Author Topic: Give Sushumna a workout/Realization next day  (Read 865 times)

John C

  • Posts: 76
Give Sushumna a workout/Realization next day
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:24:50 AM »
I just thought I'de troll for any comment from you about my yoga of the day.  I kind of like a free style approach. Things went like this today: I didn't have to work today. I woke up spontaneously around 4 AM and when it was apparent more sleep was not going to happen, got up and did a sitting meditation and could gradually appreciate lightening of the first rays of the dawn to the east, which is more or less the direction i  am pointed on my zafu pad.
I just stayed with the breath, and spinal breathing just naturally happens full time.  It's very pleasant. Then I finally went back to bed for about an hour from 6 to 7.
This afternoon, I jogged around a soccer field a couple easy laps on the forgiving grass surface, then would lay down on the embankment grassy area inclined to the afternoon sun, and would do spinal breathing for a few minutes, feeling the energy coursing up and down the spine.
Then I would get up again and run a couple more laps until winded, then repeat the spinal breathing meditation on the embankment with the sun shining through my closed eye lids. With each cycle like this, the energy puylsations up and down the spine were stronger, and seemed enhanced by the running two laps between brief meditations. The Sushumna seemed to expand to a number of inches diameter with this practice. It was very pleasant. And Saying Gum on long, prolonged exhalations further resonated the entire energy body. This went on for an hour and a half. Later, I ran back to the aquatic center locker room and went into the mens sauna, and did a few cycles of Yoni mudra, with a very dramatic light display, with first the multicolored three dimensional field of Akashic points of light, and then by cyle three, the very bright golden disc transforming into a ring with starry sky like phenomenon centrally.
All this energetic practice is really enjoyable, but the big payoff is upon awakening from sleep the following early morning when Realizations occur prior to onsel of the usual stream of thoughts. That is the greatest moment of revelation, the culmination of practices of the previous day(s).
Do you see what I mean and resonate with this, and with the vital force of the suns rays through closed eyelids?
yours,  (Typed but not edited for spontaneity my  friends and colleagues.
John C


  • Posts: 260
Give Sushumna a workout/Realization next day
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2010, 10:52:36 AM »
Thanks for sharing John, much appreciated. I enjoyed reading of your experience.

Love and Light,

John C

  • Posts: 76
Give Sushumna a workout/Realization next day
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2010, 06:11:01 PM »
Thank you Steve for your kind reply.
So much is possible for our nervous system if we just let go

I just wanted to suggest playing with these tools we have, like Microcosmic Orbit/Spinal breathing, and seeing how that is not imaginary, but when brought into full moment to moment awareness, has been present subconciously all the time but we never noticed.
But there it is, a beautiful flow of Life Force, Source, that breaths itself up and down our bodies. It's true.
Also, feel the sunlight through closed eyelids,and be bathed in  light. It seems to me that the nervous system is very plastic, and that we create new synaptic pathways through repeated use, that we change neurologically with practices like those talked about here.

Last of all, please note that beautiful condition just at the time of awakening from sleep, before thoughts intervene.
Are you with me on this?
John C


  • Posts: 327
Give Sushumna a workout/Realization next day
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2010, 06:43:05 PM »
Hi John C,

Beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing.
