Author Topic: Kundalini rising in 30 days  (Read 3390 times)


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:42:03 PM »
Hi Everyone [:)]
  I found this article tonight and I thought that this would be a great place to find out what everyone might think about it. It claims that the kundalini can be risen in 30 days, by practicing 1 to 2 hours per day. The author claims to have done this.

  There are a number of points in this article that stood out in my mind. Yogani's approach is a safe careful method of awakening the kundalini, one which is buffered by deep silence meditation and a gradual controlled approach. I also understand that kundalini is high energy and it is probably better to have very thick cables to carry the current. So it may be a very wise thing to clear and expand your wires before rising the kundalini.

  The other concern that I have with the approach quoted below is the mention of the great pressure in the head when rising the kundalini. The neck lock is different from the AYP neck lock and it's purpose is to straighten the neck, facilitating the upward flow. Otherwise rising the kundalini is said to be quite dangerous. I wonder if stroke is a possiblity?

  Lastly, the statement "The pineal gland or seat of the soul does not work when the tenth gate (top of the head) is sealed." is contrary to Yogani's controlled, indirect awakening of the crown.

  Here is the article. Perhaps we could discuss it, analyze it and determine if it is a good thing, a bad thing, contains truth or is a dangerous practice that shouldn't have been revealed to the public over the internet?

  Here is the link:

« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 04:59:42 PM by Tibetan_Ice »


  • Posts: 3597
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2008, 08:08:27 PM »
I think it's better to take more time, be safer, and have more long term dedication. Everyone is different as far as the thirty day package, and also, kundalini rising shouldn't be thought of as an ultimate, final goal.


  • Posts: 264
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 11:43:10 PM »
Hey TI,

I've been reading different posts of yours and the same pattern pops up, you're going way too fast !

There are techniques I know where kundalini could be awaken in a few yours but then, it will be a mess for many lifetimes !

You're young so take it easy, you have all the time to reach enlightment.

Amicalement, Albert


  • Posts: 86
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 04:24:02 AM »
Hi Tibetan_Ice,

I personally wouldn't do anything to try to manipulate Kundalini, as most people that do seem to get into serious trouble with it (e.g. psychosis and all sorts of psychosomatic illnesses). If one just follows a gradual approach, such as those taught here and in other systems, such as Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path, one's Kundalini will awaken when one is ready for it.

I had a Kundalini awakening after about 6 to 9 months of using a Buddhist approach that was focused on producing Samadhi/Jhana (meditation absorption), and had no problems with it as a result. I was meditating approximately 2.5 hours per day at the time. Kundalini literally nailed me to the floor when it hit: I experienced a pressure going up my spine and then intense energy, orgasmic bliss, ecstatic joy and violent involuntary physical shaking. As a matter of fact, I was so overwhelmed by it that I nearly burst into tears, and all I could do was just ride it out.  

Please don't try to induce a Kundalini awakening. Please just keep doing your normal practices. And, when you are ready for Kundalini it will present itself to you.

Kind regards,
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 05:09:30 AM by Nirodha »


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2008, 05:35:03 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish

I think it's better to take more time, be safer, and have more long term dedication. Everyone is different as far as the thirty day package, and also, kundalini rising shouldn't be thought of as an ultimate, final goal.

Hi Etherfish [:)]
  I think you have given good advice here. Thank you for your input!



  • Posts: 758
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2008, 05:46:03 PM »
Originally posted by selfonlypath

Hey TI,

I've been reading different posts of yours and the same pattern pops up, you're going way too fast !

There are techniques I know where kundalini could be awaken in a few yours but then, it will be a mess for many lifetimes !

You're young so take it easy, you have all the time to reach enlightment.

Amicalement, Albert

Hi Albert [:)]
  Thank you for your comments.
  I am 51 years old so I figure that I'd better get it done soon. Life is short. I've been preparing for this most of my life and in some previous lifetimes too. [8]
  I think the hard part is never telling anyone you know about what you are going through because they would think that you are crazy.
  I'm so glad that Yogani has this forum. [:D]



  • Posts: 264
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 06:16:11 AM »
Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice
  I am 51 years old so I figure that I'd better get it done soon. Life is short. I've been preparing for this most of my life and in some previous lifetimes too.

Hi TI,

Ask yourself who is the I who wants to get it done soon ?

Please remember that only Godess will decide when and through which system you'll experience a full blown kundalini. Mother Kundalini knows best than your ego who wants to control her because ego fears its dissolution! She knows when someone is unprepared or not enough purified that it will be too dangerous to awaken prematurely.

There is a chinese curse saying May you be enlightened in one week !

Peace, Albert

« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 07:40:36 AM by selfonlypath »


  • Posts: 2055
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 07:02:47 AM »
There is a chinese curse saying May you be enlightened in one week !

[:D]Wow! What a curse! [:D]


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2008, 11:13:21 AM »
Originally posted by Nirodha

I had a Kundalini awakening after about 6 to 9 months of using a Buddhist approach that was focused on producing Samadhi/Jhana (meditation absorption), and had no problems with it as a result.

Hi Nirodha [:)]
  Thank you for your response.
  So, in view of your kundalini rising, is it true that you have to 'keep it up'? Do you bring kundalini up at will now? Or is it always flowing?  Does it flow more when you keep good posture?




  • Posts: 758
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2008, 11:33:50 AM »
Originally posted by selfonlypath
Please remember that only Godess will decide when and through which system you'll experience a full blown kundalini.

She knows when someone is unprepared or not enough purified that it will be too dangerous to awaken prematurely.

Hi Albert [:)]
  From all indications, I find your statements inaccurate for two reasons:

1)There are many examples of people who experience 'premature' kundalini and have a very bad time with it. Some suicides too. I'm sure kundalini, if it was that wary and discriminating, would not have arisen in those cases.

2)If only kundalini will decide when she comes out, then why worry about taunting her entrance? Do you see what I mean?  

There seems to be two schools of thought (probably more). One, that kundalini is very hard to awaken and takes years and lifetimes to do so. The other one is that kundalini is easy to awaken, is no big deal and the challenge is to keep her up (as was stated in the Yogi Bhajan article, and is stated in Reiki Tummo and other teachings).

Again, thank you for your input.



  • Posts: 86
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2008, 01:47:04 PM »
Hi TI,

You're welcome.

Kundalini seems to be always flowing within me now. I'm not sure how to describe it exactly: It's as if I have a belly full of pulsating joy throughout my day. When I meditate and reach Samadhi (meditative absorption) it will eventually migrate up my back and torso and be most prominently felt in my head.

In regards to bringing Kundalini up at will: That's not something I even think about, as I don't try to manipulate it at all. I just meditate sensitive to joy and pleasure (samadhi factors) and it arises on it's on.

It's interesting that you asked if I have to keep good posture in order for Kundalini to arise. Actually I tend to slouch a little bit when I meditate. However, I have noticed that once Kundalini starts to arise that it will straighten out my posture itself by way of Kriyas (charismatic movements).

Kind regards
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 07:45:28 PM by Nirodha »


  • Posts: 264
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2008, 03:45:33 PM »
Hi TI,

Well if my arguments are incorrect, what are you doing on AYP forum that teaches among other things an excellent wisdom advice on self-pacing !

One school I follow is Siddha Maya Yoga or Kundalini Maha Yoga or Shaktipat under Tirth lineage so you're saying Swami Shivom Tirth or Swami Shankar Purushottam Tirth are incorrect !

You're very right that under certain techniques, it is easy to awaken kundalini but the point is the preparation before so you can continue having a sound human experience when kundalini awakens.

As I mentioned before on this thread, I happen to know and practice some of these fast techniques under tantrik-shaman path.

In Shakti, Albert
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 05:38:12 PM by selfonlypath »

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2008, 06:07:05 PM »
I might be able to offer a description I found analogous to the 2 schools:

A brilliant craftsman is making a sculpture out of a piece of stone. It takes years for him to make it. One man said, "It takes years to make the sculpture."

Another man said, "You're wrong. It takes only a few seconds to "make" the sculpture, it's always sitting inside the stone. You just have to give it life. But the hard part is to free it from the stone, which could take years."

Who's right, and who's wrong? And does it matter? Kundalini awakening is something even vaguer and experimental than making a sculpture. So the confusion is even more, but it's only at the conceptual/philosophical level. What's REALLY happening is always the same. By what observable difference can the one-day school say you've awakened you kundalini? Not very different from the "sculpture's always sitting inside the stone" theory.  They're manipulating words and concepts, subtly changing the usual meaning of "a sculpture" or "awakened kundalini". As kundalini is even less well-understood than "a sculpture", the confusion could seem very real if you believe in what every guru say.

I've met a well-known school who claims they could awaken your kundalini instantly --- maybe a few minutes. Have your own mind, and independently decide what this means.



  • Posts: 264
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 06:46:47 PM »

Tirth lineage is dedicated to Siddha Maha Yoga (Shaktipat).

When reading "Yoga Vani" from Swami Shankar Purushottan Tirth, one can find there are 3 ways to awaken Kundalini in this plane of existence:
- through penance (own practice of yoga)
- through receiving shaktipat from a guru
- through having Kundalini awakened in a previous life

It is worthwhile noting that Swami Muktananda has used this book during his journey.

Start extract of Yoga Vani animated book

The spirit-force Kundalini is roused up in three ways. First by practice of Asan, Mudra & Pranayama; second, through the grace of a Siddha-Guru or preceptor who is a self-realizer; and third through absolute devotion gained from previous birth.

.... snip ....

The means of attaining salvation by the awakening of Kundalini-Shakti are three and so the devotion may also be divided in three classes: e.g. devotee obtaining siddhi by penance, through the grace of the Preceptor and by chance or through God's grace. The devotee obtaining siddhi in dreams is included in the category of devotee attaining siddhi by Chance and so has got no separate class of it's own.

End extract

I think AYP falls into the first case which is the slowest but safest.
The second case is the quickest if one find a very advanced guru.
The last case seems connected in my opinion to shaman path.

On a side note, I happen to be precisely in the last case. When I discovered I had a slight form of Shaktipat, I looked for guidance because I knew it could be dangerous and I've been blessed to find Swami SadaShiva Tirth in june 2005. But I'm also very unfortunate because Tirth lineage does not recognize shaman path neither left hand tantrik path that are also part of my spiritual journey in this plane of existence!

In Shakti, Albert
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 07:57:29 PM by selfonlypath »


  • Posts: 33
Kundalini rising in 30 days
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2008, 07:16:41 AM »
Hi Tibetan Ice

I have been practicing with this site for almost a year and have had a lot of interesting experiences also.  My experiences have happened gradually and in small amounts because I watch what is happening as I meditate and keep tweaking the practice to suite my bodie's needs.  That way, my experiences are under my control. This approach is working for me.

Yogani calls this self pacing.  It is a priority on this site and considered more important than trying new systems or even having a multiple of experiencs with this system.  There is a thread on this site which addresses other spiritual practices which would be a good place to discuss the pros and cons of this 30-day system, however, I feel safe in saying that Yogani would not recommend something of this nature.

Yogani has a few good books on this site which discuss his approach to practicing Kundalini Yoga.  He also has free lessons on this site.  When I first came to this site, I went through most of the lessons and was able to learn a lot about what type of techniques are or aren't advocated on this site by reading the lessons and books.

The people on this thread seem willing to answer questions related to the practice of Kundalini, however, in order to save yourself a lot of time and repetition, I suggest going over the lessons first and then you will have a better understanding of the types of meditation practices and or techniques that are approved of and practiced on this site.

I am also willing to share experiences with you anytime as well because I am really coming into a whole new way of seeing life as a result of following the practices on this site.  If you ernestly practice this system as outlined in a sincere, relaxed, and modest manner; I am willing to bet that the universe will allow you the time you need to refine and grow from your practice no matter what age you are.  At least this is what I see happening for me.

Hope my suggestions help.