Author Topic: dirty chi up the back  (Read 736 times)


  • Posts: 16
dirty chi up the back
« on: July 09, 2008, 09:35:29 PM »
whats up with this? I can´t get the pure earth energy up the correct channels, I get something else, that hurts in the back and makes me feel sick. Last week I managed to get the pure earth chi in proper channels and it felt awesome. I don´t know what I did to get it and how to get it back and how to stop taking this negative energy in my body. please answer if you have something in mind(visualisations/exercises etc.)



  • Posts: 1589
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 01:21:40 AM »
Originally posted by salaam123

whats up with this? I can´t get the pure earth energy up the correct channels, I get something else, that hurts in the back and makes me feel sick.

Hi salaam123 and welcome to the forum,[:)]

From my perspective there is only one energy and it is the unique karmic blockages and resulting expression of those blockages in each person's body that bring about differing experiences. Therefore your experience of energy that hurts in the back is a result of the energy not flowing freely through your nervous system. So the energy is pure, but it is the channels that need the clearing.  

Last week I managed to get the pure earth chi in proper channels and it felt awesome. I don´t know what I did to get it and how to get it back and how to stop taking this negative energy in my body. please answer if you have something in mind(visualisations/exercises etc.)


If you had a moment where the energy felt good in the body, consider it a moment of grace that lets you know where you are headed when things become more cleared out in the channels. The mind loves to get involved in the process and make guesses at how it can achieve a certain experience once again but how often does it really succeed? From my experience the mind can never know, knowing comes from elsewhere, hence why AYP regards worrying about moving energy to certain places as matters best left "under the hood".

Daily systematic practice is the key, see the Main AYP lessons for guidance here:

Reading them in order can really help.

Best of luck![:)]


  • Posts: 16
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 02:28:18 AM »
I see, thank you anthem, very much for your post. I will check out the practices.

From my experience the mind can never know, knowing comes from elsewhere, hence why AYP regards worrying about moving energy to certain places as matters best left "under the hood"."

Are there any people that teach visualisations as a part of how to make the chi flow better?


  • Posts: 16
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2008, 05:31:18 AM »

The chi in the back definetely does not feel good.

also a problem right now is that My k-1 points in the feet leak inwards sucking negative energy. I don´t know how to fix that. Even just letting it be and training does not seem to help much.

But Ill read those posts. Do you recommend any sites etc. where I could learn postures?


  • Posts: 420
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 03:39:50 PM »
I used to do visualizations, they can help, though to be honest, the AYP method, if you're into moving energy around and stuff, it's been the best method for me, especially because everything is under the hood. Visualisations help you get in touch with "what doesn't seem to be there...yet", but by just keeping at it, it won't really make a difference in the end. Thing with visualisations too... if you feel you're mind is distracted while meditating, they can help ease you into the practice too, which is cool.

One thing though, trust me, I know it seems like "there's this, this and this that I need to fix by moving energy around"... and for sure, meditation can cure certain imbalances, much of it has to do with everyday life though... for that, it all comes down to a little introspection and self honesty here and there. I'd also resist relating everything to particular chakras\\energy and what you've been told they mean... working on those to "fix" that problem. Again... I really admire AYP's "under the hood" approach, I wish I knew about it earlier haha. It's just better to keep the inner working "under the hood", and to grow with what you learn while going inside, rather than filling your head with a whole lotta ideas on chakras and energy movement and "what it means" or "how to fix em" (like "negative energy"... means nothing to me :) haha :P... it's just more energy to look at. Good or bad, truth is there (on varying degrees... but it's there), awareness is there, that's all you need to grow. You'll always find what you're looking for).

I don't mean to just blab this all out haha, these were just some of my "sticking points", I thought some might help :).


  • Posts: 16
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2008, 01:53:30 AM »
I found the reason to the dirty chi up the back think. My root channel(perineum channel) was bad. It still may not be perfect but I feel much better now. I corrected it by doing standing training and letting stuff go up the back(I also felt my k-1 blocked.

Also the k-1 problem is solved also. I thought that the watery chi runs from the ground up but it does not. The ground chi just strenghtens the structure. Thanks everybody!


  • Posts: 1589
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2008, 01:54:03 AM »
Originally posted by salaam123

I see, thank you anthem, very much for your post. I will check out the practices.

From my experience the mind can never know, knowing comes from elsewhere, hence why AYP regards worrying about moving energy to certain places as matters best left "under the hood"."

Are there any people that teach visualisations as a part of how to make the chi flow better?

The AYP Main lessons certainly do this but I wouldn't know of any other people to point you to for this specific purpose. Also, not familiar with any other good websites for postures either, sorry.


  • Posts: 16
dirty chi up the back
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2008, 03:48:33 AM »
ok thanks. Are the main lessons in those books? what book would you(or someone else) recommend of those?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 03:52:54 AM by salaam123 »