Author Topic: Newbie here  (Read 2373 times)


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Newbie here
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:27:35 AM »
979 From: "this_is_andy_2004" <>
Date: Mon May 30, 2005 9:14am
Subject: Newbie here  this_is_andy...
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    Hi there.

I'm Andy from London. I just discovered AYP a last week and have
started practicing the system so I'm just a few days in... What I
wanted to ask is if there are any people out there that have followed
Yogani's instructions for some time and that have experienced powerful
stuff describe in the book.

Anyone from London here btw?

 980 From: "azaz932001" <>
Date: Mon May 30, 2005 0:45pm
Subject: Re: Newbie here  azaz932001
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    --- In, "this_is_andy_2004"
<this_is_andy_2004@y...> wrote:
> Hi there.
> I'm Andy from London. I just discovered AYP a last week and have
> started practicing the system so I'm just a few days in... What I
> wanted to ask is if there are any people out there that have
> Yogani's instructions for some time and that have experienced
> stuff describe in the book.
> Anyone from London here btw?
> Cheers,
> Andy.

Hi Andy welcome

I'm from Cornwall and have been doing AYP as a stand alone practice
for about ten months now, and yes the results, if you follow Yogani,s
lessons carefully are very dramatic indeed so take notice of the self
pacing instructions.

I don't think many of these practices have been made public before.
If you have any queries or problems don't hesitate to post them on
this forum there are plenty of people who will be only to pleased to
help you.

Blessings R.C.
 981 From: "Kathy" <>
Date: Wed Jun 1, 2005 0:21am
Subject: Re: Newbie here  nagoyasea
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    Welcome Andy! Yes, if you follow the practices, you will experience
many positive changes and many new things. I've meditated for years
and only since finding AYP have I added some (not all) of the other
practices.--- R.C. has it right when he says to self-pace and not
rush...I also know this myself from experience!

We're glad you're here!


--- In, "this_is_andy_2004"
<this_is_andy_2004@y...> wrote:
> Hi there.
> I'm Andy from London. I just discovered AYP a last week and have
> started practicing the system so I'm just a few days in... What I
> wanted to ask is if there are any people out there that have
> Yogani's instructions for some time and that have experienced
> stuff describe in the book.
> Anyone from London here btw?
> Cheers,
> Andy.
 983 From: "jim_and_his_karma" <>
Date: Thu Jun 2, 2005 0:40am
Subject: Re: Newbie here  jim_and_his_...
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    Andy, keep going, I'm confident that you'll find concrete results of your own very very
soon. One of the many nice things about this practice is that it feels great all the way
through from the very beginning, so you don't have to take things on faith. This is also
nice because it reduces "goal oriented" thinking - since you're not left to gaze at your
navel for 15 years until you suddenly have a revelation, you'll be less focused on having a
Big Revelation and more focused on the slow, steady progress, and the great results of
opening up...a really enjoyable ride.

Please let us know how things go for you. The main thing is: don't quit. Make it like
brushing your teeth - an activity that's a given, rather than something you're "into" right
now which can be shunted aside if you get busy or develop new interests. Bake it into your
day! :)


--- In, "this_is_andy_2004" <this_is_andy_2004@y...>
> Hi there.
> I'm Andy from London. I just discovered AYP a last week and have
> started practicing the system so I'm just a few days in... What I
> wanted to ask is if there are any people out there that have followed
> Yogani's instructions for some time and that have experienced powerful
> stuff describe in the book.
> Anyone from London here btw?
> Cheers,
> Andy.