Author Topic: Ecstatic radiance?  (Read 7099 times)


  • Posts: 1843
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #60 on: March 08, 2007, 08:52:04 AM »
Hi Doc, Jongler, Vil

Thank you for supplying all this wonderful information [:)]

I enjoyed all your posts.


  • Posts: 572
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #61 on: March 08, 2007, 11:47:08 AM »
And I've enjoyed your posts, as well, Katrine.

I was wondering if you remember when you had your first experience of the shine and if you could share it with us if you wouldn't mind.

Thank you:




  • Posts: 394
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2007, 02:15:28 PM »
Hello everyone!

I came across some interesting pictures that may be relevant as graphic depictions of 'ecstatic radiance'. Hope you like them! [:D]

And my personal favorite:

Light to All !



  • Posts: 875
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #63 on: March 09, 2007, 12:25:31 AM »
Wow - great visuals.  Thanks Doc.  Here's one of my all-time favorite paintings:

(this one in particular showing how the light emanates from a greater Source both within and without).
« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 12:48:56 AM by Manipura »


  • Posts: 3071
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Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #64 on: March 09, 2007, 12:37:21 AM »
Hi Katrine,
Thanks again for the great replies.
Hi All

About the "lost-godess/saint/celestial-realms" thing....
The only discription selected from above I can honestly say I have directly experienced is...LOST. It happens all the time !

That's it, folks.
Sorry to disappoint you ]

We all are the equation (as Doc so appropriately put it). It is you who inspire the writing!

Thank you

I would have been dissapointed if you had said anything else! Your humility is your most endeering quality, and what marks you out as a true Saint.[:D] (You see... there's no escape[;)])     [:o)]

But more seriously...
Do I see the shine? Yes......I don't know if this can be described properly....but I perceive the shine. Everything is chrystal clear...even the smallest rubble in the street is permeated by this....clarity. It is matter what it looks like. Everything is ...tydelig (sorry...Norwegian word...means sort of explicit)....nothing is hidden. It is so clear that it is brilliant. Everything everywhere has this quality of clarity.....the unified perception of it is like everything "shines". But my eyes cannot describe the light.....cannot really see the light....only the clarity that is the result of it. do you describe colorless can't be done, really.

Beautiful description. I have seen this once also, so I know what you are talking about. It is incredibly beautiful. It sounds very much like what the Christian mystics call the Beautific Vision). It seems to have some connection with an intensely accute perception of the present moment (the Presence), and the falling away of a veil which clouds our normal vision. A silent mind is not enough to see the Shine, it feels like something else is needed? But I can't see what that is. Maybe it just comes when the time is right.
Also - the shine presents itself with different.....qualities. It is always a presence. It is a Joyous shine (like unheard laughter) sometimes, a Loving shine other times (my chest is throbbing with it) ; another time it is ....immensly incredible Strenght that is almost too much to take...
All these always happen both "inside" and "outside" the is one homogenious field.

I understand this too from my own experience, though I think I feel it much less strongly than you do. But the Strength is there, and the Joy. My chest also throbs (expands energetically beyond my body) in a way that is hard to bear at times.
But when the shine is perceived......oh, ....; being everywhere; highlighting everything;.....then I still see all the bodies....but there are no "people" to attach them to. The shine is all. The shine is the unifying fact. The shine is the only thing real. Everything else is just....paintwork. It is like being all alone in the world - and not feel lonely at all. Everything is just as it should be. Nothing is wrong.

I'm glad I asked you about this. I see this too at times. It is like everyone and everything is being animated by a single force, or power, or intelligence. People appear as physical bodies expressing this force and acting out it's Will. And I can see at times, when my mind is silent, that I am also an expression of this Will and that my body and mind are animated by the same force/ intelligence. But this only happens on a very good day[:)].
So it seems to me that this consciousness (collective?) can come before the Shine is seen?
Do you feel that there is a direct connection between the level of purification of the heart/ ajna/ crown chakras, and the seeing of the Shine, and of the unity of everything and everyone arround you?



  • Posts: 394
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2007, 02:50:51 AM »
Hi Meg!

Thanks for sharing that marvelous 'Resurrection' artwork. I really like it alot, and have added it my collection. Here's three more of my favorites.  Hope you like them! [:)]

Warm regards ~

« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 03:08:41 AM by Doc »


  • Posts: 875
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2007, 03:33:28 AM »
Also nice depictions Doc, although the middle one seems off topic.  

I have no idea what the 'shine' is that is being discussed.  I can appreciate it as a gift that comes from a long-time commitment to purification.  Is the 'ecstatic radiance' something different than the 'shine'?  I understand the radiance to be That which emanates from within, and far from being a product of our own spiritual constructions.  As stated so eloquently elsewhere, the radiance has nothing to do with "me".  But the 'shine' is more difficult to categorize, as it is externally located and veiled from most of us.  Also, I hope this isn't off topic, but is ecstatic radiance in contrast to pratyahara?


  • Posts: 6025
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Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #67 on: March 09, 2007, 06:47:37 AM »
Originally posted by meg

Also nice depictions Doc, although the middle one seems off topic.  

I have no idea what the 'shine' is that is being discussed.  I can appreciate it as a gift that comes from a long-time commitment to purification.  Is the 'ecstatic radiance' something different than the 'shine'?  I understand the radiance to be That which emanates from within, and far from being a product of our own spiritual constructions.  As stated so eloquently elsewhere, the radiance has nothing to do with "me".  But the 'shine' is more difficult to categorize, as it is externally located and veiled from most of us.  Also, I hope this isn't off topic, but is ecstatic radiance in contrast to pratyahara?

Hi Meg:

Ecstatic conductivity begins within us and radiates outward over time. As it does, it changes our perception of our surroundings. It is a refinement of sensory perception, an introversion occurring in and around us, and this is the progression of pratyahara, an expansion of the senses beyond physical to encompass the subtle celestial (revealing the shine). As it continues, even the shine (the mist of stillness) is transcended and we see we are blissful stillness (our inner silence) interpenetrating everything. The One.

So it is a progression of purification and opening, leading to ever refining grades of perception and experience. It is all one process of unfoldment, with changing scenery along the way. It is essentially the same gig of purification and opening all the way through from start to finish (if there is a finish).

A less-informed definition of pratyahara is "withdrawal from sensory perception," a denial of our sensory gifts, like denying siddhis and all of that -- essentially running away from our inherent capabilities. This is an immature view that has resulted from a long-standing inability to refine natural human capabilities. The truth is that, with sound practices, all of these aspects of our nature gradually refine over time to yield direct experience of the divine radiating within us and everywhere around us. We cannot get there by denying any aspect of our natural neurobiological functioning. Our nervous system is the doorway that joins us with the divine experience, which is our destiny. To walk though, we have to embrace the door and refine it so it may reveal its ultimate capabilities.  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 1843
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #68 on: March 09, 2007, 07:15:59 AM »
Hi Vil

I was wondering if you remember when you had your first experience of the shine and if you could share it with us if you wouldn't mind.

Three incidents stand out....
I am six years old.....visiting a friend of my parents.....we were going to his cabin in the forest late one winter night. We were all skiing (my parents and sisters).....and for some reason I was ahead of all the others ......sliding through the fresh snow. (I guess my parents were struggling with luggage [:)]). ...I can still hear my skiis going "swish....swish....swish". The moon was up....the trees heavy with snow......All of a sudden my chest was filled with an extremely Joyous feeling. The shock of it made me stop and look around.....I remember feeling a loving, soothing,  presence....almost like an eye...everywhere I looked, this presence was looking after me. I didn't see it; but I knew it was there. I never questioned it. It was the most natural thing ever. I was so small....but I never forgot. I never forgot the Joy. It wasn't until after the cancer, that I begun to understand what it really ment. Although I never saw the shine.....the loving presence was the same I experience now. That's why i know it really was the shine.

The day I got diagnosed with cancer .....april 17th 1996.....I was walking through a little "forest" close to my house. Everything had stopped for me that day. You know how much energy is used to "spin a future" ? How much time we spend planning, fantasizing, fretting......well; all that had been abruptly taken from me. I was suddenly without a future. I didn't think of these things....I was just heartbroken....thinking about dying from my daughters (they were 4 and 7 at the time)... and with nowhere to escape. Anyway.....I looked at the trees, the fresh green leaves.....the small green sprouts was incredibly beautiful. Everything was was sort of a "dim" version of the shine I see today. It was exactly as if I had been wearing dark glasses all my life - and they were all of a sudden gone. I remember asking......why do I see this now; why now...when I am dying? It hurt! It was beautiful.....but there was so much pain inside. I also remember saying to myself: "This is my last incarnation! " (Which is strange...because i didn't believe in reincarnation). "I cannot bare to go through all this again. I won't suffer a painful childhood one more time. I won't play this game ever again. This is it."

A few years ago - after several years of constant self inquiry (with the help of meditation, litterature, and my work with the patients at the clinic), I was in an emotional crisis concerning a situation in my life.......during this crisis i understood - for the first time - the workings of my mind. It was as if - for an instant - I "broke off" from myself....I could see myself from "outside". I had a reaction to a paragraph in a book I was reading at the time ...I saw myself react...and understood the workings of it.....and it sort of broke the shell I was in. I saw how I protected I sought I avoided pain. Well.....for the first time I saw that I was truly and absolutely helpless. I could not fix my problem.....because the problem was I. I broke down....crying for a long time (my family was away for the week-end). Afterwards I was empty. I sat still. I sat in the sofa.....looking vacantly at a flower on the table in front of me. I looked......and looked again......everytime I looked I "saw" love. It was shining with love. I fell in love every time I looked at it. Within the next hour, the loving shine was everywhere I placed my eyes. Everything shone......the shine was dim compared to what I see now; but the love......the love was incredible. I thought something incredible had happend to me.....that someone outside of myself was looking after me. I thought I was "visited" by something. . The was everywhere I looked. I was constantly in love. All fear disappeared. I bathed in it for seven days in a row. Then it faded. But everything changed after that. I could not fool myself into not believing in a  presence greater than......greater than everything. That doubt was forever dissolved.

About a year later.....the ecstatic experiences started (first in meditation). First locally, then all of the body, then "outside" the body.

The shine (as i perceive it now) came back as a laughter (I think I have talked about it here in the forum?). When it came back (in glimpses) it was the shine itself that was most prominent. Ie: The clarity is now the most prominent quality.


  • Posts: 1843
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #69 on: March 09, 2007, 07:34:00 AM »
Hi Christi

A silent mind is not enough to see the Shine, it feels like something else is needed? But I can't see what that is.

Exactly. The mind cannot see what is beyond itself. Stop trying to see it, Christi. It reveals itself when the clouds is like a see through glass; the quiet mind; if clear...the light will shine through. But the shine is not in the mind - the mind is in it. Keep meditating. Keep letting awareness do its work.

Do you feel that there is a direct connection between the level of purification of the heart/ ajna/ crown chakras, and the seeing of the Shine, and of the unity of everything and everyone arround you?

You know....I don't really analyze things that way anymore. I used to - but now I don't. I know it works. The shine makes me trust the process. I never think about the purification anymore. I leave it to itself. But if you are asking whether i think this has anything to do with doing practises (in my case that is deep meditation and self inquiry) then

And yes again.


  • Posts: 572
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #70 on: March 09, 2007, 07:47:44 AM »
Thank you, Katrine, for sharing your beautiful experience:




  • Posts: 3071
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Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #71 on: March 09, 2007, 09:57:23 PM »
Hi Katrine,
Thanks for the reply.

Exactly. The mind cannot see what is beyond itself. Stop trying to see it, Christi. It reveals itself when the clouds is like a see through glass; the quiet mind; if clear...the light will shine through. But the shine is not in the mind - the mind is in it. Keep meditating. Keep letting awareness do its work.

I wasn't actually trying to see the Shine. I know that mental effort (or any other kind of effort) won't work for that. But of course if someone said, "Oh yea, all you have to do is this... it's easy..." I would do it[:p].  Actually I have hardly thought about it since the last time I saw it many years ago. It's funny that... that something absolutely incredible happens to us, and then we hardly give it another thought[:)]. I guess we think about the things that the people around us are talking about, and noone has ever mentioned this to me before you brought it up on this forum. So thanks for reminding me about it[:)]. I also don't try to feel the radiance eminating from me (although as Yogani pointed out, they are two aspects of the same unfolding process). But other people feel it, and that's when I became concerned... for them. Of course if the Advaitists are right (thread going on elsewhere at the moment), there might not be any other people to be concerned about!
Great reading about your memories/ experiences by the way. Thanks again.



  • Posts: 2055
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #72 on: March 09, 2007, 11:18:33 PM »
May I ask if the ecstatic radiance that develops is related in any way to the words "inner sensuality" that is used in samyama?

Has ecstatic radiance anything to do with OUTER sensuality and sexual attraction?

Has the samyama inner sensuality anything to do with developing OUTER sensuality and sexual attraction in a "samsara" style?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 11:24:58 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 875
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #73 on: March 09, 2007, 11:33:27 PM »
E - We're traveling on the same wavelength, as my question about pratyahara was very similar (see above).  I too am interested in inner sensuality (pratyahara) and its external ramifications.  Yogani's response was very good.  It seems to me that as far as embodying the radiance is concerned, the best thing we can do is to step out of the way and let the light shine through.  There's nothing to attain, accomplish, or develop; rather, it's a matter of emptying oneself of every crumb of identity, so that the Light may radiate, shine, or do whatever it chooses.


  • Posts: 59
Ecstatic radiance?
« Reply #74 on: March 09, 2007, 11:55:46 PM »
Originally posted by Christi

Do you feel that there is a direct connection between the level of purification of the heart/ ajna/ crown chakras, and the seeing of the Shine, and of the unity of everything and everyone arround you?


Hi Christi and All

I have something to share here. Few months back i had written about my "third eye" (??) experiences in the link

After that in the last few months i have started seeing a "shine" in everything i see. The shine has a golden hue. This is very similar to what Gopi Krishna had experienced. Excerpts from his book "Autobiography of a spiritual genius" pasted below for reference

There is a particular reason that has led me to this conclusion. Shortly after the night of horror, when I hovered between death on the one side and insanity on the other, and was saved from an awful fate by what was almost a miracle, I noticed a rather disquieting change in my observation. It seemed as if every object on which I looked was coated with a thin layer of white.
This did not affect the colour or the shape of the object. Only, it appeared as if a very thin coat of powdered chalk had been applied over it. The colour was there with a fine coat of white added to it. I noticed the strange alteration in the state of my vision but could not assign any reason, for I wondered within myself, and even worried over it at times, but, try as I might, I could not find any satisfactory explanation for the change.

The chalky appearance of all the objects at which I looked provided the first indication to show that a change had occurred in my cognitive apparatus. I was not at all able to account for it and, at first, treated it as the result of some fault in my organs of sight. But when this type of vision became a habitual sight to me -month after month and year after year - it slowly dawned upon me that it was not the eyes nor the optic nerve but the observer behind the optic centre which was interpreting the impressions coming through my eyes in this way.

There is an article in Pravda site
which talks about certain people projecting images from their third eye area in the forehead. These images can be seen by the physical eyes of the projecting person but not others. But per this article these images are capturable in a photo film embedded inside the forehead. Iam also projecting various images as described in this article. I wouldn't have believed this article if i had not experienced it myself.  BTW this was found in few Russians. No wonder, as Russia and China are the countries associated with Ajna chakra (like colors, countries are also associated with various chakras. There is detailed info available in

This is the kind of "shine" (more of physiological and less of spiritual, if you could say that) i have experienced so far. Hope this helps.
