Author Topic: More hopeless, spiritual romanticism  (Read 732 times)

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
More hopeless, spiritual romanticism
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:31:10 AM »
the stretch of pavement and concrete extends for miles
humans beings are walking, driving, running all over the landscape
there is little territory that remains untouched
if not by their hands, then by the satellite eyes of their machines

the globe has gotten smaller as digital information races across hemispheres at lightning speed
bouncing from one node to the next
carrying ever-increasing packets of data
containing financial agreements, pornographic entertainment, spiritual wisdom, social networking, and an unending documentation of history and present-future awareness

bumble bees are being disturbed by electronic turbulence in the air
a monster economy of consumption is screaming for more, more, more--
it grows like a cancer fed by artificial debt and manufactured scarcity,
predicated upon a class system fighting each other for material wealth

no one ever seems to want to stop and wonder what's going on
because the pressure of the race keeps pushing them to get their share
no matter what the cost

the fear of death and an unfulfilled life looms like a menacing shadow in their consciousness
binding them to fighting wars based on false assumptions and overly secure precautions

if only they could pause and taste the eternity of Now
if only they could realize that the Grand Moment encompasses all moments
if they could just find the pure bliss that surpasses all acquisitions, accumulations, and achievements

then maybe we could settle down and stop clinging to the impermanence
maybe we could enjoy the fleeting experiences as they come and go
maybe we could lay down our weapons and bury our fears...
being firmly nestled in the unbounded field of awareness which we are

i am they, and they are me, and there's no escaping the fiber of our Being.


  • Posts: 4947
More hopeless, spiritual romanticism
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 12:26:16 AM »
if only they could pause and taste the eternity of Now
if only they could realize that the Grand Moment encompasses all moments
if they could just find the pure bliss that surpasses all acquisitions, accumulations, and achievements

Have you experienced this? [:)]
When you do, and live from here... they will too...
i am they, and they are me, and there's no escaping the fiber of our Being.


PS: Sorry about the bees... but love staying in touch with you thru the electronic media. [:o)][:)]

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
More hopeless, spiritual romanticism
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 09:51:57 AM »
LOL! I love you, Shanti. Yes, I think the bees will be alright. Thank you.

And yes, I experience bliss by the grace of God and my continued willingness to open myself to Her radiant splendor. All in good time. All is in divine order. [/\]


  • Posts: 2294
More hopeless, spiritual romanticism
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 07:44:53 PM »


  • Posts: 483
More hopeless, spiritual romanticism
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 05:33:24 AM »
Hi Bodhi Tree, and thank you.

I like how you juxtapose fearful confusion and the acceptance of the Moment, our fear of faith and faith in Eternity, as you've put it. Wonderful![:)]