Author Topic: recovering my eyes  (Read 1125 times)


  • Posts: 4
recovering my eyes
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:39:50 AM »
My eyesight was excellent and i had absolutely none problems with it. Half a year ago after huge tensions at work (10 hours at PC every day @ 2-3 months) i got floaters . Moreover it came with constant pain and "flashers" in eyes.
I went many ophthalmologists and they said my eyes is pretty ok, but they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the floaters as modern medicine in a whole.
I know that sometimes some people recovered from it so it is not irreversible.

Maybe someone faced with such problem and solved it using yoga, or maybe you know any ways to deal with it using yoga, so your advices are welcome. Thx in advance.


  • Posts: 4
recovering my eyes
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 08:51:48 AM »
I tryed dr.Bates exercises, and i left my job (which has been strongly connected with PC).
Then i started to learn yoga (kundalini) at yogaclub.
Speaking about yoga-based exercises i tryed trataca (sorry, english equivalent to words i know might be wrong).
All abovelisted measures made be feeling better and decreased eye-pain from constant to occasional.
But anyway i beleive that eyes needs their own-focused measures.
So i need your help.


  • Posts: 969
recovering my eyes
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 09:08:43 AM »
I've had eye problems, and instead of thinking yoga helps, I think yoga can make it worse.  The eyes are an indicator of how in balance your body is.  If you're full of blockages, but are balanced, the eyes will be fine...that is the case for many non-energy practitioners.  If you have a few minor blockages, but are blasting through them with energy work, you won't be balanced...and eye problems will manifest.

This is just my opinion.


  • Posts: 641
recovering my eyes
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 09:44:46 AM »
I had many problems with my eyes and still do.
I too recommend Dr. Bates exercises (especially palming and the swings).
I also been doing AYP since 8 months and find Deep Meditation is a great help. Due to my eye problems I find many blockages are in the neck/head region adn I can really feel my yoga working there. I feel some relief but I am still not "cured". Still I feel meditation is good because it seems to really calm (and open) the optical nerves, as all other nerves in the body.
But still, I think my case was quite bad, yours probably is not so bad.
It is also good not too obsess a lot with eye problems but, like Scott says, I think if you are unbalanced this will manifest in your eyesight as well. Just try to live relaxed and well and happy, that is always the best. And yoga definitely helps with that! [:)]


  • Posts: 4
recovering my eyes
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2009, 11:44:20 PM »
Guys, do you know good yoga therapy centers which i can contact for possible cure? Or the place where really experienced yogins are.
I didn't saw any in my  I guess the best one is in India, isn't it? country.
I know i just can use, but it wouldn't tell me whether it good or bad, etc.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 11:47:47 PM by rounder »


  • Posts: 3597
recovering my eyes
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 11:18:42 AM »
i think there are great healers all over the world. If you just ask around, you should be able to find one near where you live. Be sure to get references from people you know who have been healed. The best healers usually don't charge much money.


  • Posts: 4
recovering my eyes
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2009, 01:38:29 AM »
Yeah, the biggest problem is that nobody of my mates knows about them. Thats why im asking about big centers i can trust indeed.
Im still searching it in my country, but i'll be very thankful to know about any serious centers that you guys can recommend.


  • Posts: 405
recovering my eyes
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 12:34:56 AM »

I hope this link helps.

Love n Light