Author Topic: Another Overload Question  (Read 1102 times)


  • Posts: 23
Another Overload Question
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:36:26 AM »
So, had another episode with overload. Moved my times from about 15 min DM and 6 min of Samyama to 20 DM and 8 Samyama and after a few days of that went straight into what felt like the flu for about six days.

Feel much better now but the last two days (day six and seven of this episode) my face feels very flush and warm to the touch, what's going on with that? What is the cause?

Does overloading like this with these symptoms cause any physical damage or regress your spiritual progress?

I asked this in some part because during the six days of feeling crappy, I was incredibly irritable and was not feeling like I believed any of the stuff I previously have been learning from Yogani and other spiritual teachings and was actively questioning it vigorously. It's slowly coming back, but it's like the overload almost wiped it all out. Like feeling at one with things and believing things like that.

Ppl's feedback would be welcome.

Also, what yogani says is true, overload setbacks like this do make you want to stop for a while so need to be careful going forward. Prob won't meditate again for a couple weeks at least :(. This one was painful, will need to re-stoke the fires of bhakti.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 09:51:36 AM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 4947
Another Overload Question
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 12:26:54 AM »
Hi OneLeaf,
So you are doing samyama and not spinal breathing?

How about just stay with meditation and skip samyama for a bit.

One of the overload symptoms is excess heat in the body... that may be why you feel the flushed feeling.

The overloads generally don't cause long term damages, unless you ignore them and push on, which you are not doing... so you should be OK.

Prob won't meditate again for a couple weeks at least :(. This one was painful, will need to re-stoke the fires of bhakti.

Sorry it was painful. When you are ready, just start off with 10 min meditation and stay with that for a bit.
Take a look at this post... I find it has some very helpful pointers for grounding and letting go the fear of overloads and slowly going back to practices :


  • Posts: 23
Another Overload Question
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 04:43:47 AM »
Hey Shanti! Thanks so much for the response :)

Yes, I'm doing Samyama rather than spinal breathing because based upon things going on in my life right now i feel like i could use the extra wisdom, abundance, love, etc.

I was figuring on getting to SB at some point after I checked out what Samyama could do for me. I welcome your thoughts on whether you think SB is better for me than samyama. I have a tendency to be over-sensitive so I can't pack on that many practices so I feel like I have to choose one over the other. I've been doing DM for the past 6 months.

I was planning on bringing it back down to just 10 of DM and 5 of samyama in a couple weeks if and when i feel back to normal.

The last few days my mind state has been unbelievably negative, really difficult to get into a positive mind-state. Just starting to break out of that today and feeling better but I really don't want to go back to how i've been feeling the last few days. Based upon that thread u sent, it seems like this kind of anxious and negative mind set isn't uncommon for some as an overload symptom. I'm assuming that if i stop practices for a while this will stabilize and go back to normal?


  • Posts: 4947
Another Overload Question
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 04:56:00 AM »
Hi OneLeaf,
I would say stop practices over this weekend and do something fun and mindless. [:)]
Then on Monday start with 10-15 min meditation (drop samyama for now). If that is stable, then you can introduce samyama again.

I know samyama is tempting, but if that is what is overloading you, you will never know unless you drop it completely.

One reason for the overload could also be the full moon... since you are feeling better today, it could have been the effect of that... going forward keep that in mind and closer to the full moon be more cautious with your practices.

Hope you feel stable soon. [:)]


  • Posts: 23
Another Overload Question
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 05:01:31 AM »
Sounds good Shanti, thanks again for your advice, it truly is much appreciated.

Yes, I'm going to take a break for a little while, at least this wknd for sure.  

Wow, I didn't even realize the moon could have an effect, hmmm....i'll have to do some research into that!


  • Posts: 23
Another Overload Question
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2012, 07:18:04 AM »
Wow. Thanks!