Author Topic: Reflection on SB and DM practices  (Read 814 times)


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:48:50 AM »
Hi all !
So i started 3 days ago the SB and DM practices. i was very doubtful about that/them. But it seems to have a very big effect on me.
I did the practices (SB & DM) twice today (as recommended). From the first time of the exercise, the after effect was that i during that day felt very calm, more easy, and felt some inner peace in the body.
The second time of the exercise, after the Deep meditation, i opened my eyes, in "saw" that the effect was quite deep. The thing is, is that i felt like there was a great amount of some sort of a silence, but with a little bit weird feeling. I thought that i need some effort to switch to a human daily life as it felt like this (silence, or loosing yourself into that) was devouring me. On some level, a little bit of concern arouse.
Is it ok ?
Do i do too much of the practices ?
Maybe i need to do them only once a day ?

Thanks in advance.


  • Posts: 4947
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 02:54:19 AM »
Are you resting after your practice Shimon?

Lie down and rest for 5 - 10 min (or more if needed... maybe even take a short nap if it happens naturally) before you get up. That helps a lot.

And ground and stay busy between practices.


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2011, 04:07:33 AM »
Hi Shanti !
Thanks for the response.
I do actually rest after the practices.
Maybe i need to do them only once a day. Although everything seems to be fine only that i'm a bit spacey.
Or maybe it's fine, i don't know ?
Do you/ did u feel something like that sometimes after your practices ?



  • Posts: 971
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2011, 04:23:18 AM »

As Shanti said, grounding is very important.  But, I also sometimes find that I feel more "spacey" or detached if I end up focusing my attention too much in my head (or upper chakras).  It may help to place your attention in your heart (or belly).

Have a good weekend. [:)]


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2011, 04:48:26 AM »
Thanks for the responses...
And please pardon me for asking so much questions so often... I'm just new-fresh to this and i seek some guidance so not the over do or make harm to myself, i have this fear of loosing my mind since im started my treatment with medications.


  • Posts: 4947
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 07:40:29 AM »
Hi Shimon,
No, you should not feel too spacey... you should feel good and alert and happy. [:)]
So, cut back on meditation time before you do it only once a day. Too much purification may be happening and this makes you tired... so cut back on your meditation time to about 10 min or less if needed. Same with spinal breathing. Play around with the timing till you find a certain time that seems comfortable and continue with that for a bit,

And ground!!!!!!

PS: I agree with Jeff, as I said here as well... bring your attention to the lower part of your body, like your chest or belly.


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2011, 10:13:27 PM »
Hey !
Do you feel sometimes that your hunger goes down when there is a presence of energy inside ?

You know, grounding seems to not have a big impact on me... I walk a lot and it helps only a tiny bit. What seem to help though is water... sea, shower + visualizing the energy being swept away by the water... it helps me.


  • Posts: 4947
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2011, 11:14:18 PM »
Yes, there will be phases when you will feel very hungry and phases when your appetite will go down. I generally go with what the body is asking for.

As long as you are not visualizing in your head.. go ahead...[:D]
And since you seem to be more of a visualize like of person... when you walk, visualize the energy moving to your leg and going into mother earth. [:)]


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2011, 02:55:12 AM »
In short, what can u do with mental madness ? does anyone experience this ?
Like my mind is running apart. It all start from talking to people and reacting or trying not to react to things but there starts those storms of emotions and mental discomfort as if its seeking something so bad... and i just want to settle it down.
Is there any remedy for that in the moment that it happens ?
Does purification with SP and DM helps this condition ?


  • Posts: 35
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2011, 10:30:19 AM »
Originally posted by Shimon

In short, what can u do with mental madness ? does anyone experience this ?
Like my mind is running apart. It all start from talking to people and reacting or trying not to react to things but there starts those storms of emotions and mental discomfort as if its seeking something so bad... and i just want to settle it down.
Is there any remedy for that in the moment that it happens ?
Does purification with SP and DM helps this condition ?

I have found that since practicing DM , SBP , I can stop sounds that used to bounce around in my head uncontrollably.  I would for instance hear a piece of music and it would be playing in my awareness without me being able to stop hearing it.  Now I can usually gently tune it out and point my awareness to stillness.  Time + Practice = Remedy


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2011, 05:39:18 PM »
Thanks for the response !
I now took a day off from practices. Thinking maybe i need to take another day off... though i really wish to practice.


  • Posts: 831
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2011, 10:58:12 PM »
Hi Shimon [:)]

Good to see another person from Israel practicing AYP [:)] (you're my age too)

There are so many good people here as you can see. Welcome [:)]

people have given you good advice.... I'ld just like to say that I have been practicing a long time only once a day (10-15 minutes DM) it seemed to be the right amounts. But I agree if you can lower the time and practice twice a day it may be good..

Much Luck!!


  • Posts: 59
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2011, 11:35:01 PM »
Hi Yonatan !
Thanks for the response [:)]
I'm very glad that i found this place.. people here are indeed open and welcoming [:)]
I took today another day off to just settle the energies down...
I'll start tomorrow again i think with 5 (or maybe even less) minutes of Spinal breathing and 10 (or maybe less) minutes of Deep meditation. Hope that will work for me.
Yonatan tell me,  
Is your kundalini active ? did you had/have problems with it ?
Premature crown opening ?
You do only deep meditation ? why not Spinal breathing also ?



  • Posts: 831
Reflection on SB and DM practices
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2011, 09:17:53 AM »
Hi Shimon, I saw that you sent me an email, so I will answer your questions in the email.
