Author Topic: Daily practice - help!  (Read 988 times)


  • Posts: 893
Daily practice - help!
« on: July 13, 2009, 12:56:24 AM »
Would you share how you fit in twice daily practices into your daily routine? I'm sure nearly everyone has family + work responsibilities and I'm looking for advise on how to fit it all in. Can you share in general about your work schedule and especially how you fit in the evening sitting session? I'm desperate to do this - I'm consistent with morning sessions but its hit or miss in the evening (perhaps I need to cultivate more bhakti? [:(]) with young children + spouse and their needs that take up all of my time after work.

I know I will be inspired by many. Please help!



  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 02:14:16 AM »
Hi Kami:

You might find this lesson helpful, on fitting daily practices into a busy schedule:

Yes, we all have to deal with the demands of everyday life, while continuing to move forward on our spiritual path. It can be done. Some tricks of the trade can be found in the lesson. [:)]

These two aspects of life are not in opposition. Having responsibilities in the world along with our daily practices is very advantageous, because it provides for the integration of inner silence and ecstatic conductivity in the field of activity in time and space. This is good for our evolution, and for the evolution of all humanity. It's the ongoing cultivation of stillness in action, which radiates everywhere.      

All the best!

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 4947
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 03:38:04 AM »
Hi Kami,
It took me almost a year to get my second practice in as a routine. I would get up early enough to get my morning practice in before everyone at home was up, but like you, the evening sessions were hard to fit in most days. All I can say is, I tried my best to fit in at least 10 min meditation, even if it was really late.. not recommended, but I had no other choice. And, somehow it has worked out that now I can get two full sessions in. So when there is an intent to meditate, the few min of free time will show up somehow. [:)] And the days you just can't make it.. I still have days like that.. don't beat yourself up over it. Read the lesson Yogani has pointed out to you, it has some wonderful tips on managing practice when you have a busy schedule.


  • Posts: 893
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 06:08:36 AM »
Thank you, Yogani and Shanti. I've read through the lesson and it does help [:)] Now it is about bhakti and setting an intention.. thanks again,


  • Posts: 1843
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 07:48:40 AM »
Hi Kami

Just thought I'd add that as soon as my children became somewhat of age (around 3 years old)......I would make it a point to put in my second sitting while they were still up in the late afternoon or evening. I would do this whether my husband at the time was home or not. This way.....they very early on had to get used to mommy staying in her own room....not to be disturbed for 10-20 min. I explained to them what I was doing (or not-doing :-) important it was for my soul......and indirectly for their happiness with me as their mom :-) It took some effort to establish the routine....they would knock often in the beginning....I would say I was meditating and would be out of the room when I was done.....again and again this is the answer they got. But of course...if a serious fight broke out between them I would come out to mediate.....but it is amazing how kids....when they are by themselves in a safe setting...are able to work out most issues undisturbed by the parents. And 15-20 min is not eons :-)

Anyway.....after a while they got so used to my stubborness regarding this routine that they completely forgot the possibility of disturbing.

And when they grew older....if I lost my temper.....they would twinkle the eye and say: "Did you not meditate today, mom??" [8D] They have been - and still are - great teachers.

Of course there are many obstacles timewise anyway...all the driving to and meetings...helping with etc end to it....
But like Shanti says....if the intention to meditate is strong, then you will find yourself attentive and alert to the smallest opportunity to sit. And it will simply come about.

I wish you all the best [:)]

PS. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with your Bhakti [:D]


  • Posts: 4947
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 08:11:55 AM »
Originally posted by Katrine

And when they grew older....if I lost my temper.....they would twinkle the eye and say: "Did you not meditate today, mom??" [8D] They have been - and still are - great teachers.

Ha ha.. I get the exact same thing from them.. "Chill mom!!! Go meditate..." [:D]

They are my greatest teachers.[:)]

And my experience has been the same as Katrine's.. they soon got used to the idea, if we are home after school/work.. mommy will meditate for a few mins.


  • Posts: 787
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 02:19:47 PM »
Hello kami,

It may take time, but you'll find a way. You seem to have the desire for it. You might want to consider meditating before you leave work (in your car, office, etc.). This will free you up to focus on your family when you get home. I did this for a while and sometimes I even got home at the usual time (the rush hour traffic died down while I meditated).

This is not ideal, but meditation can also be done before bed. Although if you're sensitive, it might keep you awake and make you grumpy the next day. So proceed with caution on that one  [;)]

Most importantly, don't feel bad if you need to cut your practice time down some days. On school days, I cut my morning practice down quite a bit, and it all works out. Letting go of the attachment to do 2 full sessions a day was liberating for me.

Persist with faith and it will work out for you.



  • Posts: 893
Daily practice - help!
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 12:49:52 AM »
Katrine, Cosmic,
Thank you very much for the advise. I'd never thought of meditating in my office before reaching home. Also, it is a relief to know it is not "all or none" as in Yogani's lesson. Like your kids Katrine and Shanti, mine also bring up "mommy needs to meditate" when I'm short with them [:D]

That brings up the next question - are your partners/significant others/spouses also on this path? Mine isn't, but doesn't prohibit me from it.. however, despite increasing love and commitment (primarily due to my ability to let go, and finding to my surprise that this was the secret all along!), I feel we are on two different trajectories altogether! I'm drawn to sattvic foods and since I'm the cook, that is what the family eats [:)].. although he will not complain, I can tell he would prefer my cooking of days gone.. this is just one example. How does one deal with these kind of issues?

I find myself becoming wiser by hanging onto these forums!!
