Author Topic: amaroli -- dosage and concentration  (Read 24610 times)


  • Posts: 2
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #75 on: July 24, 2007, 08:20:04 AM »
Thank-you for the info.  I would also like to inquire what your initial weeks of begining amaroli were like in terms of how the body reacted to it? Please be specific.




  • Posts: 604
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #76 on: November 08, 2007, 02:45:09 PM »
Hi all current & possible amrollers,

Posting here since this thread is bladder full of references to cause and effect [:p]. I was drawn to amaroli after reading Yogani's DSA book.

Today it is only 4 days of about 1 tsp with a glass of water, early morning, midstream, empty stomach.

Noticed: Acidity for a few hours after (I have an acidity issue already).
Expectorating watery mucus continuously for a couple of hours the first two days
Acridness in throat. (all the three symptoms went with 30 ml aloe gel, and breakfast 2-3 hours after amaroli)
Lightness in the limbs, so much so that I was breaking out in spontaneous dance to imagined music every now for the first two days.
Feeling of being more 'solid'. Maybe more grounded.
Heightened awareness in meditation
More energetic: slept much less for the past four days
Huge surges in libido, which qualitatively, were different from anything I'd experienced before.

I'm keeping my evening meal light and early (am vegan). Trying to drink more water (I lag here). This is a very early report for a beginner. I feel the constitution (vide Ayurveda: kapha, pitta, vata) may have a lot to do with how much a practitioner feels. I have evaluated myself as a vata-pitta mix, and therefore I could have significant and early response to even a little amaroli.

The texts do mention that this is bound to benefit changeover times a lot more than the others: teenagehood, menopausal women, and people around and over 40.

Would be interested to know the technicalities of anyone who's used this topically (i.e, fresh urine, or old, how old, method of use, how long left on skin, eyes, hair, etc). I did read a few posts on use in eyes.

BTW, it is a common practice among soldiers in the cold to pee on wounds, chilblains, frostbite to heal. [:)]


  • Posts: 604
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #77 on: November 09, 2007, 12:31:18 PM »
Hi everybody,
A question pertaining to female amaroli practitioners: Does one stop during menstruation, or is there a way around it?

I find that I need to let more of first stream go. Apparently, there is bile in the first stream. It may explain acidity, if I caught it a little too early.

Sparkle: I saw you'd asked about amaroli benefitting allergies. There are several references on the net that says it does.


  • Posts: 1464
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #78 on: November 10, 2007, 02:19:27 AM »
Hi Sadak
Congratulations on your new amaroli experience[:)]
Noticed: Acidity for a few hours after (I have an acidity issue already).
Expectorating watery mucus continuously for a couple of hours the first two days
Acridness in throat. (all the three symptoms went with 30 ml aloe gel, and breakfast 2-3 hours after amaroli)
Lightness in the limbs, so much so that I was breaking out in spontaneous dance to imagined music every now for the first two days.
Feeling of being more 'solid'. Maybe more grounded.
Heightened awareness in meditation
More energetic: slept much less for the past four days
Huge surges in libido, which qualitatively, were different from anything I'd experienced before.

You seem to be getting very clear results so far, that's great to hear. I've been practicing for the past couple of weeks, left it off for a while, and find the results good. It's hard to put a handle on what it is but I feel better for it.
Sparkle: I saw you'd asked about amaroli benefitting allergies. There are several references on the net that says it does.
Yes, thanks for that, I think there are a couple of people here who's alergies went after trying amaroli.

The other day I talked about this to my 16 year old daughter, she also has allergies. Surprisingly she did not gag as much as I expected [:D]
She knows I have been doing it for a while so we were able to have the discussion. Who knows when she will try it, if ever, it's up to her now.
In the meantime the netti pot will probably be a more realistic proposition for her.

Keep up the feedback, it sounds like you are very sensitive to it.[:)]



  • Posts: 604
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #79 on: November 10, 2007, 08:22:11 PM »
Hi Sparkle,
Thanks, I was quite surprised myself, at the qualifiable reactions to amaroli. Today is the sixth day, and all the symptoms have gone away, except a sort of 'clear-headed wakefulness', and an undefinable solidness. I've been drinking more water, so have  lighter and clearer urine. I'm still doing a teaspoon or so diluted in a glass of water. And I am going to be very slow in upping that. I seem to over-react to anything I add to my practices. [:)]

Wrt your daughter, I think the neti pot is pretty good. If you've not tried it already, ghee or clarified butter (medicated ghee might be a tall order for you) added to warm water in neti, or a couple of drops directly in the nostrils before sleeping should significantly improve her allergy.

Would be instructive for all if all of us kept posting here about any amaroli effects, experiments, results.


  • Posts: 385
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #80 on: March 02, 2008, 09:31:23 PM »
Been on Amaroli for over two weeks now I think.  Not too much, around 100ml every morning..  

Tastes like green tea, can't see what all the talk is about yet as I haven't noticed any effects.  Probably will increase the dosage...


  • Posts: 86
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #81 on: March 03, 2008, 04:25:18 AM »
Does anyone do amaroli after consuming alcohol the previous days? whats the effect?

does it give the same good effect? or is it not adviced?


  • Posts: 2604
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #82 on: March 03, 2008, 04:44:10 AM »
Hi Sushman, I believe that drinking amaroli after alcohol the day before is fine.

Chiron, some people notice nothing from amaroli, some people notice a lot.  Even if you notice nothing, you might find it has health benefits,  I can't tell.


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #83 on: September 20, 2009, 09:11:36 PM »

a couple days ago I woke up being  very curious about how my urine would taste like and I just couldn't wait to try it. It tastes really not so bad and by today I'm already getting used to it, loosing the urge to swallow it quickly all at once. I think tequila tastes much worse. So today is day 5 of my amaroli practice and I started right away with 500ml undiluted, every morning on an empty stomach.

It's a very early report of course, but I think this is what I'm observing:

- I like the practice
- warmth throughout the whole body combined with a feeling of the specific physical "fullness" inside (this is practically the same feeling that accompanies an intoxication with any psychedelic drug.)
-  this gives a feeling of increased energy and vitality
-  regular sleepiness after lunch completely stopped suddenly, as well as usual sleepiness in a train
- increased libido

Today I woke up with a scratching in my throat, like if i would have a beginning flu. It's been five hours since I woke up now and it's still there. I don't think that it's a real flu though, since I'm rarely ill and have been taking good care about myself lately. I rather suspect it to be some weird symptom of my immune system getting activated by amaroli. Anyone experienced this?



  • Posts: 4947
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #84 on: September 20, 2009, 10:54:23 PM »
Originally posted by mimirom

Today I woke up with a scratching in my throat, like if i would have a beginning flu. It's been five hours since I woke up now and it's still there. I don't think that it's a real flu though, since I'm rarely ill and have been taking good care about myself lately. I rather suspect it to be some weird symptom of my immune system getting activated by amaroli. Anyone experienced this?

Yes, sounds like purification. Maybe lessen the concentration/dose and see if that helps?
Here is a discussion on this:

And altho amaroli has not been directly discussed as a possible cause of the throat discomfort in this topic, it could be. [:)]


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2009, 09:05:12 AM »
Hi Shanti,

thanks for giving me a hand with this. The links are very helpful of course, I didn't know that these might be typical symptoms.
Well, It's getting a bit tricky, since people around here are getting similar symptoms too. I left my home this mornig (with my symptoms) though, and now I'm in a completely different location with other people, so it's confusing...[:0]
However the unpleasant sensations in my throat are more intense now. So perhaps tomorrow morning I'll know more.

Otherwise I feel very well, observing some other fluctuating symptoms likely related to the introduction of amaroli. That is o.k. so far.

I noticed that in meditation I'm again hitting the limit of what I'm willing to tolerate energy-wise, so I try to self-pace the urine intake.

Thanks a lot, Shanti, for very helpful info!



  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2009, 07:20:03 PM »
O.k., so my throat is really soar now and it's getting clear that it is an infection. I'm getting rhinitis as well. Actually all of us here in the house have similar symptoms. Unfortunately I'm not at home, otherwise I would perhaps go and see my doctor.
At the same time I'm having remarkable purification in the 5th chakra region during DM, energy going swiftly back and forth through the spot and whirling inside.
So it's both perhaps, purification and infection.[xx(]

I'm on 250ml of urine today.


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #87 on: September 21, 2009, 11:02:59 PM »
Ugghhh, now I feel really sick...


  • Posts: 4947
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #88 on: September 21, 2009, 11:11:54 PM »
Sorry Mimirom. [V]

I'd suggest back off amaroli till things settle down. Once you feel better, start with just a drop of urine. If that feels OK, then make it a tsp full and so on. If that drop is too much, dilute the drop with some water. Find the concentration/dose that is right for you. Always better to start with very little and build up.

Hope you feel better soon.


  • Posts: 359
amaroli -- dosage and concentration
« Reply #89 on: September 22, 2009, 05:59:47 AM »
Thanks Shanti for support, much appreciated[:)]

Well, it was the same mistake once again, I guess... Too much too soon.