Author Topic: Amaroli DO's and Don'ts for beginners?  (Read 692 times)


  • Posts: 13
Amaroli DO's and Don'ts for beginners?
« on: January 11, 2014, 06:27:36 PM »
I read a thread related to Urine therapy/Amaroli. I heard of cow urine but didn't know that our urine is also a natural medicine/healer. I would like to start that.

Today in the morning i had my finger in urine stream and then used that finger to brudh my teeth with ayurvedic dental powder. Just a Beginning.

I smelled it with a thought that this liquid is ultra pure and not a waste.

I want to know if there is anything which a beginner must be knowing before he/she start doing it seriously. And what about the smell, if i am not wrong it is something related to ammonia which is not good.


  • Posts: 718
Amaroli DO's and Don'ts for beginners?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2014, 07:18:35 AM »
I've been doing amaroli for three months, six ounces or so first thing in the morning and have been illness free this winter. Related? Who knows for sure. Immediately after drinking I feel an overall sense of vitality. If this is placebo effect, so be it.

Some days the taste is stronger than others, not unpleasant necessarily, just different. I toast myself in the mirror and drink it down with one tip of the cup. You can close off smelling the urine with simple intention. I've never been one to wade into the pool; it's best (for me) to yell "cannonball!" and jump.


  • Posts: 13
Amaroli DO's and Don'ts for beginners?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 04:16:42 PM »
Today i took urine bath. Stored my urine in a container and washed my face, hair and chest with it. Wow, new step is to drink it.


  • Posts: 130
Amaroli DO's and Don'ts for beginners?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 02:34:37 PM »
Personally, I found it much easier to start by drinking, say, a tablespoon, than to pour a tablespoon into a cup of water and then drink that (dilution). The latter I found prolonged the grossness. Also, one can have a fairly strong reaction at first, so best to begin with a small dose anyway--about a tablespoon is good, I think, then a few sips, then a few bigger sips, and moving up to a full glass in the morning.

Now I barely notice any effect from it after doing it every morning for years, but I do notice that if I miss it I feel kind of tired or run down or something, so I think it continues to exert a subtle positive effect.