Author Topic: kundalini showed up!  (Read 1079 times)


  • Posts: 4
kundalini showed up!
« on: March 27, 2011, 02:40:42 AM »
Hello again,

I just wrote a couple of days ago about a breakthrough on last Monday, when my lower back started tingling. Well, if that was a breakthrough, than what happened yesterday, was at least a BLASTthrough. After having lunch, I layed down for a usual weekend after-lunch nap for a couple of hours, and started to do a bit of spinal breathing, while visualising literally pulling energy up in my spine and guiding it towards my third eye, and also a snake coming up in the same manner. It felt good, I relaxed and after some time, fell asleep. Nothing special.

But then... I awoke some 3 hours later or so, and what I felt was devastating. It felt exactly how they describe it! Now, I'm not a hallucinogetic person or someone who easily believes stuff, I even had a hard time believing that kundalini is real (until yesterday), and I consider myself a realistic, logical, skeptical person. So I'm pretty convinced, that what happened was real, and it was kundalini!

To get to the point... It was probably the intense feeling that woke me up. I felt... well it's hard to put it into words! But I read a description somewhere that it's kind of like ejaculating up your spine, and that was exactly how I felt! It was VERY intense, I felt my spine vibrating, and I heard the buzzing noise when it reached my head, in what seemed to me like a millisecond, and I sensed it was going for my crown. Suddenly I became very frightened, because it was all so sudden and surprising, that I wanted it to stop. Only I couldn't move. I was completely in sleep paralysis. So I tried real hard, and finally I managed to move around a little, and slowly regained control over my body, and the vibration stopped. Holy sh**! -was my first thought. I stopped smoking two weeks ago, but now I was so shocked, that I went down to the shop and bought a pack of cigarettes (which I regret already).

I don't know why I became so frightened, probably because I panicked - am I ready for this? Will this kill me now? Is this surely a good thing? And I just stopped it. And now I'm in a bit of despair, because it will surely return soon, and I really WANT it to, I have a huge desire to finally step on this path, but it's so frightening!

Have you had a similar experience? How do you go sure about being ready for such a huge impact on your nervous system? And if you can't be sure, how did you take up the courage to still do it? Please give me some advice to go about, some calming words, because I really don't know what to do now... I've read so many negative accounts on kundalini and I really don't want to become a bipolar or a skizophrenic after this! :(


  • Posts: 5
kundalini showed up!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 05:37:49 AM »
congrats on your awakening friend


  • Posts: 787
kundalini showed up!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 08:45:41 AM »
Wonderful to hear about your experience, lucanus [:)]

Fear is normal at times on this path, because you're having new experiences and everything changes so fast. If your experiences get too intense, you can always cut back on practices and see if that helps. And/or get more physical activity during the day.

What gave me the courage/faith to move forward with AYP practice was that the positive benefits in my life completely outweighed the fear whenever... interesting things happened. And here is a whole community of loving people going through similar things, who can support you if it gets too intense.

You will get used to the experiences that can happen as a result of yoga practice [;)]



  • Posts: 383
kundalini showed up!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 12:01:01 AM »
Nice to hear things are happening lucanus!

Try not to worry...

When I was practicing 'out of body experiences'. You get all sorts of crazy stuff happening when you are in a very relaxed state - just on the threshold of sleep. Sleep paralysis happened a lot then too. Buzzing, humming, visions and a heavy weight on the chest and not being able to move. It's all scenery anyway and won't hurt you.

It sounds to me you were in sleep paralysis. Or maybe not, it could be an 'awakening', but I don't buy into that idea. It's all just purification and opening, massive awakenings are just that also. IMO, of course [:)].

If you are okay now then continue with your practices. If not then self pacing is the order of the day, week, or month!


  • Posts: 23
kundalini showed up!
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2011, 10:08:16 PM »
Wow!! Congratulations and Good Luck for future :)
What practices have you been doing? And for how long?


  • Posts: 4
kundalini showed up!
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 07:42:25 AM »
Thank you to everyone who answered, and sorry not to have answered sooner, I've been away from computer lately.

It's been almost two weeks and now everything is absolutely normal. I hung up on practises briefly after the experience, because I started to feel weird, like a small amount of electricity was circulating through my body, especially in my hands, it actually felt like when you get shocked by a tiny amount of electricity, weird it was. Also, at the point between my eyebrows the pressure was quite constant and a bit disturbing sometimes.
Anyway, I stopped everything and just got on with things, and in 3-4 days the symptoms stopped completely. Meanwhile I thought about it, and accepted that whatever happened to me, it is the start of something that is widely described by people to be beneficial and very positive, even if it comes with hardships. So now I slowly start again my practices, and I hope to encounter this energy again soon, and hope that when it comes again I will be prepared now and be able to let it complete whatever it has to do :)

gamefu: I've been meditating more or less regularly for I think 4-5 years now, but I first read about kundalini last year and that gave me a huge motivation to improve my spiritual practices. Reading Gopi Krishna's autobiography was elemental, it made me believe this thing is real. Anyone who haven't read it yet, they should. Anyway, I also practice the Five Tibetan Rites, and since I found this site (about half a year ago), I do regular spinal breathing, which then I complete with Sodarshan Chakra Kriya and Kirtan Kriya, both are said to be very powerful.


ps.: I'll try to report if anything worth mentioning happens again :) Good luck, and much love to everyone!