Author Topic: Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian  (Read 12018 times)


  • Posts: 305
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #90 on: June 12, 2011, 07:43:25 AM »
Hello Everybody;
 would like to share my experience on this subject.
Before starting meditation,I was a non vegetarian who can never eat red meat.I get nauseated just by looking at it…reminds me of human flesh[xx(]
   since I've started meditation,my body started rejecting chicken also.Sometimes I get away with eating it ,but other times I feel sick from head to toe straight away .It feels like poison moving in all my body nerves.
  From my experience so far,it seems one is naturally pulled towards vegetarian diet with practices.


  • Posts: 2294
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #91 on: June 12, 2011, 07:02:06 PM »
it is true it just happens naturally...
do u consume fish and eggs?


  • Posts: 305
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #92 on: June 12, 2011, 10:26:31 PM »
Hi Maheswari;
not like before…Before I would eat seafood every other day & eggs almost daily.
last time I had fish or eggs was like a month ago.not much appetite...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 10:59:43 PM by Delara »


  • Posts: 378
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #93 on: July 02, 2011, 02:18:32 AM »
Here's a 180 turn[8D] in Le Tour(des Substances Très Toxiques[:D]) :

I keep my fingers crossed for David's endeavor. Swimming against the stream takes courage; quite instrumental then.


  • Posts: 2294


  • Posts: 378
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #95 on: July 02, 2011, 03:46:04 AM »
Thanx Maheswari!
"At the end of the day, I just want him to go fast." [;)]


  • Posts: 6
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #96 on: November 25, 2011, 10:16:28 AM »
  I would like to share what I have learned about vegetarianism/non-vegetarianism.
  When you are crossing the street and all of a sudden you see a bus coming from the corner of your eye, your brain pumps adrenaline into your system to give you super strength because the body is in a state of danger. This is very much needed for life threatening situations, because you can do super-human things to escape death, but if the adrenaline is constantly in your system, you will wear you body down (this is what happens when you stress out too much also).
  When you kill an animal, the same thing happens. There is adrenaline pumped into its system once the animals's body detects that it is in a life-threatening situation. Afterwards, even though you cook the meat, some of the adrenaline actually still stays there and our bodies digest that adrenaline.  This might be a very small amount, but it is still there.
  In today's industrial animal farms, some animals are given shock treatment to the brain and killed in milliseconds in order to minimize the release of these emergency hormones (and plus there are laws for killing animals with least amount of suffering). But what is missed here is that those animals, they live their whole lives in a very crowded/intoxicated environment, so they are constantly in a state of danger/torture. The chickens are stuffed together and have their beaks and toe claws cut off so they don't fight with each other. They spend their whole life in an "emergency" situation, therefore their bodies are excessively producing huge amounts of adrenaline. I am not being judgmental about the industrial farming, I will let you decide that for yourself. I am just saying what happens to the state of the animal's bodies.
  Also, in today's industrial animal farms, the animals are fed with medicines to make them not sick and with growth hormones so they grow more quickly. Some of these hormones and medicines also stay in the body of the animal and are consumed by the human digestive system. (the over-weight of a lot of people in today's world is partly because of digesting of these growth hormones from the meat of the animal).
  If you are trying to make a decision whether to be vegetarian or non-vegetarian I hope what I have written will help you. Also, if you choose to become a vegetarian, do it slowly and make sure you do research about which items will constitute a complete diet.

Take care and be well,


  • Posts: 2294
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2011, 08:52:26 PM »
thx Svarupa...if one goes to  a slaughterhouse one will immediately stop eating meat...
men are killing each other[:(] so no wonder men still view killing animals as something normal...
Code: [Select] is in the US...i can not imagine how much worse is the case in slaughterhouses in 3rd wolrd countries like Lebanon for instance...

« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 09:03:42 PM by maheswari »


  • Posts: 3597
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #98 on: November 25, 2011, 10:23:36 PM »
I don't know, sometimes it is much better in third world countries because the bad conditions in the US are a result of big companies trying to make the most money while not understanding nature. You can buy meats that are produced under much better conditions at health food stores.

The problem started when cattle ranchers discovered they could feed their cattle spent grain left over from hard alcohol and beer making. It is true that they will eat it, and that it is nutritious. But it is not the natural diet of cattle, and in conjunction with living in confined spaces, causes them all kinds of health problems. The confined spaces is because they started raising the cattle next to the breweries where they get the grain.
Eating a high grain diet fattens up the cattle quickly, but it compromises their immune system and doesn't digest easily, so they fart a lot, and have to be given antibodies and other injections to make up for a weak immune system.

Cows need to roam around and eat green grass primarily to be healthy. A diet in the wild would be mostly green grass, with a little grain mixed in, and all raw of course so all the enzymes for digestion are included. Grains from breweries have the enzymes killed from heat. The fermentation produces other good things, but not the natural enzymes for digestion.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 10:26:27 PM by Etherfish »


  • Posts: 5
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #99 on: November 25, 2011, 10:26:00 PM »
It is not possible to be a true vegetarian.  For everytime you breathe you a comsuming millions of organisms.


  • Posts: 3597
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #100 on: November 25, 2011, 10:28:28 PM »
True, I used to give my dad a hard time about that because he is vegetarian. I told him he was discriminating against very small animals by not eating only big ones. [;)]


  • Posts: 378
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #101 on: November 26, 2011, 08:22:15 PM »
svarupa & Ether
It's both about the health and the environment, we're communicating vessels. The more veg. diet, the better for both.
That said, I definitely agree it's important to do some initial research, and I even try keep an eye repeatedly.


  • Posts: 300
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #102 on: November 26, 2011, 09:40:24 PM »
Originally posted by Pipedream

It is not possible to be a true vegetarian.  For everytime you breathe you a comsuming millions of organisms.

Indeed.  But that's not a matter of conscious volition.  Big difference.


  • Posts: 2294
Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian
« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2011, 10:56:11 PM »
It is not possible to be a true vegetarian. For everytime you breathe you a comsuming millions of organisms

so what is the suggestion...we stop breathing? lol