Author Topic: The Illusion of Friendship  (Read 1572 times)


  • Posts: 2055
The Illusion of Friendship
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2007, 07:49:21 AM »
Those particular friends probably have similar patterns in their energy that can create attachments and thereby also create the ground for healing those energy distortions in us.

Sounds true to me! The closer the person, the better mirror! The partner being the superior guru! [:)]

I know I can step back into a nice comfortable witness state or equanimity any time I choose.

Who is the one stepping back and having the choice, and who is the witness? [;)]


  • Posts: 252
The Illusion of Friendship
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2007, 08:01:18 AM »
Great post everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this topic, thanks for posting.


  • Posts: 1464
The Illusion of Friendship
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2007, 09:20:27 AM »
Who is the one stepping back and having the choice, and who is the witness?
I am all of these, and in the present moment blend into one or disappear. And I, like everyone else here, have a large ego, and will continue to enjoy evolving through.[8D]

It's like walking up a "down" escalator and appearing stationary, It is stillness in action - if we stop we will go backwards.

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
The Illusion of Friendship
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2008, 04:26:44 AM »'s now midnight (1:20am) in Hong Kong and I'm only half way through the long list of reply. Everyone body's asleep here, and I did feel a great void and loneliness, as I've been feeling from tmie to time recently. On one day (just yesterday) I may feel I can unload the attachment and love without an object (some sudden inspiration I got partly from reading this forum) , on another day I could feel bad. I could even say one reason of why I hang around here is to feel my void. It sounds bad, but I've to admit.

My fear, as opposed to 2 years ago, is that I may lose my memory of the past and to face the undetermined future, not to grasp the past. Is this still an attempt to own something: my memory? But isn't much of our life composed of memory, experiences? At this moment, even if I die today, I won't regret. May even be a relief. I just fear about the future, fear about forgeting the magical moments in my life, that I may owe the others. May even disappoint them if I forget. It happened, and it should forever be recorded somewhere as a fact. Where is that somewhere?


  • Posts: 530
The Illusion of Friendship
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2008, 05:05:18 PM »
The degree to which you treasure those experiences will translate to the depth which they are stored, till they rattle in the corridors of the nervious system, in all its aspects, till the cross of our reference point that holds them in view takes takes residence some place new in the web of life.

No doubt we would carry an infinite store of our experiences through eternity if we could, and perhaps at some level, of the highest dimension and order, we can retain them forever.  This doesn't mean we will recognize them, since our perspective changes with the wheel of time, and we may only be able to live in a world that repurcusses our past eminations of joy.  But to the witness, its all the same.

I'm blessed to able to find value in the little things, so all that I've known, even what my mind would call bad, the soul treasures.  We can experience the "'sweet sorrow'', but eventually we fade/emerge into new vibrations.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 05:39:48 PM by Kyman »