Author Topic: John of God -- Psychic Surgeon  (Read 1699 times)


  • Posts: 215
John of God -- Psychic Surgeon
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2006, 11:07:43 AM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

"There are hundreds of accounts like this on the internet... they can't be all lying

I didn't look at the yet ....I have no intention to anyway....

I had an uncurable disease....the first time I attented the ashram

whatever happened there only God knows......the following week I took the tests again....there was nothing.....I did mention I was healed before all the other good stuff started happening..

Anyway.....we had a wheelchair bound young girl diagnosed with something and was told she would never be able to walk again.she's from the United States as a matter of fact.....she attended the ashraM AND I guess the following weeks she started walking
mantras came to her and so on....

We had persons with heart problems.........same story ....just got better just sitting down for satsung.....

Another 2 persons.....both diabetic and scheduled for surgery to have one leg amputated.....Most hindus do prayer function before any major undertaking....

They were guided to the ashram and did coconut offering and just attended and neither of them had to cut off their feet..........
It took time..for the elderly gentleman ....he healed faster than the woman.........I saw this ....He spoke with tears in his eyes old years his unplanned 3 minute speech.

and many more cases......

I was definitely one of the many critics....... I have been exposed to  evil and the the power of God herself
For me to change my life only God could have done that.......For me to dedicate myself to continue devotion to God is because she guided me......

For me to write this post instead of doing my motherly duties at this point in time indeed my genuine effort to let you know there is a higher force out there and just to call upon him/her and he will come onto you.........

As I said before .....when I want to justify something......I ask hundreds of persons involved.....and their experiences.......
I used to be a I am 100% involved in all positive things....for the sake of one.....

Weird how people question the works of God........

Mr John of God could have had a family and forget to help those that seek him....he didn't have to do what he is doing......the same way I don't have to do what I am the many sick people come from 50 to hundreds  coming every saturday for help....whATEVER HAPPENS ONly they alone knows.......I myself wish God didn't choose me to do least now I am exposed to people's opinions on an international basis............

as I recall to go to John of God in Venuezuela.......its not a 5 star hotel you stay in and I believe it is a long trek into the mountainous region...

I am not in a position to question John of God(he is powerful)....but I myself go into a sort of trancelike state...but still conscious (aware)

One has to experience these things to believe anyway.....

The are few accounts of persons being healed by attending churches and so forth ......I have seen the power of God in the Churches, the Nazarenes, the muslims, and partly the Baptist....


  • Posts: 31
John of God -- Psychic Surgeon
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2008, 09:45:26 PM »
hello form Vienna, Austria!

With John of God - it "works". I nearly was completely blind (see my other posting). I improved ...

Andreas from Austria


  • Posts: 31
John of God -- Psychic Surgeon
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2008, 01:11:44 AM »
Hello and Atma Namasté from Vienna, Austria!

Being of the opinion that this forum is something special, I want to offer good contributions and share my own experience with others. So I want to tell more about John of God. But please see also

In 2003 my diagnosis was: retina in the left eye detached, colours and shapes can be regognized; right eye retina not any more detached but going to be destroyed by inflammatory membranes. After 13 eye-operations by the best doctors in Vienna I was a sure candidate for complete blindness, for the total darkness in my eyes.

Between April 2004 and April 2006 I travelled 6 times to John of God to Brazil and stayed there for 2-4 weeks each time.

I got 8 eye-operations, most of them visible that means he cut my eye with a knife, which was not desinfected, I got no anesthetic.

The result now is that with my right eye I have 30% eyesight, in the left eye the retina is still detached, but I still can see colours and shapes. I will never become blind, I am sure I will be healed. But I have to point out that my own efforts are very high: meditation, pranayama, visualization ..... And there is still one thing: I am sure everything, but not everybody can be healed ....

John of God is a full-trance-medium, who incorporates entities with very high vibration, for example King Salomon, Ignatius from Loyola and so on (about 40 different entities). He is a humble, god-gifted man, who always says that God is the healer.

There are also spontaneous healings, but not very often.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 01:28:48 AM by AustrianYogi »


  • Posts: 385
John of God -- Psychic Surgeon
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2008, 10:50:07 PM »
Thank you for your contribution Andreas!  And good luck with your healing, both spiritual and physical.