Author Topic: How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?  (Read 18423 times)


  • Posts: 718
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #90 on: June 21, 2014, 05:52:12 AM »
You're as ready as you'll ever be! Good luck and love in your surrender.

[3]. [OM]


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #91 on: June 22, 2014, 03:06:01 AM »
Thanks Dogboy, very much appreciated.

Fear really has no place in a k awakening.  But if it did, the one place it would be appropriate is when Shakti is ready to meet her counterpart in your crown chakra.  With adjustments over time, one may learn to honor those moments when Shakti allows for slight negotiations in her agenda.

There is (perhaps unfortunate) aversion to mantras here, with the possible exception of om namah shivaya.  Nevertheless, yesterday I clung to the mantra/ affirmation 'sensible', a shortened version of 'my priority is to be sensible'.  It felt like Shakti was a wild stallion, I being the hapless rider upon her back.  Yes it's true we've got to adapt, once the energy is moving.  But it is also true that Shakti is oftentimes open to negotiation.  "Slow, slow ... please go slow.  And whatever is to be encountered in the crown chakra, let it be in terms of barely scratching the surface, okay?"  Apparently she was listening.  

Genuine fears gave way to a sense of responsibility and pragmatism.  It was realized the horse's rider absolutely had to remain continuously sensible and balanced.  There was dim comprehension that the probably inevitable bliss would of necessity be delayed.  Fine.  Good.  I was all for postponing any ecstasy or bliss if it meant staying balanced and grounded.  A rather tiny price to pay for what was considered my comfort zone.  

When one bargains with Shakti, one may not get that to which one believes one has consented.  Last night she proceeded to teach me all about that which was assumed to be my identity.  While this was definitely beyond my comfort zone, my part of the compromise was to do a little spiritual stretching.  The divine conveyed something that is altogether impossible to put into words.  But perhaps a distant approximation will suffice.

This was a strictly personal experience.  However it was explained in very general terms, not necessarily specific to me alone.  So there is confusion as to what is only relevant to me, and what is generally applicable to all of us.  It seemed as though I had a wad of cotton batting in my head or some kind of packing material.  This was assumed to be the slowing down element of our agreement.  Because ... as understanding incrementally progressed, the packing material softening my comprehension ... diminished by the same proportion.  I know that sounds weird, but that's the way it happened.  In the end, there was crystal clear sattvic clarity, with no remnants of clouded comprehension.

The personal identity has been comprised of relatively RANDOM experiences, environmental influences, sensations, thoughts, feelings, conclusions, reactions, etc.  Through one's creative organization, and for utilitarian purposes, these influences coalesce into an imaginary vehicle of expression.  None of this is me.  None of this is my true identity.  It's like an imaginary wad of energy that we get cozy with.  And it can be disassembled and reassembled at will.  Quite easily in fact.  It can also be put back together in a different fashion than it was originally constructed.  This is one's social vehicle.  It is frequently referred to as the ego and is necessary for negotiating the culture into which one is born.  But it is not who we are.  Rather, it clothes and obstructs that which we truly are.

This is not news to most of us.  But what was new and different was last night it transcended superficial intellectual understanding.  With a more or less gradual energy acceleration, in the end, it became easily possible to repeatedly disassemble and reassemble the identity/ social vehicle - at lightning speed.  The Essential is that which is being clothed; the nonessential is the clothing (social vehicle).  The result is that there is a a great deal more detachment now regarding the identity to which I was formerly clinging for dear life.  A loosening, a flexibility which was absent before.  It feels really really good.  But I'm so grateful that it happened at a comfortable pace.  

The event is being shared primarily so readers experiencing spontaneous k awakening will understand that it is possible to proceed as slowly as you want.  All that is needed is to work with the awakening and not against it.  Remember that it is your own energy which is being accelerated, purified and refined by the divine.

There was another aspect to this experience last night.  Ours is indeed a holographic universe.  Each consciousness is like a focal point which embodies and reflects the entire whole.  So what is unique about the focal point?  From my experience, it seemed there was nothing unique about the focal point, except thru its designation in time and space.  But then, the surface was barely scratched, according to my urgent request.



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #92 on: June 23, 2014, 02:57:46 AM »

~ my interpretation ~

1 Peter 5:4 KJV
And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away

Does this crown have anything to do with opening of the crown chakra?

emmanuel = light
god-with-us = the Messiah but also the indwelling Light

23 comforted...God is with us...the Light is within us...indwelling Christ

...table of grace...
preparation of table =  preparing for opening to the glory/ crown of glory
oil = nectar (bliss/ ecstasy/ light of the Holy Spirit)
peace beyond mind = divine light = conjoined bliss/ ecstasy
anoint = transfer
head = crown
cup = the crown but also the soul/ heart chalice
... let the nectar of grace fill your cup to overflowing ...

... Thou preparest a table (opening/ preparing the receptacle) ... Thou anointest my head with oil/ nectar ... transfer of holy/ Christ Consciousness (receiving the crown of glory mentioned in 1 Peter) ... my cup overfloweth ... nectar pours out of the crown and into the soul/ heart chalice ... culmination of the divine energy moving through us (k awakening) and out into the world ...  

~ all is well with my soul ~



  • Posts: 4
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #93 on: August 17, 2014, 03:33:31 PM »
Originally posted by parvati9

Hi Ramahlbuddha

Thanks for your comment.  Carl Jung's Red Book reminds me of a confusing, convoluted and oppressive version of Alice in Wonderland, although the beautiful color illustrations, supposedly by Jung himself, are magnificent.  While others may find his work useful in sorting their k awakening, I certainly cannot recommend it.   Nevertheless if you are benefitting from the book, perhaps you would expand on how it is helping to put your energetic awakening in perspective.



Hi Parvati,
Since our discussion about Carl Jung, I would like to tell you I have been undertaking analysis with a Jungian Analyst.    It has helped me greatly and your comment that:

'From my experience, k awakening helps us make peace with the unconscious aspects of our lives, and our life purpose.  Through the k awakening, one may gain insight and command of problematic issues that were previously beyond resolution and/or confusing.  However one needs a positive or neutral attitude toward the energetic awakening, as well as the purification it entails.  Otherwise the experience can become oppressive.  There is a learning curve in the attunement and refinement of necessary skills developed in partnering with the divine.  It is rather imperative to cultivate patience if one is to successfully integrate a spontaneous k awakening'.  

This is exactly what analysis with the 'right' Jungian Analyst will help to accomplish.  It has helped me immensely.  I know we are all different but for me I cannot recommend it enough.      

PS The Red Book is not part of the analysis that was his thing. You could say that is what happened to him when he had his K experience.    He then had to translate that experience into something positive. That is where many of his theories came from.


  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #94 on: August 18, 2014, 01:30:41 AM »
Hi Ramahlbuddha

You have this habit of making uber provocative posts and then vanishing for months!  So glad you're doing well.  How is the analyst helping with your kundalini awakening?  I had not heard of 'The Red Book' until you mentioned it.  After completing some hasty (maybe incomplete) research, it seemed to lack the kind of information and approach that I find useful i.e., simple, clear, positive or neutral in tone, unembellished.  However, I'm very glad it has proved helpful to you.  Perhaps others, as well as myself, would benefit from expanding upon your experience with the analysis.  Especially if it is providing relief, comfort or effectively controlling overload symptoms.

Thanks for your input.



  • Posts: 287
How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2014, 03:26:40 AM »

This is an important subtopic that needs addressing.        

In a k awakening is it helpful to pay attention to our dreams?  Probably.  My dreams however, when remembered, are mostly nonsense dreams.  Or so I thought.  Over the years those I would consider significant dreams - have been few and far between.  A handful of select dreams are important, and I still look at my memory of them from time to time to glean further insights.  At this point the question is asked - are there really any irrelevant or insignificant dreams?  The ones that appear to be nonsense - what is it about them that cause the dreamer to conclude they don't matter?

During college, it was my privilege to view several documentary films by the Master of dream interpretation Fritz Perls.  It is amazing what can be unearthed about a person's dream and the significance it holds for the dreamer.  According to this remarkable therapist - every part, every object in the dream represents the dreamer's own self.  Every aspect of the dream is an extension of the dreamer's consciousness and perceived identity.  Why would that not be important?  How could that not matter?

Fritz Perls would take the most inane nonsensical dream and turn it into a priceless revelation to the dreamer.  And he would rarely do any of this interpretation himself.  Rather he would very adeptly lead the dreamer into his or her own interpretation for themselves.  He would merely facilitate their understanding and acceptance of their own discovered meaning in the dream.  His clients were generally astounded at the results, which were often shocking and hard to believe, but obviously true (for them).

So it may be helpful to pay attention to your dreams.  If they seem to be nonsense, then maybe you don't need to look at those, or maybe you aren't ready to look at those.  It is suggested that any recalled dream or dream fragment may be relevant to your kundalini awakening.  And you may want to closely examine some or all of the details which are remembered.  Hidden deep within your dream could be the answer to your prayers.  


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« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:02:23 AM by parvati9 »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #96 on: April 15, 2019, 10:42:10 AM »
7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 10 2015 :  7:53:48 PM 

I know this is an older thread but...

***I have a question for Christians who have awakened K. ***
I hear many people (not Christians) talk about how 'she is a divine intelligence' and you must let go of your previous faith, etc etc etc. This idea that it is an 'intelligent force' is a unsettling a bit.

What is your experience? Is it just a profound energy source? Holy Spirit or something else?


1547 Posts

 Posted - Oct 10 2015 :  9:09:24 PM 
Call it what you will, a rose by any other name. The Holy Spirit, within you, within us all.

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 11 2015 :  10:04:43 AM 
But sometimes names are used to denote different things.
That's why I'm asking for personal experiences of Christians.

I have read accounts of many non-Christians who do not think it is part of that belief system. Some say it's just energy, some say it's divine. Hell, one article swears it's reptilian aliens invading! :)

So there again, sometimes names are changed for linguistic differences (dog & perro) and sometimes names are different because it's two different things we're talking about.

Originally posted by Dogboy

Call it what you will, a rose by any other name. The Holy Spirit, within you, within us all.

Mykal K
265 Posts

 Posted - Oct 11 2015 :  12:45:08 PM 
I thought Christians believe kundalini is the .

95 Posts

 Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  09:12:17 AM 
Originally posted by Mykal K

I thought Christians believe kundalini is the .

Very true. They think Yoga will lead to possession by the devil, therefore logically, yoga must be a satanic, black magic practiced by witches.

United Kingdom
1457 Posts

 Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  10:37:34 AM 
HI Alecpeace
That might be a bit of an over-generalisation.
There are Christians who practice yoga and have no difficulties squaring one with the other. I'm not aware of anything Jesus said (as far as we know of course) that might be seen as a caution against yoga or kundalini. That is not to say representatives of various institutionalised religious warning against anything that is not in their book. I tend to attribute that to some kind of jealousy - just making sure followers don't look around too much and end up going somewhere else.

1547 Posts

 Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  11:20:42 AM 
There is speculation that yoga influenced Jesus during his "lost twenties" travels, and that the 'Holy Spirit' be spoke of referred to his kundalini awakened from meditative practice.

481 Posts

 Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  11:30:25 AM 
There are allot of different sects referring to themselves as Christians so there probably will be all kinds of answers Mandi.

Years ago I visited some Roman Catholic Priests at their retirement quarters and spoke at length for hours with one very open and knowledgeable priest.

I described the topic of this thread with him and he told me without any doubt or question that this was the descent Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit and was indeed a blessing.

It is certain that this part of the trinity is not limited to Gender ideas but is most certainly Female in her aspect experientially.

God is presented in the Masculine as the Father and the Son well that is self explanatory also but the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit. Not so much eh?

1527 Posts

 Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  04:39:36 AM 
Raised as a Catholic girl and never understood the Bible, I felt resistance to church. Now, after studying some years the Eastern philosophy, I must say, reading parts of the Bible at this moment is very interesting for me. Reading from another perspective , find the hidden symbols and there are many. Awakenings, rising out of death, transformations, serpents, the Holy Spirit etc.

What is the difference between praying and meditating? There is not such a big difference if Bhakti is there.
Use words as Holy Spirit or Kundalini, the experience is the same.

The world would be more peaceful if we lived and understood the meaning of all Holy Books in stead of comparing and judge them with dangerous narrow minds in different cultures.

Edit: The experience of words can only be found in silence.
Edited by - Charliedog on Oct 13 2015 05:36:19 AM

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:19:43 PM
I asked the original question because I have read a great deal myself and have heard lots of hypothetical. Hoping to hear more about concrete experiences from this particular perspective.

Your friend... he has personally had K awakening?


Originally posted by So-Hi

There are allot of different sects referring to themselves as Christians so there probably will be all kinds of answers Mandi.
I described the topic of this thread with him and he told me without any doubt or question that this was the descent Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit and was indeed a blessing.

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:20:29 PM 

Originally posted by BlueRaincoat

That might be a bit of an over-generalisation.

Yeah, just a bit. /s

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:22:38 PM
Originally posted by Charliedog

What is the difference between praying and meditating?

Praying is talking to God
Meditating is listening.

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:25:02 PM
To your point about the HG/HS being feminine.. Yes, I have always felt the characteristics were female. And since we are all 'made in God's image', then the feminine has to represented somewhere.

481 Posts

 Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  11:27:31 AM 
Hi Mandi, to answer your question yes the priest was one in whom Kundalini had awakened.

The priest was recommended to me by a friend who knew of his deep wisdom, Catholicism when correctly understood is a deeply mystical tradition. we shared experiences and for him awakening came from deep devotion to God.

For me it did as well as this is a huge release, I could say trigger but that is not quite right. With me all I need to do is consider God and the flow in the spine from emanating from the heart going up and down the spine at the same time is immediate even as it is now while explaining.

If I go to Church it is too powerful as I will wind up in tears crying loudly the whole time racked with longing for God to be full re-united.

So I do not go or practice any religion in open so as not to disturb others.

My religion is God?s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven this says it all.

One of the reasons I was talking to the priest was as a young man I could see I was never going to be normal and I already felt like I had lived all there was to do in the world there was no desire to make a family nor much of anything at all.

I had one desire and that was to fulfill the reason for being incarnated in the first place. As youth typically feels things more keenly with the weight of the years ahead on this earth than we do once life dulls us a bit over the decades and we finally arrive at the point where there are fewer years ahead than behind it is a great relief, the feelings were keen and strong a desire for God and God alone to know the creator not to get caught up in his gifts.

So I was contemplating entering the priesthood although I lacked formal Church education entirely but viewed the Catholic Priests as an example of kindness, goodness and charity, I viewed them as brothers whom felt as I did about God and therefore had to separate themselves from the masses who just did not. I viewed the priests as people who lived Gods will but did not become tangled up on the world because they just had no connection or desire for it.

To make a long story short it was not to be.

God had a better education in store for me and that was the education of being in the world with everyone and learning it was not going to take anything from me nor was I going to become like everyone else by association nor would I ever forget or loose my love for God.

In the decades that followed I learned that allot of the reasons I thought so noble were actually just fear.

Mixing with people is not like swimming in mud you do not come out dirty or loose who you are, no in fact you learn best by being a part of that which has been put in motion and is just the way it is, as it is Gods will.


Edited by - So-Hi on Oct 14 2015 11:47:04 AM

7 Posts

 Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  11:26:37 PM
Thank you very much for answering and sharing. It is greatly appreciated. 

Originally posted by So-Hi

Hi Mandi, to answer your question yes the priest was one in whom Kundalini had awakened.

The priest was recommended to me by a friend who knew of his deep wisdom, Catholicism when correctly understood is a deeply mystical tradition. we shared experiences and for him awakening came from deep devotion to God.

For me it did as well as this is a huge release, I could say trigger but that is not quite right. With me all I need to do is consider God and the flow in the spine from emanating from the heart going up and down the spine at the same time is immediate even as it is now while explaining.

If I go to Church it is too powerful as I will wind up in tears crying loudly the whole time racked with longing for God to be full re-united.

So I do not go or practice any religion in open so as not to disturb others.

My religion is God?s will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven this says it all.

One of the reasons I was talking to the priest was as a young man I could see I was never going to be normal and I already felt like I had lived all there was to do in the world there was no desire to make a family nor much of anything at all.

I had one desire and that was to fulfill the reason for being incarnated in the first place. As youth typically feels things more keenly with the weight of the years ahead on this earth than we do once life dulls us a bit over the decades and we finally arrive at the point where there are fewer years ahead than behind it is a great relief, the feelings were keen and strong a desire for God and God alone to know the creator not to get caught up in his gifts.

So I was contemplating entering the priesthood although I lacked formal Church education entirely but viewed the Catholic Priests as an example of kindness, goodness and charity, I viewed them as brothers whom felt as I did about God and therefore had to separate themselves from the masses who just did not. I viewed the priests as people who lived Gods will but did not become tangled up on the world because they just had no connection or desire for it.

To make a long story short it was not to be.

God had a better education in store for me and that was the education of being in the world with everyone and learning it was not going to take anything from me nor was I going to become like everyone else by association nor would I ever forget or loose my love for God.

In the decades that followed I learned that allot of the reasons I thought so noble were actually just fear.

Mixing with people is not like swimming in mud you do not come out dirty or loose who you are, no in fact you learn best by being a part of that which has been put in motion and is just the way it is, as it is Gods will.


1527 Posts

 Posted - Oct 16 2015 :  03:38:41 AM
@ So-Hi

587 Posts

 Posted - Nov 02 2015 :  12:00:32 PM 
Originally posted by mandi


I know this is an older thread but...

***I have a question for Christians who have awakened K. ***
I hear many people (not Christians) talk about how 'she is a divine intelligence' and you must let go of your previous faith, etc etc etc. This idea that it is an 'intelligent force' is a unsettling a bit.

What is your experience? Is it just a profound energy source? Holy Spirit or something else?


Hi Mandi

So the thread is resurrected... Life ramped up and I don't get online much anymore. Apologies for the tardy reply to your inquiry. Needless to say, the topic was initiated with the intention of opening up a discussion on kundalini awakening for Christians. Your interest is very appreciated, as there are certainly many Christians eager to discover the truth about this vitally important subject., And the truth about k awakening has been quite obscured in the past. Thankfully that is changing as more people are willing to share their extremely personal experiences. We owe Yogani a debt of gratitude for providing this wonderful forum in which those experiences are clarified.

From my own experience, there is exceeding reluctance to engage fear energies or advice - especially in regards to k awakening. If someone said to me kundalini was a manifestation of evil, it would elicit an eyeroll, instead of a thoughtful response. The key to a successful k awakening is working with the energy, rather than opposing or fearing it. The event can be challenging enough without making it more intense ... and the more we accept the process, the more we facilitate moving forward with it. Over time as the necessary adjustments are made, it does tend to get much easier and definitely more blissful.

Also, if the suggestion were made to "let go of my previous faith" due to k awakening, I wouldn't take it seriously. Rather I would find a means of reinterpreting my faith to include k awakening in a positive way.

Kundalini is an intelligent force, without a doubt. It seems that the majority of people who have experienced k awakening would agree that it is a movement of the Holy Spirit, no matter what name the Holy Spirit goes by. The division of that force into a male and female polarity beautifully explains the dynamics involved. But it isn't necessary to subscribe to that interpretation. For Christians, it is sufficient to know that the Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity, the Godhead, and as such constitutes the divine.

Hope that helps. All the best on your spiritual path.

Edited by - parvati9 on Nov 03 2015 09:59:29 AM

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 12:26:39 PM by AYPadmin »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #97 on: April 15, 2020, 11:07:19 AM »
United Kingdom
12 Posts

 Posted - Nov 21 2015 :  05:26:10 AM
Hello everyone,
Most Christian's in the West unfortunately don't even know their own history and have followed a distorted version (Roman Catholicism and Protestant with the Bible just been their only light) for over a thousand years now.
The original meditative teaching is still practiced within the Eastern Christian Church and hasn't changed since the 1st century.
The original teaching of the church was lost to the Western Church after the Great Schism of 1054 when the Catholic Church was split into two, Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism (due to the Bishop of Rome 'The Pope' changing doctrine, to which the other Bishops (Antioch, Alexander, Jerusalem etc.. rejected) ) and then again a wider cap in 1351 with the Hesychast (meditative/direct experience of God) controversy which became the doctrine of the Orthodox Church which the West rejected in favour of Scholasticism.

People think that the Christian teaching can be found only in the Bible. But that would be like saying the Buddha's teaching can only be found in the Dhammapada. And as I recently heard some Buddhists say on line "The Buddha wouldn't have wasted 45 years of his life just preaching only a Dhammapada. You cant put all Buddha's teachings into a palm of someone's hand."
But that also can be said of the teachings of Jesus which people think is only contained in the bible (which came much later when they started to compile (the cannon) some of the teaching to be given to the people) but was actually handed down from word to mouth and still is today with the Saints and mystic's of all traditions East and West.
Kundalini or Light Mysticism is written about in Eastern Orthodoxy it just uses different words to describe it.
Ancient Eastern Orthodox Christian Meditation Techniques & Breathing Exercises.

(Greek: ; hesychasmos, from ; hesychia, "stillness, rest, quiet, silence").
Kallistos Ware distinguishes five distinct meanings of the term "hesychasm":
1."solitary life", a sense, equivalent to "eremitical life", in which the term is used since the 4th century;
2."the practice of inner prayer, aiming at union with God on a level beyond images, concepts and language", a sense in which the term is found in Evagrius Ponticus (345-399), Maximus the Confessor (c. 580 - 662), and Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022);
3."the quest for such union through the Jesus Prayer", the earliest reference to which is in Diadochos of Photiki (c. 450);
4."a particular psychosomatic technique in combination with the Jesus Prayer", use of which technique can be traced back at least to the 13th century;
5."the theology of St. Gregory Palamas",- Palamism
Hesychastic practice involves acquiring an inner focus and blocking of the physical senses. In this, hesychasm shows its roots in Evagrius Ponticus and even in the Greek tradition of asceticism going back to Plato. The Hesychast interprets Christ's injunction in the Gospel of Matthew to "go into your closet to pray" to mean that one should ignore the senses and withdraw inward. Saint John of Sinai writes: "Hesychasm is the enclosing of the bodiless primary Cognitive faculty of the soul (Orthodoxy teaches of two cognitive faculties, the nous and logos) in the bodily house of the body.
The Hesychast is to bring his mind (Gr. nous) into his heart so as to practise both the Jesus Prayer and sobriety with his mind in his heart. The descent of the mind into the heart is taken quite literally by the practitioners of Hesychasm and is not at all considered to be a metaphorical expression. Some of the psychophysical techniques described in the texts are to assist the descent of the mind into the heart at those times that only with difficulty it descends on its own.
The goal at this stage is a practice of the Jesus Prayer with the mind in the heart, which practice is free of images (see Pros Theodoulon). What this means is that by the exercise of sobriety (the mental ascesis against tempting thoughts), the Hesychast arrives at a continual practice of the Jesus Prayer with his mind in his heart and where his consciousness is no longer encumbered by the spontaneous inception of images: his mind has a certain stillness and emptiness that is punctuated only by the eternal repetition of the Jesus Prayer.
This stage is called the guard of the mind. This is a very advanced stage of ascetical and spiritual practice, and attempting to accomplish this prematurely, especially with psychophysical techniques, can cause very serious spiritual and emotional harm to the would-be Hesychast. St Theophan the Recluse once remarked that bodily postures and breathing techniques were virtually forbidden in his youth, since, instead of gaining the Spirit of God, people succeeded only "in ruining their lungs."
The guard of the mind is the practical goal of the Hesychast. It is the condition in which he remains as a matter of course throughout his day, every day until he dies. It is from the guard of the mind that he is raised to contemplation by the Grace of God.
The Hesychast usually experiences the contemplation of God as light, the Uncreated Light.
The Jesus Prayer.

"Lord Jesus Christ, (Son of God,) have mercy on me (a sinner).?(slightly different variations of the prayer )
The prayer has been widely taught and discussed throughout the history of the Eastern Churches. It is often repeated continually as a part of personal ascetic practice, its use being an integral part of the eremitic tradition of prayer known as Hesychasm (Ancient Greek: , hesychazo, "to keep stillness"). The prayer is particularly esteemed by the spiritual fathers of this tradition (see Philokalia) as a method of opening up the heart (kardia) and bringing about the Prayer of the Heart . The Prayer of The Heart is considered to be the Unceasing Prayer that the apostle Paul advocates in the New Testament.[2] St. Theophan the Recluse regarded the Jesus Prayer stronger than all other prayers by virtue of the power of the Holy Name of Jesus.
People who say the prayer as part of meditation often synchronize it with their breathing; breathing in while calling out to God (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God) and breathing out while praying for mercy (have mercy on me, a sinner). Another option is to say (orally or mentally) the whole prayer while breathing in and again the whole prayer while breathing out and yet another, to breathe in recite the whole prayer, breathe out while reciting the whole prayer again. One can also hold the breath for a few seconds between breathing in and out.
In Eastern Orthodoxy deification (theosis) is both a transformative process as well as the goal of that process. The goal is the attainment of likeness to or union with God. As a process of transformation theosis is brought about by the effects of katharsis (purification of mind and body) and theoria. According to eastern Orthodox teaching theosis is very much the purpose of human life. It is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between humans' activities and God's uncreated energies (or operations).[1][2]
The primacy of theosis in Orthodox theology is directly related to the fact that Orthodox theology (as historically conceived by its principal exponents) is based to a greater extent than Western Catholic Latin theology on the direct spiritual insights of the saints or mystics of the church rather than the apparently more rational-deductive tradition of the West. Eastern Orthodox consider that "no one who does not follow the path of union with God can be a theologian".
Theology in Eastern Orthodoxy is not treated as an academic pursuit, instead it is based on revelation (see gnosiology), meaning that Orthodox theology and its theologians are validated by ascetic pursuits, rather than academic degrees (i.e. scholasticism).
Theosis has three stages: first, the purgative way, purification, or katharsis; second, illumination, the illuminative way, the vision of God, or theoria; and third, sainthood, the unitive way, or theosis. Thus the term "theosis" describes the whole process and its objective. By means of purification a person comes to theoria and then to theosis.
Metropolitan Kallistos addresses the question of whether there are parallels between the hesychastic method of prayer and other apparently similar techniques of prayer in Hinduism and Islam. Looking at the origins of hesychasm and the teachings of figures such as St Gregory Palamas, St Gregory of Sinai and Nikiphoros the Hesychast, Metropolitan Kallistos addresses the question: is the Jesus Prayer an essential and authentically Christian practice, or is it unnecessary and perhaps even harmful?
St. Simeon the New Theologian
A saint of the 11th century.
"Your mind should guard your heart in time of prayer; the mind should constantly descend into the heart and from the depths of the heart offer up prayer to God.
You should do all this until such time as you taste the sweetness of the Lord. When finally the mind is in the heart and it tastes how sweet the Lord is, then it will not wish to leave the heart but will say with St. Peter, "Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here" (Matt. 17:4); then the mind will constantly look into the heart, and if it wanders, it will return there again and again.
For those who have no knowledge and understanding of this inner activity it will seem difficult and oppressive. But those who have taste the sweetness of the Lord in prayer will cry with St. Paul, "Nothing therefore can come between us and the love of Christ" (Rom. 8:35).
If you wish to learn how to descend into the heart and remain there I will tell you.
First you must observe the following three conditions: You must be free from all cares, not only from vain and unholy cares but even from good things. In other words, you should be dead to everything; your conscience should be pure and it should not denounce you in anything. You should be completely free from passionate attachments; your thoughts should not be inclined toward anything worldly. Then:
Sit alone in a quiet place, close the door, take your mind from every temporal and vain thing,
Bow your head toward your chest, and stay attentively inside of yourself, not in the head but in the heart.
Holding the mind there with your inner eyes watch your breathing.
With your mind find the place of the heart and let it abide there.
In the beginning you will experience darkness and discomfort, but if you will continue this activity of attention without interruption, you will attain unceasing joy.
If the mind continues with this activity, it will find the place of the heart and will see things it never knew and saw before.
Then, no matter what distracting thoughts would come, it will immediately repel and destroy them through the name of Jesus.
From this time also the mind will experience anger toward the demons and will pursue and overcome them.
In addition what usually follows from this you will learn by experience if with the help of God you will guard your attention and keep your mind on the prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!"
Symeon the New Theologian
The Three Ways of Attention and Prayer
Creating a Magnetic Centre
This idea of magnetisation to God clearly expresses the higher stages of hesychastic prayer, prayer of stillness, which concerns the stage where, when the psyche reaches a certain point on the path, it is then 'rapt in God,' being drawn away from the attraction of the world by the glory given by God within him. Theophan uses an image closer to that of St. Gregory when he says: `Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.' And: `Take the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.' ( Ephesians 6.13)
A technical reappraisal of ?attention and ?awareness? in a Christian context
Metropolitan Kallistos joins Father Josiah for a conversation on the Philokalia, a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by spiritual masters of the Eastern Orthodox hesychast tradition.
The Philokalia is the foundational text on hesychasm ("quietness"), an inner spiritual tradition with a long history dating back to the Desert Fathers.[5] The practices include contemplative prayer/meditation, quiet sitting, and recitation of the Jesus Prayer.

Peace, love and Light.X :-)

[edited by moderator for formatting only]

kumar ul islam
United Kingdom
661 Posts

 Posted - Nov 21 2015 :  2:38:55 PM
thankyou jai

United Kingdom
12 Posts

 Posted - Nov 21 2015 :  7:11:35 PM
Originally posted by kumar ul islam

thankyou jai

Your most welcome kumar ul islam.
I put a few links on that didn't seem to open. Sorry about that. See if this works? :-)
The magnetic prayer link has unfortunately been taken off due to the death of the author Robin Amis. You can find this kind of talk by Gurdjieff in the book In Search of the Miraculous written by P D Ouspensky.
Love, Peace and Light.

kumar ul islam
United Kingdom
661 Posts

 Posted - Nov 22 2015 :  4:23:33 PM
your investigations have reaffrmed my deep rooted beliefs that i have felt for a very long time i thank you again bleessing to you jai

8 Posts

 Posted - Nov 26 2015 :  05:29:04 AM 
Originally posted by parvati9

Christianity is the world's largest religion. Nearly 1/3 of the world is Christian. Is it possible almost one out of three people experiencing k awakening is Christian? How do Christians come to terms with their energetic awakening? Do they feel there is nowhere within the church to go for support? And if they have found support within their local churches - has the information provided been accurate and sufficient? Are they given what is needed for successful integration of the experience?

Godslave asked a very good question in the excellent thread topic Kundalini and Christ consciousness: "How are Christ consciousness and kundalini related?"

These questions, and others like them, beg to be answered. While I count myself Christian, it is due to my love for the Lord, and not any affection for the religion itself. So I'm wondering if anyone has answers to these questions. Has there been dialogue on this subject? Are the various denominations considering special kundalini classes and/or counseling for those in their congregations experiencing spontaneous k awakening? How is this need being met?

My own research has led me to believe that accurate k info is hard to come by. If that is true, then how are pastors and Christian spiritual leaders able to provide adequate support to those Christians experiencing spontaneous k awakening? It would be wonderful if Christian pastors are drawing from their own k experience in order to provide assistance to others with k awakening. In the near future, this may be the norm. But it isn't the norm now. So what is being done at this time to help Christians in need of support during their k awakening? Your answers to these questions would be appreciated.


Hi Parvati,

It certainly would be wonderful if such know how was available within the larger Christianity. Christianity is a vast complex of many kinds of approaches, practices and dogmas. There are the mystical traditions as well. I was brought up in Finland in an Eastern Orthodox tradition which has it's own contemplative tradition but even then it varies which lineage or group know about these things and who don't. Those who are not familiar with pragmatic spiritual practice, also within Christianity, see unknown things as something suspicious or wierd, even as something not needed. That is just the way it is. But fortunately, these days there is a lot of ecumenical dialogue taking place and people as well as priests of the larger Christian movement study meditation and energy practices of other traditions. Just last week, I was positively surprised to get to know that the Christian community here in Finland has really begun to look into yoga, mindfulness and meditation. What the many Eastern traditions can offer is invaluable, not only to Christian but to mankind in general.

I wish you all the best.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 12:31:55 PM by AYPadmin »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: How Do Christians Deal With Kundalini Awakening?
« Reply #98 on: April 15, 2020, 11:07:42 AM »
2 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2019 :  11:50:43 AM 
Hi, I am new to this group. I am so glad I came upon it. I have had much trouble finding Christians to relate to my k awakening experience or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as Christians refer to it as. It is my nature to never stop searching for truth however. I know God always brings me there eventually. In my research in the physical manifestations of bloated belly/vibrations, I discovered other non-Christian spiritual practices are well aware of this process too and I am open to receiving other input to compare and contrast. I talked to a Priest and a couple spiritual directors with no answers. I eventually found some books from Saints that resonated with me and did end up finding a couple lay ministers who I suspect know as well.

I have always considered myself spiritual not religious. I have met many "religious" people who seem lacking in the area of love. I have never really aspired to the "one path to God" alone approach although I personally never deviated from the Christian path. As a child I remember telling people there were multiple paths to God (I have no idea why I said those things). I did feel a very close connection to Jesus as a child. I spent much time in the woods "talking" to God and my animal friends. I was constantly rescuing them much to my mothers dismay. In nature I felt closest to God and that has not changed to this day. My religious tour landed me from being baptized in the Catholic church than into a religious cult of Jehovahs Witness from age 3-15, became a complete prodigal for a period and back into the Catholic church at 33 when I married one and where I am still today. My entire life has been one of service beginning with being an 18 yr old single mom to caring for my mom who ultimately succumbed to schizophrenia (diagnosed the year I was born) and being a wife and having 2 more children in my 30s.

For some reason I think God was preparing me for the spiritual shift because 2 years prior to it, I started talking about kundalini yoga and chakras. I didn't even know what any of those things were. I have worked out my whole life but took maybe 1 yoga class and had no idea what kundalini even was. My husband also had interest in Aikido beforehand so as a family we joined the practice for 4 mos or so and got an orange belt after debilitating lower back disc trouble took me off the mat. I found out post awakening that Aikido is actually a spiritual practice whereby k can be awakened. Who knew? I dislike violence very much but I felt more comfortable in its approach to shifting energy of an assailant against themselves. He insisted I know these things. It was the most non-violent form of martial arts I suppose. However energy is at its roots and I have always been very sensitive to energy.

I had a partial k awakening Nov. 2017 after receiving chiropractic and acupuncture therapy 4 times for the back pain. My psychic senses were also opening up prior to. Ringing in my ears, hearing a distant radio upon awakening from sleep. I was also granted multiple nighttime visions. I wasn't a total stranger to this. I had one as a 12 yr old too of my brother dying and the year which unfortunately came true. The more recent ones were being at the foot of the cross with Jesus as He was dying and surrounding me with a love I cannot describe (long story but it was after a several year dark night of the soul). Coincidentally prior to the k awakening I was compelled to get my hands in the dirt (learned afterward its called earthing) and grew a big cut flower garden on the beautiful land God graced us with us 3 years ago. For years I have been wanting to create a retreat/sanctuary for people who need healing.

This divine energy filled me with intense love for all of creation and complete abandonment for earthly pleasures/secular interests. I was vibrating like a jackhammer on steroids and felt like I could physically leave my body if I was permitted to. I had to request it to be turned down about. I had trouble functioning with the day to day function of being a wife and mother. I went into an automatic fast for 2 weeks and lost 20 lbs. My husband said my face was glowing and I lost about 10 years. I also had crazy dreams revealing location of lost items, symbols, a slew of Greek words like 'ophis' and being attacked by some reptilian thing. The energy was in my belly mostly but ascended up once. I felt it literally burn out for lack of a better word my 2nd chakra and it felt like a sexual energy was leaving my body and I swore at how powerful it was. I had childhood trauma from being sexually abused by several family members. I thought I was possessed so I started casting out demons in Jesus name and blew out several light bulbs lol.

Now I understand some of the obscure scriptures like rivers of living water out of belly etc. Needless to say my experiences have made me even more spiritual. With the internet and, I have become familiarized with some of the ancient texts as well as books from spiritual writers and philosophers like Jung. I wonder about some of the similarities like Trinitarian beliefs in ancient religions, etc. Still trying to reconcile how there are such similarities like this?

The energy has settled in my base chakra and has not risen beyond that since that brief burn. I feel like this is a personal force and the mother/father I never had. I also feel like I am finally coming into my purpose in life and all my experiences led me to right where I am, here and now waiting for it to fully unfold. I guess we all have our story.

My life is prayer now not that its changed much other than knowing who I am now a daughter of God. I have a strong desire to do service for others now. As St. Francis said: "Preach the gospel always. If necessary use words." I have never and do not meditate in the Eastern tradition chanting, breathing to alter my state of consciousness. I did hypnosis once and meditated on my own once when I felt a shift in my consciousness and heard a little girl calling to me so I quickly pulled myself out of it. I assume its the fear taught by religion or that I will encounter dark energy again. I am no so interested in the spiritual experiences as I am in being the best version of myself, my true self to help others.

Ultimately I just gave myself to God and surrendered my will entirely and it happened over the course of a few years. I was tired of trying to find happiness through others. Connecting with others in this forum would be great...

1710 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2019 :  5:01:15 PM
Welcome Agapelove

204 Posts

Posted - Oct 09 2019 :  3:13:55 PM
Hello Agape,

Thank you for sharing this. I can relate to much of it and experienced similar types of phenomena.

Originally posted by AgapeLove

Now I understand some of the obscure scriptures like rivers of living water out of belly etc. Needless to say my experiences have made me even more spiritual. With the internet and, I have become familiarized with some of the ancient texts as well as books from spiritual writers and philosophers like Jung. I wonder about some of the similarities like Trinitarian beliefs in ancient religions, etc. Still trying to reconcile how there are such similarities like this?

One thing that Jung said was: "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

When Kundalini awakens, the process of "making the darkness conscious" can become incredibly prominent, dynamic, and powerful. Sometimes these things can appear to be demonic or extraterrestrial, but often these types of visions are the minds interpretation of spectrums of energy with a simultaneously corresponding projection of a visual experience. Like a dream.

I'm not saying that demons and aliens don't exist - but there is a sort of universal process taking place that can be described in different ways in different languages, traditions, and philosophies. I see similarities among them, although I don't consider myself religious or follow a particular belief system. It is interesting to me, and would like to hear your perspective about if what I'm talking about resonates with you or reminds you of teachings in Trinitarian or other ancient religions.

Also, meditation does not need to be primarily about having spiritual experiences or altering states of conciousness. I kind of think of it as being fundamental to establishing a deep foundation in consciousness where we relate to what we experience. As our foundation deepens in stillness, energy increases along with the aforementioned process. Like two sides of a coin: Stillness/Energy.

All the best
Edited by - chas on Oct 09 2019 4:58:38 PM

1710 Posts

Posted - Oct 10 2019 :  4:15:03 PM 
Also, meditation does not need to be primarily about having spiritual experiences or altering states of conciousness. I kind of think of it as being fundamental to establishing a deep foundation in consciousness where we relate to what we experience. As our foundation deepens in stillness, energy increases along with the aforementioned process. Like two sides of a coin: Stillness/Energy.


2 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2019 :  1:10:23 PM
Hi chas, sorry for the long delay in responding. I'm sure that all religions have some element of truth in them. I haven't read any of the ancient religious texts in depth. Since I have only covered the surface of them, it would be difficult for me to give you a thorough perspective. A person would have to have some serious time to delve into that. It would be fun to do however. Naturally my world was a bit upended after my awakening. I crammed as much info in my brain as I could that year on many subjects intrigued by this profound experience. Than my 28 yr old daughter had a stroke, mom died after 30 years of caring for her, than my dog. Banner year! It almost makes my think I was under attack by some dark force. It seems coincidental that there is such a cross over between ancient religions and modern day ones, e.g the Trinitarian concept and holiday/feast day celebrations. If you ask a Catholic they can't explain why the pagan Winter Solstice is now Jesus birthday (even though we all know it can't be), Mardi Gras (was a pagan feast day before fasting), Ash Wednesday (originated Nordic paganism), Lent (Babylonian Tammuz dying), Easter (Ishtar/Tammuz springtime feast), All Hallows eve is followed by All Saints Day, Valentine Day (pagan Lupercalia). As a Christian I guess I can only speak from that perspective while also keeping an open mind. Perhaps Jesus came to overwrite the record so to speak? The Church was established to ensure this perhaps? Most if not all major religions agree on one thing. Jesus is considered to be one of the most if not the most Ascended Being there was/is. Although it seems the love and making peace with one another seemed to be the common thread within these religions, I don't believe Buddha or any other "enlightened" Master died such a terrible death for the sake of teaching humanity the highest form of love. Do you agree?

52 Posts

Posted - Nov 01 2019 :  11:56:16 AM 
Most if not all major religions agree on one thing. Jesus is considered to be one of the most if not the most Ascended Being there was/is. Although it seems the love and making peace with one another seemed to be the common thread within these religions, I don't believe Buddha or any other "enlightened" Master died such a terrible death for the sake of teaching humanity the highest form of love. Do you agree?

I think it does not help to put people on a pedestal like "most ascended being there was/is". Being inspired by a great one is perfectly fine but putting them on any superhuman pedestal is useless attachment. In my opinion there have been many great prophets before and after Jesus. If there is any truth in Paramahansa Yoganandas Book "Autobiography of a Yogi", there are a whole lot of christ-like yogis still around.

John 14:12: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

The most sad fact about the bible is, in my opinion, that it is a nearly useless book, trying to convey deep spiritual truths. To really understand the bible, oral guidance by a realized being is needed or else there is way too much room for completely egoistic interpretation. And this is what we see all over the world with christianity today. Millions of sincere seekers there but no techniques for them to find their way home. We are very fortunate that there are many traditions and clear written records containing very precise instructions for us to follow.

1 Posts

Posted - Nov 02 2019 :  10:22:03 AM
Hi there my name is Peter I am 30 years old and had a Kundalini Activation process from a teacher about 18 months ago. I am born and raised a Catholic and for the last 2 years was meditating and working on chakra development. I have felt the energy go up my spine but has suffered a torn leg muscle randomly last year. Flushes of heat, weird thoughts and recently can?t sleep at night. Just can?t fall asleep and my body doesn?t stop vibrating and shaking. I have turned back to Jesus and am praying for forgiveness as I am afraid of what I have done. Is there any way to stop this process or deal with what?s going on. Please help. Thanks

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2019 :  04:24:47 AM 
Dear Stille,

I think that if you are more a Jnani yogi(as I), then you would fail to see what the Bhakti yogis see in the bible. Took me a while to grasp that reading the bible is not to be done with the intellect but with the heart.


1710 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2019 :  2:25:36 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
PMB: sorry for your troubles. Stop all spiritual practices, eat a heavier diet, and learn to ground yourself:

United Kingdom
1550 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2019 :  11:34:59 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Stille
We are very fortunate that there are many traditions and clear written records containing very precise instructions for us to follow.
We are indeed.

I too think that Christianity has lost its practices. See Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (13). It suggests Jesus was giving his disciples practices when they were ready for them. They were supposed to keep them secret i.e. not even share them with other disciples.

So Christians are left with a very inspiring Ishta, but sadly no practices. As we know, bhakti is rarely enough for spiritual progress, unless it drives you to seek an effective practice.

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2019 :  12:00:29 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Guys - you are very, very wrong. Christians may appear to have to no fancy practices like yoga ones but they do just fine. I come from a catholic family, that did not work for me so I turned to AYP. My sisters remain strong in their faith and community. They know nothing of non-dual reality and all the fancy talk but they are 10x the person I am!!! Their service to others, the goodness of their hearts put me to shame.

So please....


52 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2019 :  04:45:13 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
If we assume that serious Christians, who do have a really strong faith, engage in loads of karma yoga - the question remains: is that enough to realise truth/god/cosmic conciousness in an experiential way? (in a reasonable period of time; e.g. this lifetime).

All the yogic practises are aimed at expanding the perception of the practitioner by chipping away at our egoistic identifications gradually. This makes us ready to slowly understand the bigger picture. We strive to give up all identificatons to see clearly. Isn't it so?

If that aspect is missing you can still be a very goodhearted person but will that be enough to realise truth within? I don't know. Simply because it is possible to remain attached to egoistic desires and to be a good person at the same time. This doesn't mean that modern Christianity is an invalid path of self realisation. But is it an efficient path? If you are a christian monk, praying with deep fervor/bhakti half a day and be of service the other half I imagine that this will eventually awaken the holy spirit/kundalini. But even then the journey seems to be rather hard without additional practises to smooth it out. Maybe pure bhakti and karma yoga is enough for some but I doubt that it is sufficient for the many. Especially since the many are living in the world with worldly duties.

Just some thoughts.
Edited by - Stille on Nov 06 2019 05:14:11 AM

1710 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2019 :  1:28:01 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I too was raised Catholic, and was always attracted to the mysteries and miracles of the man Jesus, whether they were real or not. The rest of the Catholic doctrine and recent actions and inactions of the church is what led me to find my temple within, so there is that.

Fasting and prayer (samyama of sorts) can be considered crossover yogic practices IMO.

United Kingdom
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Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  12:59:19 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Sey, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Christians can't progress spiritually. Some people are born with the ability to abide in stillness and they cultivate it naturally throughout their lives.
What I am saying is that I have found clues in gnostic gospels that there were practices given on an individual basis.

There are exceptions. I have heard of monks who practice some form of mantra meditation, using a line from a Christian prayer (very different from AYP's mantra meditation). I even heard of a practice involving the breath, used by the same monks.

But I also know many church goers (in the Orthodox tradition, as it happens) who spend a lot of time doing pilgrimages to holy places. They wear religious artefacts like magic objects, believing they have protective powers. I see no change in these people over time. I know them personally. They seem to me to be the same, year after year. Sometimes they grow righteous. Maybe I have a blind spot. I hope I am wrong. I hope they do get something out of their practice.
Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Nov 08 2019 1:08:19 PM
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 12:35:16 PM by AYPadmin »