Author Topic: Self pacing the self pacing  (Read 1657 times)


  • Posts: 1589
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2010, 12:57:32 AM »
I have added in at least 1 full day off of all practices per month. I find this helps any build-up or accumulation to dissipate and allows me to keep to my 45 seconds of pranayama and 6 minutes of DM twice per day daily. I do these day off of practices whenever I feel "over" from my normal sitting practices.

I have borrowed this concept of using "rest days" to allow for recovery from the world of sport which has a lot of research on recovery and the nervous system. Seems to be working so far.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 01:00:04 AM by Anthem »


  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2010, 03:13:49 AM »
Thanks Anthem, you are of great help.

Much love to you my dear friend(f)


  • Posts: 1589
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2010, 01:29:40 PM »
Hi Ananda,

I'm glad some of the suggestions have been helping out.[:)] The "feet" technique has helped me immensely as well over the years.

The rest days is something I have come to more recently. I have observed that when I am "over" in the practice department and I take a full day off (not just a single morning or an evening session) I usually feel great the next day as I would on a normal day when I do my usual sitting routine.

I determine when it is time to go back to sitting practices by when that happy unattached state starts to waiver, then I see that the clearing has run its course and I am free to resume regular practices. This has done the trick for me since my 8 day prolonged break a few months back and will likely be something I will do from time to time when needed going forward.

Even the Lord rested on Sundays[;)]

I hope it works for you, lot's of love to you too!



  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2010, 09:40:26 AM »
Dear Anthem, don't wanna bother you but looks like what's going on in my nervous system and crown is a lost cause and seems to be like a cycle that works by itself without any intervention from me.. And no matter what i do to ground myself and even though i am stopping for more than one day these last couple of months... Things are always going toward overload... Guess the best thing i can do is hang on until the storm ends... I am even starting to feel that i am a bit lucky to be going through this overloading thing early in life..



  • Posts: 1589
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2010, 06:03:52 AM »
Hi Ananda,

I am not sure if you are familiar with Byron Katie's method of self-inquiry but I have used it on crown issues quite a few times with success. A couple months back I was experiencing a lot of activity at the crown at a time that I had a lot going on and was worried about that it was creating or contributing to overload. The more I worried, the more I inadvertently thought about it, worsening the cycle.

I eventually sat down and wrote down every belief or worry I had about the crown. Examples like "Too much crown activity will make me unstable", "I am going to have emotional issues due to this over-activity in the crown." "I won't be able to meditate, this will ruin my day, it will hamper my ability to find balance" etc. etc.  

I went through "the work" on each and haven't had an issue since. My fear was clearly contributing to the situation. Maybe this will be helpful for you? Or you may just need to scale back, one thing is for sure, only you can know.

I have been meaning to write Yogani recently and ask if he will do a lesson on all the simple ways we can "screw up" the simple instructions of AYP. [:o)]

I noticed that I was experiencing overload but had tinkered with the base-line system in ways that I wasn't fully cognisant might be an issue. For example, I was doing deep meditation and one cycle of pranayama but had never let go of doing samyama. I was reluctant to give up the practice and didn't clue in that it could be contributing to overloads. In addition, I had added in a few of my own sutras which as Yogani points out has unknown results and should be considered research in itself. Of course there is the possibility that this was contributing to overloads as well so I finally let much of that go as well.

Every time I sat I also used kechari 1 which had become so subconscious. I sit in siddhasana too, another amplifier, I do, samhavi, moolabhanda etc. These have been so automatic by using them over the years that I forgot about them and didn't calculate their contributing impact.

Worth looking at!

Good luck to you my friend![:)]


  • Posts: 787
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2010, 08:30:20 AM »
Hey Ananda  [:)]

I have no advice to contribute, but I hope the storm passes soon, bro.



  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2010, 08:35:22 AM »
Dear Anthem you've graced more than enough with your presence and very helpful advises and for that i am very grateful.

Concerning the Work, i honestly think i should first use the Work to work on my feelings toward the work and Byron Katie (really don't know why but i am a bit repulsed from the woman)... I've done similar things and Anthony De Mello has among his teachings almost the same stuff and the worrying issue is not there anyways i've got used to the suffering and overloading symptoms... And thank God i am not paying very heavy prices but still it's very rough times... I pretty much try and be aware and not think about what's going to happen later but when it's happening it's not that pleasant so it's more about grounding and grounding....

Much love to you and your loved ones my good friend.

Take care bro(f)


  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2010, 08:37:08 AM »
Brother Cosmic[:)], so much love have been felt in your message. Thank you my dear friend.



  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2010, 09:40:31 PM »
Originally posted by Anthem11

Every time I sat I also used kechari 1 which had become so subconscious. I sit in siddhasana too, another amplifier, I do, samhavi, moolabhanda etc. These have been so automatic by using them over the years that I forgot about them and didn't calculate their contributing impact.

Dear Anthem, this is one very important advice to add on because i was also caught up in the automatic movements during the day and didn't control myself but now i am and after putting your advice into practices now i can say it's a wise one and instead of moolabandha and sambhavi etc automatically happening i am pointing my attention towards my feet.

Great call bro and yes Yogani should open up such a lesson on the little ways in which we can also increase our overloading symptoms.


P.s.: still haven't practiced the work but will keep it in mind. I am resting from my yogic practices but bhakti sneaked out from another door and i am back into praying now a lot; The thing that made me self pace also... And this has been an advice from Yogani a couple of years back and it has proved also very right.


  • Posts: 3001
Self pacing the self pacing
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2010, 04:26:32 AM »
Don't want to go over head of myself, but things seem to be going toward the best concerning practices. It's been like almost 7 or 8 days in a raw non stop now "I've really missed this."

Thanks for the great tips dear Anthem[:)] and of course dear Yoganiji(f).
