Author Topic: wilder chart  (Read 881 times)

brother neil

  • Posts: 752
wilder chart
« on: June 20, 2008, 10:21:46 AM »
Yogani if this is not allowable then please delete post.  
I sent an email to yogani and he said something is in the workds to put the wilder book's chart into something more clear and concise, (I believe this was his implication)  But maybe it is possible for a computer wizard to make a spreadsheet of the wilder chart.  IN the chart there would be extra space.   Then collectively we could locate the location in the main lessons book.  so if root lock was in page 145 starting the tenth line down, in the space with root lock put pg 145 ln 10.  so one person be in charge of the chart and then another poster puts in the post an answer to where something is located in the main lessons book and the orignal poster would continually edit until the wilder chart would become full.  I personally believe this would be very helpful especially cause some of the words on the chart are not the same as in the lessons book.  
just thoughts


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
wilder chart
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2008, 06:23:00 AM »
Hi Tubeseeker:

I'm not opposed to such an effort, as long as we do not end up posting extensive content from the AYP books online. Of course, about 80% of the AYP Easy Lessons book is online already. That is more than enough. [:)]

Your question is also covered here:

All the best!

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