Author Topic: Grounding  (Read 2058 times)

hopeless meditator

  • Posts: 38
« on: April 07, 2007, 01:07:04 AM »
Good day, all. I am interested to know what works for YOU personally, to keep you grounded.

Happy Easter to one and all.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 02:38:40 PM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 875
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2007, 02:03:05 AM »
Timely question.  Here are some of the things that work for me:

most any non-spiritual activity
trashy novels
a pint of beer/greasy french fries
extreme exercise
being with people who've never heard of kundalini
walking in crowds
shopping with no intention to buy


  • Posts: 394
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2007, 02:47:42 AM »
A couple of popular sayings nowadays are (1) "Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff", and (2) "Consider the source...and move on". [:)]

In other words, (1) very few things which occur each day are worth getting all bent out of shape and screwed into the ceiling over, and (2) when we have a well established daily Sadhana practice, it is likely that we already realize what our personal strengths and weaknesses are, both spiritually and otherwise.

As a result of our consistent Self-Realization work, the opinions of other people become either validations of that which we have already acknowledged...or the expression of invalid assessments of us, in which case...who cares what they think? Just shrug it off, like water off a duck's back, and move on with the day at hand. Next! [:D]

Hari OM!

« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 02:51:47 AM by Doc »


  • Posts: 46
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2007, 05:46:13 AM »
Tai Chi Chuan and physical work


  • Posts: 351
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2007, 02:38:40 PM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 48
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2007, 06:32:55 AM »
Grounding is an issue not to be underestimated.
Before writing more about it I would like to share an experience. I spent three weeks in India over Christmas and new year and had the opportunity to spend rather much time with a Yogi. No other teacher has been even close to being able to answer so many questions of mine during these 12 years I have been on the “spiritual path”. I hit a place of profound openness and understanding, got a set of exercises to continue with when I came home. Going home I felt I was in stable place.
But it was only a few days until I crashed. I mean really crashed, a victim of emotions, mostly rage and a state of being heavily depressed. It was no way I could sustain that openness and I lost it.
This failure has been a mystery to me as I was really determined to stay with my practices no matter what as I felt I had found my teacher and wanted to honor him. I have felt rather ashamed that I blew it.
Now I found my way back and can start to reflect on what happened. I am not back to the same openness as in India but certainly to a much deeper place than before I left. And this very day a took a major step towards understanding what really happened and my conclusion is that it is all about grounding. Grounding and more grounding.

For westerners, grounding is essential before doing any “spiritual” work. And a much more stable grounding is required then we think we need. It is a connection to earth which has to be established and worked on consciously all the time. In India on the other hand, grounding is like part of the heritage. People there are generally much more in their bodies than we are. It is so much taken for granted there and therefore the yoga practices do not include this focus on grounding that is so much needed for westerners. This is very tricky. We just do not have the required platform of grounding to start off from,
Like what happened to me was that when being there, close to the teacher I “tuned into” his grounding and with additional support from the environment I was able to safely move into a very deep place within.
Coming home, I was still in that deep place but lost the grounding with disastrous results. The emotions took over and I fell into a place of inner darkness. It was impossible to hold and it was not until I a few weeks ago established a firm ground connection that I could find my way back.

So, now I have really started wondering about the yoga system. It is designed for people in India who are naturally grounded and is now being used by ungrounded westerners. I see only two choices, go to an ashram in India and stay until the work is done or include much more grounding in the exercises.
This last statement is more meant as a question, for I believe that grounding is really essential for the yoga practices to take effect. So how to deal with it? I feel there could be much more focus on grounding.
And finally, to answer the original question. What works for me is to have a constant focus on grounding. To invite the energy of Mother Earth to fill my my body and to do this many times a day. When I forget to do this, I pay and the price is instability.



  • Posts: 875
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2007, 10:33:28 AM »
Pretty interesting, Lorf.  It's also interesting to me that the responses to H. Meditator's post have been quite diverse.  For me at this moment, grounding means not going too deeply into my spiritual practices without regard for more earthly or mundane activities to keep me in balance.  For someone else, grounding might mean spending more time in the spiritual.  So I wonder if 'grounding' actually refers to finding an equilibrium that is purely subjective, and therefore without formula or guidelines.  It may be that it's too vague a term, and we're all writing about our interpretations of it.  I'd like to know what you mean specifically by 'inviting the energy of Mother Earth to fill your body'.  Is it a prayer?  I'm not into gardening at all, but I once spent an afternoon helping a friend in her garden, and later that evening I felt SO GOOD.  :)  All opened up inside and...well, grounded.  I can understand why it's such a pull to literally spend time in the earth.


  • Posts: 48
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2007, 05:53:46 PM »
Meg, I agree. It is indeed interesting to see diverse answers on such a core issue.
In order to answer you about inviting “Mother Earth” I would like to use a shamanic model of  reality.
In the Shamanic traditions the planets are regarded as living beings where the the sun, “Father Sun”  help us by being a channel for the universal light. The earth, “Mother Earth” on the other hand help us by being the channel for the universal darkness, the void.
To connect with the universal source of light can be very beautiful and can create an experience of oneness, understanding and can also be mistaken for enlightenment. Done prematurely by opening the crown has been covered enough on the forum. Direct contact with the Void is like accessing the creative potential of the universe, which is experienced as raw and undirected power. Direct access to the void prematurely can be an experience of utter terror as it can be frightening and uncovers psychic garbage we have successfully managed to avoid before. So instead of contacting the void directly it can be done via Mother Earth where she acts as a filter and the experience is then more like a subtle, loving stability. She lovingly acts as a safe channel for us to access the vast potential of the void making it possible to find the stability crucial for major openings.
To be human is to have these two qualities meet in the heart. And to be human is to have them in balance.
Accessing the light is easy and easily perceived, no need get into details. Accessing the void through Mother Earth on the hand is a very subtle experience. It not like an apparent feeling of energy filling the body, no fireworks. The effect of a firm connection to Earth is on the other hand much more apparent. It makes it possible to be able to stay open in hostile environments without losing the balance.
To some people it is a natural condition to be grounded, they never really lost the connection. Most people in the Western “spiritual” communities are not grounded.
Getting back to yoga, in India people in general have the natural grounding, they don’t have to think about it. Grounding was never an issue and grounding practices never had to be included in the yoga sutras, it was taken for granted! So, for most us in the West the yoga system is not complete because it presumes that everyone has the basic ability to stay grounded, which we do not have.

So, what I mean by inviting the energy of Mother Earth to fill my body is to consciously reconnect to the Earth, and this is more like a permanent condition that has to be cultivated. The energy experience is very subtle but the effect is very apparent. When we are out in nature this happens automatically to a level that covers our everyday need. But when working in the yogic system I believe that a much more firm grounding is needed than what we get from forest walks etc.



  • Posts: 718
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2007, 08:02:11 PM »
Hi Lorf,
I've never had any problem with grounding as I have been involved in martial arts for many years and probably any others involved will find they are grounded ok.The experiences you speak of after India seem more like extreme cleansing from higher energy input from more intense practice.This is not uncommon especially if you are not grounded.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 10:59:20 PM by riptiz »

hopeless meditator

  • Posts: 38
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2007, 08:44:07 PM »
meg, lorf and friends your discussions are most helpful to me... lorf, I am trying to deal with the utter terror and psychic garbage you so accurately describe. As an isolated and lonely teenager I became fascinated by Yoga and spent many hours practicing. At 19 I had a psychotic episode and was hospitalised for a year. I feel I have never really recovered from this episode. I am seeking an antidote for a poison, but - as I cannot specify the nature of the poison - I am unable to find the correct antidote. I hope this makes some kind of sense. And I am very happy to see such diverse responses. It is immensely reassuring. I have tried practising Chi Gong for grounding, but this seems to compound the problem. Have also tried fries and beer. At present, a pint of beer and greasy fries seem to do the trick! Next, gardening.


  • Posts: 309
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 09:01:50 PM »
Walking barefoot around the woods helps me. The sensitivity of bare feet on a varied terrain automatically brings some awareness to our feet. Plus you know, feet on the ground, not on rubber. :)


  • Posts: 48
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 10:35:56 PM »
I agree with you Jack, a barefoot walk in the forest with the awareness focused on the feet is one of the most efficient way of grounding I know of too.


  • Posts: 1464
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2007, 04:20:59 AM »
I am just back from an adventure weekend which consisted of kayaking, windsurfing, archery and generally being with Mother Nature.
The chap running the centre is now starting to call it Wilderness Therapy, and it sure does clean out the debris, leave the energy pristine and grounded.
Water for me is agreat grounding, I did kayaking for years on rivers running through trees and hills and find this fantastic for grounding.
Also, sailing or other activities in the sea is great, the salt water atmosphere is great for grounding. Even a walk by the sea is great.[:)]

Lorf, I was very interested in your experiences with the Darkness/Void and Mother Nature.[:)]
see here for some of my perspective on it.



  • Posts: 2055
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2007, 10:04:01 PM »

This topic also contains a lot of interesting info on grounding. This is what I wrote there:

Like you, Dedro, I have learned to make sure I am grounded, and I have been taught to suck up earth energy just by thought. Just to welcome it to my feet makes it flow all the way up my legs and through the whole body. A very different character of that energy - smooth, buzzing, slow and gentle, like the "ant war"-picture on TV when there is no program sort of energy feeling.  (Anyone understand? Haha!) This energy is also being picked up while walking in the forest, swimming in water or engaging in the elements of Mother earth in any way. However it is then more subtle and probably not perceived as any kind of "energy" (thinking of Shanti here).

I have noticed clearly that at the start of pranayama (spinal breathing) this earth energy is beginning to be pulled up by muscle contractions in the PC muscle automatically, confirming that the grounding occurs via the root chakra when sitting crossed legged. By habit I then also start to pull it up all through my feet and legs and then I feel I sit steady as in cement for the rest of the session.

The technique I have learned to "pull earth energy up" is to stand with both feet firmly on the ground. Then I visualize roots growing out from my soles, down to earth, growing into the soil, all the way through the layers of stone and soil into the very core of Mother Earth. When connected with my roots to the core I just smile and say "Welcome", and then the buzzing energy starts to climb up through my feet. As soon as I feel it I guide it with my thought leading it up through the body. It is clearly felt until it comes to the root chakra. Then I just sense it vaguely in my palms and in my lips. But when it reaches my lips I know I am fully grounded. This is something I do whenever I am a little out of balance, for example getting emotional at work, meeting others aggression.

To pick up energies from trees and earth was the first thing I learned when I started my journey. It is very effective to just approach a tree that welcomes you (you will know which tree it is if you just walk - it will call you to it), lean your back to it, relax and merge with it. It will be a mutual change of energies that are sometimes very healing. You can get the most interesting info from trees!!! If you at the same time let your own roots grow when standing by the tree you get some help to start pulling the energy up.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2007, 10:07:50 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 73
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2007, 12:31:35 AM »
Things that have helped me stay grounded:

Getting exercise first thing in the morning, every morning
eating foods cooked in olive oil
drinking beer (one is enough [8D])
Jigsaw puzzle, very time consuming
listening to heavy metal
walking in the park