Author Topic: Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.  (Read 1052 times)


  • Posts: 7
Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.
« on: August 09, 2008, 11:26:24 AM »
For the last 2 1/2 months my meditation has been productive and purification has been smooth. I felt myself going deeper in my practices (both pranayama and meditation) and during the day I didn't experience any overdoing symptoms or irritation.

The last 3 or so days I have been aware of a vast and sudden increase in the depth of silence, to a degree where I am witnessing patterns emerge and my reactions in daily life as well as social situations; because of the silence I have been automatically releasing energy throughout the day especially wanting approval and control, to a degree where I feel present most of the day throughout all my endeavors.

This sudden leap in progression has caused a lot of irritation, some flashing scenery and eye strain. I think the cause isn't purificatino but rather my reactions to my reactions (that makes sense?). Because I am more aware of egoic reactions/patterns I find myself fighting the resistance and leading to irritation; a closed loop if you will.

I've tried some grounding techniques such as walking at night when I felt out of my element. I'm trying to eat some dense food and keep myself busy so I don't focus on the energy.

Because the last 2 days have been pretty harsh I have cut back on my sessions. One time I did 5 minutes of pranayama and skipped meditation entirely, another 10 prana and only 5 medit, this morning 10 prana and about 8 medit.

I think I am unconsciously, or by habit, releasing as would be done with the Sedona Method throughout the day (feeling arises, I become aware, accept the feeling and it dissipates), and I feel strongly that it's the cause of my symptoms (the constant auto-releasing), but it feels so habitual that fighting it is equally counter productive (what a mess haha).

Any suggestions? Is laying off a couple sittings very detrimental, or should I continue meditating through the irritation?



  • Posts: 229
Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2008, 05:46:12 PM »
Originally posted by Razza

Because the last 2 days have been pretty harsh I have cut back on my sessions. One time I did 5 minutes of pranayama and skipped meditation entirely, another 10 prana and only 5 medit, this morning 10 prana and about 8 medit.

Do you normally do pranayama for longer than meditation?

The lessons recommend we do pranayama for about half the amount of time we meditate. For example, 5 minutes pranayama and 10 minutes meditation.

If you're doing more pranayama and less meditation, that could be one possible cause of overpurification.

I've only dabbled with the Sedona Method, so I can't really speak to that aspect of your situation. My impression is that the Sedona Method can be used (alone) all day without over-doing, but I don't know how it interacts with AYP. I didn't experience any problems mixing the two, but I didn't get to the level (in Sedona) where releasing was happening all the time.

Others on this forum have more experience with the Sedona Method, so hopefully they will chime in.

Good fortune


  • Posts: 309
Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2009, 07:08:34 AM »
Good question!

I have a little experience with sedona method.
I do releasing work throughout the day.

In the days of old it would probably be your time to go on walkabout, feel fully the pain of being human, surrender to it fully and emerge with greater compassion for yourself and others.

Irritation is resistance to feeling. Our mind wants to resist vulnerability, pain. It deams it as 'weak'. I still struggle with this.
With inner silence though, releasing is much easier. I'd recommend less SB and more DM.

I don't know, I go with the 'surrender as much as possible without getting arrested' route at the moment, but burnout and stress seem to be inevitable as we all become mind-identified.

So perhaps less energy work, more deep meditation, and use sedona method on what comes out - I've found a habit in myself of HUNTING for problems to release - it happens when the MIND gets tied up in the process.

Not too much help, sorry..



  • Posts: 2055
Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2009, 07:58:09 AM »
Irritation is resistance to feeling.

Jeez! Thank you, Jack! I never thought of that! (Or I have and have totally forgotten about it... [:I]) That info was very much needed here at the moment, and I immediately see the accuracy of it! Phew... let's take another dive into dissolving emo's... [xx(]

Thanks for a great reminder!


  • Posts: 549
Sudden silence cultivation lead to problems.
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2009, 08:53:46 AM »

If you are feeling uncomfortable, you are right for cutting back practices. It can really be a pain sometimes because you wanna keep pushing forward...but it in counterintuitive like that - your pulling back is a sign of moving forward.

AYP maintains deep meditation as the core practice and is held about all other sitting practices in priority. So if you are cutting back your total session to say 15 mins - either do 5 mins pranayama and 10 meditation or 15 mins meditation. In this system we also maintain somewhat of a ratio with energy and silence usually want your energy work to be at least half of what your silence work is. If not, that can worsen the irritation and strain you are experiencing. Also, you can try just doing meditation on the breath (not pranayama) which is a great lite meditation and gives the mind a break from its conquests to destroy itself :-)