Author Topic: Kundalini and wiccas  (Read 2672 times)


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« on: August 01, 2008, 05:34:08 PM »
HI to all:

I've been reading a lot at this site, and am learning a lot thanks to all of you.

Lately my Crown chakra is working more than the others, but I feel ok, the only problem is that I feel the energy pouring down from the top of my head, and almost I don't feel shakti flowing up, so where is my shakti energy ? Hope this is not the Kunlun energy.

Sometimes the soles of my feet begin to wave, even while sat or in bed, as if wanting to fly, I want to know if this is a kind of levitation, cause when I have felt the levitation the first thing that I have felt is the waving of the floor, but I have noticed that is not the floor but my feet that waves,(at least lately) like if wanting to fly. is this a symptom ?

And the other thing that I am curious, is that I had a friend that is wiccan, and I want to know if the Kundalini energy can protect me from any charm. How can the Kundalini energy can protects me from the wicca energy ? by not believing in that things ? Or do I have to learn to be a witch ? but I would'nt like to be a witch, I love yoga, its my path.

Well I have heard that the wiccas can harm people with their charmings, altough they always say that "they harm none unless they defend themselves"...but how can I defend myself or a kundalini practicioner defend herself of them ? or from another witch ?

Is the wiccan power the same as the siddhis of the K energy ? and if someone has charmed me, can the Kundalini energy burns that bad energies ?

I don't pretend to offend any religion or people, I just want to know how to protect myself if a wiccan threatens me or any witch.

Maybe I'm so naïve believing that they can do harm, but if a Kundalini guru from another place just threatened me with a veiled threat that Goddess Kali punished all people that misbehave, as if being the bad side of Shakti. In my understanding Shakti and Kali are the same. And are energies not people that can punish someone that disagrees with someone.

How can I protect myself of these people that threatens me with veiled sayings, be it wiccas, witches or gurus ?

Any advice ?

Sat Nam


  • Posts: 858
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 05:14:55 AM »
Hello neli

You seem to have lots of high energy experiences don't you. I think it has been said before that you should slow down just try doing 20 mins of med twice a day and nothing more if you do that you should begin to stabilise.

As far as Wicans and magicians go they have no power over you at all unless you alow them to. The best defence against magic and curses is laughter just laugh at it and it can never harm you, also the inner silence attained through deep meditation is unpenatrable nothing can get to you past that so chill and be happy [:)]
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 05:16:40 AM by Richard »


  • Posts: 92
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 09:25:50 AM »

The energy systems that are at work here are the biggest kept "secret"...

Certain elelements love to ridicule these practices whilst knowing full well their power...

I cant speak for the physical sensations you are having because I have humbly wiped the slate clean and I am learning as a total novice...

But as for this energy being directed for "negative" purposes...

Well I have to say yes...

Just surround yourself with the love of God and be safe in the knowledge of your *own* power to protect yourself...

« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:44:22 AM by mahabaratara »


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 02:06:53 PM »

I have slow down my meditation to one hour, once a day, cause I can't twice.

 When I began with my meditation (time ago), it began with a big sound effect, like doves flying, or steps, or music, but now all that symptoms have lessened a lot, I only hear some buzzing sounds, or cracks on the wood, and sometimes lights appear, and they make a sound when they appear, like "click" and its a very bright white light, fortunately it only lasts seconds, cause it hurts the eyes.

I always have believed that the K energy is the more powerful of all energies, cause is the energy of love, and of God, and as it is heat, it burns anything (like charmings)although I know that sometimes is cold instead of heat.

I don't believe too much about charmings, but am uneasy about it, cause I don't know if the energy that the witches and wiccas use are part of the gifts of the Kundalini energy. I mean they can also awakens the K energy, by other means, not by meditation.

Do you think that I am allowing them to charm me, if I believe in that ?

Well I believe in my own energy, and in the power of Shakti, maybe I'm so naïve cause I feel the energy of Shakti as a mother, and as a mother she is always watching over, to protect her kids, so I haven't worried before about witches or whatever, but maybe I am wrong, cause they can also use the K energy to attack others, you know the power of the mind is so big in this matters.

Maybe I have to laugh more as you said, and thrust more in Shakti, I thrust in her a 100%, but sometimes the doubt surprises me, maybe cause a friend is always bothering me saying that I am "charmed", cause I don't want to be near him, he also tells me all the time that I am charmed by the Kundalini energy, and as he has many wiccan and witches friends, maybe I was beginning to be worried.

Anyways, thanks for your advice.

Sat Nam

Originally posted by Richard

Hello neli

You seem to have lots of high energy experiences don't you. I think it has been said before that you should slow down just try doing 20 mins of med twice a day and nothing more if you do that you should begin to stabilise.

As far as Wicans and magicians go they have no power over you at all unless you alow them to. The best defence against magic and curses is laughter just laugh at it and it can never harm you, also the inner silence attained through deep meditation is unpenatrable nothing can get to you past that so chill and be happy [:)]


  • Posts: 19
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 02:10:22 PM »
Good Day Neli;

Visualize yourself within a bubble of white light secure and at peace -  
no one is able to get there.

Also when you are meditating and practicing your breathing - visualize the air -
as a pillar of light coming from the universe
passes through your body as well as your feet then goes to the earth.
This pillar of light is always within  you holds you
strong - your are attached to the mother earth and the sky.

Love and Light


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2008, 02:40:09 PM »

Are you telling me that the K energy can be used to harm people?

are the witches energy the same energy of the K ?

I have always thought that K energy is God energy, and God energy cannot harm, cause he is full of love, not of hate.

Maybe I'm so ignorant. Or maybe I believe so much in the love of
God(des)that he(she) can't let anyone to harm us.

I always feel like surrounded by a halo of energy, but I also believe that some people are like vampires of energy, and this friend is a real vampire, and he is always near, I can feel his bad vibes so much, and that he is a vampire of energy, also all his friends are witches.

Its like Shakti inside me telling me to avoid this person, and I avoid him like if he were a real demon (and I don't believe in demons)


Originally posted by mahabaratara


The energy systems that are at work here are the biggest kept "secret"...

Certain elelements love to ridicule these practices whilst knowing full well their power...

I cant speak for the physical sensations you are having because I have humbly wiped the slate clean and I am learning as a total novice...

But as for this energy being directed for "negative" purposes...

Well I have to say yes...

Just surround yourself with the love of God and be safe in the knowledge of your *own* power to protect yourself...



  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2008, 02:55:39 PM »

Hello Maryam,

Thanks for your advice, just one doubt, do I have to make this bubble of energy once a day ? and also the pillars?

I mean if I do it in the morning or at nigth, does it lasts 24 hours or maybe more ?

Love and light

Originally posted by maya_1347

Good Day Neli;

Visualize yourself within a bubble of white light secure and at peace -  
no one is able to get there.

Also when you are meditating and practicing your breathing - visualize the air -
as a pillar of light coming from the universe
passes through your body as well as your feet then goes to the earth.
This pillar of light is always within  you holds you
strong - your are attached to the mother earth and the sky.

Love and Light


  • Posts: 858
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2008, 09:08:03 PM »
Hi neli

Maryam's advice is good, just surround yourself with the the bubble of light whenever this so called friend is near you or whenever you feel threatened or afraid, that will give you confidence but in truth the only person that can harm you is yourself, no one has power over you its all just stories to make you feel vulnerable these people cant be true wicans there maxim is

"Harm no one do what thou wilt"

 These people are fakes or this person you know is making it all up thats how these sort of people work to scare you and manipulate you only you are in control of your life, you create everything around you no one else.

When I said  laugh at these people I didn't mean out loud in their face that can make some people become physically violent I meant laugh inside and then they will be powerless to harm you [:)]
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 09:21:18 PM by Richard »


  • Posts: 92
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2008, 09:51:26 AM »
I am saying that its about intention...

The all pervasive energy that surrounds everyone and everthing is what I term the "absolute" (God)...Thats the essential nature of it...

My specific point is those humans that have gained some knowledge and used it to manipulate others for self gain...

Does this happen...

Ofcourse it does but like I said put your faith in Love and nothing else...

Its about reclaiming your own power...


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2008, 02:43:11 PM »
Hi Neli [:)]
  When the soles of you feet start to wave, that is either your etheric body and/or astral body that is dissociating itself from the physical body. If you'd like to learn more about this I would suggest a book called "Mastering Astral Projection" by Robert Bruce.

  For protection, I would do any or all of the following:
 - Ask for Love and Protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Hold you hands in prayer position and say out loud: "I ask for love and protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit." Say it three times. Sometimes, instead of asking for love and protection, thank them for the love and protection too. (They really like that.. [8D])

 - Go to a rock shop and buy a chunk of jet and a rod of black tourmaline. These two crystals are reknown for grounding, protection from Magic and Wicca and should help ground you and stop your aura from leaking. Carry them on you at all times. Every three or four days, hold them under cold running water for a few minutes to clear them.

 - Take a bath and put 1/3 cup of sea salt in it. That will help clear you and dissolve any negativity that is accumulating in your aura. For more information about the aura, protection and other phenomenon, see  -the free ebook is called "Awakening the Third Eye."

 - Don't drink alcohol or do drugs. Doing so creates huge holes in your aura where your energies can leak out and other things can get in.

 - I like buddhism. I especially like the part that says that "all phenomenon are empty and lacking of any inherent existence" including the buddhas and higher beings.

  Why don't you like Kunlun energy? It could well be the easiest, most readily available and powerful energy known to peoplekind. It will clean out your pathways (nadis, etheric channels, auric bodies) and accelerate any spiritual progress you are making.. (Each to his/her own I guess.. )




  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 03:52:52 PM »


I'm doing the bubble several times, in the morning, when this person approaches too much, and at night.

My problem is that I feel too much, and the vibes of this person is very strong, but I also think that this person is very manipulative.

I also believe that people that say:
"Harm no one do what thou wilt" .....are fake, cause the energy of Goddess or God is of love and help towards others, even if we dislike the person.

Last time that I talked to a wicca to ask her a question, she was so mad at me that I was afraid, she thought that I was mocking her, when all I wanted was a simple response.

I never laugh in front of a person, and less a wiccan, cause they are very aggressive people and vindictive, of course not all of them, but they don't respect their own rules, because they always feel attacked by anyone who is not a wiccan and ask them simple questions.

I always laugh inside and say to myself that the most powerful gift in this planet is Shakti, or the K energy, and thanks God(dess), Shakti gifted me with her love and with her gifts.

I think this person wants me to believe that I am charmed, its a kind of manipulation on his part.

But each time we see each other, weird things happens. Maybe our vibes are crashing and its not that I am charmed as he thinks.



Originally posted by Richard

Hi neli

Maryam's advice is good, just surround yourself with the the bubble of light whenever this so called friend is near you or whenever you feel threatened or afraid, that will give you confidence but in truth the only person that can harm you is yourself, no one has power over you its all just stories to make you feel vulnerable these people cant be true wicans there maxim is

"Harm no one do what thou wilt"

 These people are fakes or this person you know is making it all up thats how these sort of people work to scare you and manipulate you only you are in control of your life, you create everything around you no one else.

When I said  laugh at these people I didn't mean out loud in their face that can make some people become physically violent I meant laugh inside and then they will be powerless to harm you [:)]


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2008, 04:03:07 PM »

Thanks, you are very right, that sounds like shamanism, doesn't it ?
kind of soul retrieval.

Sat Nam

Originally posted by mahabaratara

I am saying that its about intention...

The all pervasive energy that surrounds everyone and everthing is what I term the "absolute" (God)...Thats the essential nature of it...

My specific point is those humans that have gained some knowledge and used it to manipulate others for self gain...

Does this happen...

Ofcourse it does but like I said put your faith in Love and nothing else...

Its about reclaiming your own power...


  • Posts: 420
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2008, 04:05:35 PM »
Neli, I'd like to emphasize what Richard said.

"As far as Wicans and magicians go they have no power over you at all unless you allow them to."

Basically... unless the intention or the desire is there, you have not to worry... in other words, as long as you're honest with yourself, happenings like these wouldn't even be blamed on "the other". It's a mutual two way thing.

So in other words... DON'T WORRY. What you set yourself up to happen in the realm of consciousness, will happen, and what you don't, won't.  (I won't make a rule out of this, but from what I've seen regarding any such "energy exchanges" regarding two persons consciousness, the intention has to be there for both. I almost didn't even say anything, because I don't want anyone getting paranoid. Honestly, forget I said anything :) haha).


  • Posts: 19
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2008, 11:16:35 AM »
We are one.
We are lights interconnected. When you get connected to the source you feel protected, secure, and  trusted.
The exercise I recommended was just reinforcing your connection and building up your inner peace and strength.
You are part of universal light.


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2008, 04:23:36 PM »

Hi Tibetan

Thanks for your advice ! I didn't know that it was my ehteric body or astral body trying to dissociate, but what for ? to fly ? I'm trying to make an OBE but am like kind of stuck since time ago.

I'll try to get that book, thanks.

I'm not a christian, does it still work ?

Well I believe in Shakti, Kali, and other energies, but I am a sort of pantheist.

Can I thank Baba Muktananda, Babaji, and Shakti, instead ?

I have black tourmaline, I only lack the jet rock.

Do you think my aura is leaking? is it because its pouring down most of the time ?

When I put the wool blanket under my feet while in meditation, the energy began to pour down all the time, I think it was the Tummo energy that was flowing up from my feet but I don't know, it was hot and wavy, like chills of heat, and sometimes was cold.

I've been doing all the time the pranayama breathing, to clean the sushumna, but when I feel it is when is in the ajna, I don't feel it in my spine.

I don't take drugs or alcohol, I've been always an empath.

I also likes a lot Buddhism, that's why I also practice jhanas.

I've been reading all the kunlun threads in here, and I like it, also I have been practicing the mudra of the thumbs on the temples to have lucid dreams, and it works! I just do it for minutes, after the K meditation. Also the massage on the belly area where the energy is stored, to avoid that the energy stores in another areas. I only miss the movement of the legs, I think it has to happen alone, do I have to do it on my chair, or on the floor ?

I don't think that K energy can interfere with kunlun, I think the energies are very intelligent and know how to work each other. And I always begin with the K med, and then jhanas, and the last minutes with kunlun, but I have practicing kunlun for just a few days, and I'm amazed of the rapidness of the answer of this practice, even if I'm not doing it well.

I have to read more about kunlun, but this is like fast-food, and it works, and I like it.

When I saw the vídeo of Grace Light of a swami singing OM Shanti Shanti Shanti, it was great ! all my energy flowed up like a river, WOW I liked a lot, don't know the name of this swami. but I want to focus in kunlun and Kundalini, I only do jhanas when the nimittas appear.

In Shanti

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Hi Neli [:)]
  When the soles of you feet start to wave, that is either your etheric body and/or astral body that is dissociating itself from the physical body. If you'd like to learn more about this I would suggest a book called "Mastering Astral Projection" by Robert Bruce.

  For protection, I would do any or all of the following:
 - Ask for Love and Protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Hold you hands in prayer position and say out loud: "I ask for love and protection from God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit." Say it three times. Sometimes, instead of asking for love and protection, thank them for the love and protection too. (They really like that.. [8D])

 - Go to a rock shop and buy a chunk of jet and a rod of black tourmaline. These two crystals are reknown for grounding, protection from Magic and Wicca and should help ground you and stop your aura from leaking. Carry them on you at all times. Every three or four days, hold them under cold running water for a few minutes to clear them.

 - Take a bath and put 1/3 cup of sea salt in it. That will help clear you and dissolve any negativity that is accumulating in your aura. For more information about the aura, protection and other phenomenon, see  -the free ebook is called "Awakening the Third Eye."

 - Don't drink alcohol or do drugs. Doing so creates huge holes in your aura where your energies can leak out and other things can get in.

 - I like buddhism. I especially like the part that says that "all phenomenon are empty and lacking of any inherent existence" including the buddhas and higher beings.

  Why don't you like Kunlun energy? It could well be the easiest, most readily available and powerful energy known to peoplekind. It will clean out your pathways (nadis, etheric channels, auric bodies) and accelerate any spiritual progress you are making.. (Each to his/her own I guess.. )

