Author Topic: reiki group.what do you think yogani??  (Read 875 times)


  • Posts: 1201
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« on: March 03, 2009, 11:13:38 PM »
Hello everybody and yogani.Im a reiki practicioner.I practice ayp too since a few time.
I was initiated in reiki levels 1 and 2 two years ago with a teacher in Madrid,Spain.After a few months,i was initiated in levels 3 and "masters" degree in the distance by an internet group (free).It works very well.
I think this energy should be free for all.It is a powerfull tool,and it had bring lot of love and peace to my life.
My intention is to create a reiki group in this section of ayp.We can create a brotherhood of reiki here.I think its a good idea.
If you want to receive a distance reiki healing session,i will be giving it one day a week for everybody who wants.For example in thursdays.Lot of people can recieve a reiki session at the same time on thursdays.Everybody will be benefited in this sessions,me and all the people who wants to recieve it because energy goes trought all of us at the same time.
Once time per month,i offer my self to give initiations in reiki level 1 (for the moment) to all the people who wants to be initiated in this sistem of universal energy healing.
Reiki,energy, works in the distance very good.Everybody can recieve reiki sessions and initiations in the distance.I have two years of experience with this system and i believe there's no time and space for energy.
I think reiki should be there free for everybody who wants to join it.
what do you think about this idea yogani and ayp people??


  • Posts: 1201
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 11:54:00 PM »
My idea is to create a global group like DM global group and samyama.For sending reiki you should have level sure with reiki level one,you can send energy only with your intention,but in level 2 you recieve an specific simbol for sending energy in the distance.And it works very good.
If you are a reiki practicioner or reiki "master" i invite you to join this group.If you dont have any idea about reiki then...wellcome!!you can be initiated here in the distance.
My idea is to give initiations and create a rotary-dinamic group of reiki healings,like yin global meditation-samyama groups.We can create a list.Every week one person recieves a distance reiki healing from lot of people.It is an incredible experience to recieve reiki from lot of people!
We can create a comunity of people iniciated in takes time,but we can create an very powerfull focus of energy in this forum in the future!
The idea is that i give initiations,but in the future you can give initiations too,you know? In this way we can expand this  wonderfull energy system of practice.
Lot of information about reiki and its use can be added in this place too...
Love everybody.


  • Posts: 525
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 12:06:11 AM »
I am up for this idea. It will benifit everyone.


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 01:27:33 AM »
Hi Miguel:

Thanks much for sharing your inspiring ideas.

I encourage you to pursue your passion. Discussions and networking for Reiki are certainly welcome here.

However, starting an AYP managed regularly scheduled Reiki event would not be practical right now. We have just rolled out the weekly AYP global meditation and healing samyama sessions for public participation, after three years of gradual evolution. So, you see, these things do not happen overnight. Reiki is not part of the core AYP lessons (or competency) either, so direct management of Reiki events as an AYP function would be a bit presumptuous, I think.

Even so, you should continue with gusto here and everywhere on your path, and I am sure it will evolve into something very beneficial for many. It will take time and persistence. We are here to help everyone do that in ways that are empowering on the individual level, and supporting the worldwide spiritual awakening that is well underway.

Carry on! [:)]

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 1201
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 03:19:43 AM »
Hi yogani.Thanks for your answer.
I think you are right.It has been an inspired-impulse from me.I tought it after sending my posts.Presumptuous,yes...
I respect a lot all your work and this forum,and im learning a lot here about yoga.
I think it has been a precipitated idea!


  • Posts: 858
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 06:11:19 AM »

There is nothing to say you couldent form a reiki healing circle outside of AYP is there?


  • Posts: 1201
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2009, 06:17:59 AM »
Hi richard.Yes,and its a good idea.Im thinking it.


  • Posts: 1201
reiki group.what do you think yogani??
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2009, 08:04:46 AM »
I have created a new free reiki group for averybody interested in it.The direction is in the events section.