Author Topic: Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?  (Read 3001 times)

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« on: December 25, 2007, 02:12:55 PM »
Does anyone suffer from migraines? I mean the non-kundalini kind. If so, I've got a simple thing to try...can't hurt, might help! [:)]

Any lurkers out there? Any migraine-suffering friends of regulars?


  • Posts: 320
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2007, 03:41:25 PM »
My son gets flat out migraines. Only MJ helps. Like to hear your thing to try please.


  • Posts: 530
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2007, 03:45:52 PM »
Hiya Jim,

As a young kid I got migraines on a monthly and often weekly basis.  Lot's of stress, and an inability to release that stress properly.  I started getting them when I was around 6 or 7, and I think my body grew from that point in a way that kept my body tight and full of blocks.  I still get them occasionally, but the moment I was able to feel the inner body I instantly found a way to deal with them.  But best of all, after doing yoga for the past few years the frequency and intensity have decreased considerably!

In light of all that, I am still eager to hear your advice.  As you said, can't hurt.  Maybe we can compare methods, here.  I recall thinking it was a godsend to have discovered how to manage migraines.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 04:22:08 PM by Kyman »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2007, 10:19:06 PM »
Little Turtle, what is MJ?

Kyman, I'm curious what your trick is. I'm not sure my method would be well tested by you, since you're so hair-triggered on self-cure, but it's worth a try.

Anyway, the idea is from something I worked out (and mentioned in another thread) for kundalini overload/grounding problems/front channel block. I'm thinking it might help migraine.

I'd prefer to have only yoga people (or friends with a yoga person close by) try it out for now. I can't imagine there'd be ill effects, but it does involve altering energy pathways (powerfully so, even though it's a very simple move), and I'd like to go gingerly before suggesting it to people completely new to energetic stuff. So let's keep it among us for now.

Here goes, and please do report back (lurkers, if you really don't want to post, please email me your experiences...just click on my nametag and you'll see a link reading "Click to send an E-MailĀ "):

Consider how you dilate your ear canals on an airplane to equalize pressure. Take time to examine that action quite closely. And apply that exact sort of dilation to the front portion of the base of your throat, near the collar bone (concentrating on the back of the throat will increase energy flow up and into the head, which is the opposite of what we're aiming for, though a good action to engage in pranayama for those without front channel block symptoms). Make the dilation feel warm and yawn-ish. If possible, invest the action with loving bhakti. And learn to hold the dilation for longer and longer (but follow AYP self-pacing directions, especially if you're kundalini awakened or in any way over-energized).

You should feel (if not immediately, then soon) a flow of energy waves down the front of the chest and abdomen, down to the perineum. If it doesn't make it to the perineum, move the dilation down to just beneath wherever you perceive the flow to stop.

 Get to the point where you can easily do this action at any time. It should come to feel like you're easily stretching outward a tight rubber band that otherwise constricts your throat. Again, don't forget to self-pace.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2007, 10:20:07 PM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 320
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2007, 12:52:02 AM »
Jim, MJ is marijuana. My son is disabled so perhaps your method may not be for him, but I would like to know the method anyway. Thank you.


  • Posts: 530
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2007, 02:49:21 AM »
Hey Jim,

Hair-triggered on self-cure?  Can you expound on this for me?  Never heard of a doctor who cured anyone.  People who don't depend on others to heal their own biology might even be better suited to achieve results with your method, however, if your interest is to see how successful your method is when other people experiment with it, the results you are looking for might be skewed.

I discovered my method or way after having a pounding migraine, which as a youth, would turn into terrible episodes of heaving and a few days of disorientation and rest.  One could say, discovering this method while doing yoga was inevitable.  An effect of careful discernment and a strong opposition to the debilitating pain of a migraine headache.

You just relax the nervous system towards and even into the yogic sleep.  You turn off the nervous system so the pain cannot be felt, yet you are awake.   After a couple minutes of relaxation the pain sort of vanished, suddenly.  I eventually found myself laughing at some comedy show on TV as I lay there.  I thought to myself, what instant and profound relief.  To be able to have laughter rise up through this body while having a severe migraine.  Seriously, wow.  But as soon as I moved or got up the pain came flooding back in.  It was almost instant, like flicking a switch.

As my ability to move energy increased, I would merge my attention with the pain, thereby causing it to either cover up the pain or relax the nervous system until pain signals stopped firing off in the brain.  The ability to cultivate energy and apply it helped me to stay up and on my feet more during an attack.  You are still disoriented, somewhat dazed and confused, but without the extreme sensation of pain pulsating in your head.

The method or way I am using might be better suited for an attack, while a person is in sever anguish.  My opinion is that yoga practice, done over time, will decrease migraine intensity and frequency.  So you have a direct and indirect approach to treating it.  It sounds like, to me, that your method would be good for treating an attack as well as helping to cleanse the nervous system, shortening the time of the attack and acting as a preventative.

I found that any manipulation of the head during an attack either affects the pain or ceases it.  The affect is usually good, but there have been a few times where it didn't help and the pain became a level 10 migraine.  Don't know if I caused it or helped it, as the 10's do happen now and again.  So if you do get migraines, and you try any method, take very careful mental notes of what you do.

I'll be sure to try your method out next time I get a migraine, to give you some feedback.  


Most of my life, the pain would be so bad that I would just pass out.  This is what most people do.  They darken a room, lay still, and go unconscious.  So I'm still doing the same deal as most people, just remaining conscious when doing so.  If you aren't a yogi, use an ice pack in that dark room.  Vibrations help, and so does a tight band around the head.  Apply pressure mainly from the sides, if the pain warrants.

It may be hard for your son to relax himself, but if you can come up with a clever way to lead him through some deep breaths, you might help him move into a space where he can drift comfortably to sleep until the episode passes.  If it is a really bad one, he most likely will just pass right out.

I recall a strange experience, when I was 6 or 7.  I was in the nurses office, and the headache pain was so bad.  It hurt so terribly, and inside I felt like a trapped or cornered animal, in severe pain.  I had no way out, no prayer seemed to help.  And then my mind focused on the pain, and a voice started speaking in my head, saying what is this.  Where is this thing that hurts me?  Where is it touching me?  Then the pain stopped hurting me.  And for only a few moments I sat there, feeling the sensations, but not interpreting them as pain.  I thought, this cannot hurt me.  I gasped to myself, shocked at this discovery.  I forgot all about those few moments until decades later, after learning yoga.  Yoga became a context for understanding this old momentary blip of intuition and concentration.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 03:24:29 AM by Kyman »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2007, 04:19:07 AM »
Originally posted by Kyman

Hey Jim,

Hair-triggered on self-cure?  Can you expound on this for me?

you said "I still get them occasionally, but the moment I was able to feel the inner body I instantly found a way to deal with them," and I took that to mean that you had an instant self-cure for them. If that were the case, you'd be a poor tester of my trick, because if it appeared to work, it might just be due to a subconscious application of your's.

Please do let me know if my trick provides relief. Sounds awful.[B)]


  • Posts: 530
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2007, 04:40:01 AM »
Well, with luck it will be a very long time before that happens.  heh heh  But I'll report my experiences the next go round, for certain.

I can tell you now that most of my life upon getting a migraine my alignment and posture would become distorted.  My shoulders would rise up slightly, my neck would sort of hang a bit, and my head would sag down.  This was before I learned anything about yoga, so I think it speaks to the nature of your method.  You might be onto something, because what you are suggesting would affect the body in a similar way.

Maybe my body was trying to ease its structural flaws by so drastically changing its posture during the time of attack (A CLUE!).  Had I the wisdom earlier in life, I might have saved myself hundreds of migraines if I did yoga sooner, along with some of the other techniques we practice here.  The chin tuck and chin pump specifically, I think, might have nearly cured me of my old condition.  They have absolutely transformed the condition I grew up in into a new, less frightening beast.

Very intriguing, hopefully we will get some reports over time.

I appreciate your insight into this matter, thank you.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 04:52:35 AM by Kyman »


  • Posts: 351
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2007, 05:03:18 AM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 4947
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2007, 01:58:08 AM »
I had one of my not so severe migraines yesterday.. And this technique really helped. It took about 45 min.. but the pain and nauseousness was almost gone. I felt my head feel lighter and like a cool breeze blowing through it. I did not realize the heat energy associated with the migraine headache, till I felt the cooling energy. I did feel some purification symptoms in my throat area though.. the scratchy throat and feeling very thirsty.. but this was for a short period.


  • Posts: 832
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2007, 05:22:29 AM »

I'm curious who's method you used and which helped you?

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2007, 05:54:23 AM »
Thanks much, Shanti. I'm wondering if you practice this move to make it happen deeper/faster (almost as a "relaxation response" sort of thing), if it'd effect more rapid relief.

It's possible that a great deal of human malady is caused by throat block. And I'm betting that most, if not just-about-all kundalini syndrome issues are caused by same. So working to clear the head, either in health practices or in spiritual practices, may be counterproductive, as it's all just going to back up at throat anyway. Just a speculation.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 06:03:16 AM by Jim and His Karma »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2007, 06:05:19 AM »
Weaver and LittleTurtle, we're talking about the technique I describe in the fourth-down posting in this thread.


  • Posts: 4947
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2007, 06:33:57 AM »
Originally posted by weaver


I'm curious who's method you used and which helped you?

The one Jim described:
Consider how you dilate your ear canals on an airplane to equalize pressure. Take time to examine that action quite closely. And apply that exact sort of dilation to the front portion of the base of your throat, near the collar bone (concentrating on the back of the throat will increase energy flow up and into the head, which is the opposite of what we're aiming for, though a good action to engage in pranayama for those without front channel block symptoms). Make the dilation feel warm and yawn-ish. If possible, invest the action with loving bhakti. And learn to hold the dilation for longer and longer (but follow AYP self-pacing directions, especially if you're kundalini awakened or in any way over-energized).

You should feel (if not immediately, then soon) a flow of energy waves down the front of the chest and abdomen, down to the perineum. If it doesn't make it to the perineum, move the dilation down to just beneath wherever you perceive the flow to stop.

Get to the point where you can easily do this action at any time. It should come to feel like you're easily stretching outward a tight rubber band that otherwise constricts your throat. Again, don't forget to self-pace.


  • Posts: 832
Anyone Get (non-spiritual) Migraines?
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2007, 07:20:17 AM »
Thank you Jim and Shanti! [:)]