Author Topic: An ayp trip to mother India  (Read 1462 times)


  • Posts: 3001
An ayp trip to mother India
« on: August 24, 2009, 06:42:08 PM »
namaste friends,

the thought came during this morning Deep Meditation session whilst in a deep samadhi[:)].

speaking for myself i am planning on taking a trip to India perhaps sometime around the beginning of the new year.

to be honest my reason for taking the trip in the first place is to search for a guru similar to the ramana maharshi and papaji type and of course i would love to take a tour in one of the most beautiful and exotic places on earth and see it's sights and holy places and meet it's holy men from any tradition...

if any of you guys would like to go, we could team up over there and take the beautiful trip together that way it would be much more fun[:D] and sweet[:)] and if others have been there b4 it would be more easy going.

of course if anyone is interested in chiming in on the trip we would discuss the appropriate timing and the whole program to suit everyone's need over here.

light and bliss,



  • Posts: 1201
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 02:24:48 AM »
Sounds great ananda!


  • Posts: 3001
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2009, 05:06:53 PM »
namaste miguel[:)]


  • Posts: 319
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 03:36:33 PM »
Hi Ananda,
I was happy to see you back on the forums.
Was wondering, where do you intend to go, in India?
I mean, do you have any specific place you want to visit or it would be decided once there..?
I'm also planning for a trip.. as I said previously, I have Osho's resort on mind, but it's not a 100%
decision. I feel the need to make an individual step by travelling in India, and any place or teacher/guru
that will bring some light in my life will be welcome.
 I know the guru is inside. But there is a moment in each one's life where an outer
guidance may be needed.. an outer guru that would befriend the inner one, so to speak.
If there was a commune here in Lebanon, we probably wouldn't feel the urge to go out.


  • Posts: 545
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 07:53:19 PM »
My parents and brother and his fiance are planning a trip to India in the new year and i might go too, since my "girl" friend lives in Calcutta and we have been wanting to meet for a few years.  My Dad is thinking about Bangalore, possibly Goa.  I know that Amma stays in Bangalore.  Where were you thinking of travelling to, Ananda?

I would be up for meeting people if i went.  It might be exciting travelling around looking for gurus.  However, i believe it is quite difficult to find genuine gurus.  that's the thing about India - there are a hell of a lot of frauds.  

Good luck.


  • Posts: 3001
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 11:22:35 PM »
namaste Christina and Gumpi,

actually i would like to visit some of India's holy cities like Rishikesh (the himalayas) and maybe hardwar and would love to visit Tiruvannamalai (mount Arunashala and Sri Ramana's ahsram) and there is still a direct student of sri ramana who is still living around that area (Lakshmana swami) but he doesn't meet people yet we've got nothing to lose and there's a so and so possibility that we might be able to meet his disciple Sri Sarada.

concerning kashmir; Calcuta; Bangalore (hugging Amma would be delight[:)]) why not we'll see about it.

all my plans are ready to be changed according to the group's need except for my visit to mount Arunashala SI.

it would be good if anyone who decides to jump in would share where and when they wanted to go and God willing we could settle the whole thing among each others around the time of "Christmas."  

light and love,



  • Posts: 3001
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 05:43:37 AM »

i am sorry but i won't make it to India this year.

the reason is that this is the wish of my family and it's mainly because i am the only son now after the loss of my little brother last year who is at peace wherever he is God willing.



  • Posts: 1843
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2009, 12:29:44 AM »
Peace be with you Ananda
And your brother too [|)]


  • Posts: 3001
An ayp trip to mother India
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2009, 01:21:18 AM »
Thanks Katrine, that's very sweet of you[:)]
