Author Topic: Kundalini and wiccas  (Read 2665 times)


  • Posts: 283
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2008, 08:36:09 PM »

Well, I don't think that the wiccas can go so far with the Kundalini, cause they do charms, and in the K phylosophy its not allowed to do the charmings on other people. I mean K phylosophy is pure love, and wiccas are charmings, and if one does charmings, one is violating the rights on others.

A couple of days ago I felt like a bubble bursting out, and like if myself were comming out of a "dream", then I began like to react, and began to feel more intense the other's intentions, I think the energy is beginning to protect me against this kind of people, cause when my friend came back to my house, something threw down by itself, and in the middle of us, like if not wanting him.

Well I respect the wiccas, but I don't like their charmings, I now know what it feels to be charmed, like inside a bubble, or like blind to their charmings.

Thanks Goddess that bursted out that bubble of charms, I really am very impressive with the power of Shakti, she is very powerful, nothing to do with the wiccas, the only thing is that one has to let her work by herself.

One must trust always the Goddess. I have no doubt now.
Wiccas power are nothing with the power of Shakti. And I don't think they can have Shakti, cause Shakti DOES NOT do charms.

Wiccas can be good, but are not, if they do charms, cause they are breaking the rules against the others.They never ask anyone if wanted to be charmed, they just do it, behind us.

The difference between a wicca and a guru, is that the wicca breaks the rules to charm people under the table, and the guru helps people and ask for permission to help them. So this is a big difference!!!

Sat Nam  

Originally posted by neli

Well retaking the point about being charmed by a wicca, or a witch, I have not allowed my mind to believe it. But the last time I was meditating on my Kundalini, I had my cell with me, and when I finished my med. I wanted to take a pic, but instead of that, the cell jumped alone to video recording, then a strange voice, like a male, but kind of another dimension, or ghostly, said "don't come back" I heard it more than 20 times to get sure of what I was hearing, it gave me the chills, then I erased it. I think this was an evp, the voice was like that of a ghost, like in the films. Do I have to put attention to this?
I don't want to, but feel nervous each time I meditate, was it a ghost, or a charm of a wicca ? or is it a kundalini symptom ?

It has never happened to me before.

Is the energy of the wiccas the same of the Kundalini ? They can of course awaken the K,  maybe to do harm or maybe not, I have known that the wiccas are the most powerful witches, but I don't know.

I don't know what the ghostly voice was referring to. but in my meditation I almost get out of my body, with the pull of a nimitta, but couldn't, but was very near to do it. Does this voice was telling me not to come back to my body ? or to the room of my med. ?

I am trying not to put attention to this, but the problem is that when I meditate, sometimes I'm out, like in  a trance, and I don't want to have "company" while my body is alone.

Can a ghost make harm to us while in meditation ? or is it a wicca charm just to bothers me.

Sat Nam


  • Posts: 14
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2013, 08:59:42 AM »
hey neli

First and foremost I used to be a wiccan. For ten years I studied and practiced witchcraft four of which I spent in a traditional coven. Trust me when I tell you, you have NOTHING to worry about[:D] to start wiccans on average DO NOT make a point to hurt people, they do accept the idea of karma and understand that by hurting others they can very much hurt themselves. second and this is my opinion respectfully because I have practiced AYP for three years and wicca for ten. Of the two I can easily say that Yoga is far superior. The principles and practices of modern witchcraft, to me, don't seem to based on anything that is concrete. And for me having spent a lot of time with wiccans and "witches" im willing to say that a majority of them haven't cultivated stillness and ecstatic conductivity as you are now learning to do for yourself.

What your possibly experiencing is your kundalini moving through you in somewhat irregular patterns which some of the symptoms make you feel as though your being haunted or even under psychic attack. Granted only less than ten percent of people claiming psychic attack are actual real cases so the other 95% is just paranoia. So the best way to go about dealing with this, continue your practices[^] really that's the best you can do for yourself. Observe the feelings surrounding this individual, let them refine into stillness with the mantra. Its important if your feeling great surges of kundalini to have consistent meditation. I would recommend going back to twice a day as opposed to a single long practice. if its too much then maybe do a shorter evening practice. Its important to cultivate stillness in your practice, If Shakti is present(kundalini) so should her mate shiva(abiding stillness) in order for the process to unfold greater. And even just doing IAM meditation is very powerful. In my experience it raises your energetic vibration significantly high, so high you might actually be affecting this person! When your situated in BEING, those who aren't cannot hurt you

Now if you wanna fight fire with fire there is a couple you can do

tourmaline and jet were recommended which is very smart

burning sage in your home is good for clearing heavy negative vibrations

consecrating water with love for the divine changes the molecular structure and carries a higher vibration, ie it becomes holy water. sprinkle that in your space.

Another powerful yogic talisman are rudraksha beads. they can readily purchased and are very powerful for purifying negative energy. get a necklace or bracelet and wear it whenever your around this individual.

hope this helps [:)] your all right


  • Posts: 3597
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2013, 11:20:41 AM »
Hi Anahat,
The post you are replying to is several years old, so they may not answer.


  • Posts: 14
Kundalini and wiccas
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2013, 12:30:35 AM »
oh!! thanks for pointing that out[xx(]