Author Topic: Kundalini and wiccas  (Read 2674 times)


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2008, 04:55:54 PM »


You're right, I don't allow myself to believe in any wicca or witch, cause I feel too much to Shakti inside of me, I'm always in ecstasy and there is no room for such a thing.

I also believe that its a mutual two way thing, altough I never seek this person, he is always after me, and each time I try to help him, our energies clash, and I run away and then we met again, it seems to be like a karma, or a consciouss work or game, its a never ending story, we meet all the time, and we clash all the time, and all his friends are witches and they hate me. And he always threatens me with the same story.


Originally posted by Divineis

Neli, I'd like to emphasize what Richard said.

"As far as Wicans and magicians go they have no power over you at all unless you allow them to."

Basically... unless the intention or the desire is there, you have not to worry... in other words, as long as you're honest with yourself, happenings like these wouldn't even be blamed on "the other". It's a mutual two way thing.

So in other words... DON'T WORRY. What you set yourself up to happen in the realm of consciousness, will happen, and what you don't, won't.  (I won't make a rule out of this, but from what I've seen regarding any such "energy exchanges" regarding two persons consciousness, the intention has to be there for both. I almost didn't even say anything, because I don't want anyone getting paranoid. Honestly, forget I said anything :) haha).


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2008, 05:02:30 PM »


Thanks a lot, I'm trying to connect again to the source, I have to practice more.


Originally posted by maya_1347

We are one.
We are lights interconnected. When you get connected to the source you feel protected, secure, and  trusted.
The exercise I recommended was just reinforcing your connection and building up your inner peace and strength.
You are part of universal light.


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2008, 07:19:07 PM »

Tibetan Ice

Can you tell me if I can do both meditations, the kunlun, and the Kundalini ?
I have read all the 7 pages about kunlun, and am very interested in this, mostly because it works so fast, its almost immediately.
I have began some practices, but don't know if they are the correct, altough by the results I think that I am not that bad.
When I was a child, I remember I always moved my legs from one side to the other, like a clock, one leg upon the other, it lasted years, then I was slept, I think this helped me to sleep.

Even when I was married my ex was curious seeing my way of sleeping, I mean moving my legs, from one side to the other, it lasted maybe one hour, maybe more, or less, I thought at that time that it was a kind of  a tick, but I don't think so, as it was made voluntarily, and steadily. And its a kind of work to move the legs for one hour, just to get some sleep, so I don't think it was a tick.

Then it stopped alone, not even if I wanted to do it now, I wouldn't. It was before sleeping, on my bed, never felt any energy, don't know what it was. It stopped years back, and never came back.

My parents always laughed at me watching me moving my legs when I was a child. Can this energy awakens alone ?

I almost forgot this episode of my life, till I read the thread of kunlun.

Om Shanti

  Why don't you like Kunlun energy? It could well be the easiest, most readily available and powerful energy known to peoplekind. It will clean out your pathways (nadis, etheric channels, auric bodies) and accelerate any spiritual progress you are making.. (Each to his/her own I guess.. )





  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2008, 07:10:37 AM »
Originally posted by neli

Hi Tibetan

Thanks for your advice ! I didn't know that it was my ehteric body or astral body trying to dissociate, but what for ? to fly ? I'm trying to make an OBE but am like kind of stuck since time ago.

  Yes, the astral body can fly, go to other places on earth or other planes. The wavy disorientating feeling that you get is when your consciousness is transferred to your astral body. You don't have to worry about dying or leaving your body for good because the astral body is tied to the body through a silver chord which will snap you back into the body if you get into trouble.


I'm not a christian, does it still work ?

Well I believe in Shakti, Kali, and other energies, but I am a sort of pantheist.

Can I thank Baba Muktananda, Babaji, and Shakti, instead ?

I read, from Shri Anandi Ma that all deities are manifestations of the on God. Ram, Vishnu, Krishna, Jesus, all the saints, every one of them/us are manifestations of God and the God within us. If you ask me if Jesus would help someone whom is not christian, I would say YES because religion does not play a part in God's love for us all. Religion is man made.. However, it would help if you asked from Love and Protection from a deity that you believe in.


I have black tourmaline, I only lack the jet rock.

Make sure to keep the black tourmaline on you. It is a very powerful stone. You can sure feel it work when you hold it in your left hand.


Do you think my aura is leaking? is it because its pouring down most of the time ?

I don't know if your aura is leaking. A downward flow is a good thing and you should be able to intuitevely sense the quality and type of energy it is. Does it feel good? Does it awaken your bliss and love? You can probably tell me more about different tastes and types of energy than I could tell you. [:D]


When I put the wool blanket under my feet while in meditation, the energy began to pour down all the time, I think it was the Tummo energy that was flowing up from my feet but I don't know, it was hot and wavy, like chills of heat, and sometimes was cold.

 Yes, that is good. The wool blanket should prevent leakage downwards and repel the earth's energy which may drain your energies.


I've been doing all the time the pranayama breathing, to clean the sushumna, but when I feel it is when is in the ajna, I don't feel it in my spine.

Well, that might take a while but I believe that the AYP spinal breathing is a good thing. Eventually, as you move your attention up and down the sushumna, you will notice that heat or prana or chi will start to follow your attention. This will help clear out the sushumna. Also, the sushumna is not the spine (in my opinion). The sushumna is actually part of the etheric/astral/mental/causal bodies. The spine is the physical counterpart and easier for most people to visualize.


I've been reading all the kunlun threads in here, and I like it, also I have been practicing the mudra of the thumbs on the temples to have lucid dreams, and it works! I just do it for minutes, after the K meditation. Also the massage on the belly area where the energy is stored, to avoid that the energy stores in another areas. I only miss the movement of the legs, I think it has to happen alone, do I have to do it on my chair, or on the floor ?

To do Kunlun 1, you should put a wool blanket on the floor, then put a wooden chair on top of that. You should be seated on the chair, and not leaning on the back of the chair. Then, sit in the chair and do the first part of the meditation which is to imagine yourself floating in the sky. As you breathe in you imagine misty white light entering your body and filling you up. Your body becomes white light. Then, on the exhale, you imagine smoke or dark mist coming out of your nose. Do this for 10 minutes or so. This is actually a method of prana/chi gathering.

Next, you sit on a chair and put your right hand at your neck, facing downwards, and your left hand below your navel facing upwards. This joins or makes a connection from the lower body to the upper body. Then you raise your heels off of the floor and hold that position (remember to smile and just let go). Eventually, your calves start to tire and a reflex action kicks in which causes the legs to bounce up and down.  (I used to do this all of the time in Church when I was a kid..) When you legs start to bounce, you can lose the hand positions and put your hands where you want to. I usually put them on my legs so they bounce along with the legs. Then, smile and let go. Become mindless and go with the flow.. The main secret to Kunlun is that it is an emotional practice, not a mental practice.

  If the leg bouncing doesn't start, it says in the book that you can start to rotate your lower abdomen/spine in circles and that should get it going. I've heard of several people who get the flow in the upper body first, and then down to the legs.. Everyone is different, I guess. What I do is just start my legs bouncing consciously and then back off and let go until they bounce on their own.

  After bouncing, smiling and letting go for a while (20-40 minutes), then you slowly move your heels back down and tell the energy to slow down. Then, you put your hands, left over right, at your lower abdomen and hold that pose for 10 or 20 minutes to store the energy. This is similar to story qi in the lower tan tien.


I don't think that K energy can interfere with kunlun, I think the energies are very intelligent and know how to work each other.

Max does say that the two energies do not mix and many Kunlun practitioners don't perform the two at the same time. It says that practicing Kulun and Kundalini could be dangerous, resulting in energy sickness. Me personally, I don't believe that. This point has been debated at the forum.

Kunlun will open you up and clear your channels. If your kundalini is flowing, this will increase your kundalini flow too. Since Kunlun does work rapidly to clear your nadis, it is a good idea to go slow and self pace..

As well, there are stories coming out about people's body parts disappearing from practicing the higher levels of Kunlun.  



  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2008, 07:22:19 AM »
Originally posted by neli
Can you tell me if I can do both meditations, the kunlun, and the Kundalini ?

Hi Neli [:)]
 I'm not sure what your kundalini meditation is, perhaps you could describe it?

 I do my kundalini meditations, chakra activation meditations, mantra meditations (and various others) and the Kunlun chi gathering too, just not at the same time.

 Yes, your leg movements might have been a form of Kunlun energy working. The interesting thing is that I found a book on "Magic" that says the the lower body is magnetic and the upper body is electric. So, any shaking in the lower body is going to free up some magnetism and make the charge stronger..

  Oh yes, that book contains some lessons on how to levitate..



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2008, 07:35:09 PM »

Hi TI [:)]

I have made OBEs years back, but don't know why I am stuck to my body in the last 2 years. I remember me flying, teleporting myself to other places or planes, talking to people, and then came back to my body as a very normal thing; and I always recalled everything, but now its like if someone has tied my astral body to my physical body.Don't know what happened, if before it was a very common practice for me.

Thanks for the advises, I'll take the tourmaline with me.

When the energy pours down sometimes I feel great, and blissful, but sometimes I don't feel anything, just the energy pouring down, but sometimes and this is the amazing thing, I feel it like honey pouring down from the top of my head, thick and slowly covering part of my face, kind of sticky, like a "nectar". I haven't tasted it, but I have smelled it, and its sweet, like a candy. Sometimes it pours down and gets into the third eye, like if this chakra were hungry and eat all the nectar. But it havent get inside my mouth.

I also think that it takes time to feel the sushumna, well I feel it but in different parts of my back, not in my spine, I can't feel it in my spine, I try to flow it up, and I feel like a blockage on my neck, the energy stops there, and then it goes to the third eye, I don't know how, but I feel it there.

Yesterday I began with the bouncing, I was bouncing my legs consciously, but nothing happened, I will repeat it again, or make the rotation of the abdomen, maybe it failed cause I was sat on the floor, on a cushion, with my legs on the floor and the heels up, but I think it has to be on a chair.

I also think the energies can be combined, without danger, I don't think it can be any danger, cause the energies works in a very intelligent way.

I have read that stories about parts of the body disappearing, I believe it, cause I have a pic of a man that is working and his work fellow took a pic of him while working, and his hand is invisible, its incredible, but it happened, and he is not in any yoga or kunlun practice. In the pic one can see the wires that he is handling but not the hand.

Thanks a lot

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli

Hi Tibetan

Thanks for your advice ! I didn't know that it was my ehteric body or astral body trying to dissociate, but what for ? to fly ? I'm trying to make an OBE but am like kind of stuck since time ago.

  Yes, the astral body can fly, go to other places on earth or other planes. The wavy disorientating feeling that you get is when your consciousness is transferred to your astral body. You don't have to worry about dying or leaving your body for good because the astral body is tied to the body through a silver chord which will snap you back into the body if you get into trouble.


I'm not a christian, does it still work ?

Well I believe in Shakti, Kali, and other energies, but I am a sort of pantheist.

Can I thank Baba Muktananda, Babaji, and Shakti, instead ?

I read, from Shri Anandi Ma that all deities are manifestations of the on God. Ram, Vishnu, Krishna, Jesus, all the saints, every one of them/us are manifestations of God and the God within us. If you ask me if Jesus would help someone whom is not christian, I would say YES because religion does not play a part in God's love for us all. Religion is man made.. However, it would help if you asked from Love and Protection from a deity that you believe in.


I have black tourmaline, I only lack the jet rock.

Make sure to keep the black tourmaline on you. It is a very powerful stone. You can sure feel it work when you hold it in your left hand.


Do you think my aura is leaking? is it because its pouring down most of the time ?

I don't know if your aura is leaking. A downward flow is a good thing and you should be able to intuitevely sense the quality and type of energy it is. Does it feel good? Does it awaken your bliss and love? You can probably tell me more about different tastes and types of energy than I could tell you. [:D]


When I put the wool blanket under my feet while in meditation, the energy began to pour down all the time, I think it was the Tummo energy that was flowing up from my feet but I don't know, it was hot and wavy, like chills of heat, and sometimes was cold.

 Yes, that is good. The wool blanket should prevent leakage downwards and repel the earth's energy which may drain your energies.


I've been doing all the time the pranayama breathing, to clean the sushumna, but when I feel it is when is in the ajna, I don't feel it in my spine.

Well, that might take a while but I believe that the AYP spinal breathing is a good thing. Eventually, as you move your attention up and down the sushumna, you will notice that heat or prana or chi will start to follow your attention. This will help clear out the sushumna. Also, the sushumna is not the spine (in my opinion). The sushumna is actually part of the etheric/astral/mental/causal bodies. The spine is the physical counterpart and easier for most people to visualize.


I've been reading all the kunlun threads in here, and I like it, also I have been practicing the mudra of the thumbs on the temples to have lucid dreams, and it works! I just do it for minutes, after the K meditation. Also the massage on the belly area where the energy is stored, to avoid that the energy stores in another areas. I only miss the movement of the legs, I think it has to happen alone, do I have to do it on my chair, or on the floor ?

To do Kunlun 1, you should put a wool blanket on the floor, then put a wooden chair on top of that. You should be seated on the chair, and not leaning on the back of the chair. Then, sit in the chair and do the first part of the meditation which is to imagine yourself floating in the sky. As you breathe in you imagine misty white light entering your body and filling you up. Your body becomes white light. Then, on the exhale, you imagine smoke or dark mist coming out of your nose. Do this for 10 minutes or so. This is actually a method of prana/chi gathering.

Next, you sit on a chair and put your right hand at your neck, facing downwards, and your left hand below your navel facing upwards. This joins or makes a connection from the lower body to the upper body. Then you raise your heels off of the floor and hold that position (remember to smile and just let go). Eventually, your calves start to tire and a reflex action kicks in which causes the legs to bounce up and down.  (I used to do this all of the time in Church when I was a kid..) When you legs start to bounce, you can lose the hand positions and put your hands where you want to. I usually put them on my legs so they bounce along with the legs. Then, smile and let go. Become mindless and go with the flow.. The main secret to Kunlun is that it is an emotional practice, not a mental practice.

  If the leg bouncing doesn't start, it says in the book that you can start to rotate your lower abdomen/spine in circles and that should get it going. I've heard of several people who get the flow in the upper body first, and then down to the legs.. Everyone is different, I guess. What I do is just start my legs bouncing consciously and then back off and let go until they bounce on their own.

  After bouncing, smiling and letting go for a while (20-40 minutes), then you slowly move your heels back down and tell the energy to slow down. Then, you put your hands, left over right, at your lower abdomen and hold that pose for 10 or 20 minutes to store the energy. This is similar to story qi in the lower tan tien.


I don't think that K energy can interfere with kunlun, I think the energies are very intelligent and know how to work each other.

Max does say that the two energies do not mix and many Kunlun practitioners don't perform the two at the same time. It says that practicing Kulun and Kundalini could be dangerous, resulting in energy sickness. Me personally, I don't believe that. This point has been debated at the forum.

Kunlun will open you up and clear your channels. If your kundalini is flowing, this will increase your kundalini flow too. Since Kunlun does work rapidly to clear your nadis, it is a good idea to go slow and self pace..

As well, there are stories coming out about people's body parts disappearing from practicing the higher levels of Kunlun.  



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2008, 08:09:56 PM »

Hi TI [:)]

Sometimes I sat on the floor, on a big cushion, legs crossed like that of yoguis, then the mudra of the fingers, the thumb with the index together, to close the circuit. My spine straight, then I began the breathing, imagining the sushumna flowing up while I inhale, and flowing down while I exhale, I stay in this position maybe 20 minutes, my tongue up, and my eyes the more up that I can, because I don't like this, after a while I begin to see clouds, or something like that, then figures, sometimes like people in another plane, but I don't put attention to all of this. Also sometimes I hear things, but it have lessened. When I meditate on my chair, with my legs on the floor, I put the wool carpet below my feet, and do the same, but the effect is stronger and bigger, the energy flows more and more rapid, be it down or up, I can see more things, and hear more things, also I feel more things while sat on a chair than on the floor, I don't know why. Since I put the wool blanket the noises lessened a lot. sometimes I see like a void pulling me out of my body, but this is when I put my eyes up, so I don't do this, only see in the middle, be it with closed eyes or open. as this meditation is better for me, and I like it more, it lasts one hour at least, but sometimes 2 hours.

At the beginning of the meditation I sing mantras, for a while, till I am very relaxed. then the breathing, and the mudras, and the tongue up, but this not for long time, cause it is tiresome. but never do the 2 meditation together, first the Kundalini then the Kunlun or jhanas, if I see the nimittas lights.

I prefer the levitation than the void that pulls me out of my body when I enter the non physical jhanas, cause it comes without advice, and paralyses me even with the eyes opened.Then I don't know where is my body, I lost control of my body, I mean there's no body. Once a blue nimitta engulfed me and put me out of my body, and I was very scared, so I begged  the blue pearl to put me back into my body, and it did it, it was a very respectful nimitta.

Thanks for the book

Sat Nam

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli
Can you tell me if I can do both meditations, the kunlun, and the Kundalini ?

Hi Neli [:)]
 I'm not sure what your kundalini meditation is, perhaps you could describe it?

 I do my kundalini meditations, chakra activation meditations, mantra meditations (and various others) and the Kunlun chi gathering too, just not at the same time.

 Yes, your leg movements might have been a form of Kunlun energy working. The interesting thing is that I found a book on "Magic" that says the the lower body is magnetic and the upper body is electric. So, any shaking in the lower body is going to free up some magnetism and make the charge stronger..

  Oh yes, that book contains some lessons on how to levitate..



  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2008, 06:56:06 AM »
Originally posted by neli

When the energy pours down sometimes I feel great, and blissful, but sometimes I don't feel anything, just the energy pouring down, but sometimes and this is the amazing thing, I feel it like honey pouring down from the top of my head, thick and slowly covering part of my face, kind of sticky, like a "nectar". I haven't tasted it, but I have smelled it, and its sweet, like a candy. Sometimes it pours down and gets into the third eye, like if this chakra were hungry and eat all the nectar. But it havent get inside my mouth.

Hi Neli [:)]
  I've experienced that too. A slow honey-like liquid oozing down from the crown on the inside of my head, feels like molasses moving slowly downward. That is the Holy Ghost! I was in a church (20 years ago) and the whole sermon was about the Holy Ghost. At one point we all stood up, held hands and prayed to the Holy Ghost for something. I felt a tickle on the top of my head and then this liguid slowly oozed down on the inside of my brain and went into my throat. A voice said to me "you can speak in tongues" After that I could speak in tongues..
  Both of my female friends told me later that they had prayed that I get blessed by the Holy Ghost and receive tongues.. So that is how I know that that is the Holy Ghost.  


Yesterday I began with the bouncing, I was bouncing my legs consciously, but nothing happened, I will repeat it again, or make the rotation of the abdomen, maybe it failed cause I was sat on the floor, on a cushion, with my legs on the floor and the heels up, but I think it has to be on a chair.

Yes you have to be sitting up straight on a chair.



  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2008, 08:49:57 AM »
Originally posted by neli
I prefer the levitation than the void that pulls me out of my body when I enter the non physical jhanas, cause it comes without advice, and paralyses me even with the eyes opened.Then I don't know where is my body, I lost control of my body, I mean there's no body. Once a blue nimitta engulfed me and put me out of my body, and I was very scared, so I begged  the blue pearl to put me back into my body, and it did it, it was a very respectful nimitta.

Thanks for the book

Sat Nam

Hi Neli,
  You know, you are quite advanced..

  The blue pearl? How did you come to know the blue pearl? Have you ever read Muktananda or are you just making this up? [;)]

  Is this a good book on the nimittas and jhanas?

  Try the "Preview this book" button. I think it is fascinating. I'm thinking of ordering the book because it has good detail, tells you what to do with the lights, and the Jhanas seems to be how to withdraw your senses from the body, stop the heart and attain enlightenment.. [:p]  





  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2008, 06:42:59 PM »

Hi TI [:)]

I have felt this pouring thing several times, but not from the inside of my brain, it pours down through my face,I mean on the outside, getting inside sometimes in the Ajna chakra, or it comes down sometimes to the throat, and its wonderful when it reaches the throat, its like warm, but I haven't tasted it. It also feels like a molasses moving down very slowly. I didn't know it was the Holy Ghost,
I know about that thing of speaking in tongues, my sister was in a religion that they did that, like a communication with the upper world, or God or the teachers, or Jesus.

I know that some religions awakens the Kundalini energy.

Yesterday I sat on my chair to meditate, and my legs did'nt want to bounce, even if I did it consciously first, but the amazing part was that my upper part began to move, back and forth, slowly, but strong, it was without my will, then it stopped, then it moved to the sides, then again back and forth, is it normal ? I hope it wont be so strong, or that it can happens on the street without my will.
But I felt very good, it was like a swaying of the energy.

Does this movement makes the energy flow more rapidly ?

I felt electricity inside my mouth, I don't know why, maybe cause I put my thumb fingers on the third eye, and on temples, to move the energy, but I felt it sweet, not strong. Mostly I felt the electricity on my tongue, but it was a nice sensation.

Sat Nam

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli

When the energy pours down sometimes I feel great, and blissful, but sometimes I don't feel anything, just the energy pouring down, but sometimes and this is the amazing thing, I feel it like honey pouring down from the top of my head, thick and slowly covering part of my face, kind of sticky, like a "nectar". I haven't tasted it, but I have smelled it, and its sweet, like a candy. Sometimes it pours down and gets into the third eye, like if this chakra were hungry and eat all the nectar. But it havent get inside my mouth.

Hi Neli [:)]
  I've experienced that too. A slow honey-like liquid oozing down from the crown on the inside of my head, feels like molasses moving slowly downward. That is the Holy Ghost! I was in a church (20 years ago) and the whole sermon was about the Holy Ghost. At one point we all stood up, held hands and prayed to the Holy Ghost for something. I felt a tickle on the top of my head and then this liguid slowly oozed down on the inside of my brain and went into my throat. A voice said to me "you can speak in tongues" After that I could speak in tongues..
  Both of my female friends told me later that they had prayed that I get blessed by the Holy Ghost and receive tongues.. So that is how I know that that is the Holy Ghost.  


Yesterday I began with the bouncing, I was bouncing my legs consciously, but nothing happened, I will repeat it again, or make the rotation of the abdomen, maybe it failed cause I was sat on the floor, on a cushion, with my legs on the floor and the heels up, but I think it has to be on a chair.

Yes you have to be sitting up straight on a chair.



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2008, 08:04:27 PM »

Hi Ti

I don't feel I am advanced, things just happens to me since child.

I remember myself once(when child) praying to God and told him "OH God, let me know all the truth of the world, about life and death but nothing  but the truth"

Well I think he listened to me, and I can't go back. He always makes me see the truth, it appears to me in thousand ways, or paths and sometimes I don't want to see the truth, cause sometimes the truth hurts.

I have read Muktananda, and I have seen him in my meditations, I know this sounds very crazy. But I feel too much.

I have seen the blue pearl, or blue nimitta just once, and it engulfed me, then I was scared, I was not prepared at that time.

I'm not making this up, I'm a seeker of truth not of lies.

I have seen many things, since that pray when I was a child.

I think its a very good book, altough I have read others as well.

Its supposed that we must not put attention to nimittas, but its quite impossible, or kind of difficult not to do it.

Jhanas is a very strong meditation, its very slow, its not like an energy flowing up and down, its different, when the non physical jhanas comes, it takes you, even if you don't want, it pulls out the soul from the body, and of course there is no sensation of the body, that's the real hard part of it, if one is not used to. but there is consciousness, and with the consciousness one can see and listen in a different way.

I have just attained *seconds* of the first non physical jhanas, its a long path, but it worths. I have meditated for 4 long hours in this meditation, and never got tired or bored.

Jhanas never makes you feel bad, is pure ecstasy, and bliss, and love, never pain, or bad symptoms. Not even at the beginning, all I have felt in jhanas is pure ecstasy and bliss.

Kundalini is different. More sensations than enlightenment, I mean there can be enlightenment, but with many sensations, and in jhanas there is no sensations in the body, not even just one, when one enters the non physical jhanas, one can stay years and years in the nimittas, but when this state of the mind comes, (the non physical jhanas) it comes even if the nimittas are there, and it takes you and engulfs you. but if not prepared one can be very frightened.


Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli
I prefer the levitation than the void that pulls me out of my body when I enter the non physical jhanas, cause it comes without advice, and paralyses me even with the eyes opened.Then I don't know where is my body, I lost control of my body, I mean there's no body. Once a blue nimitta engulfed me and put me out of my body, and I was very scared, so I begged  the blue pearl to put me back into my body, and it did it, it was a very respectful nimitta.

Thanks for the book

Sat Nam

Hi Neli,
  You know, you are quite advanced..

  The blue pearl? How did you come to know the blue pearl? Have you ever read Muktananda or are you just making this up? [;)]

  Is this a good book on the nimittas and jhanas?

  Try the "Preview this book" button. I think it is fascinating. I'm thinking of ordering the book because it has good detail, tells you what to do with the lights, and the Jhanas seems to be how to withdraw your senses from the body, stop the heart and attain enlightenment.. [:p]  





  • Posts: 351
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2008, 12:00:02 AM »
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  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2008, 04:50:16 AM »
Originally posted by neli
Yesterday I sat on my chair to meditate, and my legs did'nt want to bounce, even if I did it consciously first, but the amazing part was that my upper part began to move, back and forth, slowly, but strong, it was without my will, then it stopped, then it moved to the sides, then again back and forth, is it normal ? I hope it wont be so strong, or that it can happens on the street without my will.
But I felt very good, it was like a swaying of the energy.

Does this movement makes the energy flow more rapidly ?

I felt electricity inside my mouth, I don't know why, maybe cause I put my thumb fingers on the third eye, and on temples, to move the energy, but I felt it sweet, not strong. Mostly I felt the electricity on my tongue, but it was a nice sensation.

Sat Nam

Hi Neli [:)]
  Yes, it is normal for the energies to sometimes activate in the top first especially for women (for some reason).
  I have also read that Kunlun may activate anytime. That is why you have to learn how to start it and stop it and store it.
  The movement is the result of the energy flowing. It will clean out your 72,000 nadis. It will also increase your body's capacity to handle larger amounts of energy.
  I've felt electricity on the tongue too, without Kunlun. For me, if I put my tongue on the front of the palate, my whole nose goes numb. If I put the tip of the tongue on the epiglotis, the current is directed more from the brow going back to the epiglotis.
 There is a channel that ends at the tip of the tongue (some say it is ida and pingala) so if you touch your tongue on your palate (roof of mouth) those channels connect to the brow. But yes, Kunlun will increase energy flows..

  Do you know what beautiful breath is (referred to in the book "Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond"?



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2008, 05:54:14 PM »

Hi TI[:)]

I have noticed that my legs doesn't want to bounce, but my upper part moves, sometimes slow, and sometimes strong, I think in here it depends on the energy flow at the moment.

yesterday I felt, while in the meditation with my heels up, that the energy wanted me to move my feet slow down to the middle, then to the floor, as if the energy were teaching me how to do it. very strange.
Like if telling me, "that's enough" like finishing the meditation.

I felt the electricity on my tongue when I began with the K med, but then it disappeared, but now again I felt it with the kunlun, I also have felt the nose with electricity like numb, and the third eye, and when I put the tongue on my palate, the electricity goes up to the brain, or crown chakra.

Thought that Ida and Pingala were on the nose, the nostrils, and had to do with the breathing, and with the hot and cold of the body. Didn't know that it was on the tongue, maybe the tip of the tongue activates the nostrils.But I have felt also the electricity on the tip of my nose.

Well I haven't read this book, but I understand that the breathing here, most be simple, without being forced, just natural, then with time, one becomes very relaxed, and seems that we are not breathing, I mean we lost the sense of breathing, but this can be attained after a lot of meditation, but some other people in jhanas focus on the breathing, then it becomes like a pleasure, then it fades away.

Each group says different forms with the breathing, I just let myself being guided by the energy, it acts in a very intelligent way, like the kunlun and the Kundalini, each one of us are different and the energy acts differently in us all.

I will read this book, has good information, about nimittas.

you can learn also in the link jhanas-insight, well I don't know if its a link or a yahoo group, but there they have a wonderful book, about jhanas, is more simple than the other but its good, and tells us in which level we are.

But this book that you mentioned its also a very good one. I liked a lot.

Sat Nam

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli
Yesterday I sat on my chair to meditate, and my legs did'nt want to bounce, even if I did it consciously first, but the amazing part was that my upper part began to move, back and forth, slowly, but strong, it was without my will, then it stopped, then it moved to the sides, then again back and forth, is it normal ? I hope it wont be so strong, or that it can happens on the street without my will.
But I felt very good, it was like a swaying of the energy.

Does this movement makes the energy flow more rapidly ?

I felt electricity inside my mouth, I don't know why, maybe cause I put my thumb fingers on the third eye, and on temples, to move the energy, but I felt it sweet, not strong. Mostly I felt the electricity on my tongue, but it was a nice sensation.

Sat Nam

Hi Neli [:)]
  Yes, it is normal for the energies to sometimes activate in the top first especially for women (for some reason).
  I have also read that Kunlun may activate anytime. That is why you have to learn how to start it and stop it and store it.
  The movement is the result of the energy flowing. It will clean out your 72,000 nadis. It will also increase your body's capacity to handle larger amounts of energy.
  I've felt electricity on the tongue too, without Kunlun. For me, if I put my tongue on the front of the palate, my whole nose goes numb. If I put the tip of the tongue on the epiglotis, the current is directed more from the brow going back to the epiglotis.
 There is a channel that ends at the tip of the tongue (some say it is ida and pingala) so if you touch your tongue on your palate (roof of mouth) those channels connect to the brow. But yes, Kunlun will increase energy flows..

  Do you know what beautiful breath is (referred to in the book "Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond"?



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2008, 09:32:28 PM »

Well retaking the point about being charmed by a wicca, or a witch, I have not allowed my mind to believe it. But the last time I was meditating on my Kundalini, I had my cell with me, and when I finished my med. I wanted to take a pic, but instead of that, the cell jumped alone to video recording, then a strange voice, like a male, but kind of another dimension, or ghostly, said "don't come back" I heard it more than 20 times to get sure of what I was hearing, it gave me the chills, then I erased it. I think this was an evp, the voice was like that of a ghost, like in the films. Do I have to put attention to this?
I don't want to, but feel nervous each time I meditate, was it a ghost, or a charm of a wicca ? or is it a kundalini symptom ?

It has never happened to me before.

Is the energy of the wiccas the same of the Kundalini ? They can of course awaken the K,  maybe to do harm or maybe not, I have known that the wiccas are the most powerful witches, but I don't know.

I don't know what the ghostly voice was referring to. but in my meditation I almost get out of my body, with the pull of a nimitta, but couldn't, but was very near to do it. Does this voice was telling me not to come back to my body ? or to the room of my med. ?

I am trying not to put attention to this, but the problem is that when I meditate, sometimes I'm out, like in  a trance, and I don't want to have "company" while my body is alone.

Can a ghost make harm to us while in meditation ? or is it a wicca charm just to bothers me.

Sat Nam