Author Topic: Protection from others' negative energy  (Read 2777 times)


  • Posts: 292
Protection from others' negative energy
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2011, 01:15:13 AM »
Above all other responses and topics here in these forums-

I am wrestling with the statements from delta 33." especially if the negative person "gets off" on dragging you down (and many of them do) -- just leave"

now from sitting from here where my perspective is and my personal experience, I am in hte moment in much personal anguish, which my thinking mind can review some pretty serious negativity that I will not be able to reconsile inside myself. or with others.

I keep looking for  some sort of strategy  to be done with done. I HAVE MADE NUMEROUS MISTAKES and I AM SORRY.
How do you walk away from yourself?

if you realize that you bring about negativity and don't mean to how do you get around this?

I try to be quiet, and then I want to jump up and defend my ACTIONS
when someone makes a statement like this...

and I recognize myself taking down an advertisement sign yesterday that was nailed to a tree in my neighborhood as I am driving out and it felt good to remove the sign. and I cas see that the moderators here have that control too....

I don't want to win..
I don't have a leg to stand on here.
and if my presence is harmful and painful and negative and people have to get strategic to leave me...I eould rather just walk away, too.


  • Posts: 92
Protection from others' negative energy
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2011, 01:10:44 PM »
Originally posted by sagebrush

Above all other responses and topics here in these forums-

I am wrestling with the statements from delta 33." especially if the negative person "gets off" on dragging you down (and many of them do) -- just leave"

now from sitting from here where my perspective is and my personal experience, I am in hte moment in much personal anguish, which my thinking mind can review some pretty serious negativity that I will not be able to reconsile inside myself. or with others.

I keep looking for  some sort of strategy  to be done with done. I HAVE MADE NUMEROUS MISTAKES and I AM SORRY.
How do you walk away from yourself?

if you realize that you bring about negativity and don't mean to how do you get around this?

I try to be quiet, and then I want to jump up and defend my ACTIONS
when someone makes a statement like this...

and I recognize myself taking down an advertisement sign yesterday that was nailed to a tree in my neighborhood as I am driving out and it felt good to remove the sign. and I cas see that the moderators here have that control too....

I don't want to win..
I don't have a leg to stand on here.
and if my presence is harmful and painful and negative and people have to get strategic to leave me...I eould rather just walk away, too.

the answer to the anguish of self torment is to practice loving yourself

when you get up in the morning, just before you drink your urine out of that large glass tumbler, catch a glimpse of your sleep-worn face in the mirror, crack a smile, and say out loud, "i love you".  and feel good about yourself because you are awesome.. you really, really are.. nobody else on this planet can be you except you

with regards to feelings of hurt over the perceived rejection of "leaving", i highly doubt i would leave a genuine spiritual seeker going through some hard times.  i'm talking about people who willfully drag positive spirits down in order to get a little emotional rush for themselves ON PURPOSE and HABITUALLY -- those sorts of people are better off on their own, imho

in fact, continuing to fuel their emotional states in this way holds them back -- they'll never grow up if you keep solving their emotional needs for them

"drink waters from your own cistern"  (hebrew proverb)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 01:51:38 PM by delta33 »