that worked with the vending machines in the visiting room.  When the guards decided I was okay to visit they’d stamp my hand with a little stamp that shows up under a black light.  Then I’d wait for my turn with the shake-down.

The shake down is where most of the obstacles arose.  After driving for hours to get there, you don’t want to get turned away and sent home for wearing the wrong bra, but it happens.  The shake-down starts when the officer opens a second security door and points you into a little room with some lockers and a shelf.  The officer comes in and closes the door, and you put your shoes and your wallet on the shelf.  You get out your two quarters to rent a locker for your wallet, and you get out your little vending machine card.  The officer examines the shoes and goes through the wallet.  Then the officer asks to see inside your mouth, so you have to open your mouth and lift up your tongue.  Then you have to turn around and hold your arms out to the side for the pat-down.  The officer checks the collar, under the breasts, under the armpits and down the sleeves.  Then the officer pats downward from the crotch to the ankles.  They check the bottoms of the feet. They go through all the pockets, feel the back of the bra, and sometimes they take down the hairdo and go through the hair.  Then you’re required to reach up your shirt, grab the front of your bra, and shake it out really hard.  (Then you have to shake everything back in.)  When the officer decides you don’t have anything on you, they ask you to walk through a metal detector, and then you sit and wait to be escorted to the visiting room.  You’re allowed to take the key to your locker and the little money card for the vending machine.

Sometimes the shake down was okay.  Sometimes it felt like a grope-fest.  Different officers had different styles and some seemed to take a lot more personal pleasure in it than others.  One officer, feeling on my butt, asked if I was wearing panties.  I had to show her my panties.  Another officer, feeling on my bra, asked if I was wearing a sports bra.  (Sports bras were not allowed there for some reason.)  I had to lift up my shirt and show her my bra, so that she could see that it had cups and underwires.  Another officer had an issue with my jeans – ordinary blue jeans, and the same jeans I’d worn there dozens of times before.  I never wore jeans to the prison again.  I learned never to wear light colors, never wear a dress or a skirt, never wear nylons, never wear thigh-high socks.  Crew neck shirts only.  Work slacks only.  Solid shoes only.  I would shop for clothes that I thought might pass muster over there.  They’re actually pretty hard to find, and I would spend money on clothes I didn’t like, simply because they would have a shot at getting through the shake-down.  And if you think it’s dehumanizing to have an officer grope around on your breasts or examine your butt, it is.

To get to the visiting room, you exit the shake-down area, go outside, and enter another building.  You wait for the officer in the control room to open the sliding metal door, and then you wait in the hallway for the door to shut.  You put your hand under a black light and let the guard see your hand stamp.  Then you wait for a second sliding metal door to open.  Finally you walk to the visiting room, enter that door and give the officer your name and the person you’re visiting, and the officer assigns you a table.  The tables are hard steel and plastic affairs with attached seats, which are bolted to the floor.  You sit down at the table, and the officer may come over and tell you to sit at a different seat at the table.  You must always sit across from the inmate, and the inmate’s seat isn’t always marked.  I learned to ask which chair to sit in before I sat down.  And then you wait.  On a good day, I’d be waiting for no more than 20 minutes; on a bad day, I’d be waiting for nearly an hour.  There are bathrooms in the visiting area, but an officer has to escort you, and then shake you down again after you relieve yourself.  So I learned to hold it.  [:)]

Then the person I came all this way to visit comes into the room!  John would see me sitting there, but would give no sign of acknowledgement.  He would hand his slip of paper to the guard, and then go wait for his own shake-down.  His was no simple pat-down.  He was strip-searched before and after each visit.  John had to get completely naked twice each time I came to visit.  Finally, his strip-search finished, John came back into the visiting room.  There was a threshold of about 10 feet away from me, where John dropped his steely demeanor and became the guy I knew and loved so well.  We’d hug and then sit down and chat until my bladder couldn’t take it any more or the guards told us our time was up.  I’d buy sandwiches, snacks, and sodas from the vending machine, and we’d have ourselves a really good time.

The visiting room was always busy.  Murderers, kidnappers, armed robbers, and drug dealers all have families.  Little children would play dominoes with their Daddies or color in coloring books.  Little babies would sleep on the hard tables.  It was against the rules for the inmates to hold their children, but sometimes the guards looked the other way.  Actually, if I might slip in a political view, you can see the enormously high cost of our war on drugs right there in a prison visiting room.

For a few hours, the men in that visiting room would drop their masks just a little and be themselves with the people they loved.  For a few hours, they would become human again.  The tragic thing is that often, after a few months or years, the visitors stop coming.

Sometimes John Henry would tell me stories about the things that happened in between our visits.  When a person is in the hole (Roy calls it in “seg”) they’re allowed to go outside for a short period of time.  They’re escorted outside and put into cages to keep them separated from each other.  Well, even in seg, you still have weapons, and even separated by cages, you can still fight.  Chimpanzees aren’t the only animals who fling their sh*t.  John Henry has been stabbed a few times in prison.  Fights are a fairly regular thing and, probably because of that, they have a machine gun trained on them while they eat their meals.  Prisoners very quickly develop a hard shell and learn to project a persona that shouts, “Don’t even think about f****** with me or you will pay.”  

Roy slipped up and let his true self shine through for a moment and nearly paid for it with his life.  Here on the outside, we do our practices, clean the mud of Karma off our faces, and shine to each other here in this wonderful forum.  Roy can shine there in prison, but the muddy faces can’t reflect the light back at him.  They either absorb it or they douse it with their own mud.  Roy can shine here in this forum to a limited extent, but he’s hampered by my inability to keep up with his postings and by his own neediness, I think.

My request to you, the members of this forum, is to shine back.  I know there are some serious limitations, and I know there may be some discomfort with communicating with someone in prison – maybe not necessarily because of the person, but because of the prison.  I send Roy the replies to his posts via snail mail.  (Carson used to do that.  You’re awesome, Carson!)  And I’m willing to pass on an anonymous message if you’d rather communicate that way.  If you would rather communicate directly, I can give you the ins-and-outs of snail mail, and I can give you the scoop on phone calls too.  If you don’t have anything to say, that’s wonderful too, but if you do, I’d like to help remove the barriers.

I have a feeling that parole is going to happen, whether Roy wants it to or not.  And when it does, Roy will walk out of there with the clothes on his back and the knowledge in his head, and that’s it.  I can’t do much to help him with his worldly problems  (I have too many of my own [:)]), but I can shine his light back at him and add my own light to the divine flame.

Lots of love!

P.S.  I really admire anyone who made it this far!  I hope nothing in this post offended.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 03:30:27 AM by whippoorwill »