Author Topic: seeing future  (Read 1591 times)


  • Posts: 545
seeing future
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2009, 12:27:12 AM »
Yes i have gotten precognition from dreams a few times in the past.  More often than that i have felt deja vu, which seems similar but slightly different.  

The question about this experience is what is it for?  Because honestly, the events that occurred were mundane and of no real significance.  It just leaves you wondering about the nature of space and time more than anything else.  

I suppose when meditation is practiced regularly and you enter dreamy states but stay awake some of these visions of the future occur more often in people predisposed to having this experience.  

Another experience i had was like looking through a kind of telescope at a scene of my mother while i was driving away on holiday.  Perhaps this is like remote viewing?

And again, i have woken up in the morning and thought i was looking through my closed eyelids at my bedroom scenery.  This is the odd thing though - when i was lying on my back i thought i saw the objects in my room; whereas lying on my front i thought i was looking through my pillow to the sheet underneath where i could discern a little dirt mark or something but when i came to and lifted up the pillow to reality test, there was no mark where i had "seen" it.  

Is it possible that this dream like vision is an imitation of the physical world but only in my head?  I have read of accounts of OBEs and NDEs where people report experiences that contradict the idea they are outside of their body because of objects or people etc that are not in the same physical space.  

It is either that or my psychic "sight" is very poorly developed.


  • Posts: 1673
seeing future
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2009, 04:10:22 AM »

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”

Albert Einstein.

Look into the experiment that started Quantum physics.
Read a book called Everything Forever 'Learning to see Timelessness' by Gevin Giorbran.
Get in touch with self inquiry.
Tap into some of Mooji's videos.

and in NLP terms 'perception is projection'.

Then see if it all makes some kind of sense.


  • Posts: 31
seeing future
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2009, 06:05:07 AM »
Somebody here talked about time being the forth dimension. This gave me an inspiration in the context of precognition. Let me see if I can explain in words. [;)]
According to traditional science, the four dimensions are length, width, heigh and time. But this is seen from a totally material standpoint, not a spiritual one. I have had my share of dreaming actual situations in detail, usually around 3-4 months before they happened. These situations were always unusual and important to my life. They were loaded with energy. So in the web of consciousness you could imagine them as brightly glowing points. Not the usual daily stuff.

I am a 3D art hobbyist, among other things, so I have thought a lot about the forth dimension. My conclusion (so far) is as follows: You can have a static flat image which still shows 3 dimensions, that is height, width and depth. This is because our eyes and brain have the capability to interpret it as 3 dimensional, even though it reality it is only 2 dimensional. If you want to add the 4th dimension, you can set up a sequence of static images and add time. Then you have a movie. So far so good.

But the only way for us to know the fourth dimensional effect of the movie, is to watch the whole thing, that is, image after image in a right sequence. So by watching all these static 2D images, you suddenly have a story. Again it is our brain that interprets things that way. So it isn´t until after we have seen the whole sequence of 2D images that we know what the movie is about. Then in our memory we can rerun it bit by bit or alternatively simply know it as a whole, as ONE.

It happens to me sometimes, in deep meditation, that I get "flashes of inspiration". It is like in one instant I suddenly "understand" something. There is no time or delay involved. It is like receiving a big data chunk to use computer terminology. This is what I conceive of as being in contact with the 4th dimensional self. It seems to be a part of us which exists in timelessness. A part which sees no difference between past, present and future. It is all the same. So when I receive information this way, it can take an hour to explain it to another person. And sometimes an hour is not even enough. It is like a bigger part of the whole than our usual thoughts. Some people refer to this as intuition or inspiration.

So according to this, my idea of the fourth dimension is not time, but timelessness. Or maybe, all time seen as ONE. The whole movie we happen to be starring in.

In regard to precognition, I understand it as people getting a glimpse of timelessness/all time. Then you can see how things look and if you like, you can live them, or alternatively, you can change them. Then the whole of who you are changes accordingly, because nothing in this universe is static. Everything is evolving, including us. Our lifes are not a script to be followed, they are simply a reflection of who we are. As we evolve, so will our experiences. How about that?


  • Posts: 831
seeing future
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2009, 06:53:57 AM »
Hi samara [:)]

I thought you might be interested in reading this lesson, if you haven't already, it talks about the other dimension we are tuning into during meditation..




  • Posts: 31
seeing future
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2009, 01:33:12 PM »
Hi Yonatan,
There are many different schools that have slightly different methods of numbering the dimensions. Typically they talk about different bodies relating to each dimension. So in this case I was referring to what is often called the fourth dimensional Causal body, not the fifth dimensional Buddic body which is also known as "the Bliss body". Or maybe I am confused.

Anyway, I was just trying to share my experience and my take on premonition. I have had them in dreams since childhood, but far less since meditation became a part of my life. Guess I am less prone to surprises now [;)]

Lot´s of people who have never meditated dream their future, in more or less detail. Others simply "know" something is about to happen. We are all constantly moving from one state to another.

Peace and love, [^]


  • Posts: 831
seeing future
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2009, 09:39:31 PM »
OK, thanks for sharing.. [:)]

Peace and Love!!


  • Posts: 545
seeing future
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2009, 01:46:23 AM »
Hi Samara,

You spoke about getting a kind of flooding of intuitional "data".  I think i know what this means or is like.  When i meditated once i got visuals of myself doing something practical in my life as if i was being shown solutions to problems or having guidance, and the visuals were incredibly rapid and seemed psychadelic in colours.  Are you familiar with this kind of thing?

Also, about intuition again - have you ever heard a still small voice within almost kind of speaking or "whispering" to you, and it seemed masculine or with a deep resonance?

Anf finally, what about hearing voices that seem to come from outside of you that could be living people's minds or dead people's minds?

I believe all these experiences of intuition come from God and i get the unmistakable "knowing" that it it is a "higher self" - which means, it comes from "outside" me and it IS me at the same time.  Does that make any sense to you?


  • Posts: 31
seeing future
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2009, 12:16:11 PM »
Hi gumpi.

Yes, the intuition data seems to be pretty compressed. It comes like in a flash and then you simply understand something you may have been wondering about before. It makes sense, and it works. Sometimes this includes problem solving, sometimes this gives me a deeper insight into reality. But no colors. I think some people are more tuned into colors than others, I rarely see them.

I can sort of sense a quiet voice, but I don´t really hear it. It is more in the mind. So there is no resonance I can detect, very neutral, neither masculine nor feminine.

I have only on one occasion heard a voice that sounded like it was outside of me. I was driving alone one night, had recently got my drivers license. I stopped at an intersection and looked to the left and saw a car which was about to turn right, so I got ready to drive across. Then suddenly I could hear a loud voice that shouted: Careful! I automatically hit the brake, and a split second later, a car I had not seen, came speeding by. I instinctively looked over my shoulder to see who said that, but the back seat was empty! This second car had been hidden from sight behind the other car, and it had been impossible to see. This voice saved my life that night. I am very grateful to whoever it was. It was definitely a strong male voice.

This feeling of something coming both from the outside and the inside at the same time, is very familiar to me. I am not religious, but I do believe we are all ONE in some inexplicable way. Our consciousness is woven together and maybe it does not matter if it is me or somebody else or all as ONE. Makes me humble to think that maybe my ideas are not really mine, all I did was to tap from the collective pool of ideas. I kind of like it that way. [:)]
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 02:35:32 AM by samara »


  • Posts: 1673
seeing future
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2009, 12:04:40 AM »
Originally posted by samara

So according to this, my idea of the fourth dimension is not time, but timelessness. Or maybe, all time seen as ONE. The whole movie we happen to be starring in.

Read Everything Forever-How to see Timelessness by Gevin Giobran.It goes even further than your ideas and is the first book I have read that combines Sprituality with Physics.

Thats one small step on the ladder of realising the truth.

For instance, you have to create a concept called 'time' or 'energy' or 'gravity' before they can become. Go and try and find gravity and you will be faced by the results of gravity and not what gravity is, like all good concept it defies any investigation.

The only way you can know about gravity is to be aware of it.
How are 'you' aware of it?
How did you know what to do in the face of this un named force?
You felt a concept, but where does that concept come from ?
Where does the concept that your heart will beat, or that you exist come from ?

"you think thats air your breathing"


  • Posts: 967
seeing future
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2009, 05:20:45 AM »
Interesting topic.

Origin of the word "time":
bef. 900; (n.) ME; OE tîma; c. ON tîmi; (v.) ME timen to arrange a time, deriv. of the n.; akin to tide

Timeless being breathing. The illusory appearance of being in time. What can be measured in this?

When and where does past, present and future reside? Even holding a concept of now will never grasp the eternal.

Thanks for sharing your time [:D]
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 05:48:42 AM by Balance »


  • Posts: 31
seeing future
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2009, 11:17:42 AM »
I was reading the other day what the the old Norse mythology says about time. There is this very important and central tree Yggdrasil (the spine?). There are three norns (magical females) who water the tree each day to keep it alive. Their names are Urdur, Verdandi and Skuld, and they are said to represent past, present and future. What is interesting is the meaning of their names: Urdur (what one has become), Verdandi (what one is becoming) and Skuld (debt). Yes, it is debt, like in karmic debt. So according to this, the future is you debt. When you have paid your debt you are free from time. If you know your debt, you know your future. Sounds pretty much the same as Eastern philosophy.