Author Topic: Permanent Kundalini  (Read 844 times)


  • Posts: 5
Permanent Kundalini
« on: December 20, 2010, 12:25:40 AM »
I'm beginning AYP practices and was wondering how many people here have had an awakening that was permanent, rather than an awakening that subsided and left a residue of the experience.  If they have, I'd love to know how they obtained it, with Yogani's material, other material, or a combination / their own practice.

This is what I'm aiming for, and among all the practices I've researched this one seemed the most sensible.  However, I'm worried about not obtaining a permanent awakening.  I also wonder at times about the meditation portion of the practice and how this assists in the awakening itself, is it that it creates a space within which it can occur?

Also, I would like to know what effect love of others has on the awakening itself?   Meaning, besides meditation and the breathing exercises I'm wondering what effect practicing unconditional love has on releasing what could be blockages on it's path, or whether the awakening itself is meant to release those blockages, or whether both assist in an integrated experience.

Thank you and thank you, Yogani, for the materials and efforts.



  • Posts: 674
Permanent Kundalini
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 05:23:23 AM »

different people had different experiences. (I remember another thread that had this topic too, but forgot the name =P)

Some people have spontaneous awakenings and then it remains active permanently or temporarily. Some people practice pranayama or meditation or take some substances and get an awakening that lasts for some minutes, hours or days.

Those who practice daily, awaken kundalini more and more, day by day and at the same time clean the pathways so that the overall awakening and transformation of the biologycal functioning becomes smooth and one day works permanently in that condition without any further action.

There are nearly endless factors that awaken kundalini.

Ayp does it with a combination of deep meditation, spinal breathing pranayama, bandhas and mudras and breath retention. All of them alone does it too, but when combined the awakening is managed from every aspekt (from gross to subtlest).
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 05:28:10 AM by Holy »


  • Posts: 822
Permanent Kundalini
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2010, 08:54:56 AM »
James, I don't think this is one of those things that is up to us.  It will happen (or not) according to our potential for this life, and while we must take action in order to reach that potential, we cannot go beyond it.  

I could be wrong of course.

My awakening was spontaneous and permanent, so no, I didn't "obtain" it with AYP material or any other material, it just happened.  I suggest you just continue with your practices and see what happens.  Don't expect anything because I know there are a lot of people that never get the fireworks, just accept what it is and realize that it is for the best!


  • Posts: 4947
Permanent Kundalini
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2010, 09:14:04 AM »
Originally posted by threearrows

I'm beginning AYP practices and was wondering how many people here have had an awakening that was permanent, rather than an awakening that subsided and left a residue of the experience.  If they have, I'd love to know how they obtained it, with Yogani's material, other material, or a combination / their own practice.

This is what I'm aiming for, and among all the practices I've researched this one seemed the most sensible.  However, I'm worried about not obtaining a permanent awakening.  I also wonder at times about the meditation portion of the practice and how this assists in the awakening itself, is it that it creates a space within which it can occur?

Also, I would like to know what effect love of others has on the awakening itself?   Meaning, besides meditation and the breathing exercises I'm wondering what effect practicing unconditional love has on releasing what could be blockages on it's path, or whether the awakening itself is meant to release those blockages, or whether both assist in an integrated experience.

Thank you and thank you, Yogani, for the materials and efforts.


Welcome to the AYP forums James.[:)]
Kundalini awakening can happen with AYP and many other paths. Sustaining a balanced opening and a continuous opening may not happen in all paths.
The best part of the AYP practices is it works with 2 aspects of the spiritual path... the deep meditation works on cultivating the stillness part of it and spinal breathing works on the energy/kundalini part. The final awakening is the marriage of the stillness and the energy.

So as you say "among all the practices I've researched this one seemed the most sensible. "
I would suggest give AYP a try for a few months. You will definitely feel the difference.

Not sure what you mean by "besides meditation and the breathing exercises I'm wondering what effect practicing unconditional love'
Unconditional loving is the outcome of a purified nervous system. Spinal breathing will help in purifying the nervous system, remove the blocks so the loving can flow out into the world. The stillness cultivated will increase the experience of unconditional loving.  

Wish you all the best in your chosen path.[:)]


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Permanent Kundalini
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2010, 06:06:27 PM »
Hi Shanti,


Not sure what you mean by "besides meditation and the breathing exercises I'm wondering what effect practicing unconditional love'
Unconditional loving is the outcome of a purified nervous system.

There is a Buddhist practice called Metta Bhavana which is the practice of cultivating unconditional love. Of course you don't sit there on day one in a state of unconditional love. But gradually, the practice helps to bring us into that state, and it has a very powerful effect on kundalini.


  • Posts: 57
Permanent Kundalini
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2010, 06:03:25 PM »
I think my Kundalini is permament, I have had it for just over a year now and I love it. I think it depends on wether you want it to be permament or not. I personally love it and the vibrations gets stronger day by day ;) Its a great benefit for those like me who are celibate since you can fool around with the sexual energy without causing any sexual misconduct, makes my life so much simpler.