Author Topic: Research on Modifications to AYP Practices  (Read 2805 times)


  • Posts: 309
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2009, 06:51:35 AM »
Yeah, I found accupuncture and herbs useful for releasing trapped heat and keeping the system in balance while doing these aggressive yoga practices.

Now I only do DM once a week in the early evening. In the morning I practice Zhan Zhuong. I find abdominal massage in the evening before bed really useful, too.


  • Posts: 3178
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2009, 03:48:24 AM »
I have been meaning to share this here for a while but just haven't gotten around to it....I ended up having a poignant opportunity to share this on the taobums forum today, so I thought I would share here as well since I've already typed it up.

This is basically a modification to the Samyama practice that can be practiced at any time during the day.

Try this (if you feel inclined).....

-As a feeling/thought/emotion/mood is noticed, consciously open yourself to it.....allow that thought/feeling to be, just the way it constriction, no tension, just open-ness.

-(this step is optional)
--For those that are a "visual learner" it can be helpful to visualize the thought/feeling/etc as a balloon/stone (something that can either float away or fall) in the heart area.
--For those that are an "auditory learner" it can be helpful to put a word or sound to the thought/feeling and to try to locate it in the heart area.
(this all becomes automatic IME after a while)

-Now let go of it.
--(Visual learners) Watch it float away like a helium balloon/watch it fall into the abyss inside
--(Auditory learners) Say the word or sound internally and listen to it decrease in volume as it echos into Silence.

For me, this technique helped me rid myself of a marijuana addiction ....after a couple of months of dropping the belief that I was a marijuana addict into Silence, I lost the physical/mental addiction. This also helped with my tendency towards anger/having a short temper. I would find myself in a situation where I was really really angry for some reason, and I would feel that anger, locate it in my heart as a stone, and I would drop it into the abyss. And within a minute or so I would be calm and back to my usual "centered" self. I believe that this can work for any emotion, thought, desire, situation.......give it all to the Silence and return to your core as Peace/Openness.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 03:50:29 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 1201
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2009, 05:27:44 AM »
Powerful.I know how hard is to quit from marihuana, must be powerful tecniq carson.Ill try it with my very low consume of tabacco.The habit that i culdnt quit totally yet.
So...thanks,sound pretty good...[:)]
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 05:33:02 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 1201
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2009, 03:04:35 AM »
only one rolling hand cigarette today (instead of 4 daily cigarrettes).
It works (like i expected)[:)]

ps-and i find it very funny to throw stones in to the sacred universal hole[:D]
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 03:17:24 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 3178
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2009, 04:22:29 AM »
Awesome to hear Miguel!

Just remember not to "force" anything....if you really feel the need for a smoke, drop it into Silence....if it returns, drop it again....if it returns a third time, just have a smoke and don't think about it (or something along those lines...that's what I did for weed and it worked).  Then continue to do this everytime the desire for a smoke comes.  Eventually you will (likely) find that the desire arises less and less often and returns less and less often until eventually, viola! you're no longer a smoker!  Hope it works for you....keep us/me posted as I am curious as to whether this method will help others beat addictions like it helped me.

Much Love!


  • Posts: 1201
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2009, 04:44:06 AM »
Yes,ill try to take it easy cz i am feeling im going a little fast.
But ill continue doing it easily and ill keep informed.Thanks.[:)]


  • Posts: 674
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2009, 07:25:33 AM »
Two modifications for the pranayama part:

- After being able to do really slow breaths, meaning 1-2 breaths per minute over 10 minutes without problems and after having reached stability in most of the kundalini stimulating additions:

--> you can add kumbhakka (breath retention) to SBP for 2-10 secs after inhalation and after exhalation.

Especially the second one wakes up kundalini strongly. For that reason, this kind of breathing can either be done after 5-10 minutes of normal SBP for some additional minutes. Or only in one of both sitting sessions.

Only increase retention times if slow and stable breathing is possible without more effort. Never exchange slow breathing with kumbhakka+fast breathing.

Cautions: It is only for mid to later stages and should not be done to a painful extreme. People with blood pressure problems should bypass this or just stay with little seconds of breath retention. In latest stages, yoni mudra kumbhakka will make the most difference in kundalini waking.


- After being stable in a whole set of kundalini stimulating elements, especially in bhastrika pranayama and yoni mudra kumbhakka / whole body mudra:

--> you can fuse both for very strong kundalini awakening and bringing it up to the third eye.

The procedure: After 5-20 bhastrika SB-pranayams, with the last one exhale very strongly and then inhale very deeply, hold the breath, do yoni mudra ( + jalandhara, mula bandha and uddiyana bandha ( + kechari mudra 1 if not already in 2 or higher)). Stay with breath, energy and attention at the brow as silent, stable and relaxed as possible. And this for as long as possible without going to extremes. When first signs of discomfort start, loosen the bandhas + mudras and start to exhale very slowly.

At the beginning 1 repetition is enough. After some days to weeks, it can be enhanced 1 per time. In that case, after having exhaled, you can take 1-3 normal breaths and then start over with 5-20 bhastrika SBPs + yoni mudra kumbhakka / whole body mudra, and so on.

The best place for this technique is after pranayma and before starting with DM.

Cautions: The same as the one above, except that this one can be overdone much easier than any other technique. After some weeks to little months the ability to hold the breath will effortlessly exceed minutes and this again will make 1 repetition more effective than 3 before! So one should be careful with this changing dynamic. Overall, its effects are intense and only for those with high bhakti and already stable routines of advanced techniques.


The timings and amounts are just a starting point. The focus is more on the techniques itself. Everyone at this stage will do what suits best for him/her anyway. And most probably many won't need these enhancements either.

Iny my experience, the first one opens both nostrils very fine and opens the entrance to sushumna. Bhastrika+kumbhakka make the lifeenergy enter it smoothly. The bandhas and mudras bring this energy very safely to the third eye. Because of this combination, the mind can suddenly stop and you can even dive into intense silence and pure bliss awareness. The contrast can be huge and frightening for the first time. But the bliss will welcome you in such a way, that this kind of fear will vanish instantly.

The second technique also improves health and melts stubborn blockages like nothing else.

I don't know if AYP needs this. Both can be integrated without (much) time addition and both provide a smooth opening of the sushumna and make the transition to nondual awareness much easier. So they are more of an addition for those within ayp who have some years behind them and still wonder why nothing happens. Or for those with extreme insensitivity (and short timing). Or for those who have done some good progress over the years and have an immense bhakti rising and are ready for a greater shift.


  • Posts: 93
Research on Modifications to AYP Practices
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2009, 03:42:24 PM »
Hi Yogani,

I think it is a great idea to share the modifications and alternatives . I would suggest having another subsection in the AYP forums saying "Modifications and alternatives to AYP" or anything like that, where everyone could post the tried modifications and alternatives with its results.

It can help a great deal to the more sensitive meditators.
