Author Topic: Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate  (Read 2489 times)


  • Posts: 6
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« on: September 28, 2010, 07:55:01 AM »
Hey guys,
I've been having PVC's quite frequently since last year.
I started having them around the same time I started becoming more aware of myself.

I never do physical yoga,
but i have done quite a few psychedelics (I don't take drugs anymore for +1 year)
and I've been "doing meditation" (as taught by nisargadatta maharaj)
a lot the past year as well.

I put "doing meditation" between brackets because these days
it seems like "meditation is doing me".
I may be walking somewhere and just out of nowhere,

i feel very blissful and high... which is often accompanied with a fast and irregular heartrate.
I don't have a problem with feeling very happy... but when the heart beats so fast and irregular I feel a bit dizzy and I don't think it's healthy..

I would just love my heart to start beating calm and smooth again.

I have to mention, that for the majority of the day my heart does beat calm (even though I do have frequent PVC's),
it's just these episodes I have where it starts beating really fast that bothers me.

I have had a cardiologist do tests on my heart and all he could diagnose me with are "benign pvc's"...
so physically i should be fine...

but my condition is disabling me from leading a productive life.
i've lost jobs because suddenly i feel like i'm about to faint,
or like i am on another planet.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 09:48:19 PM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 04:55:42 AM »
Hi Yogazoed,

The symptoms you mention are typical kundalini symptoms. The eratic heart symptoms are obviously connected with the heart chakra opening. The feeling that you are about to faint or are on another planet is often associated with too much crown activity, or with too much prana flooding the system.

It sounds like you have got a bit ahead of yourself practice-wise if you can't hold it together at work. Cutting back on spiritual practices should help, as will grounding practices to strengthen your connection with the earth. Walking often helps, as do simple things such as gardening, or serving other people.

The good news is that there is probably nothing wrong with your heart (as the cardiologist said) and the symptoms should dissapear as the heart chakra settles down and stabilizes.



  • Posts: 6
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 07:43:21 PM »
I guess I will have to give this issue some time and see how it evolves.

If it does not go away by itself,
would getting a reiki treatment/attunement help this problem?

Also, what is the relationship between reiki and kundalini?


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2010, 08:31:44 PM »
Hi Yogazord,

I would wait and see if things smooth out over time. In the case of an opening heart chakra, symptoms can last a few years. I would not recommend Reiki in this case. Reiki uses prana (or ki in Japanese) to clear energy blockages in the body and to activate chakras. If symptoms are the result of a kundalini awakening, then using Reiki can cause the kundalini energy to flow more strongly, and therefor make the symptoms stronger.In a worse case scenario, Reiki could turn a balanced kundalini awakening into an unstable one.

Reiki certainly has it's place as a healing method, but it is by no means a one stop cure-all. (I give Reiki healings by the way).



  • Posts: 1065
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2010, 09:25:52 PM »
Originally posted by yogazord
would getting a reiki treatment/attunement help this problem?

It might work.

I remember when my Kundalini awakened, my Heart chakra was very weak.  My heart would often sink and make me afraid.

I got the initial Heart Chakra boost from a Reiki healer.  Later I learned to channel the energy and strengthened my Heart myself.

Try this, join your hands and bring them towards your chest like this:

Raise your chest and feel the Universal Soul beating inside your heart. Use your imagination and trace your problem.  The Universal Soul will take care of the rest.  Pray like this in morning and night for a few days and see if it works.



  • Posts: 351
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2010, 09:48:19 PM »
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement


  • Posts: 300
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2010, 10:03:26 PM »
Hi yogazord

From what I've read, you could try eliminating alcohol, tobacco and caffeine, if you haven't already done so.  Might help.  Obviously not all at once, but gradually.  


  • Posts: 320
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2010, 01:25:35 PM »
Ditto what everyone said, plus if you are overweight that may contribute also and it's interesting that many docs don't mention the weight issue. Also, if you are taking any herb supplements some of these can also cause PVCs, and these days with herbs being added to soft drinks and juices etc you just never know.


  • Posts: 1
Kundalini-syndrome and irregular heartrate
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2010, 12:06:09 AM »

So can someone tell me what kind of meditaions exercise should i do to ground myself? Because after smoking weed and concetrating on third chakra i feelt euphory and then i got scared and now i have kind of feeling i have depersonalizaiton/derealization numb and anxiety

I excercies which helped but i'm interested which excercies help the most?

I also have anxiety thru whole day for no reason.

I also took john wort for 1 year which really helped me but stopped it.

Now i got ill and anxiety got kinda back.

I really need some help can some tell me what should i do?

Thanks!!! I really need help!!!