Author Topic: ghosts or aliens while in meditation  (Read 1602 times)


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:30:51 AM »

Hi to all again,

I was reading many lessons, but now I'm here again.

I have years practicing different meditations, but lately the kundalini and the pranayama breathings.

 I always have seen "beings" or kind of ghosts, or dimensional beings while in meditation, Is this normal? Are they real ?

sometimes they walk in and show me things, or want to gift me something, but I never move my position, sometimes when they move, they make noises, like steps, or any kind of noises, or musical toys play by themselves. What I want to understand is, if the yogi people or kundalini people believes in this, because I want to know if they are real beings, or if this is my imagination, or a Kundalini symptom, altough it has many years that I can see these beings, before the awakening of the K energy.

In my opinion I think there are another dimensional beings, and while in meditation, one can be more prone to see them. They come always surrounded with lights, or a whitish light.

I have seen also aliens, showing me their maps of the stars, this is no joke, I don't know if they are for real. because if this is a symptom is a strong one.

I mean I don't believe in ghosts, but what are they ?

I proved the constellation that the "alien" showed me, and it was correct.

Is this communications with these "beings" are for real ?

For me its very funny to see them, its like going to the movies, and being inside the movie for a while. But I want to know if this is normal, and real.

Any advice ?


  • Posts: 2055
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 07:57:12 AM »
Hi Neli,

This is my current perspective. I am not sure it's true, it's just as far as I have come in my understanding, based on own experiences. Someone else will probably give you another "map", but this has helped me understand what I've been through on my journey!

The Cosmos is full of beings. They operate and are visible at different "frequencies". Everything is energy, and depending on which frequency you are tuning in on you can experience many types of beings. In the higher frequencies the beings are mostly appearing as angels or the like. In lower frequencies they may appears as... whatever! [:)] Ghostlike spirits, entities, persons from past lives... it's a tivoli out there, and it's all as "real" as it appears to be... on that frequency. When you move your consciousness to another level... the beings will "disappear" from your perception.

I AYP we are usually not very interested in exploring those beings and their possible "meaning", although there are frequent reports on different sorts of encounters in forum. This is mostly regarded as "scenery" and may be enjoyable, frightning or just neutral - it comes... and it goes. We focus on maintaining our practices and in between practices just go out and live our lives. So if they come during your practices just gently come back to the mantra all the time. If they become too interested in you so that they disturb your meditation, you can always put an intention of being left at peace before meditation and welcome them for a chat afterwards... [:)] You can always ask them who they are and what they want and ask to be left alone!

The aliens are higher intelligent beings and they are also as "real" as you perceive your current reality to be. In the end - the whole existence is "scenery" and aliens are a part of it. I have had several encounters myself, see here:

But ultimately, the only thing that's actually Real is what's eternal and infinite. All forms are temporary movements of energy and thus not real - they are as you say, just like a movie on the screen, or waves on the ocean. They exist... but they are not real.

So what appears to be... are only appearances... and they come in all sorts of forms. What you give your energy to will manifest as form in your current universe. So if you give these beings a lot of attention they will persist. If you'd care to move on to higher frequencies... they will disappear. Many people here on AYP are only interested in beings of such high frequencies as Jesus or Buddha... [;)]


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2008, 02:18:31 PM »

Hi Sweden,

Thanks for your reply. I know that there are different frequencies of beings. I also have felt these frequencies in my ears, I feel the change of frequency, like a bzzzz from one ear to the other, like a wave, then my body begins to stiff, as if paralized, or very heavy, like in the Jhanas meditation.

I don't see these beings all the time. The problem is that I am a telepath since childhood and when I see these beings, and when I know them, we chat, Its hard not to put attention, cause sometimes I have seen beings from 3000 years back, maybe they are in my mind, maybe.

 I believe they are in my cellular consciousness, and that's the why they come in, as the Kundalini energy awakens the cellular consciousness.

I have also seen Abraham, and he has a very high frequency, also.

When he comes, he comes full of light, and he talks to me, and then he vanishes.

I think that the point or focus of meditation is the communication with God, but are'nt we made of the same image as God ?

Lately I don't chat with them, I can hear them but I don't talk, they are very respectful of what I want, maybe unconsciously I want to talk with them, and they perceive this.

I know all beings are a mere screen, like the symptoms.

You are right, they are "real" but in their frequency, not in ours.

In our existance we see them as mere ghosts, even the higher beings.

Normally they get in at the end of the meditation, but sometimes they do it in the middle, as wanting to stop the meditation.

Maybe because I put attention to noises, sometimes they play the flutte, in the middle of my meditation, so its impossible not to put attention, if I sing mantras they stop, but the moment I stop to sing the mantras they begin with the flutte, or the noises, then I get into a kind of ecstasy and begin to see like clouds of lights, then all noises stop. But I'm afraid of being in the clouds, and I return to my sit, then I see Abraham again and tells me again not to be afraid of anything.

Maybe they want to help me to take off to the clouds, or out of body, but my inner fear is strong.

How can I get rid of my fear of being out of my body, or in the clouds, or levitation ?

I think the levitation is a symptom to get rid of my fear to fly to another frequencies.

kind regards

Originally posted by emc

Hi Neli,

This is my current perspective. I am not sure it's true, it's just as far as I have come in my understanding, based on own experiences. Someone else will probably give you another "map", but this has helped me understand what I've been through on my journey!

The Cosmos is full of beings. They operate and are visible at different "frequencies". Everything is energy, and depending on which frequency you are tuning in on you can experience many types of beings. In the higher frequencies the beings are mostly appearing as angels or the like. In lower frequencies they may appears as... whatever! [:)] Ghostlike spirits, entities, persons from past lives... it's a tivoli out there, and it's all as "real" as it appears to be... on that frequency. When you move your consciousness to another level... the beings will "disappear" from your perception.

I AYP we are usually not very interested in exploring those beings and their possible "meaning", although there are frequent reports on different sorts of encounters in forum. This is mostly regarded as "scenery" and may be enjoyable, frightning or just neutral - it comes... and it goes. We focus on maintaining our practices and in between practices just go out and live our lives. So if they come during your practices just gently come back to the mantra all the time. If they become too interested in you so that they disturb your meditation, you can always put an intention of being left at peace before meditation and welcome them for a chat afterwards... [:)] You can always ask them who they are and what they want and ask to be left alone!

The aliens are higher intelligent beings and they are also as "real" as you perceive your current reality to be. In the end - the whole existence is "scenery" and aliens are a part of it. I have had several encounters myself, see here:

But ultimately, the only thing that's actually Real is what's eternal and infinite. All forms are temporary movements of energy and thus not real - they are as you say, just like a movie on the screen, or waves on the ocean. They exist... but they are not real.

So what appears to be... are only appearances... and they come in all sorts of forms. What you give your energy to will manifest as form in your current universe. So if you give these beings a lot of attention they will persist. If you'd care to move on to higher frequencies... they will disappear. Many people here on AYP are only interested in beings of such high frequencies as Jesus or Buddha... [;)]


  • Posts: 2055
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2008, 05:14:37 PM »
"You are right, they are "real" but in their frequency, not in ours.
In our existance we see them as mere ghosts, even the higher beings."

Do you with "real" mean more "physical"? I'm not sure you have gotten me right when I read this. This whole existence is made of energies, yes? Our physical manifestation is very low frequent and move very slowly. Our thoughts and emotions move a bit faster, but our consciousness has the ability to move at any frequency level with a bit of training. The beings are not more "physically real" than what you perceive them to be. It's YOU who move your consciousness to higher frequencies and therefore you can perceive these non-physical beings. Most people are still very low frequent and can't see higher beings at all.

"I think that the point or focus of meditation is the communication with God, but are'nt we made of the same image as God?"

The point with meditation as I see it is to cultivate and transform to higher and higher frequencies. The highest frequency IS GOD (or whatever you want to call it) and that is what we all ARE as BEINGS. So as I see it - we are not "communicating" with God in meditation - we practice to realize we ARE God in physical form - physical human spiritual beings. [:)]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 05:15:32 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 02:43:29 PM »

Hi sweden

The moment we move on to another frequencies, we see beings, and they can be very physical as us, they can be as clouds, or anything, cause they are energy, in different levels, but they can be as physical as us, or maybe we perceive them in that way.Cause we are entering to their frequency and we are vibrating at the same level.

you are right, when one meditates one moves on frequencies to a high levels, I can feel this very well, from one ear to another I feel this movement of frequencies, even my body reacts to the movement of frequencies.(it waves)

I think the point of meditation is to attain the Nirvana state or Nibbana, that is the nothingness, at least this is the point in jhanas meditation, and Buddha was the only one that attained this state, where there is no time or space.

I agree with you, we are like little gods in human bodies, and the point is to be aware of that, and to awaken as that.

I have read your experiences with ufos, I have seen ufos also, they are at a different level, higher than ours. That's why we cannot perceive them, cause we are in a very low frequency.

Originally posted by emc

"You are right, they are "real" but in their frequency, not in ours.
In our existance we see them as mere ghosts, even the higher beings."

Do you with "real" mean more "physical"? I'm not sure you have gotten me right when I read this. This whole existence is made of energies, yes? Our physical manifestation is very low frequent and move very slowly. Our thoughts and emotions move a bit faster, but our consciousness has the ability to move at any frequency level with a bit of training. The beings are not more "physically real" than what you perceive them to be. It's YOU who move your consciousness to higher frequencies and therefore you can perceive these non-physical beings. Most people are still very low frequent and can't see higher beings at all.

"I think that the point or focus of meditation is the communication with God, but are'nt we made of the same image as God?"

The point with meditation as I see it is to cultivate and transform to higher and higher frequencies. The highest frequency IS GOD (or whatever you want to call it) and that is what we all ARE as BEINGS. So as I see it - we are not "communicating" with God in meditation - we practice to realize we ARE God in physical form - physical human spiritual beings. [:)]


  • Posts: 2055
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2008, 10:10:12 PM »
[:)] So, it seems we have a very similar view, and you already seem to know what it is all about! Enjoy the scenery!

Wish you all the best on your journey,


  • Posts: 420
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 03:38:51 PM »
hmm... just an alternate view point, I think it kinda ties in to your guys.

When dealing with any "beings" that come up while meditating or whatever, I never really give them the status of an "entity". It's never "out there". Sorta like, the question of wether ghosts or demons or whatever are real or not... is just irrelevant for me. It'd be neat to have an answer, though "I don't know" just seems to me a much safer route than either not taking responsibility for something you've created inside yourself or saying "it's out there" and thus believing that you're powerless to however such "entities" are effecting your life. I'm not saying my view point is right, but for someone lets say struggling with schizophrenic sort of delusions, I'd strongly suggest a "be ok with not knowing". Positionalities must be dropped to see through illusion.  

I'm not at all worried about you guys, but I just thought I'd mention that since it's something I've had to deal with and it's something I've seen others uselessly torment their minds over.

I really like thinking about this stuff in terms of frequencies though. It's all just energy vibrating at different frequencies :). Wether it's a "being" or "entity", I'm not really sure... but we definetly can't deny what manifests. So like you said emc, enjoy the scenery :) haha.


  • Posts: 2055
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2008, 06:56:04 PM »
We have to deal with the two sides... It's all One and "I am in all beings and all beings are in me", but... the big BUT - there's still being-S!!! Thus, multiplicity, variety, individuality!!! All sorts of flavours! And I am not living your life and I am not having your perceptions or sensations... That's the fun part of the idea with separate bodies. IT can know itself from a multitude of angles... it can see itself with a multitude pair of eyes... [:)] What a show! [;)]


  • Posts: 420
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 01:45:22 PM »
aha exactly emc :). How gorgeous it is our individuality :). The whole world experienced by billions in billions of different ways.

I've had some neat insights talking with my buddy who went from studying biology to physics. Last time we were discussing just how immense the differences are between all of our experiences of absolutly everything. Just the amount of brain pathways it takes to experience one thing, and all the conditioning\\genetics involved. He was saying even a color could very well be visually different for most everyone, and the experience of that color... the potential is infinite haha... "see the ocean in a drop of water" :).


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2008, 08:33:19 AM »

What is the difference between a shaman and a schizo ?
Well the shaman walks between two worlds, and he is aware of it, and can behave perfectly in both of them. And the schizo is lost, he is not aware of his reality in this world, he can see things or hear, the same as the shaman, but the difference is that the shaman is not lost, but very aware of what he is experiencing, cause he is communicating with another entities, or other frequencies, and when he comes back of his journeys, he is a perfect normal being like any other, but a schizo is lost in his mind, he doe not distinguish the reality in any place, and that's a big difference.


Originally posted by Divineis

hmm... just an alternate view point, I think it kinda ties in to your guys.

When dealing with any "beings" that come up while meditating or whatever, I never really give them the status of an "entity". It's never "out there". Sorta like, the question of wether ghosts or demons or whatever are real or not... is just irrelevant for me. It'd be neat to have an answer, though "I don't know" just seems to me a much safer route than either not taking responsibility for something you've created inside yourself or saying "it's out there" and thus believing that you're powerless to however such "entities" are effecting your life. I'm not saying my view point is right, but for someone lets say struggling with schizophrenic sort of delusions, I'd strongly suggest a "be ok with not knowing". Positionalities must be dropped to see through illusion.  

I'm not at all worried about you guys, but I just thought I'd mention that since it's something I've had to deal with and it's something I've seen others uselessly torment their minds over.

I really like thinking about this stuff in terms of frequencies though. It's all just energy vibrating at different frequencies :). Wether it's a "being" or "entity", I'm not really sure... but we definetly can't deny what manifests. So like you said emc, enjoy the scenery :) haha.


  • Posts: 3001
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2008, 08:49:47 AM »
hello everyone,

i myself used to do a lot of practices a few years back concerning dealing with spiritual entities....

after going through that part of my life and adding the realization i have now to it.

i must say that it's all just scenary as everything is exept the truth that is and i can't agree or add more to what emc had.

great views and a beautiful way in expressing them emc, you r a good soul.




  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2008, 09:14:23 AM »


I don't think the "aliens" are part of the scenery, cause they appear in the radars of big air planes, I have met several pilots with very big experiences with ufos while traveling in their planes, and they were really scared, I don't think it can be a scenery, well it can be, but a very physical one. I met a pilot years back, that before reaching the airport, he experienced a ufo over his house, he also could see the "beings" he told me they were very tall people with long hair, and they were looking at him, as well as he was looking at them, then the ufo vanished in the space. He is a very serious man, with many thousands hours of flight, was not a believer, but now he is, cause one has to have the experience to "know" that something or someone is out there. I think many things we cannot explain, not even with the yoga. I mean this pilot was not entering another frequency, it was the aliens that entered our frequency ot let us see them.
Maybe the aliens are part of the scenery of the planet, but as physical and real as we are.
Human beings are like in the Middle Ages, we don't know anything about our planet, we are just discovering many things.
Also in the yoga, we are discovering ourselves, we don't know even our own energies. We also don't know how to handle these energies or the purpose, we just have an idea.
A relative of mine saw many years back the little people (gnomes and fairies) and she chatted with them, and she was not crazy, was a normal being, it was in Sweden, I mean there are many things in these planet that we don't even imagine. I mean Galileo was a lunatic in his time, but we know that he was a wise man.
Maybe we have to wait 500 years to understand our world, and the different things that are hidden cause we haven't undig too much to know, I mean we don't want to know, cause we have many prejudices with  religions and we don't want to be labeled as "lunatics" as Galileo was in his time.
I mean these ships (ufos) are very physical cause they left landing marks on the ground. There are many Galileos out there fighting for the truth.


Originally posted by emc

[:)] So, it seems we have a very similar view, and you already seem to know what it is all about! Enjoy the scenery!

Wish you all the best on your journey,


  • Posts: 2055
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2008, 05:38:38 PM »
Hi neli,

I agree, aliens are physical alright!

What we call scenery can be very different. From one angle it may be the experinces we get of different stuff on the road (lights, sounds, halucination like visions of beings, entities, divine geometric figures, energy experiences etc etc etc). From another angle, and the one that I mean when I write about scenery, everything that has FORM or has a name and can be labelled in any way, whether physical or not, thus belonging to the Existence/duality side of the enchilada... is scenery. =) It exists, but it's not real.


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2008, 10:26:47 PM »

Hi emc,

I agree with you that when we are in meditation, or even without it, we can see or hear many things as I think this can be a part of the Kundalini awakening, even the sensations, as wonderful as they can be they are sensed only by us, so this is also part of a scenery, even if we are healed by the energy.

Days back I was with a terrible sore throat, and when I went into meditation, the energy flowed up instantly and like a miracle, the terrible sore dissapeared. So this is scenery, but a real one, at least for me, and maybe for many others. I mean this is real and not real at the same time, but in my point of view is more real, cause there's pyshical evidence, like the ufos.

When there is a physical evidence in our human world we label the phenomena as *real*

We cannot live or exist without a dual existance. I think duality is a universal law. I mean we cannot merge into nothingness, cause that is only a sensation. I mean Buddha attained this state of *Nibbana*, but it could only have been his sensation of the moment, as he came back to the body, so he was only sensing inside of his body.

From the angle that you mention, I understand that we are part of the "enchilada" cause we have a form, and we are labeled as humans, so we exist but we are not real ? maybe our egos are not real, and our physical bodies are momentarily real, cause they turn to dust.
So what is real? Our Beliefs ? our Soul? Who among you can feel your soul? How can you feel your soul? by a sensation? but sensations don't exist, but in our minds, so we are also part of the human scenery.

I believe that I have a soul, even if I haven't seen it or know where it is, but this are our beliefs, our sensations, who can prove that we have a soul? it's only our belief, we don't have any proof of its existance. Maybe its Faith, but our religions have taught us to believe that we have a soul, so our beliefs are also part of the scenery.

We exist but we are not real, then what is real?

Other beings can see us as ghosts too, in our beliefs (or in their beliefs).


Originally posted by emc

Hi neli,

I agree, aliens are physical alright!

What we call scenery can be very different. From one angle it may be the experinces we get of different stuff on the road (lights, sounds, halucination like visions of beings, entities, divine geometric figures, energy experiences etc etc etc). From another angle, and the one that I mean when I write about scenery, everything that has FORM or has a name and can be labelled in any way, whether physical or not, thus belonging to the Existence/duality side of the enchilada... is scenery. =) It exists, but it's not real.


  • Posts: 283
ghosts or aliens while in meditation
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2008, 10:50:01 PM »


What is the *truth that is* ? or better said where is the truth ?
Was it based on your experience ?


Originally posted by Ananda

hello everyone,

i myself used to do a lot of practices a few years back concerning dealing with spiritual entities....

after going through that part of my life and adding the realization i have now to it.

i must say that it's all just scenary as everything is exept the truth that is and i can't agree or add more to what emc had.

great views and a beautiful way in expressing them emc, you r a good soul.

