Author Topic: Pacing: DM with or without mantra?  (Read 710 times)


  • Posts: 46
Pacing: DM with or without mantra?
« on: October 07, 2012, 02:34:26 AM »
Hi AYP Practicers. :)

The last three days I have experienced symptoms of what I suspect to be overpurification.

Here is a breakdown of what had happened. I had missed a few days practice, started again with 10m SB, 20m DM - that night I experienced nervous uneasiness and unpleasantness in my body. The next night I reduced my practice to 5m SB, 10m DM and I felt the same unpleasantness in the night. I think this might still be delayed overpurification from the first session.

I think it is because of my lack of pacing because the 'yuck' that I am feeling is a magnified feeling of what I felt in the first practice session I believed went overboard.

Today I have yet to practice but I am feeling a bit uneasy still. I don't worry, you live and you learn. :) I feel now that it might be wise to temporarily remove SB.

My question now is, when I wish to be extra careful not to push my body - should I also remove the mantra from DM? Or is DM with the mantra considered a 'tame' enough practice to not worry about? I am not in peril after all.

Thanks your time. I understand that this has surely been covered before (probably multiple times) so sorry. :)


  • Posts: 383
Pacing: DM with or without mantra?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 08:01:54 AM »
Hi Arman

When I've been overloading I reduce the last thing that i added and see what I'm like without it for 2 or 3 days. Normally, that has been enough time for everything to calm down. But everyone is different, so it's up to you to find out how long it takes to stabilise.

If not then it's time to take away another practise and see how that goes for a few more days.

If you think it would be wise to remove SBP stop doing it for a few days and see what you're like. If there's no change then I would stop meditating with the mantra. I would definitely say that DM isn't tame!

This lesson should be helpful: Suggestions for Over-Sensitive Meditators

« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 08:15:04 AM by woosa »