Author Topic: Entheogens are very helpful.  (Read 725 times)


  • Posts: 1201
Entheogens are very helpful.
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:38:28 AM »
Last saturday i decided to take a low dose of mushrooms."Philospher stones" variety.

I decided to take it little by little.I mean,a small quantity and then i waited half an hour and after that time another small quantity,and when i began to feel that visual distortion and need for laughin i decided it was enough.That what i was looking for.

I must say i got high with a very very very low dose.
I think spiritual practices (since 2 years) amplifies the effects of this substances and the experience.

I decided to go home (i was walking in the streets).I was alone for two days and i decided to lay on the bed,lights off and eyes closed.

I saw lot of orange concentric circles and i feltthey were conections between my head and the universal energetic structure.
I began to feel my spinal nerve trying to gets open,and felt the energy trying to go up from muladhara.Lots of lights and feelings.
Very heavy experience.I began to feel some voices and presences around me,probably they were spiritual beings.I know this cz the voices are feelings are acompained by a strong feeling of presence.Then i began to feel that i was only a finite number of false layers and labels,and i was feeling total empty.I began to feel and percieve that iam the universe and the inmutable entity and i got scared and decided to get up and relax.

After a while,the high was decreasing and i decided to lay again on my bed.

Then i got total acess to an area of pain very deep inside and i was able to cry,south and release an incredible quantity of pain.I think it was in the second chakra area.

It would take me years of spiritual practices to release this cz it was sorrounded by huge amount of toghts and repression.But mushrooms gave me accesss to this emotional trauma and i released it all.Amazing.The tears and the feeling were the most intense that i have had in all my life.That trauma was very dept and i feel grateful for this experience.

I cleaned it all.All.Cz after that catarsis i felt very relaxed.And i was high yet. Then i began to percieve lot of light in some areas of my life that i had never lookked at.My family,im a lucky guy,friends,and yogani.

Tell me....

I consider this substances very interesting but risky,cz you need a person near you that take care of your self,and you can have a bad trip...

Always i take this substances i have spiritual experiences and i feel really ok the days after.Really really good.

I find this substances amazing and i feel they talk me and have an spirit.I feel they were put here by Gopd for our benefit.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 05:40:18 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 1201
Entheogens are very helpful.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 05:43:14 AM »
Is it possible to use them in a safe and possitive direction?
I dont know people that can take care of me when i take enteogens (once a year,and i never know if i will take then anymore)...what can i do?how can i use them if i dont know experts near me?

I i would have taken a higher dose i would have had a really bad trip cz now im in a very delicate situation in my life.Very dangerous substances but very helpful at the same time.

How to manage this?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 05:49:27 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 3178
Entheogens are very helpful.
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 06:00:16 AM »


  • Posts: 1201
Entheogens are very helpful.
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 07:45:06 AM »
Thank you very much Carson.[:)]

« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 07:49:05 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 98
Entheogens are very helpful.
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2009, 12:15:41 PM »
I would follow your inner guru-- if you're not sure, wait until you are sure to use them, and be 100% clear about intent. No harm in staying on the safe side.


  • Posts: 1201
Entheogens are very helpful.
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 10:52:34 AM »
Thanks Lacinato.thats a good advice.[:)]