Author Topic: Blissed Yoga website launch  (Read 2964 times)


  • Posts: 4947
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 02:36:26 AM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

Thanks Shanti[|)]

Can you suggest something else worth saying?  I can't think of what I would put there other then what is written.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Get a paper and pen... and write. You know the posts you write in flow, the ones you don't know how you wrote them... like that. Right now when you write, you write with all your labels in place. You need the spellings and grammar correct... you need all you (your mind) want to tell the world in that intro, your mind had already defined the wonders and you have to make sure all those wonders are included (and please don't get me wrong, they are wonders the world does need to know, your life is amazing, but it does not have to be the first thing people read, it can be inspirational words when you do work with addicts or a selling point when you start "addict yoga")... just forget all those points and maybe after meditation, sit with a paper and pen and just write what flows without trying to control what comes out on the paper. Later read it and tweak it if needed. But I have a feeling it will flow perfectly. The perfection is already in you just get the ideas out of the way.[:)]

If it seems it is not happening right now... let it go... come back to it at a later time. No rush to change it. Just keep the intention alive. [:)]


  • Posts: 3178
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2009, 02:46:49 AM »
Thanks Shanti[:)]

Believe it or not, the current About Me was written in the manner you describe.  It took me as long to write it as it does to type the words on that page.  And then I editted for spelling [;)]....But I will take what you (all) have said to heart and will try to write one not so "addiction" oriented.  I appreciate the help.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 02:48:20 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 4947
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2009, 02:58:01 AM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

I guess what I am saying is that the "ex-addict" label is the only thing I really "think" of as "me".  Other then that I am just....well....I am just Being.  That's not very exciting[8D]

You are wayyy more than an ex-addict Carson.

You experienced "real love".

For someone who was not very flexible in beginning of 2009 you can now do asanas
that people who have done asanas for years my not be able to do.

You are great at "The Work".

You have changed your way of looking at life, relationships, arguments, parents, animals, asanas, friends, expectations, diet, exercise, need to prove yourself all the time, will quote a few more when I can think of it. The Carson that joined us and started posting in 2008 has left the building.[:D]


  • Posts: 969
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2009, 03:00:33 AM »
You are wayyy more than an ex-addict Carson.

You experienced "real love".

For someone who was not very flexible in beginning of 2009 you can now do asanas
that people who have done asanas for years my not be able to do.

You are great at "The Work".

You have changed your way of looking at life, relationships, arguments, parents, animals, asanas, friends, expectations, diet, exercise, need to prove yourself all the time, will quote a few more when I can think of it. The Carson that joined us and started posting in 2008 has left the building.



  • Posts: 3178
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2009, 03:43:46 AM »
Thank you Shanti, Scott....[|)]

Just reading your post and the link you linked to brought tears of appreciation to my eyes.....there really has been progress made here.  Sometimes it is so easy to forget where we have been once getting to a point of (mostly) living in the moment.  Sometimes it seems like I have always been the way I am here now and that the progress is very very slow.  Just reading an old(er) post of mine brings me to a place of great appreciation for where I am at today (I'm balling[8)]) and makes me so thankful for the AYP system that has made this possible.  I should really be more thankful and grateful because I have come a long way, and have come from a very dark place and am no longer suffering, so I should really stop more often to appreciate this.  Coming from such a dark place, coming from such a place of constant, needless suffering into a space of joy, love and light...well, it makes me feel so blessed.  I have always felt that I don't deserve to be happy, and to now be in a place where I not only feel that I deserve it, but I know that it is my birthright,is such a beautiful and drastic change, that I should really take the time to appreciate this.  Thank you for reminding me of where I was, so that I can truly be thankful for where I am....

(God, I gotta stop crying before someone at work here sees me[:I])

Thank you from the bottom of my heart[|)]

Love Always,


  • Posts: 4947
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2009, 04:06:20 AM »
Originally posted by CarsonZi

Thank you from the bottom of my heart[|)]



  • Posts: 1843
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2009, 06:28:16 AM »
Hey Carson


Your website is beautiful [:)]

All is unfolding perfectly [|)]


  • Posts: 3178
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2009, 06:41:22 AM »
Thanks Katrine[:D]

All IS unfolding all the ways possible.



  • Posts: 1589
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2009, 04:03:43 AM »
Hi Carson,

Congratulations, looks great!


  • Posts: 1464
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2009, 04:19:07 AM »
Looks great Carson, congratulations, I'm sure all will unfold beautifully[:)]


  • Posts: 1464
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2009, 05:57:02 AM »
Also congrats to Kirtanman and Shanti on your blogs, saw them for the first time on Carsons website[:)]


  • Posts: 3178
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2009, 08:35:44 AM »
Thanks for the kind words Akasha, Anthem and Sparkle!


Thanks for sharing so much Brother!  Unfortunately it is going to be another couple of days (hopefully not too much longer) before I get my new computer and can watch youtube videos.....when I get it I will make sure I check out the link you posted, sounds pretty interesting!

I am finding that I am learning to drop the thought that "I am an ex-junky" easier and esaier these days.  It's not even that I really thought of myself that way, it was more that when asked to describe "Who are You" to people who may not understand that "there is no 'me'", it is just easier to talk about my experiences in life then to try and describe "Unbound Awareness" to people who see life from a very "Dual" perspective.  And it could potentially turn people away who see it as a "this guy talks so wierd, I don't like him/am never stepping foot in HIS yoga class!".  
I have changed my About page somewhat, keeping the old story in it, but putting some more "less addiction oriented" info in front of it.  Hopefully it won't turn so many people away the way it is now.

Anyways, thanks everyone for the kudos, and thanks Akasha for sharing the video and more of your history.....I look forward to watching it on my new computer!  Hopefully it arrives soon.



  • Posts: 3597
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2009, 11:37:24 AM »
Yes, addiction is a problem you encountered. But who you are is more what you have studied, what you have been interested in for years, what work you do everyday, people you have benefitted, what you enjoy.


  • Posts: 1201
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2009, 09:38:14 PM »
Hoping all the best in that amazing road that you are carson.
You know you have my best wishes.
take care and enjoy



  • Posts: 422
Blissed Yoga website launch
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2010, 12:16:53 AM »
Hi Carson,

I was where you are/were 3-4 years ago.The difference between then and now though is I now  have a lot more tools and experience.

Nov 25,06- that's when i ran into problems, 11 months after begginining a yoga practice(jan,06- i had just moved into a new flat too above a a rowdy pub in a kind of deprived area of the city), hatha yoga mainly using bandhas and breath.

It's been a journey on how to recover from that premature kundalini awakening ever since.At least i did'nt know what it was then.Now having read Yogani's lessons it all made sense from that perspective.

There was no stopping me then wheni had worked out what i had discovered.(i.e the joy of yoga). I just had to take it all the way(yes probably an ego thing-we've all got one!!) and tried to progress way too quickly.I thought yoga could only do good,no harm. No idea about self-pacing, of courrse. Really i tried to do it in 11months,( just after quitting a methadone script was when i started- as chance(?) would have it) then the final month things intensified once the automatic yoga started kicking in and then 4 days ensued there followed a rebound. I read somewhere just last week someone caling it Kundalini returning back to the root.This is why one needs the stabilisation over the long-term for changes in your nervous system to be permamnent. Mine was left disoriented and with my histroy of drug addiction , i was probably the classic casualty with just the perfect conditions.. Hence the story drugs and the inappropriate yoga ( for that individual) leads/cn lead to psychosis.

Anyway it is good to see another with a similar background.Our experiences throughout life,the total sum of them,do tend to shape who we are as people definitely in the long run.And yes i think i too have dropped the label referred here as well a few years ago, like a snake's skin- all part of the "I construct dissolving , so we are told.

All the Best,anyways, on your chosen Path.....[:D]
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 12:41:49 AM by Akasha »